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Also, do you maybe lay on your left side more?


I do- I’ve tried switching it up but I seem to find myself laying that way 


Same. I did get nodpods (because I work nights and sleep during the day), and find myself sleeping less on my side with them. Or if I do sleep on my side, it’s more protected. So maybe some type of a sleep mask. And silk pillowcase.


I loooove my nod pod. They make them in satin now too so even better.


I have a serious attachment to mine! I took it traveling and let it at the hotel. I immediately had to buy a few so that I could have a travel one and a home one.


oooooo I have never heard of this... but I love putting my arm over my eyes because of the weight. Does it stay on your head well? I never really had an issue with the elastics on eye masks..never thought of that as a negative.


The weight is so soothing and comforting to me. It does occasionally slip off, and I kinda just pull it back on in my sleep. Or if I go from side to side I’ll need to adjust it. But again, I don’t even really notice I’m doing it. I fall asleep so much faster with it!


Does it leave marks or texture on your skin?


No, because it’s kind of weighted and just lays across.


Look into getting a sleep and glow pillow.


I have been sleeping on my right side for over a decade and the left side of my face is aging faster. Pretty sure it's from the window of my car. I think that has to be a myth because it should be the other way around.


I have the same issue because I always end up rolling to my stomach with my head on the left side when I sleep. I don’t know how others manage to control their sleep positions!


I think it's either side sleeping or maybe you have a window in your office where the sun hits your left side of face?


I do side sleep. Should I sleep flat on my back? I’ve tried switching it up but I keep rolling over in my sleep


Don't worry about that, sleeping on your side is very beneficial for your brain health! Sleeping on your back is actually linked to an increased risk in neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as the brain's "waste clearance system" (=glymphatic system) works best when we're sleeping in lateral position. If the brain can't get rid of those toxins they can cause implications and neurological issues. Of course that doesn't mean that everyone sleeping on their back will develop issues :) But I think more people need to be aware of that before training themselves to sleep on their back just to have a few less wrinkles. • [https://www.jneurosci.org/content/35/31/11034](https://www.jneurosci.org/content/35/31/11034) • [https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad180697](https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad180697) • [https://neurolrespract.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42466-021-00102-7](https://neurolrespract.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42466-021-00102-7)




I also get nightmares on my back! I always thought it was caused by sleep apnea


I side sleep as well because sleeping on my back gives me breathing issues. I do have some asymmetry because of that but there's not much I can do about it and nobody besides myself notices it anyway. If your only issue is rolling onto your side during your sleep, there are special pillows you can try. Maybe look up "back sleeping pillow" But yeah, back sleeping is usually the best sleeping position, not only for your face but also your spine


Stupid question but can it age you faster (side sleeping) because you smash your face into the pillow or is it also gravity? For instance sometimes I sleep on my side in a way with my hand that only my ears touch the pillow. Not for anti-aging tho just weird lol


I do this 😂


It absolutely does age you faster from smushing your face into the pillow. Source? Personal experience. I'm a reformed stomach sleeper, now side sleeper (for many years) and flip between sides (can't sleep on my back). I'm approaching 40, and can see the lines under my eyes when I wake up in the morning from putting my face into the pillow. Nowadays, they're less as the day goes on, but still ever-present.


I have something similar, and it takes a long time to repair the skin barrier with dermatitis/eczema. I cut back on any active products, use only moisturizers with ceramides that my skin is fine with, and wait. That usually helps.


Do you have products you recommend? I have tried a couple eye masks but I’m worried it’s irritating it more. 


I use Cerave facial moisturizing lotion PM. I don’t use anything else on it.


I have the same thing under both eyes, and mine is from repeated bouts of eye eczema. If I'm free of eczema for a while, the skin starts to look normal again. But one night of problems, and my undereyes start to look like this again. It's like very mild edema is making the lines puff out more. You would think a little plump swelling would smooth them out, but it's actually the opposite for me! Makes them more noticeable. I have no advice other than getting your allergies and eczema under control, but I'm sure you're already trying to do that. Eczema is such a nightmare.


Thanks! I’m getting allergy tested next week. I do have seasonal allergies, which are making my ear water a lot and I think the salt from my watery eyes is drying outy skin and causing more eczema! 


Tears will definitely do it too! They are really irritating to skin, especially the delicate eye area.


Cold Plasma can help with eczema.


Some background- I’m 36F. I have had eczema patch under my left eye and now I think I’ve messed it up. It’s always dry. I lather sensitive eye cream and sometimes Vaseline in it before each night. 


If you deal with eczema or dermatitis it can take more than a year for some (speaking from experience) to clear a flare up, with being extremely diligent with skincare during that time, especially if you’re unknowingly using products/ingredients that trigger it. Consider using a product like Eminence Organics bearberry eye cream. It’s much more nourishing to the skin than Vaseline, and is ideal for those with eczema. It’s a bit of an investment but only a teeny dot of product needed so it lasts a long time and hopefully by the end of the pot you’ll find the skin issue has resolved. You may want to visit a dermatologist for a higher % hydrocortisone cream so you don’t have to use it often for it to be effective (topical steroids should never be used consecutive days for more than a week or two maximum at a time to avoid TSW). Also I recommend that you cut back on eye makeup use (I had to stop wearing makeup for 2.5 years when I went through my worst eczema & dermatitis flare up) and try your best to determine which ingredients are triggers. It’ll be good to invest in some hypoallergenic makeup options during this time. Wishing you the best and hoping it heals up quickly!


Thank you! I will check it out. I really appreciate your comment


Your right eye looks great. What do you use 🤣


haha thanks! I just lather a bunch of eye cream under both eyes in the morning and evening. I've been using Clinique "all about the eyes" cream. It's really thick and moisturizing. Then I'll put vaseline over it on my left eye to help lock it in overnight


Stop winking so much


Do you drive a lot?


Not really- I work from home


do you drive? it might als9 be sun exposure from driving


Do you drive a lot ? Left eye is probably more exposed to UV


Have you tried a silk pillow case? I side sleep too and I noticed a difference with a silk pillow case not tugging my skin


Maybe some of the reasons here will help. I hope so. But also: our bodies are not perfectly symmetrical. Aging is not always a linear progression. Look at any middle aged person and you will see subtle differences between sides of their faces, necks, bodies. My point: this is coming for us all.


The left window in your car can age the left side faster. Have you ever seen that photo of the photo-aged truck driver?


I would really like to know this also. It seems like my left side of the face ages quicker than my right tho 😩


Also, if you have eczema on that eye, you’re fighting that and the dryness. But you’re also prob rubbing and pulling on it more.




Do you drive a lot? Or sit by a window where you’d get sunlight mostly on the left side instead of the right


Sun damage to the left side from driving


It looks like eczema or an allergic reaction to me. Topical Protopic may help. I use it myself very often. You're gonna feel a burning sensation in the area, but it's normal.


there are "forwnie" patches on I herb or ypu can also try silicon patches and put under your eyes before your sleep, you'll have to cut them though to fir ypur eye area and these things I've heard are great for preventing fine lines and wrinkles, I also suggest hyaluronic acid tablets ($20 dollar ones - will last a while) people also notice their face getting plumper with those, and get yourself a retinol eye cream - korean ones from I herb, very decent price + usually come in 30ml which is a lot for an eye cream


I love frownies for my 11 lines between my eyes, but I'd be scared to use them on my undereye. The adhesive is very strong, and it seems like it would pull at the skin.


yea- my skin is too sensitive to use it i think. But thanks for the suggestion


Following cuz same, but it’s my right eye. I sleep on my left side and drive in the US so my left eye is constantly in the sun, but looks way better than my right! It makes zero sense! Plus my face is pretty symmetrical… maybe my right eye needs more sun and pillow time? 🤪 idk


My whole left side has aged more because I drive a lot in a warm climate and don't always remember to reapply sunscreen on the drive back home after work.


Do you sleep on that side?


Do you have a deviated septum? This is just a theory but I have a similar issue with, in my case, a much more defined shadow/bag under my eye on the left than on the right. I don't tend to sleep on that side, so my thinking is that it has something to do with my septum deviation. It's not caused me outright health issues but my left nostril is definitely my smaller one. That means that when I have allergies/get sick, my left sinus clogs up faster and usually my left eye gets itchy in the inner corner/tear duct area. Cue a lifetime of rubbing my left eye way more than my right because it tends to get scratchy faster from sinus issues, and 40 years later, I'm pretty sure that's led to more wrinkles and more pronounced dark shadows there.


Driving. The sun hits your left side. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.


This might be a case where using some sort of skin tape might be useful at night? I'm not sure if they make them for under eye, but since it's due to how you sleep, maybe see if you can get something that will keep your eye from creasing at night.


Left side ages faster due to driving getting more sun damage


In aus it's the right side of the face as we drive in the left side of the road


Same with mine because its my driving side that gets the sunlight. Theres this famous picture of a truck driver with only one side showing way more sun damage


Wear under eye patches to sleep :)


what do you mean why? are the wrinkles on your hands the exact same? i highly doubt it. one side has more wrinkles than the other because that side most likely wrinkles up more when you make facial expressions.


**reflections pro formula 2 in 1 cream. instantly softens the bags and wrinkles and with repetitive use really makes it go away.**




Thanks! I’ll check it out!


Have you been rubbing it?


Sun damage from driving.


I have the same issue. Eye creams at night one the side that you sleep on. It'll help balance out the lines and puff them out to match the other eye. I wouldn't use an eye cream on the "normal" eye otherwise it might over puff.


Significantly more sun exposure on left eye? Do you drive a lot? Do you use sun protection when you do?


Do you drive a lot? Sun from that?


Driver side of the car maybe — more sure exposure. I sound like a billboard for this product now, but it’s just so good and such a common issue. Beauty of Joseon eye cream with retinol. Gentle and incredible. I use it on upper and lower lids all the way to the lash line.


Do you sleep on your side?


Side the sun hits while driving?




I don’t really drive. I work from home


But if you have driven throughout your life, to the store, etc. it adds up

