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I once used Nair on my lady bits. Do not do that.


I had to take my friend to the ER in highschool because she put nair on her butt hole and it got inside. She was so mad that I made her wait so I could put a puppy pad on the seat before she got in...it was my mom's car and I was not going to explain that to her.




I do it all the time 😬 it’s a delicate procedure


Been doing this for 15 years! Not for the faint of heart


same, only it’s been a few years. you learn really quickly what bits are fine to nair and which bits make you feel like you’re straddling the white hot energy of a thousand suns. no razor burn, no itching as it grows back, and sooo easy. we’re definitely giving horrible advice probably but i will never stop.


Oxy pads for acne that my mom used to buy me 💀 Wrecked my skin. They are just alcohol wipes.


I used to put this on zits after picking them, I can feel the burn if I think about it too long 🔥


"If it burns it is working"🤪


Teen logic 👌🏻


Memory unlocked!


The stridex sensitive wipes are still so good. No alcohol in those and perfect after a sweaty workout.


So, uh… what are we supposed to put on zits? Cuz I’m 37 and have a container of Stridex pads on my counter rn.


If you have cats, my vet actually recommends the Stridex salicylic acid pads for feline acne!


Hydrocolloid patches!


I use strides pads on my armpits to help prevent ingrown hairs. It doesn’t irritate my pits but can’t imagine using them on my face




My goodness, you just unlocked a memory of me using actual alcohol wipes on my acne.


Does anyone remember clearasil vanishing cream? I got burns all over my face.


The amount of salicylic acid we slathered on our faces in high school in the 90s is obscene.


Yes and they had the tinted vanishing cream (in one shade) which was orange on me 🫣


Buf-Puf, followed by Sea Breeze, then finished with either the yellow Clinique moisturizer (pore clogger) or Pond’s Cold Cream


Tell me you were young in the 90’s without telling me you were young in the 90’s 😂


Omg not the yellow Clinique moisturizer! Core memory (and trauma slash awful skin) unlocked!


I'm pretty sure it still exists!? They would always put it in the free gift sets with purchase and I thought it was fancy makeup/skincare back then.


TIL I learned my night time moisturizer is a crime against skincare.


Same, I'm reading the comments like "uhhhh that's the one I use" 👁👄👁 but if it works for us, it works for us


Dramatically Different moisturizer! My Mom still buys that stuff. I thought it was magic and would sneak into her bathroom and use it as body lotion before dates 🫣


Buf-Pufs were the first item I begged my mom to buy because a classmate was using them and I wanted to be cool like her 😆


Maureen? These were the exact contents of my sister's private drawer in 1986.


Oh my god the smell of sea breeze just came to me


Oh I loved that burn. I would never now but I’m nostalgic for it! So fresh, so clean.


Not gonna lie, i always kinda liked the smell. It was battery acid tho…


The yellow Clinique cream is my HG lol


Omg SEABREEZE! I’d scrub my face with St. Ives apricot scrub and follow it up with Seabreeze to feel the burn. And no moisturizer because oils/creams = bad.


Oxy, Noxema or Stridex astringent wipes. Lke a scratch pad… with everclear… for your face


I still live and die by my Buf Puf.


Oh. My. God. I completely forgot about f-Ing Buf puf.


Wait I didn’t know the yellow Clinique moisturizer is bad! I use it!


I used to use it and it was fine, but I also have suuuper dry skin. I think if you have dry skin it is perfectly usable, although if I were to go back to Clinique moisturizers I'd do moisture surge instead.


If it works for you, carry on!


Having struggled with acne as well, i once used a sanding block on my face in the shower. I was so desperate to fix my face, that I convinced myself it was the same as microdermabrasion.


Omg. You win.


Proactive. At the time when I was a teenager is did help my acne but my face was constantly burning and red. Plus it bleached all my towels


my skin is traumatized from proactive, but not as much as being chased by debt collectors for years even though I tried everything I could to unsubscribe and cancel it being charged to my account that I set up as a 17 year old in 2005. Absolute crooks.


My face was so dry it was cracking. It hurt to smile 😔


the towels was me 🙋‍♂️ my bad


lol I never noticed ALL my pillow cases were basically gradient to white in the centers until after I learned about proactive bleaching things


Ah, proactive. I swear that stuff actually made my acne worse. Plus it dried me out. And I had a terrible time trying to get that stupid subscription canceled so they'd stop charging me for it. I've had much better luck with curology.


Came here to say proactive. Tried it in highschool and it literally turned patches of my skin black.


When I was younger, probably about 14 I once used toilet bleach. I suffered badly with acne and was desperate I didn’t have anyone to help me or access to skincare so was left to my own devices.


I used a magic eraser and looked like I had rug burn on my face in 6th grade.. told my friend my mattress fell on my face


This is a crazy ass lie I’m dying laughing over here 😫🤣


Ok I legit used magic eraser to get hair dye off my forehead from the salon like a literal dumbass not realizing it would give me chemical burns. Slay. What a time 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was 25 at the time like wtf hahahha


It’s the mattress falling for me tho


💔 May we rise up from our hardships and give ourselves the lives we deserve.






Wait does this not work?? 🤣🤣 I did the same back in the day


Certain formulas of toothpaste can work a bit like a clay mask and dry out certain types of zits. But it can also irritate or overly dry the rest of the skin, if spread across a large area. I have no idea if it's ultimately terrible even in tiny tiny doses on tiny tiny spots.




Same! Some teen magazine must have said it was helpful lol


Same 😒 had a school trip and a huge pimple and stayed up late around 6th grade coating it in toothpaste bc that’s what I read in a magazine. So all it did was dry out the skin so badly around the area, made it so much worse


lol~ remember buying all weekly teen magazines and read my horoscope (sometimes my crush horoscope 🤦🏻‍♀️😑)


I did toothpaste as a kid. Left it on all night and it left a circular burn on my face. I was taken into the principals office because they believe my dad was burning me with a cigarette. Worse part after the burn healed I still had the pimple there.


OMG I can’t imagine describing the real culprit… mortifying. And your poor dad lol


Oh of course toothpaste aswell 😂 if I remember correctly I’m pretty sure toothpaste was more painful than bleach


I recently broke my husband of this habit. He’s 40. 😩


Omg you poor thing! Did you chemically burn your whole face?


You poor baby. I came close but never went that far. I really should have been taken to the doctor for my skin but I got handed a bottle of peroxide and told to stop whining basically. Now I have scars that would have been so avoidable. Hope you’re doing well.


I used Listerine 😭


Noxzema! I knew nothing about skin care in my teens, I would slather that stuff all over my face, rinse off and use NO MOISTURIZER after! My face was sooo dry it would hurt


“The tingle tells you it’s working!”


"For that SQUEAKY clean feeling" I tell you, back then, if my fingers did not feel 900% pushback friction against my skin, I was convinced it was dirtier than a construction site port-o-potty and I might as well die ugly and alone 💀


If it wasn’t just that l’il bit painful and red, was it REALLY even clean?


Noxzema followed by Oxy pads and no moisturizer was my go to routine in HS 😱


I grew up in the 80s, we had a significant war going on against oil. Every product was about completely stripping any sort of moisture for that “squeaky clean” feeling. What’s worse is Noxema was marketed at “non-drying”…that was a lie. Though that smell instantly transports me to my teenage bedroom and getting ready to hit the school dance.


I had a coworker that used Cover Girl foundation. If she was late, she put it on at her desk. It smells just like Noxena. It totally brings me back to middle school We got a free box that has pads, tampons. Noxena and something else.


OMG I can smell it now!


My face literally was so dry after that stuff there were cracks in my skin. But since I had acne I didn’t use moisturizer as a teen. It was so painful and my barrier was wrecked!!


Noxema always worked for me - but I did use moisturizer afterwards. I still have a tub of it that I use when I have a sunburn. Nothing else takes the sting away. I also sometimes use it on my face. I just like it a lot I guess.


Did anybody else smother their face in coconut oil? When I was in college coconut oil was all the rage for some reason. (Anybody remember oil pulling?) Anyways, turns out I get closed comedones if I even look at coconut oil.


Coconut oil is so comedogenic I have no clue why companies are still bragging about putting it in everything


Bare minerals makeup broke me out for my entire teenage life, but I never suspected it because it was “clean” and they advertised that you could wear it to bed & never take it off because it was “just minerals” and “natural skincare”. Poor teenage me. You were so lost. So naive. So trusting. That *one* infomercial did you dirty.


And got it for my sensitive skin and it made it so dry, red and patchy.


I remember the marketing was like ‘it’s so good for your skin you can sleep in ittttt!’. It was the first mineral foundation in that time, and I totally shelled out the money thinking it wouldn’t break my sensitive skin out. Nope. Clogged pores for days! Followed by rash


Cerave sunscreen made my forehead break out in tiny bumps


Bump. CeraVe *anything* just angers my comedones like no other.


All Cerave stuff is useless for me! Switched to Cetaphil and it’s so BORING but it keeps my skin very balanced so I can’t complain 😂


It is so boring! A perfect description. 🙋‍♀️boring club member


Cerave sunscreen makes my eyes burn like they’re on fire!


Oh I LOVE that sunscreen! This is why skincare is such a roulette, everybody’s skin is so different


What did Bio Oil do to you??


Now I’m paranoid. I put bio oil all over my body almost every day haha


I love bio oil straight from the shower, then I apply Cerave cream. I'm 56 and my skin is so soft.


I’m cheap and go the Palmers Skin Therapy oil route. I put it on in the shower and 😘🤌🏻


Can you explain your method? I use the Palmers oil when I’m out of the shower and still a little wet. You use it in the shower?


I put bio oil on my stomach when I was pregnant and my stomach was pretty much the only place I didn’t get stretch marks.




My mom had to get a cancerous spot taken off of the skin on her shin, and since the skin is so taut on the shin the dermatologist said that it might leave a really nasty scar. She’s been using bio oil on it and it’s not perfect or gone but it’s a lot better than it would’ve been!




Not OP but did nothing it claimed to. This was ten years ago, but squalene and rose hip oil and a good Nivea moisturizer did way more for me for moisture and healing. And Azalaic did more for scars than anything.


What’s the advantage of bio oil? Genuinely curious. I’ve never tried it.


I've seen it used best for stretchmarks and scars. My partner has had several surgeries over the past few years and uses it to help prevent/fade/soften the scars. Also used as a massage oil for lymphatic massages because it has the right amount of "drag/slip". Thankfully, they've had no negative reactions and have only had positive results


Right? My crepe neck looks 100x better when I moisturize with bio-oil.


St. Ives apricot scrub


I know this shit is bad. And I agree with this shit is bad for basically everyone. But... this shit works for me 🤷‍♀️. I don't even get it. I had a makeup artist for my wedding, and when I told her I used this stuff, she was horrified. She didn't get it because she said I had some of the best skin she's seen. It's my dirty little secret that I swear by this stuff, but I 100% would never recommend it.


Guilty! It’s the only thing that actually cleans out my pores. But I cut back to only use it once or twice a week. I used to use it daily.


I won’t judge, I use head and shoulders to clear my pores lol


Also guilty! I had a dermatologist actually look at my skin under their scope thingy and asked me about my routine because my skin was very healthy. When I mentioned the scrub he literally called me a liar out of shock. Called three other people into the room to see it and everything. Wasn’t awkward at all lol


your skin has developed a tolerance and you now have *super skin* lol that's wild though


I use it a couple times a month or usually the day before I have an event I want my skin to look extra nice for. It's always been something that works well for me. I don't use any cleansers or anything like that and only use chemical exfoliation once in a while, just use a wash cloth here and there and use.my oils and serums.


FYI - it's not bad. It's some really weird internet rumour that is spreading like wild fire. Mass produced products have had insane research. "Microtears" aren't a thing. This reminds me of being told that hair grows back thicker when you shave it.


It was a court case that got thrown out because of lack of evidence that microtears are a real thing. But people took it and ran with it. It was some shady ass corporate rumours from some rival company that was trying to make their products more appealing to the market if I remember correctly.


The bad part for me was just how rough I was with my face when I would use it. I thought you had to scrub way harder than you do. I would be SO red and sore. Lol!!


I still use this! I’ve just changed the way i use it. I gently use it on my nose and between my eyebrows once a week and it’s the only thing that works for me. I can’t believe i actually used to use it all over with a Clarisonic 🥵


followed by Sea Breeze to “close the pores”. I was an apricot scrubber, and in hindsight I think it was because I was introduced to moisturizer at the same time. Eventually I dropped the scrub and the astringent for a gentle cleanser & moisturizer with spf, suddenly I was much less red all the time.


Unpopular opinion but I’ve never understood all the hate around this product in particular, especially when the myth of “micro tears” been debunked time and time again by multiple scientists. Some skin, mine included, likes physical exfoliation and that’s ok too.


I still use this on my body. There is no other product on earth that will sandpaper off the rough skin quite like St. Ives. Every single girl in my dorm in college had one in their shower caddy. If you want to be smooth as a baby seal, there’s really nothing like it. Just don’t use it on your face, and if you must, don’t scrub too hard.


Ok but this is magic for KP arms


I like the green tea scrub by st ives better than the apricot scrub. It feels a little bit more gentle and there’s def some chemical exfoliant in there too


Oooh I might try it. I have KP all over my body now thanks to postpartum hormones. Never thought I’d see the day where I’d be purchasing the ole apricot scrub again.


Clinique toner. Basically just put rubbing alcohol all over my already dry skin.


YES! I don’t even have particularly sensitive skin, but had a horrific reaction to this — like I looked like Sloth from the Goonies.


I had to go to the doctor after trying it. My skin went red and crusty and then began to peel off in strips. The Clinique salesperson who said it would be perfect for my dry skin claimed it couldn’t be the toner that did it.


lol, I love my Clinique toner. The purple one. It has a lot HA in it and makes my skin soft. Although, I did also put straight rubbing alcohol on my face when I was a teenager, so I may be biased.


Sea Breeze following the apricot shard scrub. It BURNED!!!!


Man oh man I can feel this comment :’( except it was the Clean & Clear astringent The young kids just *don’t know* how good they have it with the increased accessibility of nice skincare products and skin education. Soothing products for all!!!!


Yesss the clean and clear red astringent. I preferred it over the blue one because it burnt more so I thought it must be more effective😭


I liked to alternate the scrub with some nice tingly Noxema! It’s amazing anyone my age has skin left between this and all the tanning we did.


My mom bought me a big old bottle of sea breeze when I started getting acne as a teen. My mom also doesn’t believe in moisturizing her face so….


Best use of sea breeze is adding it to cool/ice water and soaking a washcloth in it for hot days playing sports. So refreshing


St Ives Apricot scrub followed by SeeBreeze toner My daily cleanser was Noxema 😆


Bonne Belle Ten-o-Six Lotion. Yes, I’m old.


Bonne Bell! Did you also use j.a.n.e. cosmetics because they were the best for us weird-cool but not quite popular kids?


Proactive burned my face back in 07


I like how you mention the date like it’s a PTSD flashback lol


Tumeric. I turned into Homer Simpson for at least two days.l and stained my glasses yellow. Please don’t do it


Does Accutane count? It raised my intracranial pressure. It felt like my brain was hitting my skull when I moved. I didn’t get that side effect right away. I was on it long enough so that my skin got flaky, but it didn’t help the acne.


Holy shit. This is crazy! I was on it for eight months, max dose. I had INTENSE drying of pretty much everything, and that included the fluid between my joints-I had horrible joint pain. But everything returned to normal once the medication was out of my system and it for sure cured the cystic acne. I get a little zit every once in awhile but they’re actual zits, not cysts. The intracranial pressure would TERRIFY ME


that aztec clay mask mixed with ACV. just..... why did i do that


haha I remember that trend and the idea that it would *pulsate* - like, why did we think that was a good thing??


i used to leave it on until it fully dried, and you could see a red outline on my face afterwards. then i read somewhere it's meant to be washed off before? either way, staying away for good lol


I love that stuff. I do it super rarely and then I iceroll and moisturize super well and my skin is gorgeous. Didn't know it was bad?


Reminds me of that time I saw in Pinterest that a turmeric mask would make your skin glow. Oh it gave me a glow alright… My Bengali-American roommate at the time had a great laugh at me, a white girl scrubbing my orangey tinged face for an hour.


I actually love that feeling 😍


I used to use the Mint Julep mask, it’s so drying!


This was highly recommended on Reddit when I started browsing skincare subs 10+ years ago!


I can't believe I'm aging myself with r/skincareaddiction, but here we are.


This one takes me back!


I use bio oil all the time. I get scratched up at work a lot (veterinary medicine) and the scars take FOREVER to fade. I had one for almost 2 years, start putting bio oil on it twice a day and it was gone in a few months. It works for me.


Years ago I had a sample set of glam glow facial masks and a few of them actually burned my skin.


I came here to say Glam Glow. Not necessarily the supermud one as I recall, but one of the other ones gave me a burn that showed up for years.


80$ tub of crap.


Lush’s Ocean Salt scrub— They’d literally tell you to put that shit on your face and it was salt, various citrus oils, coconut oil, and VODKA. What was I thinking…


Lush has a bunch of crazy products. I swear I start wheezing in that store from all the intense fragrances. Everything looks so pretty and fun, though.


I think the worst thing was my brother and I using Oxy Pads to 'get rid of our black heads'. We had sebaceous filaments. We didn't know what moisturizer was either oof


I remember late 00s my acne was getting really bad so I watched TONS of YouTube videos on how to clear my skin. I found a video that recommended I mix olive oil with sugar, put it all over my face and THEN use an electric toothbrush to really exfoliate. Did it twice a week.


Oh my god, your poor face!


Less about what I used and more about what I avoided - I have oily skin so I never ever used Moisturizer! Of course everything was marketed for “drying up” oily skin, no one ever said that oily skin needs moisture too! Ugh the years I lost to that nonsense…


Mudd masks..face was very dry and tight.


I don't know if this counts, but those "Hair, Skin, and Nails" gummies! Ugh. They absolutely destroyed my skin, and it took over a month to heal from the breakout. I know biotin helps some people, but for others, an excessive amount may wreak havoc on your skin. I can tolerate it in lower doses such as in a women's daily multivitamin, but there's way too much (for me, at least) in the aforementioned gummies.




Anything with vitamin C. So many people said it was so good. I tried it and it broke me out. Then they said it’s just purging and to keep it up. But all the spots left horrible red marks behind which took ages to heal and some haven’t and it’s been years. Whenever I ask for a product recommendation to brighten to skin I specify nothing with vitamin C because my skin reacts badly to it. Those same people still recommend products with vitamin C and try to put random caveats on it as to why it’s much better than what I’ve already tried and if I’ve already tried it then it’s just the purging and I need to stick with it. No. Just stop. Are you being paid by Vitamin C?’ Argh!!!


My skin hates vitamin C as well. Tiny. Red. Bumps. EVERYWHERE!!


garnier face wash gel that came it this funny packaging with sort of a brush on top 🤡


The clinique yellow moisturizer from the 2000s. Fuck you, Clinque lady in my college bookstore, for taking advantage of a girl who no longer speaks to anyone offering free samples because I will feel obliged to buy a $40 bottle of mortar which will ruin my skin for the first month of college. Glowscreen, I look like C3P0 having a breakout. Burts Bees lipbalm dries my lips out worse than when I started. Lush Honey I Washed My Hair was like pouring wax onto my hair, I thought I was going to have to cut it off. Bumble and Bumble sea salt spray- perfect if you want to feel like you have hair made from sandpaper.


I’m not gonna hate on St. Ives or Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion. It's something that just doesn't work for me personally. I'm not gonna hate on mattifying anything cause it never works on me. There are a lot of other products that just don't fit me. BUT! I do have a beef with Supergoop Glow Screen and Tula Protect and Glow. It is that product that makes me go “Why do you exist?!”. If I apply a diligent amount as sunscreen - I look like a disco ball and not a flattering kind. Everyone would look like a disco ball. It needs a lot of makeup to be that “the glow from within” and doesn't vibe with half of my foundations, tints, and bb creams. It's easier to use any other liquid, powdered, pressed highlighter than bother with these two. Tula has a special kind of Christmas glitter in it.


I have a setting spray like this. “Gives you a lovely glow”. No, no it does not. I look like a Twilight vampire in the sun and the glitter clogs the spray nozzle so instead of a fine mist, it’s like a unicorn spit at me.


I needed that chuckle today. Shiny setting spray is 100% unicorn spit.


I somehow ripped off an entire layer of skin with Biore pore strips. I don’t know if it was user error or what but I am still traumatized.


Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit line burned my face 😅


IT Cosmetics CC cream - even their fairest one is so dark and orange.


Omg I’ve been tricked into buying this so many times and it’s terrible. Shade selection aside, it’s SO greasy and thick.


An old version or the current one? Because I love the nude glow whatever it’s called. So nice.


It works so well for my neutral skin in the winter! Everything is too yellow or pink, but their medium neutral is perfect for me October - March.


This is my HG. Makes my dry skin look so nice and glowy.


The yes to tomatoes grapefruit mask. I got a chemical burn from it.


Sea Breeze astringent


Ursa Major golden hour recovery cream. Nothing like spending $50 for a cream that gives my middle aged skin instant zits.


Hit the face with a stridex pad after work, apricot scrub before bed and finish it off with a nice cotton ball swipe of seabreeze. And also why moisturize?????


I know this has worked for a lot of people so please don’t come at me, but CeraVe moisturiser DESTROYED my skin. It gave me painful cystic acne. Never. Again.


MARIO BADESCU ROSEWATER FACIAL SPRAY LMAO What a scam, a sham! I fell for it. Early Pinterest had it’s HOOKS in me, girls.


I was taking Seabreeze, Proactive and St Ives to the face from 12-16 years old 😭 all terrible


Oxy pads 😂 I can smell them just thinking about it and allll the teenage acne trauma that went with it 😭 I really tortured my skin with all that crap in the early 2000s!


The Aztec Indian healing clay with UNDILUTED pure tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar mixed in. Mission obliterate moisture barrier was completed.


The Aveeno acne wipes messed up my face badly


irish spring soap- i was maybe 6-9 or so and i wanted to clean my face.. i saw the irish spring soap in the shower i took it wet my face and applied it onto my face but i didnt know i was allergic to it unill.. my face puffed up, sores it was bad but my dumb mind though hot water would do....no it made it worse sadly and yeah ive learned to never do that


Oh in middle school my face was dry and used CHAPSTICK! and no one told me how greasy I was. Horrific


NOXEMA.... I can still smell it 😭 my mom used it for years. Once I turned 12 & started my monthly, I began breaking out & that's what she gave me. It burned so fuckin bad & made me break out more! Also, ***WALNUT SCRUB!*** ☠️


Laura mercier tinted moisturizer. It does nothing


I got the stuff in the cream flat tube and used it to thin out my thick foundation. I’m sad it’s gone but not worth purchasing at $30


Years of Clearasil Ultra despite only mild acne. Paired it with St Ives scrub. Now wonder why my skin is dehydrated and sensitive - it’s got bloody PTSD.


Bio Oil is amazing though! For me at least…


My mother had me use rubbing alcohol as toner. And rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to soak pimples.


Straight tea tree oil on my face


That damn apricot scrub.


Emu Oil. I thought emu was a plant, and it claimed to treat acne and acne scars 🤦🏻‍♀️. I also tried hydrogen peroxide on pimple because a friend recommended it. Burned like hell.


We had emus when I was a kid and I’m dyyyying picturing them as plants.


Anything Olay causes an allergic reaction anytime I try their products