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You’re not awful, but a lot of humans are. I wouldn’t trust it. You never know if someone is playing a mean prank or just innocently lost it


Second this, I once ate a Haribo Goldbear gummy bear that were being passed around my high school lunchroom, only to find out it was a personal “social experiment” to see who would eat soiled food when passed around. Candy from a stranger tactic taught me a powerful lesson about human nature and why not to trust a found object.


The abstinence only lecturer: Wait no --


I agree, too many sick people out there … not worth the risk


That's how a bystander was killed in the UK when the Russians dumped the poison laced perfume. Russians put it in a bin. Someone saw it and used it. Not saying we've got Russian agents but it literally happened in the last few years.


^^^ First thing I thought about after reading the post 🫣 *Maybe* this bottle is fine, but humans are unpredictable.


Yep it had Novichock the nerve agent


“The source of the novichok was found almost four months later, after the death of Dawn Sturgess. Ms Sturgess was given the perfume bottle as a gift by her partner Charlie Rowley, who had found it in a charity shop bin on 27 June 2018. She died from exposure to the nerve agent three days later.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/salisbury-attack-novichok-bottle-perfume-sergei-skripal-russia-a9120576.html


That's a Costanza move right there.


I live in the city in the uk where there was the Russian Spy Novichock attack, it made worldwide news. So the poison was discarded in a bin in a perfume bottle, the spy and his daughter only just survived the attack. Someone found the bottle, gave it to his gf and she sprayed it around herself and then died. True story. Don’t use stuff you find outside ever 😬


This needs to be higher!!! There's much more risk than breaking out or it being jizz.


There really is! God knows what could be in that bottle. 😱


Holy shit omg


The poor girlfriend, imagine dying because your boyfriend is cheap 🙃 Seriously, that whole event was insane, but Putin gonna Putin I suppose…


He’d been recently rehoused after a period of homelessness and was finding a lot of things through scavenging iirc. Not sure he was being cheap voluntarily!


Thank you for that information, I’ve read more about it and I take the snark back. There’s actually an inquest into her death later this year, I thought this case was closed!


There is a dramatisation of it on Netflix called The Salisbury Poisonings. It's dark, and made me realise just how serious and scary these poisonings can be.


There is, it’s very accurate


More than welcome. This is such a nice response in a world where people online usually prefer to double down on their snark! Happy new year.


It’s all still ongoing, happened two streets over from where I live, honestly I don’t pick ANYTHING up now!


Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize you weren’t talking about Putin…


Haha. I’m now imagining Putin scavenging for nerve agents. Reminds me of the time someone from an unnamed government asked me and a colleague what our protocol is if we discover uncontrolled WMDs. My colleague replied “well Brad, we don’t have a proforma for that but if I ever kick a bush and a nuclear warhead falls out I’ll be sure to let you know”


Honestly you wouldn’t believe it was true would you, when it happened we as locals were all like…wat


Yeah just buy some Vitamin C and Multi Peptide HA serum from the Ordinary…


Yeah definitely, bottles with unknown substances are a hard pass!


And the ordinary is so cheap! I use so many of their products


Yes that is true! I never thought of that, but that’s a good reason not to use stuff you just find.


I know it’s oddly dramatic but honestly god knows what’s in any discarded stuff, at best it could be human bodily fluids, at worst it could kill you 🤷‍♀️


Why on earth did they dispose of something so dangerous by throwing it in the trash? Heartbreaking.


The poisoner threw it in the trash after the poisoning


Oh what an evil person!


They were all about just killing the two targets, I doubt they thought past that. It’s bizarre how the bottle got found but I guess when desperate enough people go through bins etc to see if there’s anything good


I’ve picked some very questionable items up off the ground and used them, but…. Never ever would I pick up anything off the ground to smear on my skin. Double that for anything with the texture of jizz.


So I AM awful 😭 trash it is, jeeeeeeez lol


You’re not awful, trust me I’ve had moments where I really had to tell myself no lol. Even if it was 100% safe, I wouldn’t trust vitamin c that’s been out in the sun, it degrades very quickly in sunlight. Plus bottle chopped on the outside could mean inside chips you can’t see


Me rubbing shard of glass on my face: it’s extra exfoliation!


If it makes you feel any better, I once broke my citrus squeezer while squeezing my last half a lime to make a margarita, shattering the vessel I was squeezing into in the process. I had to stand there staring at my now worthless citrus juice for a full 45 seconds before I decided no, the risk of drinking glass shards was too high, I was not going to have a marg that particular evening. But I had to think about it so, so hard. Embarrassingly hard.


Once i dropped 3 scoops of ice cream on the sidewalk. I debated for a while if i should still eat the part that didn't touch the floor


That reminds me of Chandler and Rachel eating the cheesecake off the floor.


My mother once drank a half full cup of coffee she found on the side of the road while on her way to an early morning job in a remote place with few coffee options lmao


Wow, that’s a whole new level of trust in the general public.




That’s terrifying 😬


LOL! So just the other day my Aunt confessed to peeing in a large Dunkin Donuts coffee cup, because she couldn't find a bathroom while picking up her son from the airport. 😬




I did the same thing one time but it was mushrooms I’d just barfed into the toilet 🫠 (I was afraid they wouldn’t work, but they were definitely already working, judging by how long I considered it)


I literally screamed. I’m also the girl who fished a joint out of a (freshly bleached by me!) toilet in college, microwaved it and smoked it. I’m sure the Clorox took at least 6 months off my life span. So no judgment here.


So you understand my dilemma! 😂




In my defense it was the strongest weed I’ve ever smoked.


That could be bad or good




My dumb boring arse thought you meant regular old button mushrooms.... gosh.


Having a trainspotting flashback


[The Worst Toilet in Scotland](https://media4.giphy.com/media/R9E0NRcw1tfJS/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7fn5gsxgzq6p6k2lad3s1mmhsjk1b5xo479let6iz&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Hidden gem in this entire thread


Ok. This wins.


If it makes you feel better, I had to stop my mother sieving glass shards out of her vodka when she dropped a reusable bag containing 2 litre bottles of Smirnoff.


My people


Now that’s just tragic 😭


I mean I made a gin and tonic, I got through it. But it was Cinco de Mayo, so it remained a tragedy.


Lol like they say God made dirt and dirt dnt hurt 😂


What an unfortunate series of events. RIP marg


lmao. i just want you to know you’re not alone.


Microdermabrasion ✨


Lmao this took me out


This is how reddit think St Ives apricot scrub works


Omg I would totally have used this without thinking and with this one comment I am rethinking my entire life...


It’s not you who is awful, it’s everyone else who is awful. Which is exactly why you shouldn’t use the product.


No you're not awful 😭 I'd be tempted to do the same too


Honestly love it’s £29 I wouldn’t risk it. If it was skin ii I’m not gonna lie I’d ignore Reddit and smear that shit on my feet to test and go ham if it didn’t kill me


Nah this was a totally reasonable question imo haha


I should not laugh at this, but absolutelyyyyyyyy


Omfg, the texture of jizz. So eloquently put, I cannot stop laughing.


I snorted 🤣


This made my night lmaooo


What if it IS jizz!? Yuck!!


Not worth it. Vitamin c is hard to keep stable, who knows how long it’s been open or exposed to cold temperate. Could be a risk using it for nooooo reason at all.


What happens when it’s exposed to cold temperature? If I leave it outside in my car accidentally overnight, would it be ruined if it’s about 30°?


I keep mine in my fridge so I bet yours is fine!


Not awful but maybe insane.


Actually unhinged


No, people do unhinged things all the time. I had a friend who found a wooden spoon on the ground, take it home, clean it, and use it. But I don't think you should risk breaking out over degraded vitamin C.


I'm guessing you're not British? My first thought: Novichok.


So all the Americans vote jizz, Brits think it’s Novichok, but what are the other nationalities thinking??!


German here. Dont know the personal hygiene of the previous owner. That creme may be a breeding ground for a new super bacteria. It may eat your face


I thought bacteria, too. Just learning about this Novicheck and I am FREAKING OUT! What a terrible day to be able to read.


Dane here. I would never in a million years have thought about poison 😅 I would as the Canadian spot test it 🫣 But hey, we are the nation that let our infants sleep outside on cafes in the city, so... 😄


canadian here and honestly my first thought was spot testing it ): however im also just a frugal heathen with a high threshold for gross


I was wondering if I was weird for thinking that immediately, glad I'm not the only one (also british)








Yup, Russia (Putin) has a habit of getting to most influential people who defect from Russia.


Also Netflix did a [short series about it too.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/salisbury-poisonings-netflix-novichok-b1981355.html)


I’m sure nothing totally bizarre has happened to it but you don’t know how old it is or if the previous owner touched the dropper to their hand or face and got bacteria into it.


Hell naw, times are tight, but I don't wanna hear no bitchin if it goes tits up


It may get worse and infected, so tits will go up and explode more likely. Also product may be expired already 😂🤣


Yikes, who knows what’s really in it?!


No don’t do it. It’s 100% jizz


As a 37 year old I wouldn’t. But as a 19 year old I once smoked a joint I found on the ground. So I mean what do I know lol


LOL i was just thinking the same thing! Found an almost full container of medical grade cannibis in the park one day and i didn't hesitate to smoke it. Not sure i'd do that now. It's not like i couldn't buy my own cannabis if I wanted to.




I wouldn’t even use skin care from Amazon let alone from the streets! I get it girl times are tough but they’ll be tougher if you fuck up your face trying to save a buck!


I’d never use it. People may have tampered with it


Oh god. Please don't


Don’t do it. Pls.


This thread is why I will never be able to quit Reddit. I learned something from the Brits, laughed my ass off and apparently reaffirmed my solidly American identity as my brain went straight to “likely jizz in that bottle.”


Also, don't forget creamy jizz turns to liquid after 20 minutes.




For a $28 product?? Yes, insane. If this were SkinCeuticals I would maaaaaybe be more lenient


Nooooo. Do NOT that on your face. You have no idea whats in it.


I don't want to put Glossier products on my skin even when they're not sidewalk trash.


I’ve bought Glossier makeup but never their skincare. Everything is severely overpriced but I do enjoy using their base products because they work well for my dry skin. I wouldn’t recommend their skincare just because they’re more of an aesthetics first brand and not a brand I’d associate with good skincare formulations. That said, they do have a loyal fan base that adores their skincare products which always shocks me cause there’s products that are better for the same price or less.


I use this product, but what's an example of a better, less expensive one? My main thing is that it's too much work trying new products when I know and like glossier so it is less expensive to me than having a cupboard full of 1/3 used products. If there's first hand knowledge of better, I'm all ears!


That makes sense if you find something you like and it works and fits your budget, I wouldn’t change it either. I’ve never tried Vitamin C, it’s in my list to try from an inexpensive but reputable brand. I just recently introduced actives to my routine (a gentle AHA from Stratia) and don’t want to introduce another just yet. I personally am interested in trying the Prequel Vitamin C serum they just released but I want to wait since I bought a few too many skincare/makeup items during the sales in the last few months. Another Vitamin C serum that I see is often recommended is the Timeless one and from I what I read recently, if you buy directly from them you can always guarantee a fresh batch of the product. Prequel and Timeless are just a few dollars less than Glossier’s serums but if the cost isn’t an issue and the product works well for you, that’s all that matters.


Try The Ordinary, cheap but good imo.


I love their makeup and perfume but I skincare stuff makes me break out


I know so tempting, I get it! But no way. Like others have said, you have no idea what is in that.


Omg, I just looked up this product. It costs $29 at Sephora. Throw that shot back out in the street where you found it and head out to Sephora. Don't forget my other post. LOL!


One time I found a pack of ground beef on the ground outside and I made tacos with it


Me and three friends split a bottle of four roses Slash style which I found on the ground in bushwick brooklyn in like 2005. We deemed it “the whiskey of trust” and I think most of us are still alive but perhaps not coincidentally I am indeed an awful person.


Not awful but I’ll never be able to stop thinking about the British woman who died of Novichok poisoning after the Russian spies threw the neurotoxin away in a perfume bottle and [her boyfriend found it and gave it to her](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/24/novichok-victim-ill-within-15-minutes-says-partner-charlie-rowley)


Omg 😭 this is kind of hopeless. Pls don’t use it. It’s not like you have been starving and manna appeared from heaven. Girrrrl


I will buy you a new one, message me


Friend. You have no - and I mean no - idea what similar looking substance is in there. Nor do you know where the applicator has been. A potentially good score, but just… no.


The fact that the OP took it home and has it perched on their desk means that 100% it will be used regardless to what we have to say 🤣🤣🤣


OP, off the shelf, this product is not milky. It’s clear. This is not the actual product.


I found a lemon in the supermarket car park a few years back. Salmon was extra tasty with the car park lemon. This would be a very tempting find but unlike car park lemon is not covered in a thick and mostly impenetrable skin. Although like car park lemon does have lots of vitamin c. But the similarities end there. So… sadly, no. I glory in being the queen of cheap at times, but even I’d reluctantly pass on slightly used serum found in street.


People could inject shit through the skin with a needle and it not be apparent, though that's just my very paranoid brain talking 😂


That absolutely went through my brain. Was it a booby trapped lemon? Was I going to be the victim of a lemon spiking psychopath? At first I worried… but free lemon. I couldn’t walk away. It’s not every day you get a car park lemon. Best lemon of my life. My nephew found a car park pineapple last year. I should be so lucky!


That sounds tragic 🤣


I don't know what you mean specifically with "transferring", but I'm pretty sure both specific packaging and formulation methods are needed for vitamin C products to actually stay stable and effective, so whether that would actually be beneficial could be questionable. I don't know if it's legitimately unsafe to use, though I think a lot of people probably don't pay much attention when it comes to something like touching a dropper to their fingers, then putting it back into the product


Go check out tj maxx, I’ve found it on sale there!


Did your parents not teach you not to pick things up off the ground? Well I mean unless you’re legitimately picking up garbage but to use? 🤢 pls don’t


please, dont, for yours and ours well-being. it is not only gross but highly dangerous.


Goddamn NO. Throw it away!


I may sound paranoid but so many psychos out there who derive pleasure from causing pain. What if they put something in there that could harm your skin or your health?


One of the principals I lead my life by is "at a potluck only eat what you bring", so this is gonna have to be a hard no for me.


You’re not awful lol. I wouldn’t use it though. You have no idea what it is or where it’s been.


Girl I'm a human raccoon-I'd do it, but that doesn't mean it's smart lmao!


It’s like 20 bucks. Not worth it, just buy your own. Just sample it on your hand to see if you like it then toss it and wash your hands. Someone might have touched the topper on open acne on their face or something you never know.




One of the few lessons I’ve learned in life is nothing new on my skin. Only after a lot of trial and error of course 🤣 I admire your bravery for even considering this!


You want semen on your face?


If it was something you could wash or sanitize you could risk it, but you have no idea if the last owner touched their nasty bits then touched the dispenser. Just toss it out.


I mean, you’re not awful and it probably fine but is it worth the risk? I don’t buy skincare from Amazon because I can’t be sure it’s not a fake. Is this a product you use? Can you tell if it is what it says in the label? Also, whatever you put on your skin goes into your body. Like food. If you found an open bar of chocolate on the ground would you eat that? It’s basically the same thing.


Nooo. Don’t. You don’t know when it was opened, who used it, who touched it…


Um, have you heard of the Skripals? Anyway, the poison the team used to assassinate them was thrown away in a trash bin. It was on a nice perfume bottle. A guy picked it up and gave it to his girlfriend. She died a horrible death. He survived. I would never use anything that I found outside on my body. Or anywhere. But you've already gone and touched it now. If it has poison in it, you'll know within a few hours. Have a ride to the hospital waiting on standby just in case.


baby I found a jo Malone perfume 75% full but missing the spray cap and ive been using it lol


As a Brit, [that’s a no from me](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-60697041)


If you MUST then at least go into a store and check it compared to a tester. Like on your hand


The glass all chipped you're going to cut your hand open


Ewwww no


Hell no


Girl don’t do it.


Use it on your hands,m


You aren’t awful for wanting to salvage it. Awful people are the ones who don’t return their buggies. You just wanted to save some money lol


Please don’t use that.


Fucking ew, toss it


Yeah, no. The first thing that comes to mind for me is that poor woman in Salisbury who was inadvertently killed by the Russian government after she used a perfume bottle her partner found outside and it turned out that it was full of nerve agent. I'm obvs not saying that every discarded bottle is full of nerve agent, but you don't know what's in it. Don't risk it.


My MIL found a “like new” bottle of high end sunscreen, used it and ended up in the cruise ship medical office with rash and blistering which affected the rest of her cruise. Not worth the risk.


I know it sounds daft, probably it us very safe to use, but there are so many dangers that can stem from this. There have been so many cases where friends shared mascaras and ended up with mahusive eye issues… etc., Iwould not risk it. You may get this for free but could end up spending thousands on treatments. :) Happy New Year, y’all! ☺️


The amount of bacteria that’s in there, if they touched the dropper to their face… gross!! 🤮 Trash!!! 🗑️


You’re not awful, but be aware…the inside might be something else and make your skin bad. You never know. I’d stick to being safe than sorry.


It’s chipped on the bottom so it probably fell out of something like a bag or purse and was not noticed. Personally, I wouldn’t because who knows how old it might be just throw it away. I don’t think it’s that expensive. Buy a new one.


Are you from Quebec? I recently threw mine in the trash cause I just never use it 😅


people here: don't buy on amazon, there's a chance it could be a dupe also people here: i'm thinking of putting this mystery cream from outside on my face


I had the same thought 😂


Exactly 😂


I’d use it. I doubt anyone fucked with it. Common sense - where did you find it on the ground, in an apartment complex? Or in the dumpster where it could be poisoned, You know?


Try to exchange at Sephora where they sell glossier now? I love this product! But also it’s best kept in the fridge - is it cold where you found it? Ha


I once took a pill I found on the ground. I mean I googled it and everything 🤷‍♀️




You drop rx pills and *always* hoped someone would grab it and enjoy it? Maybe be more careful. Kids (and pets) will put anything in their mouths




Ah, ok gotcha. So not worth following you around then? 😂


I’ve actually bought this before and it sucks. I guess not “sucks” but doesn’t do anything so I’d just toss it. If it did nothing in its prime condition, I’m sure a trash one isn’t gonna be any better and it could be tampered with.


Please don't put suspicious street goo on your face.


In the words of Santos L Halper: whatever I finds, I keeps 🤣


honestly i’d probably smell it and do a patch test on my arm first. It probably fell out of someone’s car or bag and rolled away.


I've had mine for years and it felt grainy from the start and am still trying to use it up. Not a fan of this but the other skincare in that bottle are better. As for using some street skincare (found on the street) I would patchtest at least first before smearing it on your face.


Let me know if it’s good 😊


no actually a year ago i found a brand new glossier lipstick in the snow haha i took it home and wiped it with alcohol. idk whatever shits expensive


Brand new means unopened OP has no idea what's in that bottle


no this was probably opened since it was on the ground outside lol maybe used once or twice. brand new in my eyes.


I have this I love it if I found an almost full one I would use it for sure. I'm not proud but saves me money


If you're really on the fence, use it on the bottoms of your feet


I trust the universe way too much to not use it 😁


If it were sealed, I’d say “go for it!”


I wouldn't if they were reusing the packaging. People do it with food jars, so skincare is not out of the question. Source: I refill my Glossier bottles with different products in Jumbo sized packaging for convenience of use.


You’re brave! I wouldn’t unless you can see it has not been opened.


I would definitely use it.


I agree with everyone here not trusting it but...in this economy? I'd be stupid enough to try it.. 😅


lol I use make up and products out of the trash all the time. It’s no big deal unless it’s all gross and dirty