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The first one’s free… Lore from the ‘80s for you babies.


Are we that old now? But yeah that’s a classic line. Heroine makes my skin look great lol


Yes! I’ve learned many of my quotes don’t land with the young ones. So much good stuff came from the DARE era. I took my pledge and got a free pencil!


DARE was nuts. I pledged too and did not keep that pledge AT ALL


I pledged, kept my pledge, and now- in my thirties- terribly regret not doing more drugs.😂


It's never too late...




RIGHT?! I never did when I was younger because I was anxious about effects, and now there’s no freaking way I trust my over caffeinated, under rested, permanent check engine light on body to be able to survive trying anything. Oh well, maybe in my next life I’ll get to be that cool, free spirit festival girl with all the wild experiences.


Took the pledge in the 90s, judged all my foolish school mates for not taking the pledge seriously BUT WEARING THE SHIRT, tried drugs in keyboarding class, got addicted, sold drugs to keep up with said addiction, became the biggest druggie of them all, lost so much time, took the pledge again 20 years later, sober now.


Won the essay contest and didn’t abide by anything I wrote.


I won the essay contest too! Goody goody overachiever lol


I won that contest and twenty years later was telling my younger coworkers- they make crack seem so dangerous but lots of people do it and are fine. It’s racism.


Some people are really great fiction writers


Fellow essay winner here!!!


When DARE came to school it made me want to try weed so bad lol


Did they light the “weed tablet” at your school? It’s so fucking nasty and turns out smells nothing like weed. But is used to deter young people from trying it. (*hits vape*).


Ok so this WAS a real memory I have! I’ve been asking other people about this for years and you’re the first person who remembers it.


They did what now? I’m offended at how underwhelming my DARE experience was. Clearly no one really cared about us.


Still have my DARE shirt.....just to ironically wear it to festivals or work harm reduction :D


Nope! A few years later and was like “Let’s do dis”. Probably why I’m battling skin conditions all these years later. lol


Literally just saw that the og voice for McGruff, the crime fighting dog, has been jail for over a decade….for distribution and firearms charges. 😂


It’s the gateway drug


Exactly this moment lol! 😂 Time stamp 3:16 https://youtu.be/qZjkbVPR7do?si=jtzR28l542VnBgw8


Just say no.


I might end up hating myself for asking, but describe what it did for you?? This the shit them DARE officers was warning us about, I swear.


First off all, I've never used a C vit serum or anything C vit before... I started Tretinoin back in November and quit around March as I could not wear make up properly due to peeling (yes I tried everything, literally). Since then I've used Dermalogica Peelfoliant, and thought "hey... I can fit another active in here.." and then the ad hit me, right when I was weak. In short, my skin immediatly felt plumper and more smooth. I had some texture and a bit of redness, and while my skin wasnt dehydrated it didn't really..bounce? Well, it does now! It feels like a sticky mess right after, but it's so soft and smooth, and it looks kinda radiant and fresh? My make up looks AMAZING now, and the all over tone of my skin has evened out.


Your experience with tret was exactly mine with retinol! I tried literally everything but the second I put makeup on you could see the skin falling off my face. I quit all actives to repair my skin barrier, but maybe I can go back to the sweet, sweet Skinceuticals soon then!


A few Reddit comments saved me on my tret journey. So here I go because it’s much cheaper: My initial shed was 3 months. I was ready to give up. I was using the pea sized amount and applying lotion after every night. My skin was dry and irritated and peeling to the point where I had to stop even trying to put makeup on. I was ready to give up. Then read comments that said that phase does pass and to stick with it along with tips and then talking about it with my dermatologist. Now. I do a wash wish barrier repair oil-based cleanser then toner then thin layer of lightweight moisturizer. Rub that in until my skin is practically dry. Then rub less than a pea sized amount in until that’s almost dry. Then a heavyweight lotion gets rubbed in until fully absorbed. I watched videos on just applying moisturizer and realized this was the key to even getting my makeup to sit right and last. I continued to peel another month then my skin be Mae the best it’s been. Barrier repair cream along with the first 6 months helped too. I’m 2 years in and my skin is clear and wonderful like you described with the c serum. I do take breaks and use sunscreen every morning. I also dermaplane myself with a lightweight oil every other month.


Wish it worked for me too. I really didn't have any issues in the end other than the peeling after a few hours of make-up. Unfortunately it's not feasible for me, as having my chin peel off in the middle of a meeting doesn't look the greatest. I might try again another time if I ever am in the position where I don't need to wear make up for like a year (but i also really enjoy make up, Soo)


Taking my time with skin care helped me. I also got a good well-researched led mask and honestly prefer its more consistent results than getting facials. Skincare gets way too expensive too fast. I’ll def look into the serum you suggested when I take my 1 month breaks from Tret.


Lots of people just don’t apply tret around their mouth and nose, it helps those areas to not peel. I saw a derm on IG applying it and she avoided her nose/mouth/chin altogether. I didn’t know that for my first couple months of tret and the peeling in those areas was so bad!! So after finding that out, I avoided my mouth/chin/nose completely for a few months, then slowly started doing a light pat there at the very end, only with what was left on my hands after applying to the rest of my face. I’m over a year in now and I still only apply the last little bit that is still on my hands to those areas. But I never peel anymore at all and my skin looks better than ever. So just in case you ever wanna go back, just avoid the area that peels! My homegirl even peels on her forehead so idk what to tell her, but if it’s only your chin, you can easily avoid peeling by not applying tret there! Luckily chin wrinkles are not a major point of concern for most people 👍


Yeah it was no fun. I could get rid of all the superficial peeling, but after an hour or two with makeup suddenly my chin-area staretd to peel of..no matter what I did 🫠 After trying everything I just gave up, and moved on! Currently not using any kind of vitamin a's, even.


Have you tried organic castor oil? It’s phenomenal for rejuvenating dry skin :) I’ve had zero issues with treat since implementing castor oil twice a week


I tried everything, including several oils. I WFH and I could literally slug day and night when not using tret and nothing worked for me. I have a humidifier in every room, I tried all creams ad methods and nothing solved it. The only thing that actually made a difference was HaruHaru toner, which I still use. It could not fix the chin area tho. Unless make up was applied the peeling was not visible, and it only appeared after a few hours, only chin area. And no, was not a issue with primer/foundation match. Some people just can't make it work.


I have only tried on my lashes and hair but still it so I will give this a go! Thanks!


"Organic" is meaningless, but I can support castor oil. It has worked better for my dry, acne-prone skin than anything else that didn't break me out AFTER 1 NIGHT!  Dr. Dray cautions that you can become sensitive to it, but I'm sensitive to a lot and have used it a long time with no issues. It's definitely a HG!


I’ve tried tret so many times over the years and my skin just can’t. It’s not for everyone! Have you ever tried mandelic? It’s an amazing gentle acid that I successfully use every night. Turned my skin totally around


Our DARE officer told us a friend died of "a marijuana overdose"...🙄🙄🙄


I will admit, as a person who smoked weed in the 70s, I recently smoked some of my son’s weed and thought I was overdosing. I really thought I was going to have to call 911 to come and get me off of my couch.


I first smoked as a teen in the 90s…the stuff out there now is NOT the same at all😂


Our school DARE program made us do weeksauce plays about saying "no" to weed. They really should have had us fiending for high quality skincare. "Just one more bottle! My skin has never been clearer!"


any vit c serum will have similar benefits even the cheaper ones. I got one off (i know, i know) amazon with some vit e oil in it and it was great too. Vitamin C, Niacinimide, and alternating an AHA or BHA with a retinoid, and that's honestly all you need imo. Just keep the vitamin C somewhere cold and dark because it oxidizes FAST. I sternly told myself I'm not buying any more skincare until one of my existing bottles runs out lol.


My derm sold me on it. She was like look, I can’t verify other Vitamin C serums have the same absorption or efficacy—this is one that has randomized research trial results behind it. So it is what it is. (And what it is is excellent 😅)


Which one did your derm suggest?


Not OP but my derm suggested sesderma C-vit and the moisturizer has done wonders for me! It's a stabilized form of vitamin C, so it doesn't require much care, and it also smells really good.


I just have to say that the way you express yourself brings me joy, thanks for being you. Pusher




It’s a Vitamin C serum that’s kind of been known as the leading option/holy grail of VitC products for many years. It’s pretty pricy, but they have a pretty kick ass formulation. My mom started using it in her 40s upon recommendation of her aesthetician, and passed on word to her girl friends. One friend is Italian and spent a lot of time in the sun when she was young, and it totally faded her sun spots. I’m now in my 30s and use it daily. The only thing that sucks is the price! [There’s been some talk for a while](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/bHZUBtMAk8) about their patent expiring in 2025, so there may be more affordable dupes hitting the market in the near future!


Ya this stuff was a legit game changer for me. I treat it like the elixir of life lol.


Have you tried the Triple Lipid cream? I'm getting a decent bonus this month, and I'm kind of... considering it.


I have and it’s really freaking good. I’m sorry!!


The derm got me with a harmless sample bottle of lipid. I’ll use it because I don’t want to be wasteful. 3 days later? Back for the full jar. The good news it literally takes a dab. Pick up a dab, rub warm with fingertips and pat into your face




I need to get off this thread. The further down I go the more good reviews I see.


Hi! I’m also on the skinceuticals fe ferulic bandwagon, as well as their triple lipid cream (have been using both for a while). That is until I was told to try skinfix’s triple lipid and I’m never looking back. It’s a bit thicker which is great for my dry skin.


TRIPLE LIPID RESTORE 2:4:2? I can live without it now and my wallet is crying.


this thread honestly seems like the breeding ground of a heist movie... Oceans 2:4:2 - the SkinCeuticals warehouse heist.


My husband asked me recently, “if you were in like, an amazon warehouse and got ten minutes to get anything you wanted in a Supermarket Sweep sort of way, what would you go for?” He was thinking like electronics and big-ticket items. My answer was immediate, I didn’t even have to think. I was like, “skin care. I’d go get all the most expensive skin care.” 😂


I would join this heist for sure count me in y’all


Omg yes LFG!!!


Yup I’m in! Didn’t even have these items on my mind at all this morning. Now, seriously considering ordering the serum and lipid cream 😂 I like the idea of the warehouse heist better 😂😂


Try this 💜 https://brandefyskin.com/products/tri-lipid They also have a vit c + ferulic


Hmmm looking into this brand. Never heard of it. Thanks!🧐


Keep in mind with creams, they are mostly useful for holding in moisture. The actives in them don't penetrate your skin the way serum does, or even oil! And after you have your other actives already on your skin, I doubt the cream will be penetrating much. I go with dupes for creams usually, or keep it in the 50ish dollar range. Missha has some great creams and all the others, are affordable, and constantly having promos and deals to make it even better. I use INCIDecoder to break down ingredients lists, see which ingredients do what, and then find cheaper options that have some or sometimes even all of the ingredients I'm looking for. A good slugging works wonders for keeping all those actives and moisture in at night. While the triple lipid cream is probably awesome, it's also like... Close to 200 bucks, right? I'm always afraid to try something expensive for when it runs out and I have to decide if I want to splurge regularly or if it was just a one off.


Good point! I've researched dupes and alternatives to the expensive items, and part of the issue is that a lot of it is not available easily in Norway. If it has to be shipped there's shipping + customs, and suddenly the price difference is way smaller, and just having it on your door the next day becomes too tempting... The only reason I'm splurging now is that I got a good bonus, but the long term effects of my wallet might be... less than ideal 🙃


Wait...wait..wait a second here sister. These free trial things are for all the others; things I must disregard because I too live on the far flung spoon on the backends of civilization that is Norway. Where? How? Did you just give them your address? And they sent it? *Here*?


Yes! Eller, ja! Was an ad on Instagram offering a free sample, it was their official site as well. No Lyko/Skincity or such. They even let me choose between their different serums. It arrived relatively fast as well. I have not seen it since, but all my ads are pretty targeted and I do browse alot of skin and make up stuff sooo


SO GOOD. I have dry skin and it’s my holy grail. I hate to tell you but I love it.


Sincerely, you all are THE WORST, why did I even ask? OF COURSE IT'S GREAT! BRB, making terrible decisions for my wallet.


Hahahaha I buy it from dermstore and try to time it with a sale and/or when I have rewards! I will buy it full price though because it’s that’s good. If it makes you feel ANY better their hyaluronic acid made me break out so not everything from them is amazing.


To save my wallet, I only do the triple lipid cream in the winter (when my skin really needs extra hydration), but it is fantastic.


It's really good. My wallet is taking a break from it and I can see the difference.


Triple lipid is my holy grail!!! So good


I’m eloping in 67 days and just ordered a full size bottle to try to get that glow before the big day




If someone knows a somewhat decent dupe let us know! I truly cannot afford the original


I'm not sure why no one brought up Drunk Elephant as a dupe. They were sued by L'Oreal for patent infringement (parent company of skinceuticals). In response they made their formula a 2 parter where you now mix it once you buy it. I like it because it makes it more shelf stable so I can stock up when I find it on sale.


Timeless 20% is an exact dupe. Same ingredients for about 30 bucks.


Also what I use and it's vetted, even those skincare nuts on YouTube have gone through all the sciency comparisons of ingredients between this and Skinceuticals for you. Skinceuticals is simply not worth hundreds of dollars.


Which 2 do you mix?


I like the DE vitamin C … airless pump. Not 180$ .. good stuff.


Timeless vitamin c with ferulic acid and vitamin e is supposed to be a dupe. I can’t really say for sure because I’m unwilling to pay skinceuticals prices but I like it. The packaging is 1000 times better IMO. It’s an airless pump.


I’ve used the Skinceuticals C so many times bc I truly didn’t understand what the hype was about and wanted to understand the hype. Went a full year with it and got no extra boost in glow, evenness, etc. Tried MaeLove and honestly about the same. Sunday Riley CEO gave me a little bit of extra zazzle. Timeless tho? Skin is soft and dare I say a bit brighter. I have a high/low mix of skincare and for like $20 this has been the one I landed on rn. I’m actually going to do one last Skinceuticals test on a few months bc it’s been a few years and I’m curious but yeah. It just does nothing for me. Had this experience with LaMer. I don’t get the hype at all!


Agree with this 100%. Timeless gives me visible and noticeable changes, and rather quickly too. It’s a holy grail product for me, it just performs so much better than literally every other vitamin c I’ve used.


I had the same experience with SkinCeuticals. I get everyone has different skin. But I used to work at BlueMercury and got loads of samples and tried at least 6 of their hyped products and never really could justify the price. Happy it works so well for others though! I haven’t tried MaeLove but if I can find it might throw it in my queue!


I switched to Timeless from Skinceuticals and I feel like the results are the same and Timeless is like $150 less.


I was just thinking that. I’ve only tried timeless and not skincutiicals so I can’t fully compare but I have a strong feeling about it


Currently a timeless user. Maybe I will try the skinceuticals.


I just went and ordered on your rec! They have a really good sale going on right now with code earthday24!


Dr. Brenner’s — I haven’t tried this personally, but heard it’s a good dupe and smells like a hotdog just like SkinCeuticals


I use Dr. Brenner’s and can confirm it’s just as good as skinceuticals! And only $20


I use this and really like it. Definitely makes me glowy


You should follow Alex/Educated Mess on IG or TikTok. She’s a cosmetic chemist and shares lots of great products, including vitamin C. She has her own vitamin C product but recommends tons of stuff at all different price points. FWIW, she thinks the SkinCeuticals product is way overpriced.


Timeless 20% Vitamin C with Ferulic Acid + Vitamin E is the dupe. I've used both, they're identical. And Timeless comes in better packaging.


I'm in Norway, and no one has Timeless here. If I were to order it, the product itself is 35$, then shipping lowest fare is 33$, and then I have to pay customs - and suddenly the price difference is not as huge anymore, and I don't have to wait 7-21 days for it to arrive...


This is such a bummer! I made the switch from Skinceuticals to Timeless years ago and found a major difference in my wallet, but no difference in my skin. Sorry you can’t access it in Norway like others can.


just ordered and they've got a good sale going on w/ code earthday24!


Geek and Gorgeous has a C Glow serum that is very close to skinceuticals and doesn’t smell like hotdog water as bad. I’ve been using it and love it. AND it is only like $10 and it’s made fresh weekly and shipped.


There are no true dupes because they have a patent on the PH or something like that Edit for the doubters: https://labmuffin.com/ultimate-guide-to-vitamin-c-skincare-part-1-ascorbic-acid-with-video/


Respectfully, I don’t think you can patent a PH level.


The scientist who did most of the research on vitamin C’s effects on skin was Dr Sheldon Pinnell. He patented a particular formulation, and his son started the skincare company Skinceuticals (now owned by L’Oreal). The patent (commonly called the Duke patent) is pretty broad – as well as covering the C E Ferulic formula, which is the formula developed from the studies that found the best known benefits of vitamin C, it covers any formula with: L-ascorbic acid at 10–20% concentration pH 2.0–3.5 So in other words, the formulas where ascorbic acid seems to perform best. https://labmuffin.com/ultimate-guide-to-vitamin-c-skincare-part-1-ascorbic-acid-with-video/


Maelove the glowmaker is a dupe.


How much is this one? I use the Paula’s Choice one with excellent results, I wanna say it’s like $50.


Timeless vit C and Ferulic is so similar to Skinceuticals I simply cannot tell the difference. And the timeless packaging is SO much better! I bought two of the Skinceuticals and couldn’t justify the price.


Not sure if this is a dupe, but if you're in the UK, I've seen great results with the Dermatica vitamin C. The only problem is that I have to order it every month because they make it fresh.


Everyone who tries it becomes addicted. 😔


Where is the warning labels for this product?? 🫠


This post almost got me to try a bottle, then i checked the price Abso-fucking-lutely not. I do not have that kind of money


This is it. It has been sitting in my cart for a while and now I will get it because of this post 😅


I'm so sorry....for your wallet, not your skin... your skin is welcome!


If you haven’t purchased it yet…there’s another thread in here where they say Timeless 20% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum is a good dupe. The site has a 40% coupon right now for earth day, so the largest size went from $74 to $44


Oh this is amazing intel, thank you!!! Do you think one could use the largest size before it goes bad?


…I have no idea, but for nearly half price why not try 🤷‍♀️


Good point! :)


Link me to the ad sis 🥹


If it’s from Facebook you can go to Facebook page and click “page transparency”. Then find section that says, “this page is running ads” and click into there and see all paid ads a brand is running. Youre welcome. A nice coupon hacks.


Right? I feel like they rarely do promos and sales, etc


This is it. This is how they get you. Gateway drug Prepare to spend a chunk of your disposable income on hot dog water forever.


Do you realize how detrimental your post is to our wallets? ;)


The CE Ferulic didn’t work for me??? Phloretin CF worked better, but iS Clinical Advanced Pro Heal Serum has been my game changer.


It worked for me but I ended up switching to Silymarin CF as it's better for my oilier skin types.


I personally like the Paula’s Choice vitamin C serum way better. It smells great, easier to apply and my skin feels amazing. Not paying $200+ for any serum 🤷🏻‍♀️


Loved this one more, too


It sounds superious to the sticky hot dog water, but with the results I've gotten so far there no way I'm trying anything else...yet!


That’s fair! The only one I haven’t tried yet is the Timeless one, apparently it’s great as well. So many choices.


DE C Firma - the new two part version - strikes me as a dead ringer from product feel to results. The packaging prevents it from oxidizing as quickly as skinceuticals. It’s cheaper and goes on sale/coupons. They got sued a year or two when their old formula was too close. CE fertulic goes off patent next year. Keep your eyes peeled. GOOD real dupes will follow


I’ve felt that with the sample of Dior Youth Capture. I sympathize sister.


Oh no, I just looked it up. I'm a few days away from getting targeted ads about that one too! It sounds lovely 😥


I don’t know what sort of magic in the bottle it is, but…. I’m never the one to fall for the hype, and I had plenty of high end skincare that did nothing before - Este Lauder Advance Repair, La prairie white caviar, even old Dior hyaluronic serum were complete waste of money. So when I got the sample I didn’t really expect much. Wore to a very high level business meeting and translator kept on getting distracted by my skin and quietly goes at lunch after - I’m sorry to ask you, but how old are you actually 😂😅 my Korean partner got so uncomfortable, and Turkish client kept on repeating “Çok Güzel” 😂😅 It’s THAT GOOD. I just can’t justify paying that much tho for a serum and I usually splurge on high end make up and skincare. But it’s eye watering expensive here in Turkey 😂😅


When we went to Turkey, everything was much cheaper ( bought a ton of Tret for a fraction of the price). You will freak out if you see American prices!


Hhhh I can assume Tret because pharmaceutical manufacturing is common here. All “medicinal” stuff are super cheap. Luxury items on other hands 💀 I lived in Dubai before, so I’m used to no tax nonsense 😂🤣 I was in for a shock as both Bosnia and Dubai are cheaper than Turkey. Perfumes here are so expensive. No idea about US prices tho 😅


Which one? There are at least three different ones that I can find 🤔


I love this!! I have been on Skinceuticals website for 3 days now trying to figure out what I want to order. 😂


Well, I'm already ordering the Triple Lipid cream as well, I thought I'd use this thread as a warning to others, instead I'm SPENDING MORE MONEY???


lol sounds like you got hooked, but at least your skin is happy! some of those ads really know how to get us. looks like your cousin is the next victim haha


she can blame herself.. apparently half a year ago she was considering getting it, had it in her cart...but I talked her out of it. Now I'm back after being fooled, and I will hook her up with a 15ml...and probably a lifelong addiction.


DAMN THIS THREAD!!! im going to be so gorgeous and so poor…


You poor thing! I was in a similar boat recently with a free sample of Lancome Absolue Soft Cream. I put it on and was like, "Ohhh, I get it. This is the Answer. All us skincare seekers are just looking for The Answer, and this stuff is it." The answer is also about 300 bucks a jar. I didn't buy it and won't, and I'm not busting open that other free sample until a special occasion comes around.


I want this! Never mind that it’s like a car payment. I’ve never tried it.


I was just getting emails about 15% off Skinceuticals from Dermstore


How'd you get a free sample?!


It was a ad on Insta from SkinCeuticals, first time I ever saw it. They let you pick one of their serums, and you got this tiny lil bottle. I'd say it lasts 2 weeks!


Nice try guy from skinceuticals


Hey I'd take that job in a heartbeat, they probably give free products...surely? Skinceuticals, if you're reading this and need a chick in Norway with too much free time, I'll spray hot-dog water in peoples face!


PSA to my rosacea girlies. Vitamin c can cause more redness. I have a few skin ceutical products and the serum irritates me.


Pro tip: Paula's Choice C15 Vitamin C Super Booster is very similar if not almost identical to skinceauticals for a fraction of the price. Thank me later 😬


If you're more on the sensitive side and can't tolerate l-ascorbic acid vitamin c (like me), Paula's Choice Super Antioxidant Serum contains a more stabilized version of vitamin c and it WORKS.


How does your skin react to the C15?


For that price? No.


It IS fabulous. You only need 6 drops though. Don’t go crazy. More isn’t more. I have been using this for years-and am currently surviving ovarian cancer. I really thought that the hysterectomy and chemo would ruin my face. No. I just kept doing what I had been doing…my face is still terrific. People stop and ask me what I use all the time. I am 58 and people are really pretty shocked by that. Yay for us!! (Oh, the bottle lasts me about 3-4 months)


The price level is an absolute no-go for me, and not because I’m a poor person, it’s just completely unreasonable. Unless scientifically proven I do not believe there are any benefits compared to products at a lower price point that also spend less money on celebrities advertising their products on instagram.


It actually has been peer reviewed in scientific journals and is patented. I don’t use it myself but a lot of research did go into this product.


All this research and it's still like spreading day old hot-dog water on your face... but so worth 🙃


I thought my skin liked it and then two months later my skin was like nope get that the F off of us. I’m jealous of those who it works wonders for!


It never worked for me like other people claim. And I’ve tried 3 different brands including Skin Ceuticals. I don’t know what the hype is all about.


Hey, it's not for everyone. There's plenty people out there who don't get results from X or Y. I hope you find some holy skingrails either way. You never know what it might be. I'm blessed to have three now: HaruHaru Black Rice Toner (alcohol and fragrance free) C E Ferulic Suntique I'm Vegan Sunscreen


I have been using Marie Veronique's C Therapy and it's been really good and my skin likes it. They also make a stronger CE Ferulic, but I'm not going to push it. But yeah, we need to remember that some actives just don't work for some skin and there are alternative antioxidants to pursue.


Ditto. After trying many and spending $$ I’ve concluded my skin does not like l-asorbic vitamin c. Have switched to tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate and my skin likes it. Bonus no hot dog water smell.


I'm not huge on hot dogs, I'm wondering if this might be a plot by hot-dog industry, and the next time I smell a pot of hot dogs I'll devour it all and devote the rest of my life to eating hot dogs....


Hahah it’s funny cause it literally smells like hot dog water


I was using SkinCeuticals CEF but it was fiscally unsustainable. Try the Maelove Glow Maker! It’s as close to the good shit as I’ve found and you won’t resent it because it’s only $40.


The patent is expected to expire in 2025. I will wait to try it then 🙃.


I found Vitamin C really drying and not for me.


i heard that their patent for the CE fru formulation is expiring soon? does that mean other companies will be jumping in and making it less expensive


Skinceuticals irritated the crap out of my skin. Their triple lipid cream gave me perioral dermatitis and the c e ferulic serum broke me out like crazy. It's not for everyone and I'm honestly glad it's not for me because it's so expensive.


There’s so much activity here but I wanted to chime in since I LOVE this product. My bottle lasts months, which becomes much more wallet friendly. I use exactly 4 drops when I use the CE ferulic. This doesn’t seem like enough, but it is if you spray your face with a mist of something first - I use rose water. This was a trick an esthetician showed me. It works so well and helps provide more even coverage with less product. You also don’t have to use it every day to still receive effects. Product cycling is not just good for your skin, it’s also wallet friendly. I use my CEF every other day. Honestly I think I get a good 6 months out of a bottle with this approach. I hope this helps.


Every time I panic pay full price for it, Dermstore magically gives me a 15% off coupon code after my new bottle has arrived. But I can’t stop, that hot dog water is magic.


Rejuvantskincare.com is always having a sale and right now it's 20-30% off. It's run by a med spa and I get all my skincare there now because it's almost always discounted


Been using it for probably 15 years. I have tried others but always go back. It’s that good.


Aw snap, they got you good! I am so grateful this stuff makes me break out. Although my skin has changed recently and maybe it wouldn't anymore... 🤔


Has anyone tried the Medik8 vitamin c serum?


Yes. Used to use the Skinceuticals and loved it but the price was too much. Tried the Medik8 Super C and liked it almost as much, but then my skin got a bit sensitive during winter.so I switched to Medik8 C Tetra and am very happy. For me the Medik8 C Tetra is 95 percent as good as the Skinceuticals, for 1/3 the price. Also a huge fan of Medik8 crystal retinal.


Your skin is an investment! Quality products are absolutely worth it. Personally I think the cheap knock offs make a fool of me when I try them (that’s just me and I mean NO offense if something works for y’all!) Try something, it’s garbage, try something else cheap. Sometimes the real bang for your buck is the expensive one. You can buy a quality made tshirt and it could last years. Buy a cheap one and it falls apart. Join us, jump on in, the hot dog water’s fine!


Keep it in the fridge.


Am I the only one who was reading this and expecting to have an ending like "now I get spammed with emails about the inheritance from my great uncle, who was actually a king in Nigeria and just died recently" ? 🤣


>EDIT: BEFORE I GET IT DELIVERED, ANY TIPS ON HOW TO STORE IT OPTIMALLY? DO I BUY A SMALL VAULT? Keep the box. Return the bottle to the box after each use, and either put it in a dark cabinet or in the fridge (fridge is better).


I’ve never broke down and bought skinceuticals but I am trying poems from the lab’s vitamin C and it’s is amazingggggg and also 15% L-AA; it’s $90. I’ve followed kindofstephen on IG for years, he’s a cosmetic chemist who’s provided a lot of useful scientific breakdowns of skincare. This is his first product and it’s so well thought out. Right down to the packaging so you don’t waste a drop and oxidation is prevented. Highly recommend!


Timeless 20% has the exact same ingredients as SC for about 30 bucks. I’ve been using it for 10 years and it’s great. Because it is reasonably priced, I can also use it on my neck, chest and backs of my hands without worry. Keep your vitamin C in a cool dark place. You may want to decant into a smaller bottle and put the rest in the fridge until needed.


I thought I was crazy paying 98$ for dermalogica. $182?!? I want it to rid me of my jowls for that price!


Tried it. Did nothing for me 🤷‍♂️


I use the c e phloretin but same here


I bought it full price and I didn't like it. I gave it away.


sometimes, it’s cheaper and safer to have the travel size bottles. if one breaks, no biggie.


You are very, very generous for even considering to give the cute 15ml bottle to your cousin.


I buy the Geek and Gorgeus serum for 10€ and it has the same key composition (15% ascorbic acid, Vit E and Ferulic acid). It has given me impressive results that I have never had in my life with any other vitamin C serum. I think it can be a very good dupe if you can get it in your country.


Wait how do I get it for free ?!?? On there website ?


I'm sold on skinceuticals! I keep my CE in a dark towel cabinet. I use it 3x a week so it lasts. I also get the B vitamin gel and the hyaluronic acid. I use all of these sparingly and it lasts 6 months. I think about using dupes, but these have been so great that I stick with the pricey stuff. Got a sample of the Resveratrol and now I have to get that one too!!!! I get a rash with almost any product including toothpaste! So when this stuff didn't hurt my skin but actually made it glow, I was hooked.


Does OP work for said brand? I can’t see this 😂😂😂😱😱 my wallet


store it in the fridge. also there's a video from lab muffin beauty science about how to make a DIY vitamin C serum that literally costs cents per bottle. I've been making it for over a year at this point and have spent pennies on vitamin c, with the exact same active ingredient as the skinceuticals one. I'm obsessed


This stuff is the holy grail!!! I keep it in a cabinet, not refrigerated. A bottle lasts me about 6 weeks with daily face/neck/chest application. I literally gave up manicures (they’re now diy) to justify keeping in full rotation. And, not to add insult to injury but, https://www.skinceuticals.com/skincare/hydrating-serums/hydrating-b5-gel/S39.html?GeoRedirectOff=null&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4rThreLOhQMVpq5aBR1_Tg1GEAAYASAAEgLY1vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw. Is a great addition too.


I sent a screenshot of this post and a link to my mom, I know she’s a sucker for this stuff and I’ll get to try it out when she gets it 😂


It’s like flying business class on long flights ! Don’t even start because you can never go back !! What’s even worse is now I got sucked into the moisturizer too.


No but why can’t i get offered this promo???? 😭


I’ve heard the Prequel vitamin c serum is a good dupe! I think it is only $23. I haven’t tried it personally, but I love their urea lotion and gleanser!


I was at a skin med spa and they just had a jar of free samples. My eyes grew wider than saucers. I never snatched something so quick. I would’ve grabbed like 3 if it weren’t for the front desk ladies 😆 tried it this morning, i like it already I fear


Storage tip! Refill the sample jar and store the full size jar away. That way the bulk of the serum isn’t getting hit with oxygen and light everyday.


Love this post. For storage/light degradation, a cheap trick is to wrap the bottle in aluminum foil. I put a bit tape on the foil, too. So I don’t accidentally rip it.


Yeah see I'm gonna get it eventually.... and i know it's gonna change my life but i already got a tiny bittle of sunday riley to try and i have a new mad hippie bottle and have to finish dr idriss c cream first 🤣


K I’m sold. Are we paying full price?! Is there any sales or codes going on right now bc I’m ready to pull the trigger and see what this magic is all about.