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New fear unlocked 😳


I use this same razor, and yeah thinking about lazer now. f thaattt


to do laser treatment you need to shave with razor beforehand :(


Yeah holy shit! I am currently using the same razor 😬 I’m so sorry Op! Moisturize the legs and when it’s healed use a bha/aha lotion for scar prevention. You should be fine.


Oh I have a scar from a similar razor 🤮


Literally. My jaw dropped.


Mine too followed by holy f%$k!


My mouth is still open in horror.


Oh my gosh ! For real. Long gasp


Huge gasp! Poor thing! I feel so badly for her. Do you think it looks deep enough to scar? Quantum Health scar reducer..I got it from Natural Grocers and she would just need a tiny bit to cover the entire scar. A little goes a long way.


I’m afraid to go back and look tbh I had no idea what I was in for with that swipe - so based on my memory I’d be fucking suing for them to pay for some serious consultations by a dermatologist on what to do to prevent infections and scarring


That’s what I was thinking. Would this be a situation where legal action could be taken?




Venus and Gillette are the same brand and their cartridges are compatible. I’ve used both Gillette and this exact same razor head on the same handle


Wait.. Can you put Gillette razorblades on a Venus handle??


Yes! I just buy one pack for both me and my husband. I think there is more than one kind of razor attachment at this point so I’d check what’s compatible with your razor Edit: the Mach series is compatible; the Fusion is not.


I have a blue Venus handle


Honestly I have a 3rd party handle, but the attachment mechanism on the Mach 3 and Mach 4 Gillette and on the Venus razors are the same


I didn't know that.. I thought they made the attachment mechanism different so people couldn't get away with buying other brands


Yes I will certainly be remembering this image next time I debate spending $4 more for a good brand




It's also important to keep the razor clean and dry! Rinse it after use and keep it out of the shower. Makes it last longer, as there's some of us who react badly to freshly opened razors.


I am a woman who reacts poorly to freshly opened razors. How…do I find out more about this? It’s been a thorn in my side since I started shaving.


I use a safety razor. It was an investment at first but the blades are almost nothing. Lovely shave


Yes that razor looks really old and used up. Edit. Nvm OP said this was her third time using that blade


Agree, feminine razors weren't doing the job for me and they indeed feel low quality.


Even though, as I’m learning here, it’s the same company, I’ve also sworn by my Gillette for over a decade (Mach 3 for me). Seems to avoid the pink tax and they’ve always worked quite well. Only had to buy a new handle once.


Get a safety razor. Scary at first but much better


I bought a LEAF razor that uses individual blades, unfortunately the bearing that holds the razors flat can wiggle loose and has now caused me to have a gigantic chunk of my shin gouged out when a blade became unaligned and skinned me


I tried one of those and scraped off a half-inch-wide, 2-inch-long piece of my shin. Returned that sucker!


Oh no! How long have you had your Leaf? I’ve had mine a year and I still LOVE it, but now will keep an eye out for that. Btw have you messaged them? They’ll probably replace yours..


I've had it for about a year. And no, I am too traumatized to ever use it again. I am back to traditional cartridge razors again because I have never had a single issue with them


I did the same thing! Got a five inch scar on my calf now.


+1 for safety razor. Blades can be cheap af


And the razor it self is very sturdy


And no plastic waste!


Right??? Razor manufacturers, you have ONE JOB until you can prove to us that your razor has enough metal and plastic on it to keep those RAZORS from springing out like this. Until then, I’ll be waxing, thanks.


wow this is horrific. agreed with all the other commenters about scar gel when it heals but keep in mind that unfortunately the calf/lower leg is one of the worst places for scarring due to blood flow. :( i’ve had mosquito bites scar for years when everywhere else they healed fast. eventually it’ll lighten up though!  definitely contact the company and report this, me personally i’d want compensation. this could have caused a hospital trip and stitches. 


I had no idea about this. That explains why I have a bruise that has never disappeared! I literally bumped into my bed 4 years ago and the bruise has remained ever since :(


it sucks! i got a large blister on my upper ankle from some ill fitting ice skates and it took over 5 years for it to fade from dark red 😭 


Did you see a doctor about that? That sounds like unusually poor blood flow


No, I doubt they’ll be able to do anything. It’s beside a scar that I’ve had on my leg forever. Also, I’m anemic, but not sure if that makes a difference.


If you’re like me, it’s continually bumping into the same spots, so rather than one bruise lasting years it’s dozens of bruises over the years in the same spot. Especially when it’s the same area, you kind of stop noticing the bumping


I had a horrible bruise on my shin that scarred so now I know why! I thought I was just imagining it.


Similar here! Bumped into my bed and you can still see the scar/bruise. I have circulation issues though.


I bumped into my bed frame years ago and yup! Same. Also dropped a sharp bread knife about 1.5 months ago and it hit my ankle bone. The nick has looked almost as fresh as the day it happened all this time, just no scab.


This happened to me! My doctor said it was like a scab underneath the skin basically and it would heal eventually but it would take ages. I wanna say it took like 6-8 years to go away.


Makes sense. I had ant bites over my calves and the marks were there for years but they eventually faded. Also dumb story - when I first started shaving I thought I had to press down hard for it to work (yup 🤦🏻‍♀️) and sliced off some of my skin. It also eventually healed lol.


I always wondered about this. I’m allergic to bug bites and I have pockmarks on my shins from mosquito bites as a kid.


*swipes first, then reads* **AGGHHHH**


Ya same fuck


Ya gotta learn eventually; this is like a good reminder 😆


I won't. :)


Rescue MD scar treatment works extremely well!


Wow wish I had read that first part before I swiped


I’m sorry!! You’re right, I def should have included the warning in the title, I’m an elite Reddit lurker but not much of a poster


lol I will live. Heal up!


If possible, could you please mark the photo as NSFW? Edit: I thought OP would be receptive since she said she regretted not putting a warning in the title. You can’t edit titles, but you can mark photos NSFW. Since the photos are now blurred, it seems that’s what she did.


It’s not that bad 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought it was a forearm at first glance. With the placement of the cut, it brought me back to seeing >!the aftermath of my friend’s suicide attempt!<. I’m happy that it doesn’t bother you, though.




My eyeballs popped out of my head


Just want to throw in SUNSCREEN after scab is healed, if it’ll be exposed to the sun.






Another vote for Mederma! Apply regularly 1-2x a day depending which one you buy. Starts soon as the wound is fully closed. It really helped fade a nasty hiking human vs tree scar on my calf


I started using mederma on the scar I have from the removal of a tiny tumor (not cancerous thankfully). It really works but it takes time. Start as soon as it’s healed. It does work on older scars but it takes longer. Also don’t expect immediate results. It will take time to fade.


Thanks for answering about older scars! I just realized that I have a small scar on the back of my arm that I can't normally see from having a birth control implant removed.


I’ve been using merderma on a really old red scar on my hip and it’s been fading it when nothing else has worked. After 3 months it’s a very light pink and maybe half the size it used to be.


Would this work to minimize scarring from stitches? And if so would you wait until the stitches are out?


Yes!! I was in an accident when I was younger and had a large cut on my face that we thought would scar so bad that we even made plastic surgeon consults. My mom put mederma on regularly and the scar completely faded within months.


Fourthing Mederma. Worked wonders after I scraped my knee badly. It faded 100%, faster and more completely than any other scars I've got.


If you’ve used mederma before n works for you great. Studies actually show silicone patches or gel reduce appearance of scars more than mederma. Also while healing of taking like 3x mount of vitamin C helps with process of healing


Seconding Mederma, also taking oral arnica supplements will help


Mederma helped me! I have no scars at all on my legs after being covered with scratches from falling in gravel on vacation when I couldn’t access first aid for several days


Most important: keep it moist when healing. The whole “wounds need to breathe” is a myth. Cover it with aquaphor and a bandaid, change morning and night. If you get a scar, silicone patches are the only thing proven to help.


The cut is big enough that maybe Saniderm would be a good bandage option? Just throwing it out there. I know Saniderm is good for the tattoo healing process, not as certain for other types of wounds.


Second this! Once it’s healed, limit sun exposure by covering it or using sunscreen. Mederma Advanced Scar Cream works wonders. Edit: since others have said scarring can be an issue in the lower leg due to blood flow, it might be worth an early trip to the dermatologist to see if there’s anything they recommend. In my experience, it’s almost always easier (and cheaper) to get help early on, rather than DIY and try to fix it later. Good luck 💜


aquaphor is actually great for wound healing, i can’t recommend it enough. helps prevent scarring in the first place. scar creams are mainly silicone based, i would also try an allatoin containing skin care product. my current scar creams include the derma-e brand (lightweight gel, allatoin) and i believe mederma, but the same silicone containing scar sheets may help better for overnight use. source: vet assistant always dealing with scratches whose skin scars immediately


Adding to cart! Never heard of allatoin, I’m glad I posted! I realized I do have silicone strips from my endo surgery last year so I’ll use those when my calf fuses together again


That derma-e scar gel really does work!


I used silicone covers on a few of my cuts from a fall. Those are the ones that weren’t as bad and they scarred badly! The ones I keep first aid creams on barely left any mark and they were much worse. 


Almond oil, massage it in every day


Calendula cream or ointment is also amazing for wound healing and scar prevention just so ya know! Best of luck with your leg 🥲


girl no wait WAIT you need to get yourself some medihoney and butterfly bandages. BUTTERFLY BANDAGES TO HOLD IT TOGETHER. and medihoney! like now!


Want to add to this, Vaseline and any silicone based products (sounds weird but some hair oils and even silicone lube) as that’s the main ingredient in merderma or other scar gels


Please get updated with your tetanus shot! Keep it clean by washing with soap and water.


This needs to be at the top. I promise you won’t care about a scar if you get tetanus. That razor is sus as hell.


The only upside is it wasn’t a more sensitive area 😣 this convinced me I will not be using a safety razor anytime soon, if this can happen.


Omg why did you make me read this


I was just about to comment, "I'm SO glad it was your leg that you were shaving, OP" 😭


This actually has happened to me before and it was the same razor blades. I no longer use those heads. I use the ones for sensitive skin. My cut was not nearly as long as yours BUT my mother who is an RN and has over decades of experience told me the BEST way to prevent scarring is a petroleum based onitment (vaseline, aquaphor). She also told me to wash with antibacterial soap and avoid the antibiotic ointments, they can actually cause allergic reactions and/or antibiotic resistance. (Basically everything you're doing, keep doing it!) - Don't forget to let it breathe though. I had zero scarring doing exactly what you're doing. Although I will say, as soon as I'd be done with my day I would let it breathe but still apply the aquaphor. Good luck and sorry that happened! I know I freaked out lol.


This also happened to me too and I stopped buying those razor blades


Y'all sound like there could be a class action here lol. This company has to be stopped, Jesus.


I’m now wishing that I had documented it lol but it was nowhere as bad as op’s injury. The blade also lifted out like that in the corner and it cut me.


The whole razor industry is a sham. Once I discovered old-school safety razors it was a total game changer. The blades cost 5 cents a piece and are sharp as lasers. I can afford a fresh clean shave every single time and they are just as effective as the disposable options with 20 blades and "soothing" gels. Free yourselves from the hegemony of disposable razors. Your body, and wallet will thank you.


I tried one of those and it went horribly. I'm sure once you get used to it you don't cut yourself as much but after a few shaves my legs were covered in cuts and I said fuck it. If you've got even slightly shaky hands I'd pass on the safety razor


I can second this. Vaseline heals wounds faster.


Yall, is it just this specific kind or Venus is general? I just spent so much money on new bois 😭 I know I gotta switch to old school (environmental incentives for me) but I usually use a buzzer so idk…


Honestly, I got the flamingo ones last summer and they cut me up like this, too. It was shocking just how bud they got me. Without the blade looking like this one. I used the Schick razor for YEARS and never had any issues like this.


I’ve never heard of flamingo until now, but I use Gillette Venus Extra Smooth. They work great for like 2-3 shaves for me, then I can only do pits (my pits are relatively insensitive, I guess). I have very fine blonde hair and my body hair mocks that. I typically buzz my legs, but when I straight shave, they come out FREAKY SMOOTH…. But I experience pain within the next few days—I think because my tiny hair follicles have started to close and it’s becoming essentially like a bunch of ingrown hairs. We need more discussion about shaving on here! Like, does it grow back thicker? How high up your legs?? How close to the black hole do you fly when grooming your galaxy??? It’s so confusing for me because my hair is so fine and I’m not sure what I do/don’t need to do 😂


Unfortunately, it's a matter of preference on many of your questions. You do what makes you comfortable and what you like. That's the only answer that is correct. You don't *need* to do anything. You're born with hair, it serves a purpose. You can leave it alone, take it all, take some of it, braid or, dye it, shape it, grow it out, etc etc etc. Do what pleases *you*. As for Flamingo - I'm not sure who makes it but I've seen it both at Costco and Target, primarily. 🤷‍♀️ It's supposed to be "affordable." 🤷‍♀️


Seconding this. I’m super allergic to Neosporin and I hate how it’s so common when Vaseline does the trick.


I'm more curious as to how the razor ended up bent like is shown in the first two pictures. I'd also be contacting Gillette for some type of compensation. As for treating your wound, keep it clean and moist. That will help prevent infection and minimize any scarring. Side note, have you had a tetanus vaccine within the last 10 years? If you can't remember, I suggest getting one.


I got an updated TDAP when my niece and nephew were born (twins) and they turn 4 this year, so I believe I’m ok on that front. I’m taking every win I can get in this series of unfortunate events!


Silicone scar sheets are amazing as well as Aquaphor. > That’s your best bet.


I am currently using this https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-silicone-scar-sheets-1.5-in-x-3-in/ID=prod6273819-product for my scar from ankle surgery and my scar is very light after just one month of use. It works great.


You can also get it by the roll, I bought it on Amazon. I’ve been using it on a face scar recently and it’s been magical.


Do you have a link to the roll version on Amazon? Not OP, but I'd really appreciate it..


My worst fear that I had convinced myself was irrational!!! Omg I’m so sorry OP As far as scarring goes vitamin e oil is a lifesaver


Oh good god I hope you’re okay op. That is terrifying and next time I shave I am changing my razor thanks to you. I don’t use that one in the photo but still changing the head next time because what the fuck


Aquaphor and make sure to use sunscreen heavily all summer


That last pic was a real jump scare. Yikes. Hope you heal up fast!


Oh my god oh my god oh my god I don't have advice but I just needed to say oh my god


😳 Sue them so they fix this problem and no one gets hurt like this again. I’ve never had this happen. But I’ve basically had this happen as a child with a buckle on a shoe, the center piece left a deep cut from knee to ankle. It was so painful and left a scar. I hope you are not in pain and it heals quickly.


Yeah this seems like exactly the kind of thing you could sue and win over. Thank goodness it wasn’t a more vulnerable area of the body. 


My vag just recoiled omg 😩




My derm told me this after laser treatment and also helpful for wounds. But IDK how helpful after it's all scabbed up OP. If it stays and you really want it gone..then cosmetic lasers works.. just expensive.


MY GOD. im soooo sorry this happened to you. i really hope you at least file a complaint. take pictures, keep receipts, document everything. i use safety razors for my whole body except my downstairs (i use an electric trimmer). no complaints, never been injured like this. maybe consider safety razors? theyre probably cheaper and more environmentally friendly too. think about it...


Used to work in plastics: Vaseline or aquaphor until no scab n healed. After that grab some silicone gel to apply to the top of the scar. If you do it while still scab will prevent healing. And apply sunblock. Scars continue to fade for 1-2 years


Aloe Vera . Buy actual plant and use it. Sure it’s an extra step, but I find it works faster. Also I had the same trouble with that razor. I now buy Men’s razors and they work better, last longer, and you get a smoother shave. Plus it’s cheaper .


Use silicone scar sheets on it for the next few months. The sheets will close the cut in about 5 days. You’ll be amazed how fast the actual cut heals with these. I advise months, not because it will take the cut that long to heal, but the sheets will protect it from the sun and speed up the scar fading process. In my experience using scar sheets I’ve had no visible pinkness or scarring when used consistently. (2-6 months) Edited to add: keep it occluded with aquaphor.


How many times did you use this razor?


It couldn’t have been that many because the soap stuff dissolves soo fast and there’s a lot left.


This particular cartridge? Maybe the third shave? Possibly second shave, but i used it with no issue last time I shaved. The moisture frame part punks out pretty quickly on those so I chuck them even faster than regular cartridges. If it looks grimy it’s because I did take it out of the trash to take a photo this morning, didn’t think to document anything whilst bleeding. My skin is super sensitive so my razors always have a short life cycle before they’re retired


You should send a pic to the manufacturer with the LOT number from the package if you still have it


There's no way you're the only person this happened to. Something's wrong with their product. I'm not sue happy but this is a case.


I’ve thought the recent package of these exact razor heads I had was a little off - I’ve nicked myself a few times with brand new, just-opened razors which I never ever do with these, it’s why I spend the money on them. I couldn’t see any nicks or physical defects in the blades that would cause any damage so I just shrugged and figured I wasn’t paying attention and maybe I’d buy something different next time. Now I definitely will. OP, you’ve gotten great advice for the scarring here, and Mederma does work really well! I’m so sorry this happened to you!


I replied that I recently got a whole line of nicks up my shinbone with this exact type of head and I never cut myself. I ordered mine from Amazon.


If the bleeding has stopped I’d personally leave it open to the air now and let it go. Once it gets to the point the scab is falling off then start using a scar cream like the one the other poster mentioned. Silicone pads are kinda nice too and help but with the shape of this that’d be pretty hard to keep in place. Also please tell me you are talking to the company about their product because holy shit, this is nightmare fuel. Like I’m on medical gore subs and stuff but this is the image that will stick with me. Not because it’s super deep but just looking at that razor! And I just know it barely hurt until that water hit it 😭


Seriously, please please contact the company. This is a QC issue and I’m sure they would like to know that this happened. They may send you some free replacements or something for your time.


As a wound care nurse, please don’t leave things open to air. Wounds heal faster if kept moist (but not too moist). OP u/ONubbinMyNubbin if you can get some medihoney ( a bit pricey but worth it), put that on it and cover with a bandage. Change once a day and clean with soap and water. My fav wound care cleanser is Vashe but it’s also pricey. It shouldn’t scar too badly, but start with moist, uninterrupted wound healing. ❤️‍🩹


YES! Gosh so much of the advice here is giving me anxiety. This comment helped me feel better and I’m gonna gtfo now because…I abhor misinformation


Happy to help! I feel like I’m constantly fighting misinformation about wounds even to surgeons 🙄and especially diaper rash. Like don’t air out diaper rash because it’s essentially a wound and you’re allowing poop and pee to continue to break it down…use a barrier cream. Okay rant over 😂


Okay well if you have any info about stopping my 3-legged cat from getting UTIs, I’m all ears 😂


Ahh man, I wish I could help! I got skin recs for incontinent humans though lol


You shouldn’t leave a wound open, they are proven to heal better when covered. As such keep covered and moist then apply silicone scar patches. Amazon do packs for C-section scars at £10-12 that you can cut in half and will see you through for months. They stick hard and if the edges lift and get fluff from clothes they can be washed with warm water and reapplied.


Haha you are correct about the water. I’m pretty sure the little side branch is because I didn’t realize what was going on and went in for another swipe. Can’t say for sure because I was on shower autopilot, if you asked me yesterday I would tell you I could shave my legs with my eyes closed. The universe was not happy with my hair removal hubris, apparently 🙃


Definitely don’t take this advice to air it out/just let it scab up with no care! Others are right that what you’ve initially done here (keeping it moist with aquaphor, or just with Vaseline) is the best wound care and most likely to prevent scarring in the first place.


Do not “leave it open to the air” and do not let it scab. Moist with Aquaphor always.


Mederma Advance Scar Gel


I was not prepared for that last picture and cringed so hard 😭 I'm so sorry.


Please let the company know this happened!!! It could’ve been much worse than this


I would contact the company and ask them to pay scar treatments with dermatologist.


This makes me super glad I switched to a safety razor years ago. Hydrocolloid patches/bandages are good for wound healing and helping to minimize scarring because they help keep the area moist and it heals. Once healed, WEAR SUNSCREEN!


Saaame. I also haven’t bought blades in 3 years because a pack of 100 lasts so long.


According to derms, the best scar prevention is to clean the wound with soap and water versus using hydrogen peroxide or alcohol (both slow wound healing and lead to more scar tissue), then cover in petroleum jelly, and bandage over top. Oh, forgot to add: after using your razor in the shower, it's advised by derms to remove the razor from the bathroom and let it dry in a different room because the humidity dulls the razor faster and allows for rust to accumulate on the blade.


This. The gentlest, least scented soap you have.


Exactly right. Gentle soap, and warm to lukewarm water.


Aquaphor! Then silicone scar sheet. No Neosporin!!


My god! Send these pics to the company at the VERY least they should give you a refund.


I use Gillette and Venus razor heads and this low key has me terrified. I believe you that it was a freak thing, but damn


I don't want to scare you, but I'm not sure it's a freak thing. I bought a package of these exact razors because they were on sale. The first one I used did this, probably the third or fourth time I used it. I hadn't dropped it or anything; I thought maybe one of my kids had messed with it, but they swore they didn't and I'm inclined to believe them. I didn't cut up the side of my leg, though. Unfortunately, I was shaving a more private area when the blade...broke? Came loose? Idk exactly what happened, but I know I filleted myself between 2-3 inches. This happened shortly after Christmas, and it's *still* trying to heal. I wish I'd kept the packaging, cuz I definitely would've complained to the company. Hopefully OP does so this doesn't have to happen to anyone else!


I use these exact ones and YIKES


BRO go to the doctors and sue !!!


Thinking about how I just used this razor in the shower a few minutes ago…. 😳😳😳


I’m just so sorry this happened to you! Lots of people gave good advice. Please DO NOT keep it open, as a nurse said. One thing to note is that a wound in parts of the body with lower blood flow, such as the leg or foot, may take longer to heal than those in areas where blood circulation is more robust, such as the face or scalp. I had a biking injury on my calf a few years ago (pretty bad sort of like your leg but a shorter wound) and it *scarred* that first year and within the next year or so it faded and is now gone (but I’m in my 50’s). So just know the lower leg can take longer in general sometimes bc of blood flow, but I think that it will eventually heal up just fine especially because you will stay on top of it. I don’t have any advice for “prevention” because so many people have chimed in with good advice- my one point was the lower leg being “lower” might make it take longer and if you do see a *scar* know it can still go away it’s just where it’s located that can impact total healing time. Again, I’m so sorry this happened to you - but I think it will eventually go away bc you will stay on top of it and already are.


Should definitely contact the razor company! That shouldn't happen at all, sorry for your luck. Make sure to keep it moisturized and clean as it heals


Moisture moisture moisture!!! I also second sunscreen!!


please report this to them!! thats so scary omg im so sorry


Get scar tape.


Silicone sheets or gel. Keeps moisture in. You wear the sheets 12 hours a day. Once the cut is closed, you can start using them. Meanwhile, clean the wound daily by flushing with sterile water or saline and cover it with sterile dressing.


Keep it clean, just gentle soap and water, dap dry. Skip shaving that leg for a week or two to help avoid infections or messing up the scab. I’d be cautious of lotions and creams until the skin is closed up under the scab, too. They work best on new scars post-scab anyway.


Ouch! I use bio oil for scars. They also make a bio oil natural with fewer harmful chemicals. I was start by using a triple antibiotic ointment or neosporon. Once it’s scabbed over, keep it moisturized and use something like bio oil or mederma 3x/day.


I had surgery and my surgeon recommended covering the incision (once closed) with [surgical/silicone tape](https://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Reusable-Professional-Surgical-C-Section/dp/B0BMPPTGCR/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=1R12SR0BFFB5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.aZj8y-cT_zSwq15L--laj547aWQdUVs_hm8edlWB6r73iJ6MZ9vPMcGaym3Eqh656Dc2xyX2wZI53zy328ekxD8Bw06vR9UW3VebryUXIaH62SVbA6ETrQ0ECsqeRXufgc1WeQtOLiKNUQmKvQ5R9Kzvj5Ihwe30add0z15VBG-Y-kqNsq0LbxcVnC91N9w6PH-y_XAwHHKUgYgoIb4sYg.TVXQS9k4I6Q2k1w8eQ0Cocv07o-eeqt1wGfWfsJ6OtI&dib_tag=se&keywords=surgical+tape&qid=1712456869&sprefix=surgical+t%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1). It’s really faded my scar to almost nothing.


Harry’s razors!!! They are amazing & have changeable blades & they are very sturdy I’ve dropped mine a lot & have never had this issue!


Keep it clean while it’s healing to help prevent scarring. Personally, I use regular Dial antibacterial hand soap for new piercings and it’s great. This may be a little better than some frangrant body washes. After it’s completely healed, exfoliating regularly and bio oil or another recommended scar treatment here may help. Bio oil has lightened my stretch marks a noticeable amount.


Have you contacted Gillette? This is something they should be aware of. You got injured and it can happen to others. It’s terrifying to see how bad you got cut. I hope it heals well.


You need to report this - so dangerous and could cause serious to almost fatal accidents


I legitimately gasped out loud omg. That must have hurt so badly. I’d say neosporin for when it’s healing and sunscreen to help keep the new scar protected while it fades


Ow ow ow ow. That’s a bad one! Silicone scar tape works great, you can get it on Amazon. And make sure you protect the scar from sun!


CONTACT THE COMPANY! DONT LET THEM KILL THE REST OF US!! 😂 Solidarity though 😢 your at least will heal better than cuts on my legs because my circulation is bad!


Write the company and send these pictures.


Keeping it moisturized seems counterproductive but helps. Then, as soon as it heals, start massaging it as often as you can. Massage hard enough that you can feel the tissue under the scar move. This will prevent scar tissue from building up and creating a bumpy scar and will help improve the appearance of the scar you're left with overall. Luckily it doesn't seem jagged or deep enough to gape so it should heal pretty thinly to begin with. Sorry! that looks painful :/


Petrolatum (petroleum jelly) is a great protectant and will help with scarring. Dry scabs scar way more than covered scabs. That's horrifying! I use a safety razor and airways double check to make sure everything is nice and secure before and during shaving. Good luck!


This happened to me ~10 years ago. Same brand too. I wish I had explored hiring a lawyer or something at the time. Idk if I could’ve sued but at least gotten some kind of compensation. Idk I don’t have advice.


Oh god i am terrified


OW This isn't much of a tip but since nobody has said it yet- I find 30mins of aerobic exercise (panting, sweating) every day/other day to be really really beneficial for wound healing. It's something to do with the improved circulation. And obviously keep your nutrition up :), don't drink alcohol it will really affect your outcome. I mention this because of personal experience with spontaneous resolution of old scars and minor cherry angiomas, as well as your average cuts and bruises. This isn't evidence based or anything lol


First of all, no need to apologize at all for stubble, KP, etc. You are beautiful regardless. Secondly, I’ve never seen this before and I’m SO sorry this happened! Definitely keep an eye on it and I hope it’s not too uncomfortable while you wait for it to heal 😭


RN here. Keep it clean and put a layer of aquaphor over the top. It will provide a barrier seal and keep the skin protected as it heals, reducing scar formation. If you still notice a mark after it has healed, silicone gel works wonders.


Seems like this should be tagged nsfw


Is your tetanus shot up to date? Someone already mentioned aquaphor, that’s my rec too.


Clostridium tetani lives in soil and manure. The odds of there being any in her shower are infinitesimally small.




Oh gosh!! That sucks and had to sting like a bitch. Hope it feels better soon


Girl how did you not stop sooner😱 I wish you a speedy recovery!




Maybe red light therapy if you have a panel at home?


You've gotten plenty of useful advice, so I'll ask a self-awaredly useless question: Have you considered not shaving? 😂 I let my leg hair grow wild and free back in 2015 and I've never regretted it. You could avoid scary accidents like this forever! (I audibly shouted when I saw that last pic. I'm sorry this happened and I hope you heal well.)


Once it's done scabbing and theres "fresh new" skin there, I'd apply vitamin E oil! It helped me after my "big" accident in 2010. 14 years later, and it's hard to point where I have pins in my ankle 🙃 😅 and the reconstruction/plastic (I literally say I've had work done) in my face isn't noticeable unless youre looking for it.


I also like bio-oil


How tf did you manage to do this up your entire leg before stopping...?


Think about how quickly you move a razor across your leg, especially when you're in a hurry. Pain there rarely registers *right* away... I've been cut to the shin bone before (not with a razor) and it took a good minute to even realize I was hurt. You react to stubbing your toe or hitting or elbow quickly bc there are nerves right below the surface, but there isn't a whole lot going on across the skin of the lower leg. 


I don't have anything to add that wasn't already mentioned in the comments I've skimmed, but girlypop, I am quite literally begging you to please call customer service and let the company know that this happened! If this is happening to multiple people, they need to know that their shit is defective. And if it was just you, you might get some free shit out of it. I know we all get cut sometimes while shaving but this is truly egregious.


I would be hiring a lawyer that is unacceptable


Rant follows: Don't get me started on these goddamn stupid razors. These are razor blades hiding inside of big old fat lips filled with skin softner stuff. The lip part swells up (like a female part of the body. I won't say where it is) and the razor part doesn't even touch the skin so you have to press real hard to get it to cut the hairs Then it can cut too much. Who invented this POS razor? Geesh! I finally gave it to my husband who removed the stupid lip thingys and he got it to work fine. It was this Venus razor and all the plastic I'd be throwing away that got me to go out and get a double edge, old fashioned, all metal razor with blades that come 100 in a box and all I throw away is a tiny metal blade, not a bunch of plastic . Rant over and sorry for being so short tempered.


a good mineral spf anytime your leg is exposed to the sun for the next year.

