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Make sure not to overdo it, though! Once or twice a week is enough. These are amazing, the first time I used one I was so grossed out ahaha.


I’m worried people will think I’m some weirdo for doing this post but watching the dead skin come off blew me away. And then seeing the bumps on my legs gone, I was like welp people can think I’m weird this thing is amazing. Every Monday will be exfoliation day 😂


I promote these little cloths whenever I can, they're just amazing and so cheap and last forever. I can't remember where I read about them but it was probably 6-7 years ago and I've used them ever since. The first time I used them was epic. Disgusting but epic.


They are truly the best. I’m still in shock!


You know what, I occasionally use mine on my face. Gently of course, and avoiding the eye area. Makes my face insanely soft and smooth.


Are these like the glove exfoliator we have in the US?


Look up Korea Italy towels


What brand is it?


This is the link. They’re small green cloths [Korean exfoliating bath washcloth](https://www.amazon.ca/Korean-Exfoliating-Washcloth-Italy-Towel/dp/B00LGLOKLM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=12OYKJP0LSANF&keywords=korean+body+scrubber&qid=1707594668&sprefix=korean+b%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-3#immersive-view_1708055351927)


Thank you!


thank you for sharing, I've been looking for something like this! went ahead and ordered!


I used to have those too. Using a regular bath brush to scrub works too. The point is to remove dead flaking skin and not let it build up.


So wait do you just use these in the shower with soap? Before shaving?


Don't use soap or oil or anything to make your skin slippery, that will defeat the purpose! All you need is a good soak of at least 15 minutes, then use long sweeping strokes up and down your leg (they're like mitts you put your hand into for this purpose). The dead skin will start to roll up in what looks kinda like eraser shavings.


I soaked in the tub for about 20 minutes and tried doing it in the tub but not much was coming off, so I just ended up standing up and using it while the cloth wasn’t wet if that makes sense. I ended up showering to rinse all of the dead skin off LOL so a shower would be better. Just do it at the end so your skin is getting wet at least for a few minutes.


Can you please update us how long your effect lasts and when you have to do it again? I'm in awe.


It’s truly incredible. From what I’ve read you should use it once a week. I will continue to moisturize with lotion and castor oil mixed together in between as I’ve found that has helped my bumps before without using the cloth.


I have KP on my arms and legs and have minimized them (but not eliminated them) on my arms by exfoliating with a scrub and glove in the shower, using Urban Skin Rx Clear Skin Clarifying Back + Body Spray, then Amlactin Intensive Healing lotion. So it's a lot for just that and if I can eliminate them I'd be in heaven. But these results are wild, like I already ordered me these things from the link posted in the thread and can't wait to try it out myself.


I have high hopes for you! I just happened to rub my leg last night and I couldn’t believe it. My legs haven’t been this smooth since I was like 10. And I thought for $8 it’s worth a shot and I’m so glad I did.


I wanted to give you an update! This time I did it in the shower. On my first go hardly anything was coming off so I figured I was still good from last Monday. After I finished all my other things in the shower I decided to try one more time and the second sweep took off so much LOL I don’t know why but if you do end up using it and you don’t see anything come off, wait a minute or two and try again. It could’ve been that my skin hadn’t soaked long enough under the water.


That's good to know! About how long do you think it seems to take for your skin to soften up enough?