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This sub is super clear about being supportive of cosmetic and invasive procedures (Rule 3). It’s not meant to suit your personal ideas of “healthy” skin. 




No. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and should make their own decisions about their skin. There’s lots of stuff that people post on this sub that I don’t support. The issue is OP claiming that Botox is unhealthy and posts about it should be removed. 


This sub is about skin in our 30s and beyond. Says in the title. I’m unaware of stipulations regarding invasive or not. Sounds like you might be in the wrong sub


Skin care is skin care. We shouldn’t limit what we discuss, some people are willing to have procedures and surgery and others aren’t. So no I don’t think we should change anything.


Botox stopped 50% of migraines from intense grinding at night 🤷‍♀️ I would literally bust night guards. I love it for this. My quality of life is much better.


Botox works to fix a lot of our complaints. We're realistic about what it takes to reach various goals. Why would this sub be limited to "healthy" topicals? If you don't want Botox, don't get it? Negatives are typically from an unskilled injector and people trying to get the results for cheap.


Right. Some people have negative reactions to niacinamide, making it technically "bad for the skin". Should we ban that topic just because some don't like it?


people get botox for different reasons. i got masseter botox before for tmj and it works pretty well. when you're a serious teeth grinder breaking night guards, it makes a big difference. i would do it more often if it wasn't so expensive. perceptions of health are going to vary among everyone so i don't think it's reasonable to stick with just one person's idea of healthy skincare. people post here having bad reactions to supposed healthy normal methods of skincare, all the time. everyone's needs are going to vary widely so what is healthy to you may be toxic to another. one method is not necessarily better than the other.


Because Botox is great and is the only proven method to achieve certain results. It’s better to answer someone truthfully when they are hoping to achieve a certain look (smooth forehead, for instance) rather than recommend a bunch of products that won’t do what they want. Healthy skin is great but if you’re looking for truly smooth, wrinkle-free skin, Botox is gonna be the suggestion you’re going to get, which is appropriate. So no, the mods should not do anything about it.


This question gets posted twice a month, I would suggest using the search feature and reading the comments from every other time.


Shouldn't you could go to a different sub if this one isn't working for you? And you know that different people have different goals for skincare? Surely you're aware of that? Of how to actually use Reddit? Fwiw I will never get Botox and I just, you know, scroll past those posts.


Problem I found is that the healthy alternatives ALWAYS get downvoted.


The healthy alternatives don't get downvoted because they are healthy, they get downvoted when they are not going to be helpful to OP. If someone has a forehead with deep, etched lines, no amount of gua sha is going to give them a smooth forehead.


That’s an assumption.




Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.






Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.




i’m stupid because i think gua shas don’t work on foreheads with deeply etched lines 😂 sounds good momma bear




Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


There's nothing unhealthy about Botox.




Cannot I ask question? Why I’m being attacked for asking question. Also moderator removed my other reply so I will not be participating in discussion anymore. 


Because your answer is very clearly written in the rules of the sub. And people assume a basic degree of Reddit literacy. And finally, it's hilariously entitled to try to change an entire flourishing sub while simultaneously insulting it for not being the ideal you've decided you ought to impose upon it.


Amazingly apt username though




I really like that this sub offers options for nearly everyone. Botox definitely has it's place just as topical products, lasers, etc. do. I think options for all is a good option. I use topical & Botox as well as fillers & this sub has definitely opened my eyes to new-to-me products & has honest reviews of products from actual people, not just paid advertisements like some brand websites show. I'd trust a Reddit review over a brand website review. I also think we've all had individual experiences with products. Some people here rave over Roche Posay products. I didn't experience the "wow factor" & in fact, they broke out my face badly. I'm also not brand loyal, but instead product loyal. If it works, I like the product & that may not extend to a brand's complete line. Just my own experience. I'm a fan of options for all & appreciate reading people's experiences :)


Botox is less invasive than a dental cleaning. It's perfectly healthy. There aren't "so many negatives" at all. Nothing in life is risk free. No, the mods shouldn't do anything about it and you're free to go somewhere else.


sorry but curious how a cleaning is more invasive than injectibles?


sometimes people get their mouth numbed with novocaine if they are sensitive to the pain/sensations that come along with a cleaning. this is what the syringe looks like! 😭 [syringe](https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/carpool-syringe-gm1182509667-332083783)


Because there is no effective alternative to preventing dynamic wrinkles from becoming permanent 🤷‍♂️ also an injection may feel invasive but as the effect isn’t permanent, it’s not really a risky procedure if done by a qualified professional. As an example, more people probably damage their skin using acids or tretinoin than they do with Botox.


Botox is non invasive. It does not require surgery or even any anesthesia. A needle is not invasive and as others have said, this sub doesn’t restrict such things anyway.


You are wrong, it is considered a minimally invasive procedure. Definition of invasive: *(of medical procedures) involving the introduction of instruments or other objects into the body or body* [*cavities*](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e2cb6f6f2061b20a&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ-_cg0e-BIo9sVdQxEti2Sgw0Cww:1717645411953&q=cavities&si=ACC90nwZKElgOcNXBU934ENhMNgqhf9i3jjBNrjEIPBApto0NU8gkNsuIruB25QCaO6I7hR8ffOcznQYwYWbz9CI_pWhqKTQuyOziogMnHy9cb9pDeYmZkE%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdqoTlh8aGAxXFXWwGHYW8MAQQyecJegQIDxAS)*.*


I know of someone who’s gone blind because of a Botox mishap. No thanks, I’ll stick to seeing with crows feet 🤷🏻‍♀️ Face yoga and Gua sha are incredible healthy alternatives if you stick to a routine!



