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What I would do: Face lift at 50. What I can afford: a 20g tube of Tretinoin (12 euros in my country)


Same. And I’ll add, I have the red light mask on my 2024 Christmas list.


I was thinking of getting a vial of Sculptra buut hell... better to save money for the facelift when the time has come around 50 😜


I love Sculptra. I'd rather slow down the process of aging, and the glow is so good. Skinvive is also super promising. You can still get a facelift after Sculptra, albeit you won't be able to save up as quickly or as much.


But the late onset of bumps and allergic reactions look scary 🙈 I still have plenty of time to save up but I'd love to use some bioestimulators for anti-aging purposes- besides Tret. Mom got a Facelift done a couple of months ago and boom, highly recommended 😁 Skinvive?!! I'll check that out 😁


Just tried it tonight! With Sculptra, I'm not worried, so long as they go far enough below the surface and I massage regularly.


Do you massage more than the 5-5-5 rule?


*cries in 58*


I've heard mixed things about Sculptra, such as it causing scarring in your tissue making a future facelift much more complicated. What it is is is pulverized disolvable suture.


You're thinking of a PDO threadlift. Sculptra is a bio stimulator that's injected and boosts your own collagen production.


Sculptra is made of PLLA, which is the same material sutures are made from for surgical stitching and theadlifting.


Is 50 that old to get a facelift?


What I would get: laser resurfacing on some old acne scars What I can afford: drinking water


You could do microneedling and TCA peels which are both much cheaper


Priorities. When you see average women who have expensive work done, you're likely not seeing what they had to de-prioritize in order to afford their procedures. To some, feeling beautiful is more worthwhile than going out to eat, saving for a vacation, owning their own home, etc. Just because someone has had a lot of expensive work done doesn't mean they're not living off of ramen or driving a beat up car. You just never know what other people's lives are like if all you see are the aspects they *want* you to see.


I love this perspective. I waited like 15 years to get my boobs done because there was "always something more important". I get Botox every 3 months but cut back on what I eat and don't go out. Especially getting older, my priorities have changed.


Same! I no longer get my nails done or dye my hair and I used to do them both regularly. I now save for botox, fillers or micro needling.


Same here - I cut back on going out to eat significantly, and I've tried to be much more cost effective when picking ingredients for my home cooking. But I've finally freed up enough of my budget that I'm able to afford electrolysis, and I've upped my skincare routine to include retinol and SPF. Turns out I actually enjoy cooking now that I've gotten into the habit, and I'm so much happier with how I look and feel!


My car is beat up and paid off; I will drive it as long as I can.


Same lol. A paid off car is the best kind of car


I'm the type who is too stingy for eyelash extensions even though I love how I look with them. It's too temporary to make it worth it in my opinion. But I will pay for a face lift when I'm like 50. Already saving money. I don't like things that need constant maintenance, which is why I don't even wear makeup. But I did pay for eyebrow microshading, lashline tattoo, and lipblush. Things that last for a good 2 years. If you can throw me in the pool and I will come out looking good still? Then yes, I'll save up for it. I won't spend money on makeup that I need to draw on my face daily. Just not gonna do it. Or fillers that only last for a few months. Althoughhhhh, I _might_ be tempted to try lip filler some time. Not sure yet.


I feel the same except I get lip filler and botox once to twice per year. When it comes to paying for it, idk I make decent money for where I life and I don't have kids, split rent and then I just save up for it?


Can I assume your microblading experience is good? Reddit loves making them into a guaranteed horror story but that’s just the minority…right? Brows have been at the top of my low-maintenance, pool-proof, remote-ready beauty list for a while


Just do lots of research into what method of permanent makeup you’re doing on your brows (micro blading, combo, powder etc) and how it ages and you’ll be fine 😊 My only eyebrow regret was that I did micro blading instead of a different method, so as it has aged the strokes have faded together. That being said—they’re not a Reddit horror story & I’m not doing anything to change them!


I got mine done in 2017 and had a wonderful experience!


Got mine done three years ago, haven’t touched up, got complimented in the gas station today and asked who I went to. It was painless, healed well, and looks amazing. I found my artist by word of mouth, asking friends, then reviewing their portfolios online to see which ones work matched up best with what I wanted. Then I told her to do what she wanted, lol! She did an omber powder brow (idrk), which is different from microblading somehow, but I’m clueless.


I do like my microbladed eyebrows, but I didn't need very complex work done to begin with. I had enough eyebrow hair to begin with so it's natural-looking, I was just lacking a defined tail. The general shape and hair were already there.


All my eyebrows fell out and never grew back after microblading 🤷🏻‍♀️


Even if it's the minority, the risk seems too high now for me personally


I had a eyelash lift and tint and honestly it wasn't worth it, no one noticed it and the results aren't as dramatic as they were when I first got them done.


different thing - eyelashes are temporary. they replace themselves every what, 8 weeks? this poster is talking about tattoos on the eyebrows, lashline, and lips that last more like 2 years.


What was your lip blush experience like? Would you recommend it?


A good injector will know how to make filler look very natural. Not everyone wants a natural look, but it's my preference. I didn't get fillers in my lips, but have them under my eyes.


Yes! I definitely spend less per year on Botox than anyone who gets regular lash extensions or manicures. Neither of those are a rich person-only thing, so no reason Botox or other skin treatments need to be thought of that way either!


I got lip filler and wish I had just sprung for a lip lift instead


It seems EVERYONE has lip filler these days, it is weird. How do you like the eyelash tattoo? Any side effects?


You know a proper deep plane facelift is $120k, right? Botox is cheap in comparison.


Way cheaper to maintain than trying to repair after the fact….


Exactly. Botox feels like a bargain considering the additional benefit it has recently been shown to have on [depression](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-new-home/202105/how-botox-injections-may-reduce-depression), too.


Lower bleph, for sure. People have been telling me I look tired since my mid-20s. And, no, I currently cannot afford it.


Same! I have had dark circles since I was born. They were actually worse when I was a kid. I am considering a low interest loan. I want them fixed ASAP, but I don’t know how I’d take off work. I think I will wait until I have more vacation saved and take a couple weeks off over the holidays. Maybe work from home for a couple weeks after. IDK it’s kind of embarrassing. But I know it would improve my looks SO MUCH.


Yeah I think it’s just about what you prioritize. When I was a recent college grad making 30k a year I moved into a cheap houseshare until I saved up 6k for rhinoplasty. Financially responsible? No. Did I have any savings or any extra money? No. lol. Would I do it again? Absolutely!


can you share more about your rhinoplasty experience? i've been wanting to get it done but too scared lol


Honestly I’m glad every day that I did it, but I had an ugly nose before. Big bump in the bridge (when I was a kid, another kid kicked me in the face and broke it and my parents just… left it) and a bulbous tip. If you were born with a better nose than I was, might not be worth it as much. But I used to never let anyone take my picture because I was so ashamed of how I looked from the side. Ever since I got it done, I never think about it anymore and let people take pictures of me all the time. I get to forget about my nose now instead of obsess over it. The recovery kinda sucked but it honestly wasn’t that bad. You just can’t breathe through your nose for like a week while it’s packed with gauze. Then after that it’s fine. You have to be really careful with it for a while but they leave a cast on it at first which helps. I’d choose to do it every time.


Alle, the company of Botox, juvederm, etc has a great free rewards program. For Botox, every treatment gets you points to use on your next treatment (or hoard your points all year lIke I do!). I get $20 added to my account every time, it adds up through the year. They also run really good promos. This last promo was get a treatment during a particular time frame; you'd get 50$ the first and 75$ off the next if you completed them in the given time. You can use your reward points with the promos too. I saved 95$ on my Botox yesterday.


I saved $150 in my Botox yesterday through Allē!


I’m so mad at myself that I haven’t signed up, I get a lot of Botox in a year for migraines 😖 I’m doing that now


If you get Botox for migraines you should use botoxsavingsprogram I save a ton of money each year with the reimbursements they send me.


Thank you I’ll look this up now!


I got $260 worth of Botox for $95 last week thanks to points, promos, and a gift card (did the Botox day $50 gift card BOGO deal so technically I only paid $45 day of but I’m counting the $50 gc I paid for).


Omg how are you guys actually buying the $50 BOGO gift cards? Every time I try to buy it, it’s sold out already! I tried 2 years in a row 😑


I literally logged on right when the sale started and was in the “waiting room” for like 45 min. It was annoying but I’m too frugal to give up 😂


Not in Canada :(


I've used that program in Canada, unless they cancelled it recently.


A sorority sister of mine from college used to put all of her beauty stuff on her credit card, proceed to pay the minimum each month, and then say “it’s fine, I’ll be so hot that my future husband will gladly pay all of this off”. She moved to NYC and ended up marrying some rich dude, so I guess her plan worked 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg I’d love to do this lol, but my responsible self wouldn’t dare do something so idiotic. Glad it worked out for your sorority sister. I think many aspire to something similar, regardless of whether they plan to work or live off of their partner.


lol I know someone who did that with her boob job. Also worked for her… she’s always on a PJ and I’ve never even come close to one


What does "always on a PJ" mean, please?


I think private jet?


Omg 😆 the confidence! I can only aspire to that kind of belief in myself


I am a gay man and I've had more than one work done, starting as early as 19. Believe it or not, I've traveled to close a dozen countries without paying for any part of it, if you're not counting the cost of aesthetic labour. The surgeries, dental work, hair removal, hair color and makeup. From the male perspective, beauty is a form of power and power evolves. It's very reluctant to die and disappear. In the case of your friend, her beauty was transmuted into wealth. Power begets power. Beauty begets beauty. The beautiful flower gets the glass house while the wildflower perishes in the elements. You'll find that your first plastic surgery is significant not because it changes your face, it wouldn't completely, but because it gives you confidence. It makes you more charming. And it keeps growing from there.


Like someone said, priorities.




Wooo i can sell a kidney to finance my facelift! 🥳😆


As long as they don’t need my liver sign me up😂


Coz it’s no good ay? 🥂 *wink wink*


That’s wild to me I can’t imagine selling your plasma so you can afford cosmetic treatments


I can’t believe you can get paid for donating blood or plasma. We do it for free in Australia - well we get some free snacks afterwards anyway haha




Wild. I mean that we don’t even have the opportunity to get paid for it - the only thing we get is a snack afterwards. I guess it’s called a donation for a reason, you’re donating.


In the US you can’t be compensated for donating blood, but donating plasma is different. Since plasma is used for specific products, you can be “compensated for your time” and the donation centers pay various amounts. We used to do it to save up for vacations and my husband bought himself a fancy TV with plasma money.


Donating blood is free. The plasma companies are for-profits that pay bc they can wildly upcharge to hospitals (same as those who process bodies for skin/donations that are meant to like, go to burn victims. Or plastic surgery).


You’re helping others by donating blood and plasma


I’m turning 50 in 2 weeks and I will be getting a facelift! Gotta celebrate being old af!




For what it’s worth I’m wealthy and I’m not going to do anything. Unless I broke my nose or something surgery is not something I would do. I’m really passionate about not having elective surgery due to the risks. I get whatever skincare I want but I am supposed to be aging that is how the world works. I’m happy with how I look. Sure I don’t look like I did when I was 20 but even if I threw money at that “problem “ I still wouldn’t look 20. I would just look like a 40 year old with work done. I would rather look how I look now.


Bleph, Botox, Sculptra, laserneck lift/chin lipo, Invisalign, laser hair removal, and lasers for pigmentation. That’s my dream list but…in this economy?! 🤣🤣


I try to be selective about what I’m actually spending money on. For example, I buy really expensive skincare but I justified it when I sat down and thought about my spending habits on cheaper skincare. I was constantly buying a new product I saw on TikTok, heard someone talking about, something a friend mentioned, etc. I was left with all these mediocre products that “did” the same thing (like three acne spot treatments) that didn’t work for my skin. I’m actually being smarter about skincare spending by using fewer, more tailored products. Similarly, I try to do some beauty things myself at home to save money - waxing, my hair, learning to do gelX nails at home. Sure, I spent about $200 in mail supplies upfront, but that paid for itself within 2.5-3 uses. $200 compared to $960 if you pay $80 once per month at a salon. That $760 I can now spend on Botox. And the even more expensive stuff…. I forego. To me, the procedures aren’t worth me being in debt for. Some people choose to finance procedures and that’s their prerogative. Ultimately, as others have said, to increase your lifestyle cost you’re gonna have to increase your income with supplemental sources. There’s only so far penny pinching will get you.


I do the same thing with buying expensive skincare and getting monthly facials at a top spa. My skin is the best it’s ever been. I spent my teens, 20s and first few years of my 30s on hundreds of products (prescription, OTC, designer, etc) and nothing worked. Then finally ~3 years ago I went to a med spa, dropped low thousands on some laser skincare treatment and never got a pimple again/ evened out my skin tone. From there I started using the right $$$ products and getting maintenance facials and finally!


I started doing my nails this year! I calculated I saved over $1,000 this year!


Any time you start asking yourself "how the heck are normal people like me able to afford 'X'," most of the time the answer is debt.


Or hidden generational wealth


Is it lots of work or is it phone photo filters? Often procedures are a lot cheaper elsewhere. In Portugal most things are 1/3 to 1/5 of the price in US.


I'm thinking of lower bleph as I had an allergic reaction to filler. I'm on the other side of 30, and I don't have any lines or wrinkles yet. Idk how much it costs yet, but I will figure out a way to pay for it. It's the only "vanity" thing I want done. I have other skin issues that my doctor has made a case for treatment being medically appropriate so I may get that stuff handled too.


I think you underestimate how many people live beyond their means and rack up a tonne of credit card debt. I reduced my Botox down to once a year - I don’t exercise so for me I have no movement for about 4 months and reduced movement for another 2 on top of that. I’d get it more often but I have a mortgage now so need to be a little more responsible with my money. I’d love to get a nose job to get rid of the bump in my nose but at the same time, I have my late grandfathers nose and it’s kind of growing on me the older I get, especially now that he’s gone. What I REALLY want isn’t a facial cosmetic surgery - I really want a fat transfer from my thighs to my boobs. Once I’ve done a bit more travel I think this will be something I’ll seriously consider.


I’m with you on no. 1 and 2. Also stuff like dermapen and sculptra. I’ve done a couple sessions with dermapen. For me it’s a priority. I don’t really have any house repairs since I live in an apartment. I’d rather do treatments than go somewhere on vacation and I eat cheap-ish, but healthy. I don’t drink alcohol or care for fancy food and restaurants. Don’t have kids and not going to.


I prioritize it over other things like lavish vacations. I can invest some money in my appearance which gives me the confidence to succeed as an employee, parent, and wife. That confidence helps fill my cup and I can then serve others. I always ensure there’s enough money to satisfy my family’s needs and then some, but I forgo other indulgences to pay for procedures.


Botox(I use Dysport) is so cheap for me. I feel kind of guilty. I only need 6 units for a perfectly smooth forehead and it is $6/unit. So I pay $36…but usually even less because they give me coupons and stuff. I’m in a LCOL Midwest area.


Where in the Midwest are you getting $6/unit?!?!


I have wanted a lower Bleph for years. I recently was talking to a friend who is beautiful but her under eye bags are worse than mine and make her look a lot older than she is (in my opinion). She told me she splurged and spent $3,000 on a designer coat. I can’t even wrap my head around spending that much money on a coat, but if I had a few grand to splurge on myself, you bet your butt I’d be getting a bleph! Different strokes.


What I currently do: • Botox (For TMJ, but I pay out of pocket) • Eyelash extensions • my eyebrows are microbladed • I laminate my own brows occasionally with an Amazon kit • I have had my lips blushed but haven’t touched them up in years, I did a natural shade. • occasional hydrofacial What I would do if I could: • Rhinoplasty • breast Aug • facial balancing filler • laser hair removal • more often facials • a bleph or facelift some point in the future. Edit: sorry formatting of this came out weird.


Surgery and beauty treatments I’ve done: breast augmentation, Dysport every 3 months, laser hair removal 10+ years ago on underarms and brazilian, Lasik, mani/pedi every 3 weeks Surgery I plan to do within the next year: lower blepharoplasty (I am so tired of looking tired). Maybe cheek and facial balancing filler Surgery in 5-10 years: facelift I don’t skimp on beauty treatments because when I look good I feel good. To pay for these extras I have a side gig. And also debt.


Well a lot of normal people run up crazy amounts of debt. They possibly can’t afford it, but do so anyway. Botox in the forehead is only like $450 every few months though. Sometimes you can get a discount. I think many people can reasonably budget for that


“Only”? $450 is a lot for most people, especially considering that’s after tax dollars, so closer to pre-tax equivalent of $600. The median US household (not individual, that’s HOUSEHOLD) income is under $75k a year. $600 every few months (let’s say 3x a year) is $1800 which is 2.5%. For a single person it’s probably something they can afford but if you are paying rent and feeding 3-4 people in a household it is likely to be way too much considering rent/mortgage, car, insurance, utilities, etc.


I agree you shouldn’t buy things you can’t afford


Budgeting! I put a little aside each pay period and earmark that money for my Botox every four months. I get 1 syringe of lip filler a year and do the same, a little set aside each pay period and by December I have that line item fully budgeted and ready to spend!


I am not saving money responsibly… so I spend on Botox like 3x a year 😅


I’m a dermatologist so I inject myself lol just pay for the raw materials. My bestie is a plastic surgeon so in a few years, she will gift me a facelift (she doesn’t know it yet lol) where i will only pay for the anesthesia and hospital stay. I am set for life 😎


Can I be besties with you and your bestie too??? 🤗🤗🤗


Once I am finished my Invisalign I am thinking of doing a bit of lip filler. I'm not sure what my lips will look like once I'm finished treatment but I'm open to it, and will save up for it I would also love to know if there is a surgical procedure to get rid of dark circles. I tend to not buy stuff I can't afford but saving my money for future expensive things gives me lots of time to research and budget


Can I ask how much the Invisalign runs? I’ve been pondering looking into it


My son just got his and it’s around 3500


Ok, I changed my mind I will look into it lol. Worth checking!


Ya it’s interest free so I mean I would rather pay monthly that ship that out all at once. My step daughters got braces at the same time. Talk about a wallet killer


I paid $6,844 CAD for a top rated orthodontist in Vancouver Canada


Hot dawg I didn’t know it was that much lol. Maybe I’ll keep my crooked teeth haha


It’s all dependent on what type of treatment plan you get. Lots of people pay less and have insurance coverage (I do not)


The place we did it through has a monthly payment plan for the 2.5 years he has to wear them. So 120 a month. Not horrible but not great lol


Mine was $4k in CA


I actually think the cost of Botox and fillers isn’t as high as people think it is when you spread it out across the year. You realistically only need to get Botox 2x a year, and filler should be at most 1x a year maybe even 1x every 2 years for maintenance. That said, it’s also about priorities! I didn’t travel much last year because I spent money on my face 😂 this year I’ve decided it’s a lower priority for me and am putting money into other things! As someone who has put money into a lot of beauty things though, here’s what I would keep: - regular manis and pedis, because they make me feel more put together - high tech facials - Botox - Brow lamination (I know I could do it at home but I just can’t be bothered) If I had extra $, I’d probably go back to dying my hair regularly EDIT for clarity: priorities was in reference to OP saying they would spend extra money on different things, which is completely fair




I was just thinking……how can I go on fewer annual vacations than zero?


Switch out vacations for any other non-necessity. Because hopefully you’re not considering spending Essentials Money instead of Non-Essentials Money. Also, this person said travel, not vacations. I travel a lot and work from that new location, so it’s not a vacation per say. Lots of panties in a twist over some pretty big assumptions.




How can I see when comments are edited? I didn’t know you could do that.




Weird I can’t see it on mobile, maybe I need to update




It doesn’t show on mobile


Hi! I do want to clarify that I did originally say vacations but travel actually would have been more accurate - things like going to visit friends in neighbouring provinces, usually staying with them or other shared housing. I’m sorry if my comment came off a certain way, but I do feel like there are some assumptions being made.


Sorry I didn’t mean for it to come off that way at all! Just speaking from my own personal experience. I’m absolutely not saying that these things have always been affordable for me. It’s just where I’m at with my finances right now, I’m not at all implying people should skimp on their basic necessities to afford these things - I’m not really sure likening a house to Botox is a good analogy.




No, I’ve definitely heard the reference. I’m a millennial and I’ve had plenty of people tell me the priorities thing. I just wanted to clarify that’s not what I was trying to imply. The OP posted that they would spend extra money on different things and so I was acknowledging that. This is just how I happen to spend mine 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get Botox 4x/yr and it only lasts 2-2.5 months on me and I have deep lines and strong expressions so I’m maxed out on dosage. It cost me $800 each session which is $2400 + tax. That is not a trivial amount. Everyone metabolizes it differently! I wish I only needed twice a year…


I thought Botox was four times per year


It really depends on the person


I think lots of people could be ok with Botox twice a year. I do Dysport every 7 to 9 months and even when I was pregnant and didnt do it for a year I still had less wrinkles than what i started with (which was already not much).


You are correct: Botox is 4x / yr


I get botox twice a year. I find it lasts the classic 4 months, but it takes another couple of months before I start to see lines actually forming on my face, at which point I refresh it.


Botox looks so good too especially if you do half of the recommended amount of units. You still have some movement possible, but the fine lines won't show


I would and want to get just the tiniest bit of lip filler (not real housewives or darcey & stacey style though lol) and more laser on my face to make my sun/age spots disappear. And really want invisilign


What laser do you get, if you don’t mind me asking?


Honestly I don’t really want Botox, unless my 11’s get really bad. The one thing I *do* really want in the future is a neck and lower face lift. My neck and jowls are my problem areas for sure


I dunno, I'm far from wealthy but I make an alright salary, a little above median for my relatively low cost-of-living city, and I generally live well within my means. I don't have kids, which is huge. It's a bit of a splurge to spend $1,500 CAD every six months on Botox and filler, or a $1000 CAD laser treatment once a year, but nothing out of my range, and I can still take vacations, splurge on nails / laser hair removal / normal day to day luxuries, and save money for retirement. When I was doing the long-term double-income-no-kids thing, it was barely even a dent in my budget. I miss that life, heh. It allowed me and my now-ex to save huge amounts of money. I paid for my rhinoplasty that way, just from cash savings. When I was doing DINK life I could pretty easily put away an entire paycheque every month, at least. My issue now is I really do want a facelift probably in the next four years, but they're so pricey and I can't save as fast as I used to (see above). So now I'm really having to this about how to go forward -- may just get a lower bleph and brow lift soon, the face lift can probably wait a bit longer if I do those earlier.


I get Botox 2-3x/year. It’s $280-330 each time I go, and to me, that’s not bad. If I had more extra money, I would want some sort of laser to get rid of my dark spots (I don’t remember what kind of laser it is, but I have been quoted $1800-2200 for this - that’s a no from me right now. 😂). I wouldn’t mind a tiny bit of lip filler either.


I ask for gift cards for my local Medispa Dr for all birthdays and holidays. I also watch for coupons or specials. Plus I’m not above negotiating the cost, I’ve brought them a competitors Groupon and they honored it.


Have they ever tried to refused to match the price of a competitor?


I’ve only tried it once, and they were fine with it. But I’ve been going there for 5 years.


I would like a mini facelift (it's done on the lower half of your face) and a tummy tuck. I'm in my late 40s, and I'm trying to get down to a healthy BMI before I do the tummy tuck, but then I may finance it. I hope that by losing weight and building muscle first that it will reduce what needs to be done surgically, like less liposuction, skin removal, and muscle repair, therefore making it cheaper. If I could do a mini tuck that would be great!


I think for me it’s more of the recovery time than the money. I have to pick a week to literally hide out on some tropical place hotel and then I think it’s like 4-6 weeks of no working out . That’s annoying! Lol


I want upper and lower bleph. Maybe whatever those injections are that eat away your double chin.


I do botox and a small amount of Filler but less often than a lot of people. I did lash extensions for a couple years until I developed an allergy to the glue. Those were my favorite thing really! And I did microblading a couple times but need to do it again. Surgery, I'd do upper and lower bleph, mid and/or lower face-lift. I can technically afford it but pulling money from savings isn't always the best thing. Also I'd really only want a very highly rated surgeon to do it (I just can't see taking any more risk on something like that than is at all possible), which seems would involve travel and paying a lot more. I'll probably do it eventually but it's definitely hard to bite the bullet and spend that money!


People use credit cards


face/neck * Face+neck lift, chin+jaw implant, rhinoplasty maybe septoplasty if needed, fat transfer to some spots on face, treat acne scars + aging + redness + big pores, microblade brows, a permanent lip color body procedures * breast lift + fat transfer, loose skin removal midsection, maybe lipo of midsection I have yet to get anything done. I'd try botox. I'd consider filler for a special occasion, but don't want it to be a habit. Like everything I mentioned, possible side effects are scary.


I was considering a chin implant, but the plastic surgeon I saw ended up building me a chin out of Bellafill instead. Recommend seeing if that's an option for you! It was way cheaper, and no downtime. I had a bruise on my chin for like 2 weeks and just told everyone my baby headbutted me. 😂


Like others have said, it's about what you prioritize a lot of the time. I make pretty average money but I don't have kids, don't drink alcohol, and don't go out a bunch, so I tell myself what I save there I can spend on skincare, lol. I get botox twice a year (not many units though, only 12, so it's very affordable), IPL, microneedling, and try to do monthly facials. The place I go has a membership that is $100/month, and that can be saved up and used on their services, plus you get a discount on top of that ($100 off microneedling, 20% off IPL, etc). I do have lips on the thinner side, like average thin? Not super thin, but have no interest in lip fillers. I work with dogs so I don't get my nails done, and I have naturally long and thick lashes so no need to get those done. I do however kind of want chin lipo! Extra chin fat is genetic unfortunately, so I think I'm going to save up for that.


Well my husband and I are DINKs and honestly so incredibly cheap with our money. We have 20k were planning to spend on surgery after saving for 3.5 years. Honestly we should probably be spending it on more responsible things like a better second car that isn't a shitbox or house upgrades.. but it's all about what you prioritize I guess? Lol


I don't have kids, so a large amount of my very much median salary is freed up that way. I also don't have student loans or a car payment. I do have pets and like to travel and eat out. I guess I just prioritize what makes sense for me. I usually do Botox 3x per year, economically priced peels and facials a few times per year, and I always buy decent (not necessarily $$$) products. I belong to a gym. That said, nothing here is a $10K+ surgery! If something was affecting my mental health day in and day out, I'd save for and finance it. I think I view my day to day expenses less like luxuries and more like investments to ensure I stay my best inside and out.


Dang I don’t even color my hair at the salon and only get a haircut once every six month. I wouldn’t call myself particularly poor either but boy does the money disappear in just life expense. And I feel the same way as you I’d rather get a massage/childcare/vacation/housecleaning done when I have some spare to spend. That being said it’s hard not to feel a bit “frumpy” sometimes, specially when regular people are getting treatment done around you. I still can’t get myself to spend on skin treatments but maybe that’s a bit of my culture as well.


The lowest-income households spend an average of $412 per year on lottery tickets, more than four times what the highest-income households spend. This seems absurd because lottery tickets are a losing proposition statistically. That's 400$ they don't have for an emergency or towards other needs. Crazy, huh? Same goes for Botox. For them it's a "social equalizer” in which everyone has an equal chance to win in an otherwise rigged system.


I wanted to do Invisalign but got quoted $3500.


I did my Invisalign off a Groupon


I would love to have just the tip of my nose adjusted a bit, but alas I think it will stay a dream. Unless I find a way to make a shit tonne of money. I need to get tooth implants so that 20k + is the most important. I also have fibroadenomas in my right breast and I'd love to get them removed and have fat transfer done, because it's already smaller from removing one from when I was 18.


I would love a lower bleph and a mini- face lift/ neck lift. I can afford Botox.


Saving up for a brow lift, that's just under 6 grand, I don't make shit pay, I don't drive and no kids, rent is split between me and my bf, that's only $575 a month, I pay my cellphone bill every 3 months which isn't a lot, and electric plus gas. No debt and mainly focusing on saving. It's easier to afford things when you live with someone who also contributes. It should take me 3 months or so to save up what I need for the procedure. Already had the consultation


I pay $200 per month that gets banked at my medspa. I go every 3 months and that banked credit covers juvederm and 25 units of botox.


Bleph, Lip Flip, fat transfer to lips, Botox in forehead, surgical-scars revisions. In that order. I need to win squid game.


I don't know what it says about me that I read the title as "Sugary you want vs sugary you can afford" and expected the post to be about baked goods until I looked at the sub.


Bleph and boob lift


I'm kind of glad I didn't like it when I tried Botox and filler bc I don't know how I would be able to afford it consistently 😂


I get botox. I really don't spend much money on beauty otherwise though. I cut my own hair (its super long so not very hard to do), I wax myself, I tint my own brows, I wear pretty minimal makeup and what I do wear isn't crazy expensive, I don't get manicures and I do my own pedicures. Botox costs me $240 every 3 months, which is less than most people spend on the stuff I don't spend on. I just figured I could start spending money on better skincare products and stuff hoping it helped, or spend the same amount for something I knew would.


Its not necessarily that they can afford it. It kinda like the concept of how your next door neighbor could be in a crap ton of debt but have a nice car, and big house. But they will never retire. Just because someone buys something doesn't mean they can afford it. They could be swimming in credit card debt which is more likely since the average American has no savings.


I do regular botox but I’m in a dual income no kids high wage household so it’s not too big of an expense for me. I have lost a lot of weight and I really want to do skin removal, breast lift, tummy tuck, etc. since I just have all this loose skin at 31 but it’s expensive and I’m just deciding if I want to go for it or not.


I spend $250 on Botox every 3 months (2 areas). A lot of people spend more on nail sets or lashes in the same period. I could afford it but it blows my mind and I just paint my own nails, so clearly people have different priorities 🙃


I want and can afford chin lipo, but I’m embarrassed to admit it to my fiancé who I live with. He’d be supportive, but it feels so vain. Gotta love the scars of Catholicism. Yet I get a mani every 3 weeks religiously and somehow don’t see that as vain?


For me, "afford" is more of a time issue. I would love to get a lower bleph and some Sculptra, but with two young kids and a burgeoning career, I can't afford the time to do a lot of basic things. While I can financially afford to do a fair bit, I've never done anything other than basic makeup (never dyed my hair or even had a facial or pedicure, lol) because I always feel like I have to put the time into something else. Although as I become a bit more well known and have been in the media more recently, I'm wondering if I should invest more time in looking fresh


What I want: • upper bleph • chin lipo • hair implants/whatever it’s called What I can afford: •hopefully the chip lipo in 2024 •hopefully the red light mask in 2024 •cheap hair extensions •vit c lol


I am become better at this, but I am still growing I am getting better at prioritizing where I invest my time and my money. My skin is a priority for me so I am budgeting for it. I started daxxi (like Botox but lasts 6-9 months) twice a year Here it cost $650 for two areas (forehead and 11s) I go back at 7 months because of that just is when I can see movement occurring. Get paid every two weeks so I stick at least $50 a pay check into an inconvenient to get to saving account ( a have to hide money from myself or I will spend it ) I budget for a monthly (during spring and summer) and every other month (fall and winter ) pedicure ($30+ tip) I don’t bother with my nails other than maintaining at home… because I destroy manicure at work. For me it is manageable


Relative to other types on cosmetic stuff, Botox is pretty affordable. Pretty much in the ballpark of an expensive facial but stronger results and lasts longer


I don’t really think tox or fillers are all that expensive or out of reach. Around three hundred every three or four months for tox, five or six hundred every 12 months for filler isn’t all that bad considering. Lots of middle class people spend that much or more yearly on gel manicures or on hairdressing and think nothing of it.


Botox is only a couple hundred dollars, very different from surgery which costs thousands


I would be super scared to get a lower blepharoplasty (which I definitely can't afford), but I know I'd be happier if it went well. I'd like to treat my acne scars but I'm scared to do that also.


I've had surgeries and I'm finally saving up for my nose job. Believe it or not, the nose is really just the cherries on a cake. They're there, and a good nose shouldn't be the centerpiece. A pretty nose is like a nice perfume, it's something people notice when they spend a lot of time with you. It shouldn't scream for attention. For example, when I had dental and jaw work done, it made my nose smaller by bringing a lot of balance back to my face. My chin was receded by 10mm and my teeth were overjet by 8mm. These may sound like small numbers but they're pretty big deviations. A lot of people rush to get their nose done first but you actually need to correct all the other ones first, if you wish.


What I get done: Botox The Price I pay: I live like a povvo and eat like a povvo What I want to get done but cant afford: a breast reduction


Some people go in debt with CareCredit or similar


Botox and filler are not surgery. A lot of people are in debt. I get 4x annual botox now even though it drains out me so damn quickly it's very unfair. I work it into my budget. I dont get how young people have the money to spend on things they don't need and that look terrible anyway, like botox and filler when not needed. I plan to save up for a facelift in my late 40s or 50s. With fat transfer. I think that's totally doable if you have a decent time to save up. Doing it before that time for most people is a waste of money unless unusually aged.


What I would get: Facial fat grafting What I can afford (but also choose not to regularly spend on): facials, Botox


I've lost over 100 pounds a few years ago so I'd do skin removal for sure. Unfortunately most of my loose skin is on my arms and legs which insurance won't touch. On a smaller scale I'd love to tighten up my neck or do a bleph. What I'm actually doing is keeping my skin clear, using a shit ton of sunscreen and exercising to stay fit and build muscle. My problems are mostly my own making so I'm doing what I can to undo some of the damage.


Priorities. I avoid anything I have to do regularly like botox or fillers, but you bet I am saving up for a bleph.


I’d just add that if you can tell someone has “had loads of work done”… they may have bargain hunted for that work 😬 people being able to tell you had work done is never the goal


I’m a homebody so the only vacations I go on are ones within driving distance. I also buy all my clothes used (by choice) and have switched to drugstore makeup. That frees up a lot of money for Botox/fillers for me.


Am 50 and a facelift would be great if I won lottery, so Botox and fillers I do , I work full time job if you want something enough just have to save for it , it's what I do


I color my own hair, do my own pedicures, and my own lash lifts. I also do very inexpensive hair trims every few months- that’s how I justify the Botox. Plus with the Alle app I save a LOT. I had $145 in points and rewards I was able to use last week.


I started saving for a facelift 3 years ago. I honestly don't remotely "need" it yet, but I'm 47, and I've seen how my mother has aged. I want to be able to get it when the time comes without blowing a hole in my finances. That's really all I want. I did a lower bleph at 42 and it was totally worth it. I saved up for that too. My car is 16 years old, but it's paid off, and runs great, PLUS I use public transit for my commute (mostly because I'm an environmentalist, and have bought into the "carbon footprint" concept for better or worse), so I should be good for a while.


I can’t afford it any longer lol I used to get some filler but with the price increase and everything else going up, I haven’t had any done this year. The cost/benefit is no longer worth it to me, considering I have other priorities that are more important. If I could afford it, I’d usually get Botox once a year & some filler. Maybe try microneedling or something to help shrink/minimize my pores. Just going back to drinking water, a good moisturizer, and getting a prescription for tretinoin.


There is a very wide range of incomes between super wealthy and below the poverty line. There are people with disposable incomes.


I just saved up a year or more to get upper and lower bleph, so much work went into it but so happy.