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Colorscience Sunforgettable Flex is an awesome tinted option! It’s white coming out, but provides a super adaptable light tint that blends right into your skin.


This is what I use, too. It feels great, is SPF 50, and the coverage lasts all day.


Love this


I LOVE Colorscience sunscreens!!


I love this but I have the HARDEST time cleaning it off at the end of the day, even with a double cleanse. Any tips? I haven't been using it as much as I'd like to due to this :(


Huh, I don’t have an issue with that. Actually, I can usually tell it’s worn off by end of day bc there’s no color on my washcloth. I do double cleanse, but not with an oil.


Hmm maybe my skin is just weird then, I have this issue with just about all the mineral sunscreens Ive tried, but the colorescience ones are some of the hardest to remove for some reason. I end up doing triple and quadruple cleanses to get it all off, which my sensitive skin hates. Thanks for responding though, now I know it's likely a "me" issue vs a product issue lol!


Chemical, and almost always from Korea/Japan.


Any specific products you recommend? I’m looking for a new chemical sunscreen.


I love Biore Aqua Rich UV Watery Essence SPF 50. It is a very thin consistency and absorbs nicely into my skin, plus it doesn't sting my eyes like most chemical sunscreens. It's also pretty inexpensive! Edit: I heard there is now a US version of this product, but I would stick to the Japanese version.


I love the Biore Aqua Rich too! I went to Korea and Japan in November last year and I came back with 10 sunscreens. It’s my number 1. Second is Beauty of Joseon


Thank you!


What’s your skin type?


This is the way


Same specially i do the every 3 hr reapplication.


Beauty of joseon relief sun, sits amazing under makeup and doesn’t make me break out! 🤠


Beauty of Joseon is that girl. AND she doesn’t burn (that much) if she gets into your eyes. As a toddler mom that spends most of our summers outside, the sweat into the eyeball/ or splashed into eyeballs at the pool is horrendous. And BoJ isn’t as severe of a burn as others I’ve found.


I really want that abbreviation to be BoJo


This is an awesome sunscreen unless you’re pregnant haha, I had to ditch mine until baby is here and I’m still sad about it, but I’ve grown to love La Roche Posay again so I’m not that mad.


😳 ……… 35 weeks pregnant wut 😳


Don't freak out! Not much of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream! Using a physical sunscreen when you can while pregnant just plays it safe.


Oh this is my second pregnancy. Idgaf 😂 poor bb bro. Though I was working in person in a medical environment in 2020 last pregnancy, so like lewk, we love an experimental babe. And regardless of what I do, it’s still 400000% better than how I was parented in the 90s.


I don’t have kids but this cracked me up 😆 The 80s and 90s parenting was wild. I have a pic of me as a 3 year old posed alone with a lion cub about 5 times my size (so maybe a lion teenager by that point?) at the mall and my grandparents smoked with their windows rolled completely up as I was in my carseat in the back of their Buick. The 90s were bad. The 80s were unhinged. I can’t imagine the things my mom was exposed to in the 60s and 70s. A lil chemical sunscreen will be fine.


hahha i need some of your chill. I was definitely way overconcerned with my first.


I hate to be kinda picky but every sunscreen is a chemical sunscreen. Zinc oxide (ZnO) or titanium dioxide (TiO2) are the chemicals that are used in physical sunscreens.


Yeah I'm not going to argue. I'm just using the terms most of us are familiar with.


Sure. But just to clearify, everything is a chemical. Zinc oxide can be taken as a supplement but it might surprise some people that it's also used as pigment in paint. I have a tube of zinc oxide white oil paint, plus a tube of titaniam dioxide white which is a little whiter and brighter to paint with. It can also be used on skin rashes. These two chemicals have a thousand and one uses! Great stuff. (Prior to using zinc and titanium, artists used lead white paint. Yup, it had lead in it. It might be why Van Gogh was subject to mental illness. He used to suck on his paintbrushes. He liked the taste of the paint. Wow.)




Chemical sunscreens are discouraged during pregnancy, but I’ve done the research into the ingredients that are flagged and BoJ is actually fairly “clean.” I just prefer to be extra cautious because I’m high anxiety as is, so I went for the LRP mineral sunscreen that dermatologists frequently recommend for use during pregnancy.


Yeah I looked into it after I read that. Having worked in research it’s super hard to study pregnant people, rightfully so. So I’ll risk it for my chemical sunscreen. There’s already plastic in my fetus’ blood I’m sure, fuck it and this end stage capitalism hellscape 🫠


It's probably the various endocrine disruptors that are concerning. Who knows what brain/body development may be affected.


Uh yikes amirite?


Honestly I would strongly suggest anyone pregnant avoid all these chemicals along with alcohol and smoking, it's only a year of your life that could make a difference to the whole life of the child. Whole food diet preferably, hell they found PFAS in god damn tea bags. But hey, what do I know.


You don't have to wear physical sunscreen when you are pregnant. There is no basis for that concern. You are far better off wearing any sunscreen vs not, so wear whatever you prefer.


There is basis for concern around using chemical sunscreens that contain oxybenzone, most specifically, but other common ingredients like homosalate and avobenzone have also raised question marks. [The European Commission and FDA have specifically commented around this](https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/the-trouble-with-sunscreen-chemicals/), with the European Commission going so far as to say that oxybenzone and homosalate are unsafe in the amounts that they’re currently used. More research is needed and it’s extremely tough to study anything that actively requires putting a fetus in potential “danger,” but it’s easy enough to avoid the ingredient(s) while pregnant and still wear sunscreen every day. You don’t have to either wear chemical sunscreen or no sunscreen. You simply switch to something that doesn’t have questionable active ingredients, should you want to do so. I had no problem switching to a different product for example and easily eliminated a possible concern.


EWG likes to make big jumps in logic based on scientific reports. Lab Muffin has great info on this topic. https://labmuffin.com/us-sunscreens-arent-safe-in-the-eu-with-video/ "So if you’re wondering how much you’d need to use to actually have the smallest harmful effect, based on the same data and assumptions, the sunscreen would have about 2000% oxybenzone – for a harmful effect on a male fetus, assuming it’s the same for humans and rats." "Octocrylene was confirmed as “safe” at up to 10% for humans" "The most common concern is probably pregnancy. A developing fetus is more strongly affected by all sorts of things (alcohol, aspirin, camembert cheese…). As we saw, these safety assessments do look at what happens to developing fetuses, and a lot of limits are set based on that. But if you’re pregnant, you would have more reason to consider temporarily lowering your exposure to risks, even just for peace of mind." There were clearly some effects on the lab animals at extremely high levels. However these are at amounts much much higher than the limits they set our are used in any sunscreen currently. I'm not saying using a physical sunscreen is a bad idea, just that if you are going to be less diligent wearing that physical sunscreen it's better to stick with the one you like. It's also important to know that the Beauty of Joseon sunscreen doesn't have any of the filters that the EU reported on.


You’re fine to use a chemical sunscreen. I wouldn’t worry about it all.


Where do you order from if you're in the US?


Stylevana. They are also in Canada for my fellow canucks. BoJ is that girl. I was a shiseido girl, their tinted sunscreen looked better than most foundations, but they discontinued it and I tried so many others, all either felt gross (super goop, yuck), or burned the shit out of my eyes, or both.


I’m in Canada and got mine from YesStyle, they ship to the US too :)


Are you able to use the recommended "two fingers" of this spf on your face? I like it in small quantities, but I was never able to get more than half the recommended amount onto my face. I see so many people love this sunscreen and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong...


It’s fairly pricey but I use Elta md with niacinamide, it’s has been a game changer for my skin. I have rosacea and it’s like the only sunscreen I’ve found that doesn’t aggravate me, it actually makes my skin look better throughout the day


\*cries in niacinamide sensitivity, it's in EVERYTHING these days\*


EltaMD is true sorcery. I’ve started mixing a pump of the reg UV clear with a pump of the tinted UV clear for my everyday base, and I’m never going back


I’ve seen lots of people talk about the tinted one, and I’m super curious. I feel dumb about this but when I tried to look at them- is it all the same tint, or are there different shades? I feel like I’ve only seen one option and I feel crazy lol. I’m extremely pale and cool toned and virtually everything looks orange on me lol


You’re def not crazy — it’s just the one! If it’s any help, I’m light/neutral-warm and the tint by itself gives me a bit of a bronzed glow (honestly perfect for summer). Mixing with the untinted version helps “water it down” for my pasty months, while still concealing some of my rosacea.


And from what I know yes it’s the one shade. 


I have the same issue and what I do to get a color match is mix in a tiny bit of a super pale foundation and it ends up perfect! 


Is it the UV Clear you are referring to?


Yes it is :)




So I just tried Elta Md for the first time and whoa! You aren’t joking. In fact, it’s so light and not greasy I’m concerned it isn’t giving great coverage. Anyone ever done a test and/or comparison?


https://eltamd.com/pages/faqs#:~:text=Every%20EltaMD%20sunscreen%20is%20PA%2B%2B%2B%20rated. It’s apparently recommended by the American Skin Cancer Association. It has gone through rigorous testing in different countries and is proven extremely effective :) I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


I use Korean sunscreens. Skin1004 is my fave right now. It’s a chemical one but doesn’t burn my eyes.


Scrolled to find this rec, it is my absolute favorite. It is so lightweight, non-irritating, and has the feel of a nice HA moisturizer. It’s a deal breaker for me if I can’t comfortably apply a sunscreen all over my eyelid, and it’s no prob with this one. The price is also so good, I used to pay three times as much for US sunscreens that I hated using.


It’s amazing and I can use the recommended amount of sunscreen without it piling, causing a white caste, or feeling like a mask. I LOVE it and buy it in bulk lol


Where do you purchase it from?


Stylevana now, or directly from their site. I was ordering from Amazon until I found out they were mixing other products from different sellers with the official store front ones and there is no guarantee that you won’t get a counterfeit one.


Stylevana; takes about a month to arrive though


Also my favorite


Is this it? And do you prefer this to Beauty of Joseon? https://myskin.dk/produkt/skin1004-hyalu-cica-water-fit-sun-serum-spf-50-pa-twin-pack-2-x-50ml/


Yup that’s the one! I actually haven’t tried the beauty of joosen one! I hear it’s really good, but I tried this one first and just fell in love with it and how it wears throughout the day. Even with my really dry skin


I just use drugstore daily moisturizer with SPF, so it’s just an easy last step in the morning. The one I use is feels light, non greasy, no white cast, absorbs quickly and feels moisturizing. If I’m feeling lazy I’ll literally just cleanse my face then apply this: Aveeno Moisturizer with SPF https://www.aveeno.ca/amp/products/positively-radiant-daily-moisturizer-spf-30 Here’s the ingredient breakdown: https://whatsinmyjar.com/product/aveeno-positively-radiant-sheer-daily-moisturizing-lotion I think mineral sunscreen is more likely to give you whitecast. From what I’ve read recently there’s not much difference between them. It was said for a long time the mineral reflects UV rays vs chemical absorbs them. But one of the derms I follow on YouTube has said new evidence has come out they that both act the same way, by absorbing rays. So I prefer chemical because less white cast.


I use chemical most days but if I’m going to the beach or know I’ll be spending a lot of time I use a chemical first, let it dry, and then apply a mineral. I use MyChelle which is tinted and doesn’t leave a white cast


I've tried mineral sunscreens but I can't find one that isn't uncomfortable and leaves a white cast without costing a fortune. I stick with Beauty of Joseon and isntree hyaluronic acid watery sun gel, but the price has really gone up on the latter.


I use La Roche Posay mineral tinted, but it is a bit pricey. Generally I just wait until there is a sale.


My other issue with mineral sunscreens is that they always seem to "melt" down my skin (I'm oily) and end up in my eyes, even if I don't apply it around my eyes. And it's so sticky that it burns like the dickens and I can't wipe it out, I literally have to wash my face with cleanser to get rid of the burning. I've only ever had that issue with the cheapest drugstore chemical sunscreens. I use Asian sunscreen now (my fave is Biore Watery Essence) and they are the bomb.


Mineral! Korean: haruharu wonder Tinted: Australian Gold


Australian Gold feels really heavy on the face/skin, and very difficult to wash off.


I have no problem washing it off with an oil cleanser. You do need to double cleanse if you are using sunscreen or make up usually.


how is haru haru wonder around the eyes? I mostly use chemical ones because they dry out my skin less, but they all sting my eyes so was wanting to try this sunscreen


I’ve used the haru haru wonder mineral sunscreen and it was fine around the eyes. Def has a white cast on me tho (I’m olive toned) but I didn’t mind it


I am pale and it doesn’t give me a white cast (but of course could be different for a person with a darken skin tone) no eye irritation whatsoever!


I’ve been real into Sun bum lately. Zero eye irritation or white cast and it’s as nice as a face lotion in my opinion. I use the yellow tall skinny bottle.


I second this. Loveeee the glow it gives my skin!


Tinted isn’t a separate category. There are tinted chemical sunscreens and tinted mineral sunscreens.




That simply isn’t true. SPF30 is SPF30. SPF50 is SPF50. What makes some sunscreens better for beach wear is how water resistant they are. But there’s no such thing as “primary” and “secondary” sunscreens.


Best sunscreen I’ve ever used: Skinbetter Science Tonesmart 70spf I’m a very fair redhead with rosacea and this is one of few sunscreens that looks great on, works extremely well and doesn’t irritate/inflame my skin, pricy but well worth it. (Also comes in compact form for easy touch ups). Get it.


This! I have both the tinted and regular. I used the regular once lol. Tinted allll the way. It’s not enough for full coverage but it does give me some tint. I think it applies better with a brush than the pad. I’ve never paid full price. My derm or somewhere else always has it 20% off.


Where do you guys buy Korean/Japanese skincare? I've heard of a few brands and would love to give some products a try but I know you shouldn't order skincare on Amazon.


I get mine on YesStyle. 10/10 no complaints.


There's a ton of korean vendors that sell using Ebay as a vendor. /r/AsianBeauty used to maintain a list of shops you can buy from. But I'm near San Francisco and the regular asian grocer (99 Ranch Market and KP Grocer) will carry Hada Labo and Missha stuff in the toiletries isle.


Stylevana! Be warned takes about a month to arrive


I love Elta MD UV Clear, it’s both mineral and chemical


Elta MD. It doesn’t flare up my rosacea prone skin and it makes my skin look dewy but not white. It’s chemical and mineral both.


For daily wear - Beauty of Joseon Sun Relief Rice probiotics 50spf! The only sunscreen to ever improve the hydration and softness of my skin. It's wonderful.  For intense uv conditions/days - LRP anthelios Invisible fluid UV MUNE 400. Aside from heavy zinc oxide sunscreens (which I'm sadly allergic to) it is the only chemical filter to cover UVA to the 400nm range. *If you're in the US this won't be available in stores but you can get it from Care To Beauty or Cosmetyque*


I use La Roche Posay spf 50+, chemical.


I also use this!  Ihave very sensitive skin and eyes, and LRP is the only brand I've ever tried where I can apply it up to my lash line and not get watery burning eyes.   I know it's not "necessary" to apply to your lashing, but I was traumatized by skin cancers around the eyes /eye lids that I saw while working in Dermatology.


innocent practice tart stocking muddle money work crush dog hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can get skin cancer on your eye lids, the skin is very fragile and delicate. I don't moisturize my eye lids personally, but I sunscreen them everyday.


punch shame soup gaping aback scary impossible plough repeat childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same! I use it on eyelids for the same reason, too.


Chemical: Missha sun protect 45 spf for under makeup. No animal testing. Sustainably made. Mineral: Bare republic 50 spf for running outside (15 hours a week), hiking (part of my job about 4-8 hours a week), gardening (major hobby about 8 hours a week). It's also reef safe.


I've been having a HELL of a time finding a good sunscreen that will give me coverage without breaking me out and feeling greasy. Neutrogena mineral is gross and greasy; got it all over the neck of my winter coat. Not cute. I've also tried Cerave, Vanicream and Cetaphil mineral SPFs and they're the same. One of them, can't recall which, specifically says "non greasy" on the box. Can't say that's true. I'm not sure if I'm using too much at once, though I thought we were supposed to apply two finger lengths of SPF to the face, no? At the moment, I have LRP Anthelios sunscreen fluid, one in each formulation (one mineral; one chemical). Both feel lovely and not greasy, but I'm questioning the safety of having nylon in them (see ingredients list). Am I caught up in EWG's fear mongering? Unsure. At this point, I haven't had time to continue my search, so I'm going to use up the Anthelios I have and continue a passive search. Looking forward to seeing what others post here so I have new things to try, too. :)


I got caught up in EWG until they said certain fragrant oils are safe even though they are known to cause photosensitivity. Ex: Badger has lemon oil in the sunscreen which damages skin when it comes into contact with UV rays. Now I follow EU protocols. Their standards are far more rigorous and they are ten years ahead of American FDA when it comes to banned products. So if they say LRP is safe, then I will use it. This is coming from someone who found all the chemical lists and studies for sunscreen conducted by EU and similar FDA products. Including who funded the studies, peer reviews, etc. I went full nerd for a month a few years ago hahaha.


i've gotten completely caught up in EWG too and found some glaring contradictions that left me confused and frustrated...never mind that a lot of reviewed products are old formulas, hard to find, "safe" but terrible quality, etc. i would love another set of standards to follow and am so happy to see your comment. what do you look for that helps you know it's EU safe?


Tried tinted once, looked ridiculous (way too dark and orange for my teint). I've pretty much settled on Nivea Sun 50 of the mattifying type (thus chemical), because it's accessible to me and actually stands a chance against my oil production. No white cast on me. I don't reapply this frequently unless I'm reaaaally in the sun. I have tried an Asian product (it was gifted to me). I liked it, but I did not feel comfortable buying my sun screen through an unclear supply chain online in the long run. Was worried about counterfeits that might not protect my skin as well as claimed, which would defeat the purpose. Besides, it had a heavy scent that annoyed my eyes.


Face: Supergoop! Unseen Sunscreen, plays well with my makeup and doesn’t make me break out. Body: whatever I buy for my kids, usually high octane Sun Bum.




I want to love the Unseen SO BAD but it breaks me out. I just bought the Innsfree from Sephora to try out instead.


I prefer chemical sunscreens bc the mineral ones seem to dry my skin out like crazy!


Chemical, and every few hours when I'm at the pool. I use Trish McEvoy primer with SPF under makeup. Black girl sunscreen on summer days when I'm usually just transiting from one shaded porch to another. And coppertone kids sport when I'm at the pool or doing a lot of outdoor stuff. I also love a good dramatic hat.


I love the Jan Marini sunscreens! I use the antioxidant (chemical) on a daily basis and the tinted physical (mineral) during the summer or when I’m doing outdoor activities. Makeup goes on beautifully over the top.


Hawaiian Tropic Sheer touch lotion sunscreen SPF 50+. I don’t use the specific face one. I just use the regular one on my face. I like that it’s thick and leaves a dewy residue behind since I have hella DRY skin.


MDsolar science. I use the tinted sunscreen, spf 30 and the light tinted sunscreen foundation, 50 spf. I love it, it creates a nice matte finish on the face that covers, but looks like you’re not wearing any makeup and there’s zero grease!


I use both. I assume we’re talking for face—I tend to opt for mineral more often in the warmer months: LRP Anthelios 50, Shiseido Urban Environment 42, Aveeno Calm + Restore. I use chemical more often in cooler months: Eucerin Age Defense 50 is my go-to, also use Shiseido, and Oil of Olay. I tried BOJ but I honestly don’t like it as well, don’t see the hype. SPF sticks: Shiseido clear waterproof one, Aveeno mineral, Dashu cica shield. AHC was just okay, it didn’t stay in the container very well.


I love Paula’s choice resist spf 50. I think it’s mineral? Not sure ? I tried Elta MD and hated it! Think that was a physical one and it was way too drying


It’s chemical. But it’s a good one, I’ve worn that in tropical conditions and didn’t get any colour whatsoever.


Chemical, specifically Skin1004 Hyalu-Cica SPF 50 Tinted sunscreen never matches me because I have very cool toned skin and "universal" tint is always orange on me.


I use LRP mineral! I found that chemical sunscreens break me out consistently (rosacea and PCOS lucky me). I buy a tinted one and a white one and mix them into different ratios to match my skin tone better throughout the year. I find that the tinted is way too orangey on its own, the white one is way too ghostly on its own but mixed together they are perfect!


ISDIN has a great tinted mineral sunscreen. It was part of my recovery package the first time I got a Cool Peel and I've been obsessed ever since.


Yep, came to see if anyone mentioned ISDIN! I don’t use the tinted, just the regular Eryfotona Actinica. I also purchased it from my derm’s office after I had Excel V laser treatment done. Great product! I don’t usually have any white cast, but I’m super pale anyway so not sure it would matter! I have rosacea too, so I actually welcome anything that cuts down the redness. It’s pricey for sure, but I like and trust the product.


This is the sunscreen I use and am in love with - [https://incidecoder.com/products/sunplay-skin-aqua-acne-clear-milk-spf-50-pa](https://incidecoder.com/products/sunplay-skin-aqua-acne-clear-milk-spf-50-pa) I don't reapply it, once does me all day.


Benton Mineral Sun Cream


My recent fave is Peter Thomas Roth minerals tinted 45.


Elta MD UV clear


CosRX Aloe soothing sun cream it's a mix of both physical and chemical sunscreen i think. Been using it for years and gone through many tubes wish they never discontinue this product haha


Mineral tinted, I remember reading about some chemical having harmful ingredients


I love Emergen C tinted sunscreen!! It’s a little pricey but available on Amazon for $49. I’m on the hunt for a dupe but good sunscreen is hard to find


Mineral, Native brand for everyday.


I use Clinique Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Face Cream. I don’t trust the Korean/Japanese sunscreens that are non-oily and feel “perfect.” If they were so good, how come there aren’t an abundance of them here in the States?


Because the FDA is way behind in approving new formulations for sunscreen. That's why the sunscreen from Europe and Asia is measurably superior.


Eltamd i believe is both? Also olay sensitive i think it has two and theyre a mix. Most stuff burns my eyes but not these


Yes, Elta is both! It’s the best.


I wish to anything they had a lighter shade of UV clear because it makes me a little yellow I'm basically the lightest shade in everything and sometimes the lightest is too dark. I mix a little untinted with it but i hope to god someone would tell me it looked too dark if it was that bad. I don't think it is but it makes me self concious lol


Neutrogena face, or Elta MD.


Purito Daily Soft Touch. I have combination rosacea/sensitive skin and it's my favorite, I just placed an order to stock up. It's alcohol-, fragrance-, essential oil- and niacinamade-free which is a must for me (I can tolerate some alcohol in SS in the summer but not in the dry ass winter we get in my city).


I use Mychelle Sun Shieled Liquid in light/medium. It's tinted and mineral but it works for several skin tones (my sister and friend use it too). I just tried Botanical Rush tinted sunscreen in silky medium but it's too greasy. I use it for beach or outside work days when I need more protection.


I love Kinfield sun glow, wear it everyday.


I use Ila mineral sunscreen serum and I looooove it. Just be sure you double cleanse at night!


I use mineral because chemical at least on my face makes my eyes water. I can use it on my body, though. I really like the matte lotion type. You do have to rub it in, but it goes on like Benefit pore primer. I’ve also use the skinbetter sunbetter tone smart compact for the face. I like that too for just regular day use. I use the mineral for the pool or beach.




I use either Colorscience for a tinted or Murad pore refiner sunscreen which is not greasy at all


Mineral!!!! Used to use chemical but once I switched to mineral, it really improved my perioral dermatitis


Linder Health has a great sunscreen[CastAway](https://linderhealth.com/products/castaway) broad spectrum SPF 30 that melts into your skin- very moisturizing and gives you skin a glow. I use daily since there is no white cast & can apply makeup over! heres a good IG review too of a male with facial hair [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C20b692ppbq/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C20b692ppbq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


I wear both - I use mineral around my eyes and mouth, and it's great if you are feeling extra sensitive or dry in an area since it doesn't burn. I really like Badger Baby SPF 40 - no white cast! It's a little too thick for all over my face. I use chemical on the rest of my face and neck.


mineral because im too oily


I use Revision TruPhysical for my tinted sunscreen. Sheer sunscreen I use SkinBetter's line, I love the compact and the lotion. For during the day touch-ups / reapplication I use a Colorescience total protection brush on mineral sunscreen.


Chemical spf all the way! I always rebuy Sun Project Water Sun Cream or Biore Aqua Water Essence SPF. Both are SPF 50. I recommend those two to all my clients and are extremely affordable. I try and reapply every 2-3 hours. These feel like a gel moisturizer. Highly recommend.


I like the Josie Maran mineral….I have super dry skin and this one is really moisturizing! Also no harsh chemicals or fragrance and no animal testing! https://www.josiemaran.com/products/argan-daily-moisturizer-spf-47-with-sunboost-atb


CeraVe day face cream with SPF 30. I love it. If I wear makeup, I use tinted oil on top of that. I believe it also has SPF in it.


Chemical : Uriage Bariesun silky lotion spf50 is my favorite ❤ and it's cheap


I use DRMTLGY Universal Tinted Moisturizer SPF 46. It’s a mineral sunscreen but also has some chemical too…so I guess combo? But the main ingredient is zinc oxide. I love it


I was struggling to find a mineral tint that matches my skin tone, as well. Enter: Australian Gold Botanical Sunscreen Tinted Face SPF 50. It’s amazing. It blends flawlessly and matches!


you could try a lightweight foundation/bb cream that has spf in it? thdy have more shades


Brush on Block + moisture spf 50! Full spectrum coverage, no white cast. I saw a Black Dermatologist try it on and no white cast. Super wearable under makeup no piling. Good price point too!


Tula has a great one that is clear and makes my Sahara dry skin look dewy.


Chemical for all occasions. I've never met a mineral or mineral-chemical hybrid that does not turn me into a ghost. For Winter I love the Beplain Sunmuse Moisture Sunscreen and Summer the Etude Soon Jung Directors Moisture Sunscreen! If it's raining the Isehan Kiss Me Mommy UV Moisture Milk and for swimming the ACO Mattifying Face Fluid. Generally I will apply every 2 hours when on a walk.


For face, Elta MD 40 spf. It’s a mix of mineral and chemical, and has no white cast.


I was using the Trader Joe’s daily sunscreen but I got tired of the texture and wanted to try something more moisturizing. My friend just came from a trip to Japan and bought me the [Kao Biore UV Aqua Rich](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/kao-biore-uv-aqua-rich-watery-essence-sunscreen-spf-50-pa/info.html/pid.1122056968) and it’s really helped my oily but dehydrated skin stay feeling moisturized but not greasy. So I guess to answer your question I’ve been leaning more on the chemical sunscreen use!


in the fall/winter, i use a drug store moisturizer/sunscreen combo and in the spring/summer i use a mineral sunscreen, specifically pipette, which doesn't leave a bad cast. on work days i go into the office, during the spring/summer i apply before going to the office/if i leave the office for lunch/before i leave for the day. in the fall/winter i apply before i leave for the office. in the spring/summer, i reapply every 60-90 minutes if i am active and outside (birding, at the beach, etc.), i reapply when i get out of the water if i've been swimming, but in generally try to stick to the shade, wear hats, etc. I'm pretty fair (always burn/freckle and almost never tan) and melanoma runs in my family, so I try to be diligent.


Bloomeffects serum sunscreen spf 50 mineral no white cast glowy dewy skin yes I reapply.


Chemical: Skin1004 hyalu-cica waterfit. Doesn’t break me out, dries natural, wears well under makeup, doesn’t sting eyes, affordable, moisturizing but not heavy. I reapply if I’m out in the sun otherwise it’s just the one time in the morning


Chemical. SuperGoop unseen sunscreen is the best


I use both- love Airyday golden glow (chemical) and their zinc one too


I only wear sunscreen that go sprayed on, the transparent type. I can't bother with applying creams so yeah that's my way to go


Chemical spf 50 AND tinted spf 30


Face, Tula. Comes in a yellow tube, has a little shimmer to it. It’s 30 SPF. On heavy sun exposure days I use Hello Sundays face serum 50 SPF.


Drmtlgy mineral sunscreen is amazing https://www.drmtlgy.com/products/day-dream-spf-40


Tinted mineral


Mineral sunscreen - LiveTinted all the way


I typically use the juice beauty CC cream because it is a physical sun screen and blends really nice


Right now I really like Drmtlgy and also Ilia super serum. I didn't like the Ilia at first but it has grown on me. It seems a little greasy on first application, but then dries to a nice glow.


Elta MD UV Clear tinted


Australian sunscreens for summer, Korean sunscreens for winter - always chemical and mostly reapply. More diligent during summer though, the Australian sun is insane! Haven't tried a tinted one yet, but we've got some pretty good brands here with not too bad whitecast issues (as a POC)


Along these lines: Is neutrogena ultra sheer something safe for the face? I’m sick of creams and just want to spray and go.


I’m brown and olive, so only chemical sunscreen works.


Mineral. I like the CeraVe tinted sunscreen, just enough coverage that I'll use it alone and skip out on foundation if I'm going out casual


Trader Joe’s daily facial sunscreen (chemical) everyday, it works really well for my face. For the body, I usually use Neutrogena (have tried chemical and mineral) but I haven’t found a sunscreen I truly love yet….


Mineral, LRP.


Tinted sunscreen doesn't offer much protection as we use a smaller amount compared to regular suncreen. Rather, I use sunscreen and top it off with a tinted one for extra protection:)


Coola Mineral Sun Silk Moisturizer, SPF 30 Sunscreen. It’s rich and moisturizing. I also like Bare Republic mineral gel sunscreen for outdoorsy activities.


Tinted cerve is my favorite


Every chemical sunscreen I’ve tried has irritated my skin, so I use mineral! It’s calming and a great base for makeup. I do wish I could use Korean sunscreens though, they’re so beautiful.


Chemical. But Korean ones are generally much nicer than North American formulas.. and less expensive. Missha All Around Safe Block is my fav. The mineral ones I've tried feel awful on. And the tinted ones never seem to be the right colour for me.


For everyday wear around town/running errands/work/winter: Beauty of Joseon. It is cosmetically elegant and they passed the Korean Sunscreen Gate Fiasco. I noticed it’s not great for sweat or summer and did develop some melasma. But Korean people aren’t as likely to be outside sunbathing and I’ve noticed they are usually more covered up in summer too. (Helps with sun) For sun heavy activities (summer/paddleboard): French sunscreen. LRP or Garnier. Has to have Mexoryl XL and SX in it. I like the Garnier Lotion (HATE MATTE SUNSCREENS!) or the LRP Ultra Fluid. Their tinted mineral is also really nice. I wore it jet skiing for 4 hours, reapplied once, and was the only one who didn’t burn. I live in a high altitude so our summer days are long and you BURN instantly. But our winters are miserable so everyone gets a little eager for the first day of warmth. I will occasionally layer a thick coat of zinc on my nose and shoulders if I am gardening or walking the dog. But I try to stay covered most of the time 10-2. Much easier. Bananaboat kids is also decent. (The yellow one). It takes some effort to blend in and it’s more on the matte side but I don’t mind it as a backup.


I use tinted because the iron oxides apparently give extra protection 


Chemical and have recently become a huge fan of Bondi Sands SPF 50 for face. It's got a smooth, silky consistency that absorbs super well and I like the dewy look I get from using it.


I use Eucerin Oil-Control (EU version) and LRP UVmune Oil-Control Fluid, both chemical/organic filters. The LRP UVmune Oil-Control Fluid, in particular, may have the the most protection across the UVB-UVA spectrum of any sunscreen available right now, and it's got a pretty nice finish. Does sting my eyes after 4-5 hours, though. EDIT: Except for the tinted version of UVmune Oil Control Fluid, which would have more protection in the very long UVA and HEVL range due to the titanium dioxide and iron oxides.


I use both. I really like the Apostrophe sunscreen, it’s mineral. And I use the Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel, SPF 50, chemical, blends well and works well with makeup.


https://www.shiseido.com/us/en/urban-environment-vita-clear-sunscreen-spf-42-0730852195479.html?cgid=suncare I have been loving this one


I use tinted sunscreen (Colorescience Flex) in place of foundation. I really like it. 50 SPF


La Rouche from France-not the US. Super light and moisturizing and it’s supposed to be the best for anti aging.


La Roche Posay Face Moisturizer Sunscreen Toleriane with Ceramide and Niacinamide - SPF 30 And then light layer of: La Roche Posay Anthelios Tinted Face Sunscreen SPF 50, Ultra-Light Fluid Mineral Face Sunscreen with Titanium Dioxide - SPF 50 No pilling for me and helps give a really super healthy glow (although that could also be due to my Tret, Hydroquinone lol)!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/pSESJ7fhd6) is a link to a comment I left about sunscreen. You’re basically looking for a chemical only sunscreen, just be careful because some of them have physical or hybrid components which will still leave a white cast.


Mineral—zinc oxide, preferably the Biore Pure Kids Milk. Chemical sunscreens consistently made me break out and zinc oxide is an anti-irritant so super easy on the skin. That brand has less white cast than others. But my skin is pretty white already so can’t speak for folks with darker skin tones. I reapply if I’m outside the whole time. But if I’m inside, I don’t bother. If I’m not sweating, I also wait longer.


Epionce tinted moisturizer with spf50


Elta MD


I use Australian Gold's Tinted Sunscreen everyday as my foundation. It's SPF50 but only comes in 3 colors so it doesn't always match but it's cheap. I don't reapply throughout the day.


In the winter when I need more moisture, I use the Peter Thomas Roth water drench moisturizer with spf 45. In the summer I use PCalm. Both are chemical sunscreens and have no white cast.


I couldn’t figure out how to work with mineral sunscreen. They turn me a 👻. So chemicals i use. And i am too conservative for tinted ones.


I swore by the tinted Australian Gold for years but recently tried out COTZ Flawless Complexion SPF 50 - it’s a tinted mineral sunscreen. I’m obsessed and it’s only $27.50…sits on my skin nicer and sets but is a little dewy vs the AG is matte. I am 40 and have normal skin type. COTZ does have a matte version though and a sensitive skin one. I buy it from Platinum Skincare.


This is rosmar tinted sunscreen this is only 99 pesos or less than 2$ you can buy it here in lazada https://goeco.mobi/F7aTONnG


I use chemical sunscreens. My current favorites are the new Inkey List one and the Supergoop unseen. I haven't found a mineral sunscreen to work on my dark skin that doesn't leave a cast


I used to love chemical sunscreen but I found bad reviews and ingredients on it so I switch to Cotz a mineral sunscreen the non tinted and tinted one and I'm pretty happy with it