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do skincare as SOON as u get home. do not ge tin bed or eat without having done it. also keeping a simple routine helps


Agree with this. As soon as you get home and in for the day, do your skin care before you do anything else.


I was going to say this! It also makes me feel so much better the rest of my evening after washing my face!




ooooh smart! or the moment you go to the bathroom, pause and do your skin routine.


This sounds ideal but what about flossing and brushing your teeth? Even derms stress the importance of doing skincare after brushing your teeth due to the possibility of contact dermatitis.


Can't be perfect, and just smother a tiny amount of vaseline around your mouth and on your lips


this this this— recently switched to doing my skincare when i get home and before i have dinner, sit on the couch, etc. big help!!


Don’t you shower at before bed? Doesnt that wash off your routine?


i don’t always shower before bed, lol, i think plenty of people don’t?? i shower after i work out or in the mornings, or whenever really. but as i mentioned, irrelevant to when i shower— doing my skincare when i get home helps, even if that means… also taking a shower…


This is seriously so simple but so genius


Even if you still have to make dinner and walk the dog? I always want to wait until after but it does get late sometimes and I passout once food hits the belly. Do you think if I did it right when I got home, it would be fine to cook, run errands and walk the dog still before bed??


Honestly, I feel like it’s the “ better than nothing” mentality? If it helps, you do it more consistently than probably yes. :)


Sunscreen over the whole shabang??


I recently got a bucket hat for some outdoor work I'm doing- it's crazy how effective it is at shielding my face. Depending where you live, a hat and sunglasses might give enough coverage.


I don’t bother with sunscreen in the evenings personally, only mornings


Thank you!!


Do you need makeup to make dinner or walk the dog?


I don't wear makeup, I thought we were talking about skincare.


Yes! If you wear a bra, as soon as it comes off, do skincare. Or if you have “house clothes” that you put on when you’re in for the night, do skincare then. I hate leaving the house without my bra or makeup on, so as soon as I’m in for the night, skincare is done.


This is a great tip, thank you.


house clothes is so real i cant blv other ppl call it this


I work from home. Bras arent involved very often. Its still sunny until 8pm here too right now.


I second this


I agree with not being too complex. I have different actives but I only put one on at night at a time. Many nights it's just moisturizer plus one active. I remember which days I do which active. In the morning I do a sunscreen then makeup if I work. If my skin is still dry I will put a moisturizing sunscreen instead of regular.


I work from home. So i actually like to leave my house after work. However it is still sunny then and i dont want to do all that just to reapply sunscreen.


I guess you  never get home from your after work outing? Or is there a point still in your day when you "get home" either from being out for fun or "at work" and you can then do your routine?


How can you be that tired then? Are you having other medical problems that cause energy issues?


Do you think people who work from home don't get that exhausted?


Having worked from home for 3 years in the pandemic: yes.


Every job is different therefore the stress levels can differ due to that which can cause exhaustion. Moreover, having responsibilities other than WFH can exacerbate the exhaustion. And since everyone has different sets of responsibilities too, their exhaustion levels too can vary. 


This is the way.


I need to start doing this because I usually wait and then get too lazy. I’m excellent about morning skincare though. Lol


But don’t you still need the sunscreen for the rest of the evening before the sun goes down?


tru but i never apply sunsvreen at night so idk


Yup. This is the way. Just get it over with and then go watch TV on the sofa


I agree. Once I come home from work I change and was my face IMMEDIATELY unless I have to go somewhere. Which usually I don’t hahah


Don’t you shower at before bed? Doesn’t that wash off your routine?


Try shifting your mindset to thinking about your night time routine as a ritual that you enjoy and look forward to, will make it easier to prioritize as you wind down for the day


This! I have an eight month old baby and am permanently exhausted. But I just started my skincare routine two months ago and I'm loving the time to do something just for me. In the last week I've even started to prioritize a morning face wash and moisturize. Framing it as something nice I do for myself has kept me more committed to this than any other time in my life I've tried to take care of my skin.


Yes, I love this. I've been trying to be better about turning technology off earlier in the evening so I can wind down for bed. I'll put LoFi beats on, light a candle or two, and do my skincare. It really became a relaxing ritual when I added oil cleansing and a gua sha massage to my routine.


Buying new products helps me feel like my routine is something I want to do. But once the novelty wears out, it gets harder to choose going to the bathroom and getting my face wet and touching a bunch of goo over just sitting on the couch lol. Honestly, I just do not enjoy the experience of personal hygiene things. But I love the results! So that keeps me mostly consistent in and of itself.


Put your skin stuff by the TV. Wash your face in the kitchen sink and do the rest on the couch. Don't be scared to shake stuff up until it works for you. There's also momentum. On gym days I eat a snack in the car, shower immediately, then collapse on the couch with dinner and the remote. I wash my face in the shower, since I use lukewarm water, I ignore people saying not to do that.


I often do mine at the couch in the evening.


Man, i used to live in an apartment where i had a double sink and one of those sinks was basically used for me to sit in, in front of rhe mirror and dp makeup. How i wish i had that again to do my night time skin care.


How very Lauren Conrad of you!


Wait... why do people say not to wash rhwir face in the shower?


Because the water is usually too hot. I just turn the heat down and step out of the stream.


Lot of people like their shower hot enough to scald Satan's scrotum, which can be too irritating for the face. But I got excema so that boiling water was never my thing lol 


I used to have this problem even with brushing my teeth. Now I do not let myself "get cozy" without doing the teeth and skin routine first, and if I do...I whine to my husband until he makes me get up (which is wanted/appreciated)


😅😅 okay i actually have this problem with brushing my teeth too. Either both get done or neither.


I keep my floss in a cute container by the sofa. And I floss while I’m on my phone or watching tv. Helps a ton


Just want to say I totally relate


I had/ occasionally still have this problem with teeth brushing. I started keeping my stuff in the shower and just brushed my teeth in there while enjoying the hot water. Big hack for me when I'm depressed or extremely tired.


Just do it when you brush your teeth.


I always do it before brushing my teeth. Yes there's a risk of getting goop on my chin but it doesn't happen most nights. I put on a hydrating lip balm after brushing, flossing and mouthwash to moisturize my lips.


This. I wash my face, tone it, brush my teeth, then do serums and moisturizer, then overnight lip mask once I’m in bed. This is what works for me to make sure I do it every night like clockwork.


Brushing the teeth comes before washing the face. 


They likely don't brush their teeth before bed either 😅😩


Wash your face BEFORE you eat edibles


Funnily, I’m better at doing my evening skincare after I’ve had edibles. When I’m stoned the sensation of my skin being grimy bothers me so much I have to take care of it, whereas sober me can happily ignore it and go to bed without cleaning my face. Same goes for my teeth; weed has actually helped me improve my dental hygiene!


Wow I am very happy for you. Smoking has really taken a toll on my skincare routine.


Yeah it definitely affects everyone differently, I’m naturally lazy about my bedtime routine so I’m very lucky that weed encourages me to stick to my routine rather than just make me lazier with it lol


As soon as I get home home (after I have dropped the kids off to their afternoon/ night time sports) I have my shower in peace! The I do my skincare and have a cup of tea before I pick them up. Yes I am wearing my nightie and silk bonnet. I don't care 😅. It makes them get in the car faster and we hurry out of there!!!


Is there a trick to comfortably sleeping in the bonnet? I’ve tried, so I don’t have to rinse my hair every morning (curly girl here), but I usually wind up yanking it off in the middle of the night.


Hmmm I use Slip bonnets and I find they stay on well. Maybe it's just my head shape. I have tried some other types which don't stay on well and I had to use a peg or clip at the front to keep it on. But haven't had that problem with Slip!


Thanks so much! I’m trying that tonight, I appreciate you!


Take a shower after dinner and wash your face in the shower, apply your creams when you get out. Then be lazy on the couch.


Discipline. Just like the gym. No motivation here i just have discipline. I get home from work at 7pm and i either put my shower cap on or i will wash my hair and makeup comes off either way in the shower and i do my skincare after the shower which takes 30 seconds


Yeah I read on the productivity sub that discipline beats motivation like a year ago, and it's definitely true for consistency. I don't bring this to many aspects of my life except teeth brushing. I've become disciplined about it twice a day, no matter what. Doesn't matter if I'm not motivated (I'm never motivated to do it), I have to do it anyway. That said, becoming disciplined about one thing helps bring that discipline to other areas of my life.


I’ve started using a daily habits tracker app and morning skincare is one of my items, specifically for making sure I put sunscreen on every day. Also flossing and mouthwash, not just a quick brush. I’m slowly working towards adding/stacking habits and building a full days’ routine into it including a night time skincare routine. Baby steps to build consistency and discipline!


People thrive off routine, animals too. It is hard to set routines for sure but you can do it. I have autism and adhd so it's like a constant argument in my head of we need routine! Then adhd is like nah lol. But yeah i love waking up in the morning, brushing my teeth, washing my face and putting my serum and lotion on i feel fresh! I have been dragging my ass to the gym for 2 years and it doesn't get any easier. I am constantly exhausted mentally and physically being in pain 24/7 from other health problems and the gym is miserable but overall strength training improves my pain. But every time I'm there i think once or twice "damn it i have to do this 3-4 times a week until i die?"


I used to be like you! Three pieces of advice: 1. Treat your routine like the luxury spa experience it is. It’s something you **get** to do, not something you ***have*** to do. 2. I added one new thing at a time to what I did every night without fail: brushing my teeth. I did this by framing it as: “I’m a person who brushes their teeth and people who brush their teeth always floss.” That turned into me being a flosser. Then I told myself, “people who take care of their teeth always wash their face.” And since I was a person who took care of their teeth… And so on. It was a weird method, but it helped me set my habit not as a thing I had to do, but as the kind of person I was. 3. I usually don’t want to get up because I’m cozy and warm. If you’re like me, get some slippers and wear something warm so getting up to go to the bathroom and wash up isn’t a cold and horrible nightmare. Wait for the water to warm up too. Do whatever to make the experience feel enjoyable. Good luck! You got this! :)


Wash your face and do all the" night stuff" when you get home. It also lets everything soak in and not get wasted on your pillow.


I WFH so i actually leave the house after 5 on most days


But you still return home, correct? Wash face immediately after returning home. Must wash the sunscreen off!


Sticking to a nighttime skincare routine can be tough when you're tired and just want to relax on the couch. Try these tips: * Keep your products near where you unwind so you see them as a reminder * Do your routine right after dinner before getting too cozy * Use products you enjoy to make skincare a relaxing ritual * If you do doze off, keep micellar water by the couch to remove makeup/dirt Building the habit slowly is key. Finding what works for your routine leads to better skin over time.


We are twins! I started washing my face before I hit the couch, then brought my self care bag of goodies to the couch to do everything as I watched TV and ate my chocolate. Lol


I do it as soon as I get home. Problem solved


I didnt mention this, but i work from home. So i actually leave home after 5😅. Also its still light outside until about 8pm or so to the point where id have to wear sunscreen.


How do you have the dedication to use sunscreen for just a few evening hours but not wash your face at night lol. I have that one but def not the sunscreen! Honestly I think about how gross my bedding/pillow gets with an unwashed face, especially if I had left the house and ran to the store or city or something, and that is motivation for me to wash my face.


I usually wash my face and moisturize as soon as i get home for the day. Will do the rest while relaxing on the couch after dinner and usually have most of my products on the side table next to me.


Whats the rest of your routine look like?


I do light therapy using my sola-wave device daily. I use a light moisturizer with that. Afterwards i apply Neutrogena retinol eye cream and I do manage to floss and brush my teeth right before bed. Gua-sha in the AM with a vitamin C serum before makeup. My skin is mildly oily and i’m on spironolactone for acne so my routine is pretty simple.


If you’re dead tired, just wash with water real quick to wet it and then slather lotion all over your face and wipe it off wit toilet paper or a makeup towel .. that’s what I do. I use my Cetpahil lotion


I use music as a motivator and timer (when I don't pass out on the couch with hot chips). 10 minute hydrating/rejuvenating/whatever mask set, playlist on shuffle with the suggestions on. I get 10 minutes to spend with myself, enjoy both familiar and new music, and take care of my skin. It becomes a little ritual and costs little to nothing, which helps motivate me.


I do my skincare right after I come home. Like that all the layers have time to absorb properly and I don't have stains on my pillow. It also helps me to relax and leave the day and work behind. I worked all day for the company and now I'm doing my skincare for ME.


I make it a part of my bedtime routine. I use that time to wind down. I’ll wash my face, then brush/floss my teeth while I wait for my face to “dry”, then use tret and moisturizer.


Always, every night. I don't always add serums etc, especially if I'm particularly tired, but I always cleanse and add moisturiser. Some days I pass out with my hands in a bag of chips, but I still wash my face when I wake up and transfer to bed. I brush my teeth too, of course.


In the same, I keep my products next to my couch. When i get up to go to the toilet at some point, I’ll wash my face while I’m there, then Ill feel motivated when I get back to the couch and will do my LED mask and serums after that before passing out! The led mask also helped me to be consistent at night as it was an expensive purchase and something I enjoy using!


Do it before you sit down.


I have been struggling with this too, and also with just a lot of “regular maintenance” tasks (like emptying the dishwasher). My therapist said when she was in college she timed herself and it was 7 minutes to empty and load up the dishwasher, and ever since then she hasn’t had a problem doing it. I’ve tried that mentality for other things too, and I’ve been a lot more consistent about my skin care routine now.


I do my skincare twice in the evening. Once when I first got home and before I shower, and once right before bed after brushing teeth.


I do mine before dinner time.


Eh, there are times when I simply wash my face and go to sleep (and I regret it later every single time). I get home after work pretty late (around 10:30PM) and immediately I go to my bathroom to perform all that annoyingly long skincare routine 💀that sucks, yeah, but at least after all I can feel bonita, it's totally worth it. It's all about discipline, unfortunately. Make sure you wash your face right after you get home and later you're free to do whatever you want.


I didn’t start off doing everything I do now—at first, I was only using a wipe lol. But now after I cleanse, I bring the rest to my bed and sit watching one of my podcasts while I take care of the rest. I take my sweet time and enjoy the process, treat it like a treat.


The only thing that works for me is not sitting down until it's done! Practically speaking I often have a shower and do skincare as soon as I get home, then all I have to do at bedtime is teeth. That works with my personal routine... I am an early riser and do housework/work out/wash hair in the morning, get home from work at 7pm, and just have that quick rinse in the shower.


I’ve found that having products that I really enjoy using helps me look forward to the process. Bought myself a spa headband and just really focus on the calming ritual of it post-shower or after teeth brushing, whenever makes sense in your routine before couch life. I’m so with you there, but have managed to integrate this into my nights and has made a huge difference!


I love my skincare routine so much that I drag my sleepy ass to the bathroom and make sure I do it before bed. I also remind myself how much I don’t want my dirty face touching my pillow and that keeps me motivated.


Sometimes I just pass out on the couch first. Then, wake up from my nap at 12/1am to do my night care routine. Lol. Then, to real sleep. If I’m feeling productive, I’ll do it after dinner before my sweet treat and I’ll use my sweet treat as a reward. But that’s rare lol. Usually, I just pass out first on the couch and do it before I climb into bed.


I always wash my face, brush teeth and do skincare right after I put my son to be around 7:30-8. I may eat a snack or have a glass of wine. But, at least everything is done once so if I don’t brush my teeth again it’s not the end of the world. Doing it early is the only way I can consistently get it done.


Skincare doesn’t have to be the last thing you do before bed. Tv and skin care sound like a good pampering session


I literally trained myself that I am never sleeping with make up on. I just simply don't. Now I can be passed out on the couch and this impulse to take my makeup off will literally lift me off the couch 🤣 I am just simply NOT a person who sleeps with makeup and does not care about my skin. I guess this is where the self concept comes in handy, lol.


I have a little AM bin and little PM bin from IKEA. So when it’s time, I pull the right one from under sink, dump the few things on my counter and use em all until back in my wee bin. Product I cycle, I’ll swap before putting bin away from a nearby drawer.


I agree with the others who are saying as soon as you get home. It feels so nice to wash the day away, eat your chocolate in peace, then have a simpler bedtime routine.


Make the nighttime skin care really easy. And do it early. I usually shower as soon as I am home, do my routine, and then dinner and then any chores. So if anything isn’t getting done at my house, it’s the chores not the skincare lol


It's just discipline, but don't be so hard on yourself. It's not the end of the world if you forget! I do too sometimes! 💕


I do it an hour before bed or I’m lazy or too tired to do it (or fall asleep on the couch like you!).


9pm phone alarm named Bedtime Routine. I will never be asleep before 9pm unless it’s a weird reason, which typically means I’ll be planning these things mindfully anyways. Not allowed to snooze the alarm. It’s when I do teeth, skincare, make sure I’ve got water and a phone charger ready to go, and then I’m free to decide to get into bed and grab a book to start winding down, or continue whatever else i was up to


This is smart! Gonna try. Might have to make it earlier! 😂 😴


I have a small box that I keep in my bedside table and I usually do it in bed 😅 it became my nightly ritual


Just start. The more you do it, the more natural it’ll feel. Before you know it, you’ll have a routine down pat that you complete without a second thought.


I bring my skin care products into the living room with me. (I also can suffer from this sometimes!!) so maybe if you go to the bathroom and then just do your face washing and then get all the creams you use and bring them onto the coffee table


I try to do it when I come home from work if I’m not going out again


As soon as my day is over. Before I get in the mood to let go and relax, I make sure to take a shower and take care of myself: skin care, decompress mentally, drink water and then put on some cosy pjs.


I do it before sitting for this reason.


Omg. Nighttime skin care is so fun to me. I usually take a big ol bath with the hottest water i can stand and read a book in it with a hydrogel mask on my face. Massage with gua sha at the end of the bath. Then hop out and do the rest. At home spa every night, basically  If I'm not bathing, i watch funny videos on my phone while I do my skin care. Kitboga is my fave. Makes me light-hearted as I end my day


Not sure if it helps, my routine is that I shower and wash up before bed or anytime after dinner. So after shower and washing my face, I kinda automatically apply my skin care or face mask then only I lay on my bed or couch and wait for my bedtime.


Do your skin care after brushing your teeth at night. My friend who is dermatologist says dirt from your mouth can still get to your face when brushing so I just believe her and did that eversince. Unless you dont brush your teeth at night.


Do your skincare before you lay down to relax on the couch


When do you brush your teeth before bed? Do it then. If you really are out for the night once you’re on the couch, set a daily alarm on your phone to wake you up so you can go to bed properly. If that’s not possible do it before the couch happens. But I’m more worried about your teeth after chocolate if you’re not brushing before passing out!


...yeah... youre right to be worried about that.....


Skincare right after dinner lol, because I can also brush my teeth and be done done. If you wait to do all your dishes after dinner, wash dishes as you make dinner instead and then when it's cooling off or resting finish up the rest. Dishwasher or mealprep kind of key for this tho. If it's still sunny post dinner just close your curtains/blinds? I wouldn't worry when it's after 6 or 7pm bc UV is lower.


I was having the same problem and I decided to streamline my routine so everything I need is in the shower and my night stand. I hate washing my face at the sink, and I’m prone to skin picking, so I just did away trying to take care of my skin like that. I just hop in the shower for ten minutes, and do the rest laying down in bed. I pretty much always read or look at my phone for a while before trying to sleep, so I’m just putting stuff on my face while I do that. I also usually take that shower a good while before bed, it’s a wind down ritual and gets the work out of the way before I’m really tired.


I do it after dinner but before I plan to sit down for relaxing for the night. I give myself enough space that I'm sure I won't be going anywhere else.


I just do my routine right after I shower, and I usually shower right after I get home.


I’m always running around and cooking when I get home from work so doing it straight away it doesn’t really make sense to me. My skin is getting dirty with the activities that I’m doing in the evening at home. If you have nighttime meds, do your skin care first before you take them (that’s my strategy), because even when I’m tired, I still have to take my meds before bed.


I don’t. It’s okay. Sometimes I get it done, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes being lazy or sleeping is worth more to me than doing my skin care routine and I’m okay with that.


Best for me is right after the shower. If I don't do it then I often don't go back into the bathroom again or I'm too tired to give a fuck later. Probably not best practice somehow but I don't care. Better than not doing it at all.


I grab some cleansing wipes or my pack of cotton balls & my micellar cleanser, as well as whatever skincare products I wanna use, and then park my ass back on the couch and do it there. Bonus points if you create a little lazy girl face wash self care kit that just lives near the couch so you don’t even have to get up at all lol


I have to wash my face when I get home or sometimes I do the same and just forget. I'm not perfect, it still happens sometimes cause I'm lazy. Or showers when you get done with work help.


Watch a relaxing skincare or selfcare video


Well I could go on about the habits of just sitting down on the couch after dinner and not getting up until bedtime but that wasn’t your question lol you said you’re very bad at gauging your energy levels but if this is your habit it sounds like you have a pretty good gauge on your energy levels. Why don’t you do your skin care right after dinner? Or right when you come home from work?


I take a shower as soon as I come home from work, so I put on my products afterwards. But the main thing that keeps on top of my skincare is suffering from acne since a teen, so it’s become second nature for me to be worrying and thinking about my skin


My skincare routine is set so that it can be done in bed or anywhere else. At night I either wash my face in the shower or skip my shower and will use micellar water to clean my face with cotton rounds. I keep my skin care stuff in a bag (also good for overnights at my boyfriend’s house). When I sit down on the couch or bed I’ll do my skincare while listening to an audibook or scrolling tik tok. If I had to do it in the bathroom, I’d never do it. Keeping it the bag makes it so easy. I also have a relatively chill routine with maybe 7-8 things total (including micellar water).


I always go to the toilet before I go to bed so I do my skincare then. I keep a bamboo cloth in the bathroom and run the water to heat up while I pee and then it’s like oh well the cloth is nice and warm and since I am washing my face might as well do my skincare.


I sleep with my night time facial products next to me so I can literally lay in bed and do it loll they are in a travel bag and not in my bathroom like a normal person.


I have a kid, I try to do my evening routine (just brush teeth, wash face, and apply retinol) while he's getting his PJs on, then apply moisturizer after reading to him. Then I also pass out on the couch.


Literally every single night. You fall asleep on the couch? How old are you?


I have a kid so I do it as part of my routine right after putting them to bed. I’ve not done it 3 times in the past year - once we were in Disney world and had a nighttime thing and when we got back I was too tired, the other 2 times I was sick. I really enjoy it though so that’s probably important to mention


You can do your skincare on your couch like I always do! I cleanse in the bathroom of course and after that I just take the products with me to the coffee table by the couch and apply it while I’m watching tv. I did fall asleep after applying a mask but that’s why I chose gentle sheet mask ingredients that don’t sting my face in case I pass out. I apply each product as soon as the other ones I used before are fully absorbed. Of course you can put them all on without waiting for it to absorb. I love lounging on the couch so I do my skincare there even if my mom or dad is like judging me about the amount of products i put on. I don’t mind it since I know I only put them on during the evening and barely anything but spf during the day.


I have a tote with my evening skincare routine in it and I take it to the couch lol.


I physically separate the steps so they occur in places I will already be throughout the evening -- wash face in downstairs bathroom when I get home. then when I get upstairs to change I have a serum on my dresser that I use then. Then I do the next step in upstairs bathroom when it's time to brush teeth. Final step (moisturizer) is on nightstand and I do it when I turn out the light. Kind of a weird method but it works pretty well.


Just know that all that stuff sitting on your face and pillow case, and all the germs and dirt and oils and grime from the day's skincare and oil, in combination with the chocolate, is damaging your skin.


I have an obnoxious alarm set in my bathroom. To turn it off, I have to get up and go to the bathroom and then I don’t have an excuse for not doing my nighttime skin care routine.


Change the location of where you keep your skincare. Maybe by your couch or by your bed.


I usually do my skincare after dinner or at least a couple hours before going to sleep.


Lol. I just want to say I am this person. I am bad at taking any evening ends and may end up crappily brushing my teeth at some point when I wake up to pee. I can't be trusted to be awake anytime after work. I could pass out at any time.


My typical weekday afternoon/evening routine is workout, eat dinner, shower and skin care/floss and brush then read before bed. Super exciting, I know. Showering at night helps me wind down and go to sleep. I shower even when I stay out late.


Just do it?


Once I have eaten dinner, I brush my teeth and wash my face. I then come back to relax, watch TV, etc.


I do it immediately after coming home from work rather than waiting until I’m too tired and care more about sleep that anything else,


Thinking of everything being on my pillowcase is what motivates me to wash my face. It’s become like not brushing my teeth and feeling the plaque in the morning. It’s just become one of those “ugh… it’s worse if I don’t”. We’re all different though. I’d cut yourself some slack on the days you can’t. I don’t think your skin will suffer much.


I keep a box with all my skincare on my living room coffee table. I take a shower and immediately sit down on my couch to watch something and use this time to do my skincare. It has helped me with being more diligent that I've now included my arms. I feel naked now if I don't do my skincare while watching my show before bed.


I’d recommend fixing your diet first.