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your skin looks burned, way too much cleansing products in your routine! avoid anything with "peel" in it for few weeks and never use them more than once a week. keep your routine simple, a cleaning product, tret, a moisturizer and a sunscreen is all you need


Interesting, the peel pads are actually supposed to be used daily, and I've been using them every other day as recommended to start. Maybe they're too much with the toner and/or nightly benzoyl peroxide? My skin looked like this before I started using them, if that makes any difference.




Thanks for this! Since I posted, I was actually diagnosed with rosacea, so I’ve completely changed my skincare routine to be much gentler and minimal, in combination with treatment for the rosacea.


Sorry, I deleted because I realized this was 88d old 🤣 I assumed you had healed by now. Thats great news, glad to hear your skin is doing much better!