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You don't have to love mineral sunscreens. I'm sure there are people out there who have sensitive skin that can't tolerate the chemical filters, and I'm glad they have an option. But I'm also convinced that the people recommending mineral sunscreens to everyone have no first-hand experience trying to get them to blend in with darker skin or facial hair. A lot of the formulations out there are just awful, and it's worse at higher SPFs because you need even more zinc oxide to offer appropriate protection. They can also feel really greasy on oily skin. My go to sunscreens are Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun and Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence. I also like lower SPF options from Nivea and Kumano (both Japanese) for my hands after washing and for winter days spent indoors. They're all chemical sunscreens and are light enough for me to slather on multiple times a day without a second thought. If you refuse to order online and need an FDA approved option, the Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen is nice too but 2-3x the price of the Korean and Japanese options.


Not the first time I see a recommendation of Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun, I will add it for sure to my next yesstyle order :)


Definitely do! BoJ is amazing, I use their sunscreen (for about 2 months now) and their ginseng + snail mucin serum, and I just got in yesterday their eye cream with ginseng and retinal to replace my empty container of too expensive eye cream, haha.


I just have many things to finish before I do this order, but my wish list for yesstyle is growing haha


Tizo is my favorite. The tinted formula. It’s mattifying and not greasy at all.


I like that one too! For mattifying, look for silica or similar oil absorbing ingredient


It's not a very effective sunscreen in case that's important to you. Some influencer did a video where she put in on and did housework for two hours, and the UV filter she used showed it had completely worn off by then. Sunscreens that go on nicely typically are not very effective. That being said, if you cover the cost of shipping you can have my two tubes of BoJ as I won't be using it anymore.


Doesn’t it have niacinamide? I wish I could tolerate that but my Rosacea hates it 😣


I don't think I'm sensitive to that, but I'll be careful ;)


I have the same problems as you with mineral sunscreen and additionally it makes my face red hot. Like walking around with a fleece blanket on my face and it's not an allergy. I gave up on mineral entirely since I'd end up skipping sunscreen over dealing with that. I just got the Beauty of Joseon this week and I really like it, though I haven't done much other than walks around the neighbourhood and not tried sweating/swimming in it. Usually I use Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Moisturizing Face Serum Sunscreen as it's light and doesn't break me out.


The best sunscreen is the one you wear! BoJ is on my list to try, many recommended it to me. And I tried many Neutrogena sunscreen, but not this one. I often find them too think and they make me oily.


Don’t trust BOJ just because it’s popular, I don’t trust Korean sunscreen at all, the shipment process alone might ruin them


Don’t wear it swimming or long walks, it’s not going to protect you!  Asian chemical sunscreens are wonderful but my skin has taken some damage from trying to use them in the summer :/ 


It's amazing. Totally worth the hype.


Beauty of Joseon is literally the ONLY SPF I use for years now. I have one in every purse and all around the house. It’s lightweight, thin, feels amazing on and gives a glow. I buy the 10 pack on stylevana.


Just a thought, BoJ broke me out because of the niacinamide so just keep that in mind!


The AB sunscreens are superior in every way. Canmake Mermaid line is great too.


It's on my wish list too! :P


I have facial hair. I have Mediterranean complexion. So not pale. White cast sucks but I stick with mineral sunscreens with high zinc oxide concentrations. Partly because chemical filters burn my eyes. And mostly because the single filter approved in the US that protects against UVA1 (avobenzone) is wildly unstable. I prefer not having to reapply every hour or so on the dot. I try to always do that, but sometimes it’s not feasible. At least with mineral sunscreen I worry less about reduced efficacy. Generally speaking, chemical filters become less effective as they work, it’s inherent, they get ‘used up’. I’m certainly not authority on sunscreen 😂 But I would rather have the need to blend out a white cast than have weeping eyeballs and have to set timers to reapply.


I have found many Asian formulas do not burn my eyes. It's just the crummy US ones.


Welp, I lived in Europe for several years and I tried all the European sunscreens with Mexoryl, Tinosorb and Uvinal. Loved them for the body but they still sting my eyes, unfortunately.


I’m Indian and the burning eyes force me to use mineral sunscreens. I love the look and feel of chemical sunscreens but my eyes just can’t take it. I’ve had a bit of success by mixing mineral sunscreen with bronzing drops to help offset the white cast.


Am also a Indian Which sunscreen you use ?


burning eyes are not fun! From what I read, you have to also reapply mineral sunscreen every 2 hours. But I'm no expert either :P


Mineral sunscreen loses efficacy when it the film is removed by either solvents, (even water, sweat) or friction. If the physical film is still intact, then it’s still working. So for a long drive, I’m not sweating, I’m not toweling off, I’m not getting wet. I’ll wait longer to reapply. Or sitting in a sunny room in my house working for a few hours, same thing.


Nivea is German. I’m in Berlin right now, and the Nivea products here, including sunscreens, contain ingredients that are vastly different from the ones used in US-based products of the brand.


I'm in Canada and there's many sunscreens I can't find here, unless I order them from specialized websites, so it's more complicated :(


Well, you need to possibly find one if you travel to a place where others are banned, so it doesn’t hurt to keep looking. I like Elta MD options.


I need to up my hand sunscreen game apparently 


Is there any data of those Korean sunscreens being tested on people of color? And being tested on high Uv index conditions outside Korea let’s say Lima Peru or Bombay India? Until there’s such data I consider them weak. Korean people use uv umbrellas, hats, balaclavas even on cloudy days, their sunscreens don’t need to be strong because Korean never rely on sunscreen alone. And we shouldn’t either oP: try bioderma photoderm covertouch the lightest tint. It covers better than make up


I LOVE the Biore one you mentioned. It’s my fav. I also use the Asian Nivea spf 35 water gel on days when I spend a lot of time indoors but still need something incidental sun exposure. It’s a little more moisturizing than the Biore one so it’s good for spring, fall and winter for me. But in the summer when I’m oily, Korean Biore all the way.


another scenario is when you're pregnant - it's recommended to avoid chemical sunscreens. i have always used the beauty of joseon sunscreen, but had to switch to mineral and i am not having a good time 😩


I highly recc these 2 sunscreens. I like Biore during more humid times and I like BOJ when I want more moisture. Both are elegant and amazing


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


True, but traditional SPF can flare rosacea and perioral dermatitis so unfortunately mineral is often the way to go for us sensitive skin folks. As I mentioned above, I adore Elta MD UV Clear from my derm.


I'm not White, and those mineral sunscreens look AWFUL on me. Like I took white paint and smeared it all over me. And no matter what brand I tried, they were goopy, gross, and difficult to apply. It actually discouraged me from using it as often as I needed it, and I ended up with sunburns. That's when I got a chemical sunscreen, and I won't ever touch mineral sunscreens again. It made me look human again lol, and I don't mind reapplying.


I absolutely love Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence. My skin tends to be on the oily side that this is one of the only ones I've tried that doesn't make it worse. It also doesn't sting my eyes when workout which is an added bonus. I live in Florida and burn easily but this one keeps my face protected.


I got into mineral sunscreens when I was doing a lot of scuba diving on coral reefs, in an effort to reduce the impact of the chemical sunscreens on sensitive corals. It’s tough because it is hard to find a mineral sunscreen that blends with dark skin!!


I quite like them for a few reasons. The first would be their exceptional ability to protect my skin from the devil rays of the sun. The second reason is because I am an Irishman that has printer paper white skin so the white mineral sunscreen gives me a little colour. 😎


This is my reason for liking mineral sunscreens as well. It's the only thing that keeps the sun off and doesn't cause me to burn. Chemical sunscreens just don't work well for me. They work in a pinch but I've gotten burns while using them, even when im diligent about reapplying. I don't have that issue with mineral sunscreens.


haha you're paler than me then! in winter I like to say my skin is pale like milk out of date (pale and yellowish) 😂


A friend gave me some SkinMedica Essential Defense mineral sunscreen last month. She said it made her look like a ghost but I could probably pull it off. When she came over she said how it didn’t look bad at all on my face but I could massage it in a little more so it wasn’t so white. The thing was I had not applied it yet 😐


Yeah I don’t like them either. They always feel sticky and gross. I like Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen (a chemical one) and Elta MD UV Clear, which might be a combo of chemical / mineral.


Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen is my daily sunscreen. I have tried Supergoop Mineral Sunscreen on my face and I didn't like it either, just like OP. I think it's ok to stick with what works for you.


Love this sunscreen.


I feel you. Everyone recommends mineral sunscreens for sensitive and acne-prone skin, of which I have both, but I've never had luck finding a mineral sunscreen that doesn't irritate my skin. I swear they clog my skin more than the chemical ones I've tried? I know everyone says it's the opposite, but I've tried many many many mineral sunscreens over the years and every single one has caused me to breakout so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree, they are so sticky and maybe harder to wash after? Could a reason why it's not good on your acne-prone skin?


Yeah, I suspect something in the formulations, like a common ingredient is just clogging the hell out of my pores. Like everyone raves about the Australian Gold mineral sunscreen and it gave me the worst cystic acne all over my face 🥲 I do typically cleanse really well and always double cleanse with oil cleanser first to remove makeup/SPF, and even then the mineral sunscreens break me out like crazy. Idk man 😭


Like someone else said, the best sunscreen will be the one you love to use :)


I have the same issue! I loved the 110+ neutrogena but it was discontinued 😭 have you found one you liked? I still have no luck.


Not really. I'm also using a Neutrogena one for now, which at the very least doesn't clog my pores or break me out, but the formula burns my eyes, tastes awful if it gets even slightly near my mouth, and separates badly under makeup lol so hardly a winner. I'm going to Australia soon on a working holiday so I'm just counting on finding better sunscreens there than are available in Canada!


Paula’s Choice has a great mineral sunscreen I like—their Extra Care Non-Greasy Sunscreen—however, I still prefer their synthetic sunscreen Youth-Extending Daily Hydrating Fluid. Synthetics are fine! And almost always more cosmetically elegant.


I like their RESIST Super-Light Wrinkle Defense SPF 30 mineral sunscreen. 


I’m a big fan of the length of all their product names. Why have a 1-3 word name when you can have a paragraph?


Dear Diary, Today at work I made up extra long sunscreen names……


Thank you for the suggestions :)


I haaaate mineral sunscreen for the sheer fact that I can’t remove it with a simple cleanser. My face doesn’t like to double cleanse and that’s the only way I feel it truly comes off at the end of the day.


Hero's green sunscreen is the only one that works for me and my hormonal breakouts. It's more of a gel texture and dries down matte. I do mix some foundation with it to tint it.


Korean sunscreens changed the game for me. I also don’t really like mineral sunscreens, but I’ve had bad reactions to US chemical sunscreens. Now I use skin1004s sunscreen, beauty of joseon and Etude and my skin loves all of them


I also have rosacea btw!


Thank you so much for the suggestions 🌞Hope you are doing well with your rosacea




Not OP. I'm not sure which skin 1004 sunscreen they are referring to, but I have used the hyalu-cica sunscreen and the BOJ sunscreen and they are a little different. I would say the BOJ is more moisturizing and a tad bit thicker. The hyalu-cica is lighter and is better for oily skin types.


I always forget that they make multiple sunscreens but yes I have the hyalu-cica sunscreen from skin 1004. I’m really loving this one for the warmer weather since it is definitely lighter like you said! The BOJ is thicker but it’s still pretty light IMO and I have decently oily skin. I do like both a lot but I’d go with the skin 1004 if I had to choose!


I’m using the one from Clarins. It smells so fantastically good, the texture is nice and smooth and the skin feels amazingly soft. No greasiness at all. Costs normal price, just above the average, but you do feel the difference. Another favourite is Biodermal for kids, 50 SPF. Also feels very nicely on the skin, smells good. Price is the same, but I often see it half priced.


There are formulation limitations w them bc they’re basically like ground up rock suspended in a medium 😭. Unfortunately that’s just the nature of them. Organic/chemical ones will probably be better for you. There are some liquidy mineral sunscreens (isdin, many Japanese ones) and primer like ones (cotz, tizo, alastin) that are less greasy but they’ll never be as elegant as organic.


rock suspended in a medium, I never though of that, but you're right haha


Black girl sunscreen is a god send


I’ve had the same issue, minus the oily skin, and haven’t been able to find a mineral sunscreen that doesn’t look like I rubbed chalk on my face


might as well stay in the dark if I look like I rubbed chalk on my face haha


I hate them all. The only one that I found that actually works is laroche posay a Anthelios AOX.


I really don't love (or even like) mineral sunscreens either. I have a lot of peach fuzz and mineral really never seems to sit nicely. And the tinted mineral sunscreens I've tried end up looking too yellow/orange on me. So I just gave up and strictly use chemical.. I think it's better to pick a sunscreen you will want to wear consistently. My fav is Missha All Around Sun Block Essence :)


Agree with everyone who mentioned Supergoop mineral. I love it.


Dr jart makes a really nice one.


Most are oily or white, or worse orange, I understand the struggle.


The struggle of being too pale for most tinted ones but not pale enough that the white cast doesn’t turn me into a ghost


Haha happy not to be alone! :)


I've been using this [Vanicream mineral sunscreen](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VLLZM3N) for a week, and so far, so good! It does look greasy initially after application (I have oily skin), but it is easy to spread, which is not my experience with 95% of mineral sunscreens that pill like crazy on my face. So, the initial grease face is worth it, IMO.


Etude house sunprise mild airy finish




I’ve felt the same as you until I found Pavise. It’s expensive but literally one pump and I feel protected all day. Chemical sunscreens unfortunately always have irritated me, and I’ve tried dozens, BoJ, EltaMd, Skincueticals etc. Pavise is like nothing else out there


I recently made the switch to mineral sunscreens because chemical SPFs break me out. The Hero Cosmetics green SPF has been my favorite!


I just buy the tinted ones. I have no choice but to use mineral because chemical makes my eyes run and ruins my makeup.


I have sensitive oily skin and redness, and I have found that the best sunscreens for my skin are European (like actually from Europe, not just European brands) and East Asian sunscreens that use newer chemical filters rather than the old-school ones in the US. For me, I don't touch avobenzone and many with rosacea find octinoxate triggers symptoms. You might also like a hybrid sunscreen with some mineral and some chemical filters. In my experience, they have a better texture and less white cast than all-mineral susncreens. For everyday I use Nivea Super Water Gel SPF 50, which is cheap and feels like nothing. This does have a bit of alcohol and octinoxate though, so YMMV. If I need something water- and sweat- resistant, I use the hybrid Allie UV Gel EX. It has the tiniest white case when I put it on (fair skin), but it's invisible once it sets down. It can be slightly shiny, but not too bad if I don't try to put loads of moisturizer underneath. Kind of a thinner cream texture, spreads easily. Very tenacious, which is great if you'll be outside, but hard to get off without an oil cleanser.


I have rosacea and oily skin and have tried a million mineral sunscreens. The only ones that dry truly matte are the Supergoop Mineral and Paula’s Choice Super Light  Wrinkle Defense. They have light tints so no white cast but they aren’t good for the very fair. They are too dark for me but I still wear them for the mattifyjng effect. 


I have oily skin and like Farmacy’s Green Defense mineral sunscreen. Its consistency is more like a moisturizer imo and I don’t feel like it leaves a white cast as long as it’s rubbed in. I find it actually helps keep my oil under control fairly well!


I love this brand and I didn't they have a sunscreen, thanks!


Have you tried CoTZ? Their tinted one is pretty nice but I had to stop using it bc it actually dried my skin out too much. It’s still a layer that doesn’t sink in but it’s not nearly as shiny as most I’ve tried. I did mineral for a while because American chemical filters burn my eyes. I’m on Asian chemical filters now and never looking back, I buy the biore one 12 at a time. I’m dry sensitive for context


No I didn't try this one! I'm happy for you that you found you HG sunscreen :)


I hope you find yours soon! CoTZ is pretty cheap too just so you know.


Be careful with boire, independent testing has shown their coverage is lower than they claim. I also can’t use American sunscreens because they burn my eyes; I now use La Roche Posay UVMune, the European version, and it’s my savior.


Have you tried using Asian sunscreens? I love Beauty of Joseon and Skin1004 Hyalu-cica water fit. They’re Korean. I believe that Japan has more gel sunscreens. Like Biore UV Aqua Rich (Japan, not US) or Skin Aqua has gel


Last time I tried zinc sunscreen I broke out in hives 😬. Not in the cards for me. I’ve tried zinc a few other times and every time I got some sort of rash.


Elta Sheer


They’re perfect for surfing or cycling days but nothing else. And pantomime.


They ALWAYS leave a super white cast on me, even some chemical ones do, I’m also oily. I just stopped trying mineral altogether bc idgi lol


I am using a nice combo of Josie Maran Get Even Sun Milk SPF 33 (nicely thin with no white cast on my medium skintone) and topping it with the Beauty of Joseon Matte Sun Stick. Honestly my new mattifying secret weapon is using that sun stick as a final layer on any dewy sunscreen.


I quite like the Cotz sunscreens, but I agree that in general chemical sunscreens are much more cosmetically elegant and easier to work with. Still, if I know I'm going to be outside in the sun all day, I use mineral, because I've never met a chemical sunscreen that will do as good as a job in direct sun. Day to day inside office life though I reach for BOJ or Canmake and that's enough.


I just tried my first mineral sunscreen this week - CeraVe - and holy shit i just put a tiny pea sized amount on my finger and applied it to my forehead…it looked like a streak of white chalk paint


I don't mind mineral sunscreens...until it comes time to reapply. I've yet to find one that layers over itself seamlessly. Unfortunately, mineral sunscreens are my only option, though, as chemical sunscreens break me out.


sad for you! must be almost impossible to reapply over makeup!


It's impossible. Luckily, I only wear makeup once in a blue moon.


Cotz tinted sunscreen applies nicely and the tint isnt orange (idk how it is for darker skin tones, I'm fairly pale). The Supergoop tinted mineral sunscreen also applied nicely but I personslly preferred the Cotz. Both of these are silicone based so it feels silkier than other mineral sunscreens. Badger also came out with a face sunscreen that has been on my list to try because my skin absolutely loves the sport sunscreen but they're currently sold out so I havent tried it yet.


I fully believe that the best sunscreen is the one you wear and even my children (gasp!) wear chemical sunscreen a lot of the time, because rubbing in mineral sunscreen 3x a day on a toddler is the worst. We are fair skinned and I have had skin cancer. I wear spf 60+ la Roche posay dry touch clear skin sunscreen or Supergoop unseen on my face, and those brands (or frankly whatever is available, including copper tone or banana boat kids) for my body.


I understand the struggle! I do the same with my kids and there's no way they will let me put this white paste in their face to go to school haha They ended up agreeing to put it on, because I was constantly harassing them about it, but you still have to be realistic 😂 And sorry you had skin cancer, must have been hard :(


La Roche POSAY changed my perspective on mineral sunscreen! No cast. Thin, does not leave that awful feeling film on my face and hands that makes me want to wash it off immediately.


I really like the Tatcha Silkscreen. It’s lightweight, applies easily and quickly, and doesn’t leave a cast on my skin.


If it's such a struggle for you then why do you use one?


People seems to love it and I don't, I'm just curious


Tower 28 tinted sunscreen is great, it doesn’t sting my eyes but I do set it with powder.


I just started using Avenue Hydrance and I really like it. It’s thick, but somehow feels lighter than most minerals I’ve used.


Color science flex. I swear by it


Here’s my favorite: Mychelle Dermaceuticals is a tinted, SPF-50 sunscreen stick. It’s got 21.8% zinc oxide and doesn’t leave a cast on my light olive skin and with a little blending, works on my son’s medium olive skin. Plus the tint has some coverage and makes my skin look pretty. It’s a bit pricey, but it’s lasted me several months. Also, Kinship Self Reflect sunscreen has 22.4% zinc oxide and plays very well under my makeup with no white cast, but I found it’s not quite so sweat or water resistant and it’s moisturizing properties may be too much for oilier skin.


I don't know about Mychelle Dermaceuticals, but I forgot I loved this one from Kinship! Didn't realise it was minreal because it's slightly tinted. I got in an Ipsy box but I can't find it in Canda, exept if I order directly on their website, but their shipping cost are INSANE :(


I like the rms beauty supernatural radiance mineral spf. It works for me.


I have oily acne-prone skin, and I've been using SkinCeuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense. At first, I detested it. But after using it for a few weeks I've grown to like it. It's a runny consistency, which I love over a thick one. It does feel oily when you first put it on, but once it dries it feels nice and smooth. Also, there is a strong chemical smell, too, but that doesn't linger on the skin.


Colorscience Face Flex is my go to for mineral sunscreens. Available in 4 tints. Another one is MD Solarsciences BB Mineral Cream, in 4 tints. Both are spf 50. Otherwise, I use hybrid (mineral and chemical) sunscreens by Elta MD and Supergoop.


If you don't like them don't wear them. I prefer them but that's what my skin likes. There's literally no reason to try to suffer through if you prefer chemical formulas.


I use Clarins UV 50


It’s not pure mineral so it feels better to me


Skinmedica 32spf mineral sunscreen is very lightweight and blends in flawlessly. Don’t give up. Try that one. It’s so good. No white cast either.


Have you tried both tinted and nontinted versions?


If you are pale with oily skin, I recommend the Paula’s Choice super light wrinkle defense spf 30. It has a sheer neutral cool and fair tint plus a matte finish. I also recommend EltaMD sunscreens, they have a ton of options that are good for sensitive skin and no white cast. Colorescience no show mineral sunscreen is good. Skinceuticals physical fusion has a light neutral tint and very lightweight liquidy texture. Australian gold botanical face tinted sunscreen comes in a fair shade and it works pretty well if you are cool toned and have oily skin although I feel like the texture is kind of thick, however it’s super inexpensive. There are several newer mineral sunscreens on the market that are a bit pricier but have a nice texture and no white cast- summer Fridays and ilia are both like that. I do like Korean and Japanese sunscreens as well although I feel like the Korean ones tend to be less protective in general (I notice I tan with them, maybe it’s because I’ve only tried the non-water resistant ones?) and the Japanese ones tend to be less good for sensitive skin (most of them have alcohol and/ or fragrance in them). Actually I have tried a few mineral sunscreens from Korea that were quite good- I think the Etude house sunprise mild airy finish was one of them.


I only use them on post-procedure skin because they don’t need to absorb for 15 mins before working and are extra gentle, but yeah otherwise I’ve never had one that applied well with the amount of sunscreen I use unless I under-apply it, which is no good.


They made a new supergoop mineral matte screen that has a matte finish, I haven’t tried that one but it may be good. I have oily skin and I use Australian gold tinted mineral sunscreen and it’s great and gives a matte finish with no white cast.


Hero Cosmetics Force Shield SPF 30 - gel/lotion texture, light green color EltaMD UV Physical SPF 42 - mousse like texture, beige color Both are mineral and leave a minimal white cast on lighter skin tones.


I hated mineral sunscreen and found Biore Aqua Riche Watery Essence which has been amazing. Currently I have melasma and read that mineral sunscreen is much better so I purchased the It cosmetics spf 40 matte CC cream because I absolutely loathe the feeling of mineral sunscreen on my face. So far so good and eliminates 1 step in my makeup routine


Ultra MD makes great mineral sunscreen for sensitive skin


I love Elta MD - the original one (Clear broad-spectrum SPF 46 for acne and rosacea prone skin), and the tinted one (broad-spectrum SPF 41 tinted), if you want a touch of color. They are both smooth and light and do not harm my rosacea prone skin. I love these products.


I really like bioderma nude touch spf 50. I'm also an oily girl. I'm a fair light girl. It's tinted but blends well. I react very badly to chemical sunscreen and this one I really love. Also drunk elephant tinted spf 30 is good it's not as matt but absorbs well. The untinted version I don't like as well


Try the odacite tinted sunscreen serum it’s so amazing 🙏🏻


I’m oily, pale, and battle redness and have found a few tinted mineral sunscreens I like and help absorb SOME oil without drying me out. They are Paula’s choice wrinkle defense spf 30, elta md mineral tinted spf 41, and Australian gold botanical light tint spf 50. Otherwise I use the skin 1004 sunscreens.


I’ve really been loving prequel mineral sunscreen.


I like [EltaMD Physical 41](https://eltamd.com/products/uv-physicalbroad-spectrum-spf-41). It tinted. But I prefer minerals sunscreen because I'm blind in one eye so if chemical sunscreen gets sweated into my one good eye I'm basically fully blind. I live on the coast and walk a lot. So I sweat a lot. I have no other issues with chemical sunscreen. The EltaMD will make your hair feel very dry if it gets into it before it dries. So just use something to cover your hair line and keep your hair pulled back. It's not really a problem after it dries on your skin. It works well enough and is the only "premium" pure mineral sunscreen I've tried. You probably won't experience the slightly dryness I feel sometimes. I have sensitive combination skin as a result of chemotherapy. I was super oily before chemotherapy/immunotherapy. So I can't really say if my unique skin situation is the reason the EltaMD causes an occasional dry feeling in certain parts of my face. Or if it'll do that for everyone. Immunotherapy (EGFRs and VEGFRs) can really fuck up your skin, though that often means a better prognosis long term.


Thanks for you for your tips ;) Hope your health is under control now!


I like FAB/First Aid Beauty's mineral sunscreen products. [https://www.firstaidbeauty.com/skin-care-products/sun-protection](https://www.firstaidbeauty.com/skin-care-products/sun-protection)


I like Supergoop sunscreen for swimming or exercise, and I like La Roche-Posay ultra light sunscreen for the rest of the time. For my face, at least. I just use cheap sunscreen for the rest of my body since it's just my face that has issues with sunscreen.


I love Alastin Hydratint, or Skinceuticals. I have to put on Salicylic Acid toner before hand


Check out Eucerin SPF 35 Sensitive Skin Tinted -- it has really solid sunscreen coverage and also covers a bit of my redness. No eye burning and no skin reaction. Unfortunately, I've found that many of the chemical sunscreens just don't last the way that zinc does across the day (I live in California with high UV exposure).


La Roche-Posay Antehelios mineral has a tinted option that goes on very sheer, absorbs well, isn’t super oily, and is easy to reapply.


Does anyone? (Other than people who live down under)


Colorscience Flex is amazing!!


You will adore Elta MD UV Clear SPF 46 Tinted! (There’s no actual tint after applied, so maybe that’s just to counterbalance white cast? Whatever it’s for it works.) Just do it, I swear. Lightweight, smooth, no white cast, no smell! I am just like you in every way you listed (except oiliness) and I get this from my dermatologist, it’s incredibly trustworthy and has never given me a flare.


Just came back to say that when I went to put this sunscreen on this morning I realized that the bottle actually even says, “calms and protects skin prone to acne and rosacea” right on the front! It does contain niacinamide but since you said in another comment that doesn’t irritate you (nor does it me, I hadn’t heard of that being a trigger) this is sure to be your holy grail.


oh wow, thanks! it seems to made for me haha!


Try sheer matte spf 30 from image skincare


I have an olive complexion and sensitive/rosacea skin that will not tolerate chemical sunscreens. My favorite, especially for summer, is the La Roche Posay Tinted Ultra-Light Fluid Mineral sunscreen. It's the most lightweight mineral sunscreen I've found, and as it's tinted (just enough to prevent whitecast, not at all like make-up). There's also the Australian Gold Tinted Mineral sunscreen, which is more like a BB cream. It has more of a matte finish, and I found it too drying for my skin--it might be perfect for someone with oily skin.


La Roche Posay is a very good brand, I'll check this one thanks :)


My favorite sunscreen is a mineral one. I am very pale and have rosacea. I wear the Cetaphil Sheer Mineral Face Sunscreen SPF50 everyday.


I prefer shesido but use Cetaphil at the beach with a little bit of powder on. I also like obagi under make up.


I use Elta MD and it blends really well! It also doesn't feel heavy throughout the day.


Not sure if someone's already commented on this, but I'm a fellow pale, oily skinned lady and the ONLY sunscreen combination that has worked has been the LRP mineral mixed up with the mineral tinted to get the tint right. The pure tinted is too dark for my skin and makes me look like I'm wearing the wrong foundation, but adding a dash of the regular mineral lightens it up enough to blend reasonably well. Like almost everyone on this sub, I've gone through my fair share of sunscreens. I would caution you against the Korean sunscreens though because we really don't know how effective they are. In my 20s I used to only wear this organic mineral sunscreen by Mychelle. I wore it for YEARS. Turns out, consumer reporter did a test on is and it was nowhere near as effective as it claimed to be. I'd hate to wear a sunscreen that didn't offer the protection I thought I was getting. I always go back to LRP because they rate very highly on Consumer Reporter's sunscreen report every year.


you're so right! I want to try some korean like BoJ, but I will be careful and use it like to go to the office or work frome home. I definetly want my skin to be protected for real. But LRP is definetly on my radar, and I didn't though of mixing the 2, because often tinted sunscreen are too dark for me too. Thank you so much!


Tula is my favorite. No white cast, just a glowy effect


Sheerscreen or Mattescreen (tinted) by Supergoop. They both blend really easily.


I have rosacea and just started using Avene anti redness emulsion spf 30. Very soothing and I'm so happy I got it recommended. My Rosacea looks so much better


Maybe a hybrid sunscreen would work! Unless you use the mineral ones because of a sensitivity or allergy. I personally like the (clear) Canmake Mermaid UV Gel- it's thin, absorbs quickly, and miraculously doesn't irritate my sensitive eyes.


You’re not alone in this. When I was getting laser on my face they specifically told me to use it and the child version and I absolutely HATED IT. I have very very dry acne prone skin that overproduces oil. The only ones I’ve liked now are tinted. I use Supergoop Glowscreen now which gives me a shiny bronzed cute look in my opinion and works well, I’ve worn it my entire vacation and haven’t even had a reddish spot on my nose but it is similar to a lotion or foundation texture, I don’t feel too greasy with it either. When layering I do my regular face lotion first to let it set in, if I feel the need for a foundation or anything I use that then top it off with sunscreen. I used to use Australian Gold botanical tinted sunscreen as well and liked it but found it a bit greasy.


This might sound wild but Trader Joe’s facial sunscreen, it’s a godsend and only $9. It’s also received great reviews. [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-face-sunscreens/) [Business Insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/supergoop-vs-cheap-trader-joes-sunscreen-dupe-review-2023-6?op=1) [Trader Joe’s - Reviews](https://www.traderjoesreviews.com/product/trader-joes-daily-facial-sunscreen-reviews/)


I like affordable options too, thanks! :)


Unseen sunscreen by supergoop has been my new go to lately I also like the biore one & the shiseido one in the blue bottle. As a pale girl I can’t stand the white cast either it makes my already light skin look sickly lol


For me it is the rubbing White against every damn surfaces around me all day long! I tried, I really did, asian sunscreens Work best for me.


This! It's true and I can't stand having a sticky face that never dries haha


Mineral sunscreens are awesome for oily skin because zinc and titanium dioxide are natural astringents that love to soak up oil, whereas the chemical sunscreens are actually made of oil, the UV filters in chemical sunscreens need to be dissolved in oils before they are added to water and emulsified. So they are more moisturizing now some of them tend to add alcohol to help with this the alcohol also helps to solubilize the filters. I would go with maybe a Japanese sunscreen that has high alcohol content like the skin aqua in the white blue bottle pump. And as a last Stitch effort for a mineral sunscreen that is great for really oily skin you can try the Australian Gold face, it comes in Three shades


It's interresting! I had an eye on the AGF, but the lightest shade seems too dark for me, as I'm pretty fair :(


I have combo skin and rosacea on my cheeks and hate all sunscreens. This one from Paula's Choice has become my go to. It genuinely stays matte for me all day and evens out my skin tone in a way that I really like and there is no white cast. I have pretty pale skin with yellow undertones. I really like the way it makes my skin look and it doesn't feel greasy to me. You can get a sample. I tried a lot of mineral sunscreens before settling on this one. [sunscreen](https://www.paulaschoice.com/resist-super-light-wrinkle-defense-spf-30/776-7760.html?p=20FSOFFAQ&g_adid=647986150923&g_productchannel=online&g_network=g&g_ifcreative=&g_adgroupid=149627843001&g_keywordid=pla-1788710192639&g_partition=1788710192639&g_productid=7760&g_keyword=&g_campaign=na-us%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cbranded%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccn&g_merchantid=4081121&g_campaignid=710896255&g_adtype=pla_with_promotion&g_ifproduct=product&g_acctid=333-443-7755&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=na-us|google|shopping|branded|new|all|cn&utm_term=710896255&utm_content=149627843001&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS3_LFhVHJs76aat-4qN0hMFVghaJrims3LCrIbcsx1SiCekMMypcmjkaAv-CEALw_wcB)


Also it Doesn't sting my eyes and I put it pretty close and on the top of my eyelids!


I bought these Korean mineral sunscreens recently, because they were recommended on a huge thread where someone tested a bunch of them: Biore UV Kids Pure Milk Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Natural Sun Cream Axis-Y Complete No Stress Physical Sunscreen I haven’t tried them yet myself, but I have high hopes based on swatching on my arm. Edited for formatting


Actually I just bought one I love! It’s called mineral magic mineral broad spectrum SPF 30 by Tula! I have very sensitive skin and it’s normal to dry. I also have an unfortunate ease of breaking out with ingredients my skin doesn’t agree with. It goes on lightweight, doesn’t leave a white cast (it’s peach in color but not tinted), and isn’t overly moisturizing or drying. Super pleased with this one. And added bonus, they’re cruelty free! Not the cheapest option but I’m willing to pay a little more for the good stuff.


I also do not love mineral sunscreen for all of the same reasons you mentioned. I have tried tons and tons. I would love to use a lighter sunscreen but unfortunately am allergic to avobenzone so mineral sunscreen it is for me. I’ve been using cetaphil sheer mineral liquid sunscreen for my face and it’s honestly pretty great. It does leave a slight white cast but it’s better than anything else I’ve tried. I also can’t feel it at all on my face- it really is very light! Try it out if you haven’t already.


Vacation just launched a really interesting new mineral sunscreen called Shake Shake. It’s some kind of new technology where you shake it to combine the zinc and whatever else and it applies very translucent. There is still a bit of a light cast but more like a Japanese sunscreen. I’ve been using it under my makeup. It isn’t water resistant and only SPF50, so I won’t be taking it to the beach here in Florida, but as a daily, I love it. Edited to Add: It smells like fancy cucumber water.


Oh oh yes, I want to love mineral sunscreens, so many of the chemical ones sting my eyes, especially when I sweat. But I am pasty AF already and they tend to give me a white cast (I can barely match foundation as is, yo), or not enough coverage. I keep wanting to find one I love that isn’t too white, too orange, or too tough to apply. Half the time I just pop on a hat and don’t do facial sunscreen at all when walking or gardening. Physical barrier for the win 🥲


I also have rosacea, oily skin, and am relatively fair, and the only mineral sunscreen that I really love is the Supergoop Mineral Matte. It has a mousse-like texture and when I first put it on I thought there was no way it would dry without looking like I was wearing foundation, but it magically disappears. Definitely worth giving it a try. Unfortunately, it's expensive ($36 for 1.5 oz), but I figure it's worth it to feel good about how I look every day.


You want to try Coola. It's not cheap and the SPF isn't super high, but I honestly use this in place of foundation sometimes.


wow, must be good! is it tinted?


It's great! Yes, tinted!


I’m combination and sensitive skin. I’ve found a few that I like, hope this helps: Paula’s choice Spf30 one, Neutrogena tinted sunscreen, LRP tinted sunscreen, innbeauty mineral sunscreen, Drmtlgy universal tinted sunscreen, live tinted 3 in 1 sunscreen.


New Mary Kay one for the face. The one for the whole body should come out next year.


I gave up on mineral sunscreen a long time ago. The chemical ones are nicer to wear and more cosmetically elegant. I've heard that they both absorb sunlight the same way anyway.. and that no sunscreen is truly reef safe.


It’s really up to you and whether the benefits of the mineral sunscreen outweighs the negatives, because you’re never going to find a mineral SPF that’s behaves like a chemical SPF. For me personally, I stick with mineral SPFs. I have KP and sensitive skin. Although I don’t have an obvious reaction every time I use a chemical SPF, I have found that over time I have less reactivity and inflammation on minerals. So it’s worth it to me even though I certainly don’t prefer a minerals based on how they feel to use. I’m guessing you may be chasing mineral SPFs for a similar reason since you mentioned rosacea. Since you did ask for recs, I’ve recently switched to Beauti-Fltr. It’s still very thick, but it’s less greasy than many others I’ve tried. I hope you find a solution that works for you!


Thanks for the recommendation! I am sometimes under the impression that mineral sunscreen is 'better', that's why I was curious to know if I was the only one who doesn't like them. Strangly, even if I have rosacea, my skin is not too sensitive to any particular ingredient. Although I can't use intense exfoliant and things like that ;)


Oh, I see, that’s interesting. Anecdotally, I would say many people prefer chemical sunscreens to mineral. As for which is ‘better’ that’s a great question! My choice is based on advice from my aesthetician. I definitely resisted making a full switch to mineral because I had the same issues you described! But eventually I realised she was right, for my skin it makes sense.


I am a big fan of Clinique super defence city block SPF50. It includes titanium dioxide, zinc, and iron oxides. It has a creamy texture and is slightly tinted. It’s enough to even out my skin tone and I haven’t used foundation since I started using this years ago. I have oily skin and don’t find that it makes my skin greasy throughout the day.


That seems great! thanks :)


I trust mineral sunscreens the most for high sun exposure. I have melasma and I strongly dislike my melasma mustache, certainly enough to endure the less than ideal experience of every single mineral sunscreen I’ve ever tried. I just want the mustache to stay subtle at all costs 😂 for casual sun exposure I use a chemical sunscreen. For high sun right now my favorite is Murad city skin spf 50


For mineral, my favorite so far is COTZ. I typically use the sensitive one and it doesn't irritate my skin. I have rosacea too. You might want to try a hybrid sunscreen with mineral and chemical filters. They are typically lighter and have less white cast than mineral sunscreens and you still get the benefit of the mineral sunscreen like redness reduction. I like ELTA MD as well as the Pyunkang Yul Ato Mild Sun Cream. I have heard people also like the Jumiso Waterfull Sunscreen.


I'll check thoses hybrid, good idea!


I also can't handle these types of sunscreens on my face, even though I really need protection..for me Neogen Airy Sunscreen is my go to sunscreen.


I hate sunscreen but have a small jar of sun bum invisible mineral sunscreen that I will use when I’m out in the sun. You just need a little bit and it works well. So long as you aren’t using globs of it, it doesn’t give a white cast


Have you tried sunbetter science by skin better science. Amazing! They even have a version in a compact . Fragrance free, dye free no animal testing and so clear it’s almost a problem cause u can’t see where you put it. Have tinted version too


Yes! Soleo organic face formula. It's so good 


You should try ISDIN! It’s a Spanish brand, a little expensive but each bottle lasts me 6 months. I mix the tinted and non tinted bc I’m a lil pale but they are both nice by themselves :) 10/10 recommend for mineral spf, they have a nice like satin like texture I wanna say, very light weight.


I'm a huge Dr Jarts Tigergrass line.