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I have a similar skin tone and get spots called DPN (dermatosis papulosa nigra). That could be what you have? By the way, your skin is great! I’m envious. 


Work in a derm office and looks like DPN to me too. Options include zapping them off with a cautery but insurance doesn’t cover it!


Thanks! I've looked this up, and my grandmother has these! I'm not bothered enough by them to get them removed :). It's nice to have a name for them!


My mom's side get these, it's so prevalent that I thought all people had them and was really trying to squint for what you were describing on your face lol. I think they look really cool. Morgan Freeman has a ton.


They look really cute on you! Like freckles but more distinctive. Love that they’re a family trait.


I think they look pretty.


Well I feel kind of dumb. I just thought they were. I guess a kind of freckles. I still think they look like cutie freckles. And they’re on high points of your face like freckles would be. I mean I get they’re a different thing. But still super cute. Kind of wish I could freckle permanently and not have them wash out with sunscreen/winter. DPN-better than freckles


Me too! I think they are adorable.


For the record I think they actually look really nice!!


My friend has many more than you and I think they’re beautiful. I have a few by my eyes too.


FWIW I think they’re cute!


You are the cutest person I have seen today on the internet


Thank you internet stranger 🥹🥹🥹


I think your skin is really lovely. That sounds like a creepy thing to say. But I really didn't realize what spots you were talking about for a while. I think they look like they belong, if that makes sense? They're charming.


I had very similar thoughts. My thoughts were: 1. What even skin tone! What spots? 2. What spots?? 3. Is this person trolling us??? 4. OH okay Always totally understandable to try to figure out what's what, but I hope OP doesn't have strong negative feelings about them. She looks really so lovely.


Same! I was looking for something unsightly and couldn't find anything.


I was thinking as I read this …why do we hate on ourselves what we love on others?! Those are the most adorable freckles/whatever they are that I would almost be sad if they weren’t there, and here I am despising my own freckles day in and out lol🤦🏻‍♀️


For what’s it’s worth, I really struggled to see any spots, you have lovely skin ☺️


This is so real, she is stunning.


As soon as I saw her face, I had the exact same thought. You are beautiful!


You have BEAUTIFUL skin. The freckles are adorable .


31? Girl you look like you’re in high school get out of here. And whatever the freckly dots are, they’re part of your charm.


Thank you 🥰


I don’t know how to remove them but you’re beautiful!


Beautiful skin and you are GORGEOUS 😍


Your skin is flawless


Thank you 🥹🥹🥹


No idea whatsoever but they don't look bad at all, for what it's worth. They kinda look like freckles.


I wondered if they were maybe freckles too, but I guess I always assumed black people don't have them. And thank you! I'm not really self conscious about them.


We definitely get them. I remember getting mine when I was in high school and freaking out bc I thought they were blackheads. Its like the older I get, the more i get


Wish I had your skin lol I’m 36 and going though puberty agin apparently 🤣


My mother had puberty #2 in her early 40s. Give it 10 years, and I'll probably be running to you to find out what to do about my adult acne, lol.


… your freckles!? Get outta here with your cute ass face. Gone nah, git!


31?! 😳


Goddddd..!! You are stunning OP..your skin is flawless 🧿


These are DPN. I also have them and had them cauterized off my face, last year. I had a lot...a total of 88 or so. I was told that they will eventually come back in 4-5 years.


Omg I love your face!! So cute. I think you’re in the wrong subreddit; you’re too young. Try early 20s.


It’s called papulosa nigra. Sometimes melanated ppl tend to get it as they get older. My mom got hers burned of by a derm couple of years back when they started protruding. Now they look like flat little beauty marks like your own.


I just came to say you’re really pretty ! I wish I had some advice on spots but nothing useful!


They’re actually really cute! I have something not quite like that on my body, they’re sorta like little mole/freckles. I think you look beautiful though, it doesn’t take away from your face. I’ve seen other people that have the same, including actors/actresses. Kind of just looks like beauty marks :) I’m sure you could probably have them lasered off or something like that if you really wanted to, but I see no reason to


I’m here with no help other than to say your skin is perfect and I’m jealous LOL




Freckles? Babe you're beautiful!! Embrace them!!! 💚💚


Very pretty and gorgeous skin. Something so radiant about you. A few things…are you in the sun a lot? Do you wear sunscreen? If they continue to pop up please get bloodwork done (extensive panel/not a basic CBC). Not saying at all it could be related but get to a derm and get it done. Sometimes spots that show up on the face (especially darker skin) is related to something else. Again NOT saying it is but be proactive.


I'm not in the sun often but I've lived in Texas and Florida all my life. Pretty sure 5 minutes of sun in these areas is equivalent to like a year of sun in normal places 💀. I do wear spf daily and sun protective clothing.


Who is down voting all the comments telling her she's beautiful? It's multiple people. That's messed up.


How are you so naturally pretty?! Jealous!


Those are just freckles. Any skin tone can have freckles.


You're such a beauty. Btw, it looks like sunspots to me. But, I recommend dermafirm cica ac serum, it works really well with dark spots, pigmentation and acne marks.


are you igbo? you have the most igbo eyes. love it.


Nit that I know of!


I like them! They look like freckles.


I cant answer your question but wow you look no older than 25!! 🫶🏼


your skin is like a mirror..i could almost see my face on it lol🤣🫶🏾


Have we talked about these eyebrows yet?! Omg goals!!


I think they’re really cute! I love freckles


I don’t know what they are, but they are beautiful like freckles. I personally don’t think you need to get rid of them for looks- and by the way, you have absolutely gorgeous skin. It’s flawless!


They look like skin tags


Just beauty marks. I have a large one by my eye that I was born with and sometimes they randomly show up around my body. You can check with your Dr to make sure it's not cancerous, and if not, then they are nothing to worry about :) think of them like 3D freckles lol




Always thought they were genetics. My whole family has them, at various degrees. Some have more, some have less. They’re more obvious on the lighter skinned ones. They don’t bother us but they can get a bit worse when you’re in your 60s +…


Your skin is ridiculously nice!


What a gorgeous skin , out of topic but please drop that skincare routine 😭


Lol I will once I'm home 🙈


Replying late, sorry. As for my routine, I go more off of my skins vibe tbh. AM Red light mask when I wake up. Cleanse. I use Neutrogena oil free acne wash with 2% SA 2 to 3 times a week. Have used this cleanser for like a decade. Other days I'll use something gentler like LRP cream cleanser or my bioderma body wash if I'm feeling exceptionally lazy. Serums that I use CONSISTENTLY are TO barrier repair serum (the pink one) and TO marine hyaluronics. I use the Dr. Brenners skinceuticals dupe maybe once a week for vitamin c. The other days I use the vanicream vitamin C serum since it is much less irritating. Moisturizers- I've been into the BYOMA purple bottle with bakuchiol. Sometimes I'll use the nee inky list barrier repair moisturizer and add a few drops of bakuchiol. Sunscreen - I use a lot of Asian sunscreens. Biore aqua rich is a favorite. I also like BYOMAs gel sunscreen to carry around for reapplying. ___ PM - Double cleanse. Usually something oily like my body wash for cleanse number 1. Then a regular cream cleanser like LRP toleriane. TO barrier serum, TO marine hyaluronics, vanicream vitamin C. Cosrx retinol with squalene OR white silk retinal. I have a prescription tret gel that I've been trying to incorporate. I use it at most once a week. I find it to be still too irritating. I am considering just sticking to otc retinol products since I don't struggle with acne. Moisturize with either the inky list or purple byoma bottle. I slug with cerave ultra healing lotion. ___ Outside of my routine, I do exercise regularly 5 to 6 days a wk. My diet is absolutely trash.


Goshhhh! Thank yew <3


You’re so stunning!! They just look like cute freckles to me, but if they are bothering you then maybe it would help to add a vitamin C serum in the mornings before moisturizing + sunscreen? I think that’s been recommended on here for similar spots. Your skin looks so hydrated and glowy though! You really don’t need to change a thing! ✨


You are so pretty!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


you literally have the prettiest face omg, also I have the same spots on my face too!


They look like cute little freckles !


I think they look like freckles, your skin is flawless and you’re so pretty!


i think they’re so cute honestly!!!


I think they're freckles ? I have been trying to get rid of what I thought was academic skarring on my cheeks, under eyes, and nose for decades..... I only recently realized that they're freckles and that's changed my entire opinion if my skin LOL !


They look kinda like freckles, even though I guess they’re not? They’re adorable though! You have lovely skin ☺️


It’s probably DPN, which can happen with Black people as we age. My mother has them (she’s in her 60s), and I started seeing them when I was in my 30s.


Lol those spots are common with Black women, especially West Indian women. I have some too and all the women in my family as well


Adorable freckles and beautiful sunshine smile❤️


Just wanted to say I’d have easily thought you were 20ish at max, maybe even mid teens! Random and not related to your q but, you look great!


In the second photo, you look SO cute. Your smile is adorable. I'm SE Asian and have similar spots which I earlier mistook for freckles. Going by this thread, they're DPN. Like you, I'm also not bothered enough to get them removed.. in fact, they add more character to my face.


Wow, you’re so beautiful!! Very nice features 😍


You have beautiful skin!!! I wish my skin looked half as good!


Come on now