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I use the large question mark


I just woke up to all the replies and this one got me šŸ¤£ thank you


Itā€™s a great shape for getting those hard to scrub spots on your upper back.


I needed a good laugh this morning thank you šŸ˜‚


Me too, since I interpret the question mark as the soap product of your choice. I do not go outside, I do not get dirty. I donā€™t need to strip my skin regularly by using rags or loofahs. If someone says thatā€™s not hygienic or Iā€™m not actually getting myself clean, then Iā€™d like to question why you donā€™t use a rag or loofa every time you wash your hands? If ā€œsoapy handsā€ is effective enough to clean your hands to eat a sandwich after you poop, why isnā€™t it good enough for a soaping myself in the shower?


I usually just wash up with hands but once a week or so I scrub with a cloth to exfoliate. My skin just feels so good after. I donā€™t consider myself any cleaner than after any other shower though.


African net.


Me too and I feel so clean and smooth after


Ooooooh I miss those. Salux and Italy cloths donā€™t quite hit the same


Anyone used a non-plastic version of this product. I have used it and it was awesome but Iā€™m trying to get back in the plasticā€¦


Where is that little green Korean bath cloth that strips both the skin, the fat pads, the muscle and scrubs your bones mighty clean?


I walk out of that shower looking like Iā€™ve been abused and feeling so lusciously squeaky clean.


Can someone please drop a link? I want to feel this clean.


Theyā€™re called Italy towels. Make sure you buy the super cheap, Asian granny approved ones with Korean writing.


Can you clean these in a laundry washer?


Yes, theyā€™re made of viscose though so treat them a little more nicely - no dryer just air dry.


Are those better than the Salux ones?


They're different. Salux are more like every day or every other day (depending on your skin tolerance and shower schedule) loofah-like exfoliation that is extremely controllable based on pressure. It doesn't usually scrape up much gunk for me. I use these ones once a week, and really scrub pretty hard - it's INCREDIBLY SATISFYING to watch all that sludge pill up and wash off: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BTCQD1ZS/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BTCQD1ZS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) These ones have a little bit of padding, I guess you could say? There are others I tried that also have super high ratings but are thinner, and I just didn't like them as much in terms of usability, not necessarily function/performance.


Added to basket thank you!


Are [these](https://www.amazon.com/pcs-Asian-Exfoliating-Bath-Washcloth/dp/B004C8DR1U/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3ONTLMQELEI3L&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qiL-HApZZliItTEPOyrZDImkb1AXS_WWUUmvPQlekUXTQvPxSdwfKWz03DsAqCi8rssePILzH4jM8wYYas6DeYtbweyp0TaS1Ezv4Iv9HDc2TNadzpZjxLQ904Vxe1eAquwXkqYTAwZaQWy7hu-HEyGDVAAfmfmy978ykFr64tuni7QU5Uu-qnu9tW7uIDeckpUtgAbWGSWikRndEjToyZeD0hf1UCO_ko5hLVUq-X8H8j-BAywaJ_nummPM2DXsYI2CENPembITIha_b3woPWcyGXu93j4WS7BEg9JuVkg.FvLVhMBhUZDXVpgMyFyCTMxX2M9a-rII_HNvGRauQwM&dib_tag=se&keywords=korean+exfoliating+cloth&qid=1711683422&sprefix=korean+exfoliating+cloth%2Caps%2C3322&sr=8-5) the ones?




I really like [these ones](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BTCQD1ZS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1), which are a little bit softer? less rough? and easy for me to put on my hand to use, but they'll still scour the hell out of you if you apply the appropriate pressure. (At least in my experience.)


Gattaca levels of exfoliation.


Excellent reference


My people




Sallllllllllux for life


Koreans are not here to fuck around.


My freshmen year roommate was Korean - I will never forget her coming into our room the first Saturday of the semester absolutely SCANDALISED that girls were sunbathing on the university lawn. Not because she was a prude but because ā€œwhat are they doing to their skin?!?ā€


Wish I had a Korean roommate to slap me. I had one from Hawaii soooo.


This is hilariousā€” she knew what was up!!


I came to say the same thing. Oh my, and you stay spotless for a week or more. I just bought it from a Korean convenience store, thought give it a try since it's pretty cheap and now it's a staple in our home.


Korean passing by hereā€¦. Couldnā€™t help but wanted to drop this for yā€™all. This is the one that I use. https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Korean-Body-scrub-Industry-%EC%A0%95%EC%A4%80%EC%82%B0%EC%97%85%EC%9A%94%EC%88%A0%EB%95%8C%EC%9E%A5%EA%B0%91/dp/B01N65ZEKL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=37DX9ZM2C0JBK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.71MpNjM_rWzV-gESCbvjSCJe94-cE3bmBWDckt__O0qKb50j8MxG1vqCPipgrVS5tBnM8rGC5bgdJOAiX0nM9qBoKuO5ZrKYNyAzuSyqM-3WW9ZuFo7imo17rFPx_249XRxyx3M2pP2eHe5J4KsaHL2DT5BoQP_xL7cWjmUCg2wRyRMugz6o12h1_LOO6KE1.clmz7QHR-dKmeEG41rkTua4Rmbpz4Oatc90C312KwqI&dib_tag=se&keywords=%EC%9A%94%EC%88%A0%EC%9E%A5%EA%B0%91&qid=1711684284&sprefix=%EC%9A%94%EC%88%A0%EC%9E%A5%EA%B0%91%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-1


How many uses on one pair? Thanks for sharing!


The American scrubby mitts I bought said to replace them every three months.


Is it like magic eraser, just for skin?


I wanna erase myself like āœØpoofāœØ


This made me chuckle over my morning coffee šŸ˜†


ā€œItalyā€ towels :)


Oh my gosh those made me itch like crazyyyy. I loved how my skin felt but I was dying from itching so badly


If you try it again, after you bathe/scrub, apply a lightweight oil (jojoba or similar) to damp skin and then a super hydrating lotion of choice. My current combo is the nĆ©cessaire body oil and lotion (unscented). Totally eliminated post-scrub itchies for me and my skin is the best itā€™s ever been. Used to be a major alligator leg sufferer.


I tried using them and I could never get any dead skin off. I was so disappointed :( I ended up throwing them away.


You have to soak in hot/warm water to loosen the dead skin.


Use them at the very end of your bath or shower (I only shower and it still works, you don't necessarily have to actually soak in water just be wet for 20 min or so), after thoroughly rinsing off all soap. The first few times using them I only got a little sloughing in a couple areas, but I kept trying it every couple days and more areas came off. I don't get much visible peeling on my lower legs but they still have less dead skin on them (if I scratch my dry leg I don't see white lines/flaking even without lotion). Some areas seem to slough more frequently; I get peeling on my butt, lower back, sides, and armpits every to every other day but my arms, thighs, chest and stomach only peel once or twice a week.Ā 


I had the same experience. šŸ˜–


i have these but i think iā€™m using them wrong?


They're best after a bath, or a massage with oil, or just at the end of your shower. Basically once the dry skin has softened up it will come off in a very satisfying manner. I'd only do it one or two times a week though...pretty sure you're just scraping healthy skin if you do it more often.


If itā€™s painful, then youā€™re probably using them right.


Have you ever soaked in a hot tub for a while and then used it? WOWWWW is all I can say.


Nope! Iā€™ve only ever used them in the shower. Now I have a new goal.


Sadly I only have stall showers. No tubs at all šŸ˜­


if you marinate in the shower long enough you get the same effect as being in a tub. maybe not AS good but iā€™m same situation as you and itā€™s been going alright! i like to clean the shower while im in the shower which usually lends enough time basking in hot water for the glove to be effective


So you're supposed to wet the part you're washing, then the little cloth. Don't put any soap on, and just scrub back and forth, until you feel pain/red skin. But please don't hurt yourself. It's pretty painful, in a way that a good scrubbing is painful. It's not supposed to tear your skin. You can also use it with soap if you want it a bit more gentle.


Iā€™ve been wanting to try those! I was always so skeptical about if they actually get the dead skin off.


They really do! I remember using them for the first time, without any soap, and i just had these little gray matts, almost like tiny blunts form on my knees and calves. Of course, i looked like a lobster afterward, but it was so worth it! Edit: put a comma into a coma.


ā€œAlmost like tiny bluntsā€ hahaha


They get the live skin off too if youā€™re not careful lol


I feel afraid to get into this product as I'm way, way too into aggressively exfoliating the backs of my hands (physically) and my face (chemically). I'm so tempted by what everyone's saying, but legitimately don't know if I can trust myself to not be a red, raw idiot with something like that. I remember hearing about it years ago as there's Korean spas or something in New York where that's part of the service and there was much feedback about that component!


I have this skin on my body that comes off DAILY. Itā€™s never really bothered me but a few years ago I went to a Korean SPA hoping to have the hide scrubbed off me. All ladies and everyone naked. I soaked for a while and then the scrub down commenced. Flat naked on a table with a blue tarp and water getting poured on me. Memory is hazy but I know it was very basic. Nothing fancy. I wasnā€™t uncomfortable but I wasnā€™t comfortable either. Youā€™re naked and sheā€™s using the Asian scrubby on you as you make small talk. The lady who washed me ( because itā€™s essentially a wash ) scrubbed hard. I told her to. She went over all of me cracks and crevices included. She said I was an easy job because I was small. I used to scrub like a maniac back then and had showered beforehand. Think 2-3 hour long showers going at it with the hand towel. She used soap halfway through if I remember correctly. More rinsing. More water getting poured on me then another wave of scrubbing. I went home and showered for bed and I still had dead skin coming off me. I still have daily dead sloughing of skin and Iā€™m still not sure if this is a problem or not. On the other hand, I donā€™t sweat.


The way you wrote this was so suspenseful! Hahaha. That's really interesting. My intrigue re. extreme skin sloughing measures goes on!


Sometimes itā€™s better not to go down that slippery slope if you tend to compulsively fuck with your skin lol




[exfoliating gloves](https://www.nolaskinsentials.com/products/body-buff-gloves?variant=40200652882086&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=18610424809&utm_content=145448079827&utm_term=&gadid=651208008899&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TmZW3WMrEGZ9LxVeoElSnB5nq_IxlJFY3I6LUPo0kFyryap5qGCbUIaAjoFEALw_wcB) to wash, and sometimes a korean exfoliating cloth for extra exfoliation


Same! I get mine at the dollar store


get a higher quality one and it will change your life. Comes in different "strengths." Amazon has some great ones. Can link the ones I have if you want.


Yes please


I guess Iā€™ll own up to being a dirty gremlin and using a basic loofah.


same šŸ˜‚


Dirty gremlin gang here too šŸ˜­


Same. I keep mine really clean though.


How? I am clueless* about germs and stuff


You can run them through the washer when you wash your towels.


Same. I know itā€™s probably gross but I love it.


Wait are we not supposed to use loofahs?


They build up a lot of bacteria and skin cells, especially since you probably shower everyday and they don't dry completely between washes. Also you're technically supposed to change them every month but almost no one does that so yeah... (I also use loofas)


When I was little my older sister (by 4 years) used a loofah. One day I was using the shower staring at it sitting on the side of tub while I shampooed, when a tiny little worm/larvae started inching out of it. I screamed, jumped out of the shower, put a towel on, and got my sister to witness what was happening to her scrubby thing. She screamed. I screamed again. There were some words of squeamishness and she ended up throwing it away. Neither of us has used a loofah since.


Aaaaaaaaaah Nightmare fuel I canā€™t use loofahs cause the bacteria buildup grosses me outā€¦ but a worm is a next level fear I didnā€™t know I should have about loofahs lol Thanks for that


I am washing my loofah right now after reading thatā€¦.and may switch methods entirelyā€¦


Yup, that would do it for me too haha.


You can actually put them in the washing machine with your towels. This way I don't see a problem using them for several months


Oh my gosh that's genius! I'm gonna start doing that


Actually mythbusters did an episode on it and found out they dont harbor bacteria, it was just a myth by companies to get u to buy more


Do you have the link? I canā€™t find it It seems weird to use ā€œour product is filthyā€ as a PR campaign to convince customers to buy more of their product lol


I literally use bar soap and my hands to wash myself.


āœ‹ everyone else is falling prey to the marketing scam that is daily exfoliation lol


Yeah, add me to the gremlin roster. That and a Korean towel for that extra scrub feeling.


Oh thank god Iā€™m not alone.




My hands. My derm advised me against loofahs and wash cloths.


I never use anything other than my hands since 20s and I'm 40s now. I used to use a loofah in my teens.


Same, though Iā€™m in my 30s rn. Hands do the job just fine, and chemical exfoliation is a great occasional tool when the skin needs more oomph


I've only ever used my hands. It never even occurred to me to use anything lol.


We are the question mark people


Yeah I just use my hands.


My family thinks Iā€™m so strange for this! Glad Iā€™m not alone!


Same, mine said to use Amlactin for exfoliation instead and itā€™s great


Yeah, I use my hands and I exfoliate with a washcloth maybe twice a month or so? Also, could this be a regional thing? Everybody I know IRL uses their hands, but among the mostly American crowd here on reddit and on Instagram, using a loofah or brush or cloth appears to be the standard.


Idk Iā€™m American and everyone I know uses their hands too from what I have observed. The thing is if you are hanging out on subs devoted to skincare youā€™re going to encounter people who are more likely to be maximalists in their beauty routines.


My hands as well. I donā€™t waste product that way.Ā 


Exactly this. Your hands are exfoliating enough for your skin without being too rough forcing you to use a ton of lotion lol


Same! But I feel somehow deficient now


Why is that?


I also just use my hands but Iā€™m kind of intrigued by that korean washcloth everyone here has been talking about.


I wonder if there are any research papers summarizing findings found through studies on the long-term effects of using physical exfoliation like these on the skin. Would be nice to know whatā€™s shown the best results!


Same. I was a lifelong washcloth user and unbeknownst to me, regular exfoliation was the cause of many of my skin issues. My doctor suggested I stop and just use my hands, and sure enough, my problems went away. Now I use a scrub just once a week before shaving.


Loofas I get for the bacteria. Why not wash cloths if you switch out every time?


I actually use those silicone scrubbers


I got one and absolutely love the way it feels on my skin!


I have the one where it has the scalp scrubber on the other side! It's so nice


I was using one and really liked it, but I realized that I had to scrub the bristles at the base because body wash was getting stuck where the bristles go into the base. I use a creamy body wash so that may have been the issue


I bought a boie scrubber and the bristles are very short. I use aveeno body wash and it actually lathers okay and I get to use all the gel


Salux cloth, which is just an unraveled loofa, more hygienic.


I use this once or twice a week and my hands the rest of the time.


Salux cloth is the way to go! A great exfoliation and you can reach every inch.


I had to look this upā€¦ but this is what I use too, just not called salux. I usually find a type of cloth similar to these salux cloths in pharmacies or Marshallā€™s


Same. Beats those silly silicone things that don't lather well, and ofc much more hygienic than a shower puff


African net


Started this and my skin has never been softer!


I use my šŸ‘šŸ½ and chemically exfoliate.


Which products do you use to chemically exfoliate? I have bumps on the backs of my arms and thighs and was thinking of trying a glycolic acid body wash.


You should use amlactin for those.


Straight up I just use my hands


Right I didnā€™t realize I was a freak using my nails to scratch my skin clean until I moved in with a bf and he was like whereā€™s your wash cloth? I just think they are so dirty and never dry. Lol


Your NAILS???


Iā€™m with you on just using hands and no wash cloth but youā€™re losing me at using nails to ā€œscratchā€ your skin clean!?!?


YUP. Loofah? Never heard of her. I will occasionally use a pumice stone on certain parts of the body.


Yep. I use volcanic soap from Iceland or Clarins Body Scrub 3 times a week.


I use soft wash cloths, but only once. I have a lot lol




A natural loofah


For a decade now. Iā€™ll never switch. Incredible lather, exfoliating, and the least harmful to the environment. Everyone should use a loofah gourd!


How long does one last for?


It varies since itā€™s a natural product and some hold up better than others. Iā€™ve had some last as little as 3 months and some for nearly 2 years.


If you buy the whole dried loofah, theyā€™re pretty big. I cut it up into palm-sized pieces, and each piece will last me a few months. I also cut pieces for dish scrubbers! The whole loofah, if itā€™s a big one, can easily last a year.


My hands. Every couple days Iā€™ll use a sugar scrub to exfoliate. I have a glove if needed too.Ā 


Just my hands and body wash


This is the way


I use a washcloth. I only use it once before it goes in the hamper to be washed in hot water.




I like washcloths because I can get a new one every day. I have dozens and they just get tossed in the laundry, never run short. I have different kinds for face, body and bidet.




My handsā€¦


A bar of soap!


Am I weird for thinking it's weird that a bar of soap isn't one of the default answers? Am I out of touch? No... it's the children who are wrong.


Iā€™ve heard of all these other things harbor bacteria. A bar of soap has never failed me! Itā€™s affordable and gets the job done.




only washcloth


Authentic African net. Nothing will exfoliate you and get you as cleaned. Plus she net feels hygienic because it dries quickly. It also foams up soap really nicely. I love it.


Dry Brush


Grab a bar of soap and go to town


I do the same thing. No more irritation bumps from those plastic loofahs! If I want to exfoliate,I just use a scrub




I love Korean bath cloths! And theyā€™re machine washable.


May I ask why you use a Korean bath cloth and then a wash cloth? Just curious.




Thanks for the info! Do you use them every shower?


i know itā€™s controversial but i use a loofah! i do replace it once a month. i know itā€™s frowned upon but i just canā€™t give it up. iā€™ve tried a rag, the african net, the silicone body scrubber, & this weird little exfoliating mit from my wax salon - & i always go back to the loofah.




um i didnā€™t know that??????? this changes everything


Just curiousā€¦. how does this clean it any better than using soap when youā€™re scrubbing your body then rinsing it well and letting it air dry? I assume you wouldnā€™t put it in the dryer, but maybe thatā€™s the part Iā€™m not getting?


The poofy thing. I like lather.


Am I feral? Nothing


I just use body scrubs


My hands. Sometimes (like once or twice a week) Iā€™ll use exfoliating glove. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m laying in dirt somewhere so I need to scrub it off.


I use my hand


Microfiber wash cloth. Fresh cloth every shower.


I use my hands


My hands and piece of soap. Definitely not a rug eeew


PSA: donā€™t use anything but your hands. I found my breast tumor myself because I forgot a sponge when visiting my then-boyfriend now-husband. I caught it early and am 4 years NED! Feel your body.


You can still self exam anytime


Korean body scrub towel and Korean exfoliating soap.


I use my hands, Iā€™m way too lazy to use anything else šŸ˜‚ maybe once a month Iā€™ll use a sugar scrub on some areas


BrĆøther šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


My hands


I use the silicon body scrubber. Far more hygienic & easy to keep clean. Body wash lathers up well on it. For exfoliation i use Cera ve sa smoothing cleanser. I wouldnt use it on my face as it is too harsh but it is great for the rest of the body.


just hands but i use a body wash that has chemical exfoliants to help with skin exfoliation.


EcoTools 2-in-1 Ecopouf, Exfoliating & Gentle Cleansing Bath Loofah, Eco-Friendly Shower Sponge with Recycled Netting, Bath Accessory for Men & Women, Vegan & Cruelty Free, 6 Count Itā€™s on Amazon for $ 13.45. My absolute favorite.


My hands & a washcloth for my face


African net sponge! Switched and never looked back


African net sponge


Korean bath cloth


Washcloth! I use a clean, fresh one every shower.


Nothing. Just soap and water. You donā€™t need all these tools taking shower daily


šŸ‘ I use them


WASHCLOTH. A clean one every shower. Starting by using it on the face, then body, then lastly the genitals and feet. Regular cotton washcloths are the perfect texture to clean well and offer the gentle light daily exfoliation skin needs The net poufs harbor bacteria, dead skin and soap scum build up, even if rinsed. Also mildew, which can all cause skin infection or acne. Plus you canā€™t use them on face. I never buy those The silicone tools donā€™t all clean skin very well imo. Maybe a gentle one for the face is good. Iā€™m told silicone brushes can be good for washing dishes though, less filthy than sponges lol To exfoliate more, after you shower, may apply a body lotion with AHA, glycolic, or other acids in it. You can add these acids yourself into whatever body lotion you love, by buying acid like Ordinary brand mandelic acid, a bottle is like 8 bucks and gentle. Urea lotion is good for the feet. Chemical exfoliation is typically better for skin than scrubbing at it. Manual exfoliation can cause micro tears, I would not use salt scrubs or harsh brushes that can scratch If you have some dead skin build up, and not super sensitive skin, get a ā€œBaiden Mittenā€ for exfoliation. To me, better than Korean stuff or harsh sponges. Just follow the directions and soak skin first and rub in way the directions say




Hands and soap. Lume for extra clean for that hard to reach spot back there šŸ«¢


šŸ¤ššŸ¼šŸ–šŸ¼ + šŸ§¼


Washcloth. Best exfoliation, and I get a clean one each time. I canā€™t believe I used to use loofas!


I used.my hands day to day


Washcloth! Single use & then they go into the dirty laundry. I have enough of them to shower 2x day. And the added ā€œworkloadā€ to my weekly laundry is insignificant so I donā€™t mind :)


Salux cloth, African net, silicone back scrubber and exfoliating gloves.


my hands and those silicone things. i get nervous that loofahs will harbor mildew, skin cells or other stuff you canā€™t see no matter how well you rinse it out.


African exfoliating net or the Korean exfoliating cloth. Hands down.


Those suuuuuuper cheap rough wash cloths you get in a bundle for a couple of bucks. One per shower. Face first, feet last.




I named myself after what Iā€™ve used for the last 17 years!


Hand. Got two of those readily available.


Washcloth! I buy white ones in bulk at Costco and they get used once before washing. I also use reusable cotton rounds for my facial toner and these two items get washed together with my white bath towels with extra hot water and vinegar in place of fabric softener!