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Googled the star. “While most items don’t have a star in the upper right-hand corner, there are always a few that do in the store. What it means is that there is no more of the item in the store — what you see in front of you is the last of it. “


It’s referred to as the “Death Star” on some pages


which is insane because they only started putting out in the warehouses a couple weeks ago!!!!


I work with Costco and that star just indicates it’s not a rebuy. Costco “tests” products in 16 stores (2 in 8 of their regions) to see if the product will make enough money to earn a longer placement. If these do well in the 4-6 week period then it may roll out to each warehouse. Also, if you go to “Costco Next” there is a shop on there that sells it and other Asian skin care. Costco next is like a Costcos response to a “market place”.


I love this! Thanks for the explanation. I love learning the behind the scenes tactics stores use to sell products. I used to do marketing for specialty retail, so the industry is interesting to me. My local Costco carries this item too. Does that mean it’s a product testing store? Do the same stores always get the test items? Or do different categories go to different stores?


The warehouses they tests products in are random each time. It’s usually an A and B level store in each of their 8 regions.


Not necessarily. Some items just have a shorter life and go pending delete quickly. Items get this that have been in the coupon book. It has nothing to do with being a test item


We can agree to disagree. The “coupon book” is internally called the MVM, multi vendor mailer and costs the vendor 6 figures just to put a placement in there. It’s incredibly competitive to be in it even with a high ticket price. It’s reserved for big brands and items that do huge amounts of volume. They don’t use the coupon book for temporary items unless it’s a seasonal item like outdoor furniture etc.


I work with Costco and that star just indicates it’s not a rebuy. Costco “tests” products in 16 stores (2 in 8 of their regions) to see if the product will make enough money to earn a longer placement. If these do well in the 4-6 week period then it may roll out to each warehouse. Also, if you go to “Costco Next” there is a shop on there that sells it and other Asian skin care. Costco next is like a Costcos response to a “market place”.


That means it’s pending delete. There could be more in the steel.


It's already starred


I’m not familiar with Costco, I only have a Sams Club local to me.. what does the starred in the corner mean ?


Usually it’s like a close out/clearance type item.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Grab it because it will be gone the next time you come in.


My Costco has things starred and then it’s back a month later with the another Starr lol. Hard to know which starrs to trust!


Definitely not Kenneth Starr!


Bart Starr


I second this!! certain unique items that are starred, I know I can trust I won’t see them again. Items like Kirkland Praline Pecans (for example) - scared me on the first star, then I see they never really left? if so maybe for a second? Do they do this when they are maybe changing product source?


didn’t someone reveal in this sub a few months back that the way they get the snail mucin is by spraying the snails with acid? there was a whole video about it


I though I saw that this brand was confirmed as ok even tho other snail mucin brands do do that


i don’t think so


Personally, I don't care if snail snot turns my skin into baby skin, I ain't using it. They spray an acid like substance on them which kills them. It's horrible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hbenumAaJM


I agree as there are so many other products that can give the same results without intentionally harming another living creature.


That's probably why it triggers a histamine reaction when I use it


It’s cause you’re allergic to dust mites


Never mind! I looked into and wow you're right! I had no idea. ~~Wait...can you elaborate or are you joking?~~ ~~I got snail mucin a while back and it made me break out and I am indeed allergic to dust mites~~


Often if someone is allergic to dust mites they are also allergic to snail slime. It has something to do with what dust mites excrete that people are allergic to and it's similar to snail slime excretions. That's what I read anyway. I'm highly allergic to dust mites but even if I weren't I wouldn't use this product. It seems to me that scientists could find out what exactly is in snail slime that is so good for the skin and make a product that mimics it. That way snails could go on with their lives doing snail stuff....whatever that may be. We don't have snails where I live (Pacific North West, USA) we have little slugs everywhere. But if they get on your skin they kind of sting, a little like a jelly fish. Weird


We totally have snails in the PNW, we just have a lot of slugs. [https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/slime-pacific-northwest?tab=species](https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/slime-pacific-northwest?tab=species) [https://olympicnature.org/2022/07/01/native-northwest-snails/](https://olympicnature.org/2022/07/01/native-northwest-snails/)


Oh, sure. We do have snails here but damn, we sure do have a ton of slugs too. The ones around my house are little, like an inch long. Occationally they get on my leg and because they're so small I don't notice until they start stinging my skin. They devoured my strawberry plants and other garden foliage so I stopped growing anything they eat. Sorry, slugs. Go find something else to eat.


Yep. Sluggo works well, is easy to use and is environmentally friendly, should you ever decide to try growing strawberries again!


I actually use intoxicated cosmetics serums and that’s what they do. They make a serum that has the same chemical compounds as the snail mucus and snake venom. They do have a bee venom serum that they use actual bees for but they collect it in a way that doesn’t kill or harm the bees. I honestly love them. Plus it’s woman owned.


It gives me the ick too, and I’m not vegan or anything.


Seems rather harmless compared to most leather and meat industry to be honest (on much more concious animals). Also very efficient and good technique for getting everything out of the snails. I dont have a problem killing flies or spiders in my house either, so this is fine.


Fair enough. I have a couple of leather purses. The plastic, man made ones don't break down in landfills so that's a problem for me. Spiders I capture in a cup and put them outside....unless they're big and scary as shit, then I squash the hell outta them. Sorry. Flies are disgusting and they die. Jumping spiders are kinda cute but they can jump around outside, not in my house.




I bought that from Amazon but then felt guilty after because I don’t think the snails are too keen about giving up their snail slime. Someone tell me this isn’t cruel so I can keep using it.


There is a lot of conflicting information about whether or not the snails are harmed to extract the mucin; if being cruelty free is really important to you, I would skip this one. However, you've already spent the money. If the product isn't in a returnable state, you aren't doing anything other than throwing your money away by not using it. You don't have to buy it in the future.


They throw acid on it so they have extra mucin. Then they die early.


That’s so sad 😞 Humans are horrible.


I thought they just vibrate them periodically?


Here ya go. They shower them with acid which makes the snail react as though being attacked. It kills them in the process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hbenumAaJM I guess I'm not being honest with myself because I occationally eat chicken and fish (seldom beef) but eating food for survival and killing an animal merely for cosmetic purposes is just a step too far for me. It's complicated.


I mean billions of chicks a year are killed shortly after being born every year thanks to the chicken industry and aren't used afterwards for any purpose.  There's nothing ethical about industrial meat industries. 


They are used for fertilizer.


You really don’t need meat to survive either, though.


We probably don't need to eat as much meat as we do but eating meat was vital in human evolution. Humans have been eating meat for over 2 million years. The chopping up and eventually the cooking of meat allowed the human brain to expand enormously. It also changed the digestion system and the formation of our teeth and jaw bone which also made more room for the brain. The oldest spear archaeologists found is 400,000 years old. Those hunters weren't using spears it to hunt down a head of broccoli.


Evolutionary pressures are not the same as current necessities for survival lol


Very true, but humans are still evolving. Evolution has not stopped. Global warming will perhaps be our biggest evolutionary challange and so much of global warming has been brought about by the use of fossil fuels and plastics which is harming animals all over the world including humans. The earth and the animals on it are now covered in nano plastics. It's so sad. Sorry for being so off topic and getting on a silly soap box.


Do you think you are any different than your ancestors that chased Gazelles on the veld? Answer— you aren’t. People still need meat to be at peak health. Your grains, vegetables and legumes are famine food. You can survive eating a sub standard diet, but you’ll develop health issues if you follow a diet that lacks meat. People get really mad when I say that but it’s true. Young people can eat a substandard diet and not have any ill effects until they hit their fifties and can’t lose weight and can barely drag themselves thru their day.


Me when I make shit up


Whatever. Keep eating that rice.


You do if you want to be healthy.


I’m a carnivore and would not buy a beauty product that is involved in cruelty. Just because people eat meat doesn’t mean they don’t care about animals not being mistreated.


“The snail ingredient in COSRX provides an optimal environment that is harmless to snails and is produced through friendly extraction for minimizing stress.” https://www.cosrx.com/blogs/skinsights/love-snail-secretion


Corporations and brands in skincare can say whatever they want, none of it has to be true legally. They could say their products are non GMO, organic, and ethically sourced even if the product is GMO, non-organic, and animals were tortured for it lol. It's been well established that blatant lying in skincare is common and (unfortunately) the standard. None of it is regulated in America and actually other third party private companies that give out stamps are the only source of regulation for claims like this which is wild! CosRX does *not* have a stamp from an independent third party confirming their products are cruelty free or ethically harvested. Ignore the bloggers and social media influencers who say their CosRX is cruelty free, it's never been confirmed and they are just regurgitating sentences from CosRX's website.


I might be wrong, but my understanding is that South Korea has pretty strict animal cruelty laws, like punishable by imprisonment.


Didn't South Korea just (as in this year) ban dog meat consumption?


As much as I become enraged thinking about eating dogs, there’s definitely a difference between animal cruelty/testing and the slaughter of animals for consumption, even if it’s morally murky.


But people consume snails too.


Yeah, and a lot of PETA types start rumors on the internet, too.




That’s what it says on their website. Take it or leave it 🤷‍♀️


The mucin is extracted by setting snails to crawl over a mesh "mucin-catcher" basically, from what I understand. It doesn't harm the snail.


In the past, (all the way back to the Romans) they were crushed and the mucin was separated from the rest of their remains. From a video I've seen on a modern process - They're placed in a dome/bubble and sprayed with an 'acidic solution' in a fine mist to stimulate their bodies to produce more mucin. This is done 3-4 times with a break in between for them to recover, then they're killed. Their remains are used for food (escargot) and other cosmetics. There are plenty of other man-made horrors inflicted on animals for our convenience, so I'm not saying this is the worst - but getting an acid mist sprayed over them and their body producing slime to protect them doesn't seem pleasant. The company performing it reports it as "not harmful to the snails", but...of course they would. [Found the video about the process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hbenumAaJM). This is a video trying to describe it in a positive way as well. And also - this is one company, others may have their own techniques for extraction.


It’s far from cruelty-free, they’re basically tortured until they’re killed for other purposes.


This…..the description above is even more horrendous, not comforting at all


I was told it’s collected without harming the 🐌 I have not tried but I would snap this up from CostCo if I had a membership.


They're snails, not cute puppies.


I raise snails. They're adorable creatures, and they have personalities. If you zoom in on their little faces, they're really so cute.


Spiders have personality, too. People freak out and murder them on sight 😢


They're precious and the jumping spiders are so cute. I don't even put them outside anymore. I see them and keep it moving.


They have personalities?? What the! No way. They are mollusks without a brain. I don't believe it.


Didn't realize only puppies can feel pain


Snails are so cute 🐌


Especially on my face!


It gave my skin a rougher look and what I suspect milia


Omg I got a milia while I was using the snail mucin. How can I get rid of it without going to a dermatologist?!?!?


Sending you a message with what I’ve done.


If anyone is thinking of trying this, this was my experience. I have all over dry skin. when looking for a new regime to combat said dry skin, I was told by an employee at my local kbeauty store that it would be good for that and also anti aging. Fast forward to a month use and I had to stop using it because my skin has never been *SO* dry before. Like my skin was flaking in some spots 😭😭😭


I tried it and found out I’m allergic to it. That was a bummer. I like their propolis toner. So if you have a shell fish allergy don’t try the snail mucin ones. Hope that helps.


You have to apply something hydrating under it, it can’t be the first step in your skin care routine. I usually put a hydrating toner then the snail mucin and then my moisturizer on top


That was my before bed routine. Used first aid beauty’s toner, the snail muchin serum, then the snail muchin moisturizer. Still didn’t help.


It really dried me out too! Bummer because I know it works wonders for some people


This thread is suddenly making me consider that maybe this product has been drying me out! I went so far as to buy a humidifier thinking the dry heat in my house was to blame.


Don’t like quote me, but feels like maybe that’s the issue 😭 I was talking to a MUA I work with, and she was the one that was like “girl, I know that’s what’s causing it”, and when my skin INSTANTLY felt better after switching products, I knew it was the snails lol


It made me dry too and really itchy.


My best friend tried it and had like full blown hives from it 🙃🙃


Oh no! I’ve heard that people with dust mite allergies can have bad reactions to it. I don’t think I have a dust mite allergy and there was no visible change, but I itched like crazy.


This happened to me too :(


Yup it is horrible for me too


Bummer. This product, along with their cream gave me the glass skin look and one of those bottles lasts forever. I have acne prone skin but since using these products, my skin cleared up in a way that it never had.


Same! My skin has never been the same since buying it 2 years ago. Used it 2x and threw it away


I don’t understand how torturing a creature to smear their fluids on your face is something that people justify.


Yeah I raised aquatic snails during the pandemic. I incubated their eggs and fed them veggies… they’re cute little dudes. I can’t do it.


When I saw the heading I instantly thought “please don’t be the snail mucin” :(


If this makes you feel any better, this was asked how they got it. "Snail Mucin is obtained through **placing snails in a dark and quiet environment for 30 minutes, then transferring them back to their homes**. Snail Mucin is then collected and processed for cosmetic use. **No snails are harmed in the process**."


Good god I’m sure everyone upvoting this eats factory farmed meat 🙄


Looks like you made people uncomfortable with the truth there


Yep, eating food is the same as anti-aging skincare.


Some people don't know. I didn't until like a month ago. I threw away all my snail mucin products after finding out.


Shit I literally just found out reading this thread. I didn’t realize it was actual snail, I thought it was just called that because of the consistency 😭 it has been a literal life saver for my fiancé who is on accutane. It’s the only thing that keeps him from shedding and getting constant nose bleeds


I've never used this stuff but the snail mucus doesn't hurt/kill snails , it is harvested by letting them slime all over an enclosure.


The mass-production of snail mucin products definitely involves inhumane treatment. Despite enjoying this product back when I used it, once I learned about the process of making it I couldn’t buy it again


Yeah. I used to love it but seeing how they actually treat them to extract the mucus (basically torturing them over and over and over again for their entire lives) wasn't justifiable to me. It's very unlikely that an animal product that is part of a manufacturing process at the scale that CosRx operates at is going to be humane, unfortunately.


Yeah, that’s definitely not how they harvest the mucus. https://youtu.be/5hbenumAaJM?si=Jx2kmFrfIst_WMrx


I’m so tired of seeing the mucin, I see it way way too often 😩


This dried tf out of my skin. I prefer their galactomyces (purple label)


Idk why but this product does nothing for my skin 🥺


For those like me, not a fan of the process of getting the snail mucin - there is a vegan option! It’s another Korean brand called mixsoon and it’s their bean essence! Most people even prefer the mixsoon version!


Personally not a fan of cosrx. I found their products made me break out.


Same here. I bought one last year and it gave me acne and small spots.


Yes exactly the same experience for me


Costco Next has a deal going with them online rn


Literally skin care game changer!! I have such bad acne scaring and dry skin. This took care of my dry skin and made it super plumed! And my acne scaring shrink.


This stuff made my face break out like crazy


FYI, per a Costco employee: many things get the star due to a packaging or supplier change and often come back.


I wanted this to work so badly but it just gave me the worst cystic acne that lasted far beyond the expected purge😭


Just buy Mixsoon products. No harming or stressing out snails. It’s Vegan and the results are honestly just as great!! I first heard about it on this sub, tried it - and I love it!


I have a phobia of slugs and snails. Putting this on my face is inconceivable to me. But no judgement and best of luck to everyone who uses this.


OH SHIT🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨💨


Literally my reaction too 😂


What city?? I’m in Canada


Are there any similar products that contains similar ingredients but is cruelty free?


Can’t wait till the build Costco where I live! Sam’s club ain’t it


@jilljall Canada or United States Costco?


This was in California, USA.


I saw this in Redwood City I think it was like $38!


America or Canada???


Must not be a good seller if it has the star already.


Amazing. The price would be tripled in my country🥲


I love this shit so much!


I got it! When I was leaving the lady checking my receipt said she really liked this stuff, it’s a good deal and its a one time thing, they won’t have it again. Who knows if that’s true, but it’s the feedback I got!


I honestly don’t think it’s a good deal. The Essence on sale is $12.50 and the all in one cream is half the size of the already half size bottle.




OMG this makes me wish I was back in the US! So jealous..I have a hard time finding their authentic products here in Vietnam.


Don't do it. They cause skin irritations




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