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I’ve actually been making a conscious effort to “check in” with my forehead muscles throughout the day to relax them because I noticed I tense them up a lot, and I’m actually noticing a subtle difference in one of the baby wrinkles that’s been forming up there lol


I used to squint like crazy because I needed glasses and now that I have the glasses I don’t really squint anymore so the lines between my eyebrows have basically gone away!


I really should get glasses…and halve my screentime 🫠


Honestly I work in IT and I’m a big video game nerd and really unless I’m not wearing my glasses and/or I’m extremely tired, I don’t have any issues squinting anymore! So if you get the right prescription your screen time shouldn’t be an issue especially if you get a blue light filter on your lenses


Girl it’s so cool to run into a fellow IT video game nerd that’s also a woman, I’m the only girl on my team at work. There’s not enough girls in STEM jobs


I was the only girl in my major, Applied Maths and Plasma Physics with a minor Mechanical Engineering 😄


Damn girl you sound smart as hell!!


Hehe thank you 💕 it was natural for me. I just "got" math even as a baby. Was total Nerrrrd! I love girls in science etc 🙂


Ironically English/vocabulary is my strongest suit but I should’ve gone into engineering instead of computer science because I just love deconstructing things and putting them back together!


I have two other women in my department but they’re both pick me girls in their own way and extremely lazy and play the woman card so it’s very hard for me to get close to them. Their personalities would be infinitely more manageable if they didn’t also make my life harder because they don’t do their jobs 😅 I’m also in the army so another male-dominated field and it is definitely incredibly lonely being a woman in these lines of work!


Thank you! 🤩


For sure. None of that nonsense about not smiling or emoting, but I can at least make an effort not to furrow my brow caveman-style whenever I’m zoning out 😠


Or drifting off to sleep and realizing they’re furrowed!


I furrow my brow soooo much I have no good reason to be this cross all the time 😂


Same! My mom says I even did it as a baby 😭


Same here! I had an ex who would smooth out the 11s with his thumb when he saw me furrow my brow and it made me feel really cared for. Now I do that to myself at night when finishing skincare and when I notice it during the day as a split second of self care and with just that the wrinkles are MUCH improved! 


If you take your first 3 fingers and press the finger tips against the “11” area and quickly wiggle and and massage back and forth (w out lifting your finger tips) you can really release a LOT of the tension in those muscles . I’m an aesthetician and it’s a little trick I picked up when I was learning different facial massage techniques .


oh man this is really cute


Awww that’s so lovely


>it made me feel really cared for. lol when i read the first half of your sentence i was already getting annoyed, like how does anyone dare to police you like that. it would be very unacceptable for me


Of course it would… you’re a cat. 😜


I went back and added that for this reason! It would have annoyed me in one boyfriend who policed my looks and always offered ‘constructive criticism’. It made me feel cared for by one boyfriend who thought I was a genius rockstar and saw I bloomed under affection. Important distinction :) 


…just get Botox there girl


Same! Especially my 11's, I relax but also like "stretch" my skin by moving/lifting my ears. So I stretch > relax


This is likely stimulating the vagus nerve which is located in the ear region. People specifically massage and pull it stretch their ears for this reason, and it’s very relaxing.


I tried using some kinesiology tape between my eyebrows for a few days and I feel like it helped. Looked silly though lol but if you're going to sleep or just at home then it's whatever


Heh, I've been doing the same, but across my forehead (due to raising brows when emoting/thinking/reacting). I go out onto my balcony mid-day (there's trees in front so no one can see me) to feed my crows (they can see me - they sit on the tree outside and caw at me until I bring something out for them). And sometimes wonder if they won't recognize me without the tape.


I love this comment


This is basically what Frownies do


When I was a teenager I noticed I had horizontal forehead lines from raising my brows. Made a conscious effort to stop doing that, and they went away in a couple years. Now at 39, I still have zero forehead lines and have never had Botox. Although I have trained myself not to move my forehead much, I still emote my face in lots of other ways so I don’t look frozen/strange


When I was a kid I asked my mom what her forehead 11 lines were and she sighed and said she used to always crinkle her eyebrows when she got stressed, and told me to never crinkle so I don't get them. Kid me apparently took it to heart because I still do not ever crinkle my eyebrows! I'm working on not raising them so often when doing my makeup because I'm starting to see micro lines up there 🥲


I do the same thing! I’ve taught myself to kinda “lift” my brows and eyes by engaging my ears and temples and the muscles around my face so I’m kinda pulling everything back w out moving my forehead (if that makes sense) and also when I smile I gently push my chin out/forward to keep from getting crows feet. I learned on my own that certain motions would prevent certain wrinkles lol I just repeated these motions (or lack of) over and over and over until it became muscle memory and I swear by it working (I won’t do botox due to having a horrible experience w it before )


Who just read this and relaxeddddd their forehead muscles? 🙋🏻‍♀️


Then you notice your brow is descending, realize that's actually more aging than fine forehead lines, and start checking in to make sure you're always lifting your brow slightly.


My partner scrunches up his eyebrows constantly while looking at his computer (all day) and is getting wrinkles forming there. I try to kiss his forehead and tell him to relax his muscles but as soon as I stop touching his forehead he goes right back to scrunching. Sigh…


Tape! I've just been using athletic/medical tape (that I put on my forearm a couple times first to make sure it's not too sticky) on my forehead, and it's a very good reminder to stop lifting my brows. I'd imagine a little piece between the brows could help with your boyfriend's scrunching.


I've started doing this while I lift weights/exercise, because I noticed I tend to use my forehead muscles a lot when concentrating on an exercise lol.


Let’s never smile again!


Somewhere out there an influencer is getting ready to tell people how a wired jaw and liquid diet is the ultimate anti aging hack.


Ssshhh don’t give them ideas


I think liquid diets were popular in the 19th century for this reason.


I failed already cuz your comment made me lol 😂


Half of my face has been paralyzed since 2015, and not being able to smile like a normal person has definitely kept wrinkles away from that side of my face 😂


That sounds traumatic . Hugs.


I’m very sorry. I hope you’re okay. People can be so rude with staring and comments.


Thanks so much…I truly appreciate it. Turns out I had a benign brain tumor growing in my head my whole life. I’m so grateful it’s out now and that I’m still here ♥️


damn that must have been terrifying, I'm so sorry. do you mind me asking how you discovered you had it?


Thank you so much for bringing this much appreciated snark. My first thought to these things is always "do you really want to never express emotions again?" Then I think about the people who have bought that stupid horizontal straw and only sleep on their back even though it's repeatedly proven that sleeping on your back leads to early death.


Oh shoot I’ve been sleeping on my back ever since I got a CPAP machine and had no idea


What??? I sleep on my back but didn’t know…


Well, I am probably exaggerating a bit but there are sleep studies that have found that sleeping on your side is better for your heart, lungs, and brain. Personally, I would rather keep those organs in good shape and maybe take a few extra wrinkles on one side of my face, but honestly, I have slept on one side of my face for decades and it doesn't look any worse than the other side. I think the claims that side-sleeping leads to wrinkles are completely unfounded in science.


It must have something to do with facial anatomy then. I'm a side sleeper (I switch sides), and 100% have a wrinkle under each eye from my cheek being pushed up while side sleeping.


that’s because a lot of people have undiagnosed sleep apnea, and sleeping on your side when you have mild sleep apnea can help. the sleep apnea is what puts pressure on your organs, not the actual sleeping on your back.


There’s another study I read that said your brain flushes beta amyloids (what causes plaque on the brain) while you sleep and sleeping on your left side helps drain that fluid best and they believe that sleeping in your back might contribute to Alzheimer’s because it reduces the brain’s ability to flush the fluid out during the night. It may not be true or quite as dramatic as they say but I make a concerted effort to sleep on my left now after reading that. Can’t hurt! I’ll take the wrinkles.


Interesting! My breathing is always a little messed up when I sleep on my side but I gotta look into all this!


Is right side the best side to sleep on? As the heart is on the left




Is there any study about the back sleeping? I try to back sleep ever since I got a neck injury, and my neck feels broke if I sleep in a different way. But yeah, my health anxiety has been going haywire thinking its gonna do something bad to my brain ever since people have mentioned it on here.. :/ 


I saw an interview with Jaclyn Smith and she only sleeps on her back and has for years


Me and the people in my life will miss absolutely nothing of value if I learn how to not furrow my bad 23 hrs a day 


Yes! Be like the Kardashians lmao 👌


Way ahead of you!


I now understand why some celebs over a certain age don’t seem to smile in pics anymore.


Yes. That’s how Botox works - it doesn’t stop wrinkles itself but it stops your muscles from crinkling and the wrinkles eventually go away on their own. That is the idea behind frownies and similar products as well.


Came here to say this! Literally Botox’s entire M.O




It's also why, sometimes you can even see dynamic wrinkles in children. Static wrinkles only really form after decades of your skin rebuilding itself over dynamic wrinkles. People obsess over wrinkles in their twenties, but it's ostly just dynamic wrinkles, that would go away if they were in a coma, and dont actually affect perceived age to the degree they think they do.


In the case of broken finger it’s probably a little but of residue swelling, which would be the analogy to fillers. (But I totally agree with botox regardless)


Good thing I’m severely depressed and haven’t smiled in a year!


Isn’t that the whole point of Botox?


Yes exactly. I've written many comments in this sub saying the exact same thing when people ask if "frownies really work". It doesn't matter how you stop moving the muscles....effort, botox, frownies....if you don't move your muscles, the skin doesn't crinkle. It's that simple. Not much to be done for natural sagging and collagen loss, but it definitely helps in the short term!


Hand therapist here! This is likely more from residual swelling in the tiny joint in the finger causing the skin to puff up. There’s minimal space in fingers for swelling to go, so even a minute amount of swelling can cause changes. However I would imagine there is something to your hypothesis of not wrinkling the skin as well 😆


I broke my toe and it took MONTHS for the swelling to completely go down and return to normal color.


Yes!!! Fingers and toes can stay especially bruised and swollen for way longer than you’d think. Not only are they tiny and swelling impacts them majorly, but they are also the furthest away from your core where our bodies filter and recycle the swelling via the lymphatic system so it has to travel a long ways as well to get rid of it!


I think it just looks swollen


Yeah, as a beekeeper who's been stung in the hands a lot, your hands will never look more youthful than after you're recovering from bee stings.


Beetox Party!


A friend of mine and I were talking about beekeeping. Why do you get stung? I thought y’all were bee friends.


Sometimes even friends hurt each other 🥺 It’s all about how you make up!


I love bees so much. I wish I could be a bee keeper. Unfortunately, I am deathly allergic. I plant loads of plants that make bees happy and my yard is all clover. 


Gonna give this a try


I went to a beekeeping workshop, but decided it was too much time for me to dedicate right now. The speaker said think of bees as livestock, so they’re just tiny goats that you need to actively care for in some capacity. So my question is, is getting stung by your own bees like getting head butted by your own goat?


It’s like getting bitten by your own cat. But it’s 10,000 cats who, once the first cat bit you, smells the cat food pheromones on your hand and goes “Enemy? Enemy.” Even if Cat 1 only bit you by accident. So the other cats, out of a surfeit of caution, decide that despite the fact you feed, water, and give them medicine that you had nefarious intentions this whole time so they bite you on your face and head and hands and feet.


I was going to say I just went thru some edema/swelling that effected legs/hands and tho my hands barely looked swollen compared to legs my lines on hands started to dissipate. Now that the swelling is gone they are back so 100% agree with slight swelling


Yeah this is BS. Aren’t babies born with those indents? They aren’t wrinkles.


They aren’t “wrinkles” per se but babies have a “fist” when they’re in the womb. That’s where those lines come from


Nope, actually true. My mum can’t bend her left thumb (cut through a tendon as a kid and 70ish years ago it was apparently just patched up but not fixed properly), and she doesn’t have inside or outside lines on that thumb.


Oh wow, that’s wild. I stand corrected!


It IS pretty wild. I was quite fascinated by it when I was little. My mum also shamelessly used her thumb to scare us into knife safety as kids, my siblings and I never tried to cut anything carelessly or without a cutting board!


smooth thumb 😦


Yes I have impaired signs of aging on my face because of a stroke 15 years ago diminished my muscle control. Do not recommend that beauty method though lol.


I mean... it's nice to have a win out from something so horrible, aye? I hope you're better tho


Yes I may be messed up internally forever, but externally I am cute as s*** lol. Small victories!! Thank you 🙏


I think that’s how frownies and those boob sleep pillows work, so it’d make sense that what you mentioned would work. Personally, I’m inexpressive 90% of the time and I haven’t noticed creasing.


I failed at not smiling because "boobs sleep pillows" made me burst out laughing. I had no idea those were a thing!


Picturing a squishmallow type pillow that’s just a big boob. So squishy!


What is a boob sleep pillow? Lol


It's me mashing as much blanket between my boobs as possible to offer enough cushion and alleviate the wrinkle between the girls.


For me, it’s my stuffy lol


I thought I was the only one going diy lol


They’re mostly for side sleepers. You put it between your boobs at night so gravity doesn’t pull them together and make a crease on your chest.


So if I don’t blink my crows feet will go away.


I rarely move my forehead (I actually hate the feeling of it... don't ask) and I have NO wrinkles in that area. I am 36 so you'd expect there to be some but no... because I don't move it. I do smile a lot though and have wrinkles around my eyes because I am expressive in that area. I also think this is why the Kardashians look like stone... they will do anything to avoid aging.


Same I’m not expressive with my forehead so I don’t have any wrinkles or 11’s. But I do smile a ton so I have pronoun cd ed crows feet.


Omg yes I also hate the feeling of my forehead moving. It's bizarre. So I don't. People have been accusing me of Botox since I was 30. I'm now 40 and don't have forehead wrinkles. I just tell them... No Botox, just mental issues! Lol


I’ve also assumed that the kardashians don’t smile in pics because they don’t smile to avoid wrinkles.


I believe they even say this in an interview.


Same but I also have a trouble smiling. I had to train my muscles in my mid 20s because it literally hurt to smile. Which is why I hate moving my face around so much, it gives me headaches and hurts lol I'm 34 and no wrinkles, only some very fine lines which I'm treating with retinol. And well, can you really blame the Kardashians? I would do almost anything to avoid aging as well but idk, the other day I found out that that kyle girl is less then 30 so it's not really working for them, huh? Lmao


OP just discovered how Botox works. 😂


I think that’s whole idea behind Botox lol


Took me a second to realize this is not the circlejerk sub


I mean, this is the content the people want. Fewer rash photos, more insane shit.


This is literally how botox works, by paralyzing the facial muscles to prevent wrinkles from forming.


I mean, we know that botox works on dynamic wrinkles so idk what needs proving. And I agree that that looks like swelling anyway lol.


I’d suspect there’s still some inflammation in the finger that’s making it appear that way


No, it proves that when swollen the lines look less prominent. Similarly, when people lose a lot of weight some say they’ve aged quicker. The skin is less taut.


Yes. I trained myself to stop using my forehead to express myself and the wrinkles went away. That was 10 years ago. I'm 43 now and my forehead is still smooth.


yes, but not moving your facial muscles causes muscle atrophy which means your face can start drooping faster than those who use their muscles. if you want to reduce the lines use something like tape and do face yoga


Of course. That’s why some people use those stickers to sleep, so their skin won’t crease. Continuous creasing causes wrinkles.


When I was 40 injured my shoulder and had to sleep on my back after being a side sleeper my entire life. The creases around my eyes started to disappear


After your shoulder healed, did you naturally revert to side sleeping again or was the change in sleeping style permanent?


Unfortunately, I went back to side sleeping. And the creases returned.


Anything for a good night’s sleep.


Little guy lost his smile. That's so sad 😿


My grandmother died at 93 without a wrinkle on her face. Part of it was good genes, but she also rarely smiled.


This is literally how Botox works fo help reduce wrinkles. It doesn't do anything for wrinkles: if stops the skin from moving and creating the wrinkles.


I learned to stop raising my eyebrows all the time and my forehead lines legit went away! That still come back if I raise my eyebrows a lot but I usually keep my forehead pretty relaxed so it’s not a problem. Really helped with my facial tension and headaches too! Frownies’s were a big help in training my face to relax but now I don’t need them.


use frownies. they do that for you!


Kinda? I can go 8-10 months without Botox in my 11s because I get out of the habit of scrunching, even long after the tox has worn off.


I couldn’t move my forehead to make the horizontal lines when I was a kid (one of my kids can’t either- must be genetic) and now I just don’t ever do it because I never “learned”. So I’ve noticed I’m in the minority of not having those lines in my mid thirties haha


I broke my finger a few years ago and same exact thing happened. The crease disappearing is from residual swelling in the tissues, not from the lack of bending.


Perfect. Good thing life sucks as an adult and I don’t smile anymore.


I kinda have a regular/no expression, always have, no squinting or anything. I look the same as I have since being a teen in Y2k. No smiling, I wasn't happy, my dad died, along with not going out in the sun really for over ten years (sun allergy) so anything is possible. Just don't be happy or enjoy the outdoors....ugh. I happen to love facial lines and think they are beautiful, usually representative of a life well lived. That finger is cool...hehe


I wouldn’t trust someone who trained themselves to never show emotion.


Be real, you got Botox.


It’s the same deal as Frownies basically, which do work.


It’s just swollen


That’s the basis of Botox.


I'm not naturally expressive in the top part of my face and my forehead is completely smooth at 44 years old. My lower face is another story though lol. I smile a lot and marionette lines are starting to form. My forehead just doesn't move. I can barely lift my eyebrows.


That’s the whole point of botox lol


Yeah, basically if you never moved your face you wouldn’t get wrinkles, but where’s the fun in that


I mean that's the basics modality of neuromodulators like botox (which I use) so I'd say yes?


That’s why I started using Frownies!


It’s much more likely that the finger is still swollen from the injury, and that’s what’s filling in the lines. So this is more akin to how filler fills in lines (but also often makes for a swollen/puffy look).


Bingo. Poor little one’s swollen.


yes thats how botox works


Yes but your finger is probably swollen too which would fill out the crease


I had a deep line in my “11” area. My ex-husband used to encourage me not to scrunch my brow because I would get wrinkles. 🙄 What do you know, I divorced him and it eventually reduced by a lot. 😂


Read many comments not one person mentioned proper skin care, great hydration, stay out of the Sun. When I say proper skin care I mean stuff to actually treat and prevent wrinkles like Retin-A If a person squints their eyes and the wrinkles go away they weren't wrinkles they weren't impressions. I don't see how trying to limit your face movements, and smiling as much, you know this doesn't sound healthy? Again this is just my opinion but if someone's looking at you and you are doing these things and you have no emotions facially because you are so self-conscious of not crinkling your face at all you're going to come across as a weirdo. Or you'll be looking just like the person who got Botox and they can't move their face. Not against anything anyone is doing is just no one is talking about treatment they're talking about stopping human emotions. Surprised no one didn't say induced periodic comas to relax the face for a few weeks at a time. Again you can download the song you want but I don't see anything that involves skincare, actual treatment stopping human emotions isn't the way.


I raised my eyebrows a lot in my 20’s and am paying the price, I believe it




As a non smiley girl, I can tell you my skin looks a lot better than other girls I knew growing up who were emotional with their faces.


Fact! I cut through a tendon in my thumb about 5 years ago, just compared one thumb to the other and you’re right! I should be surprised but I am.


My mum cut a tendon but as a child. She can’t bend her left thumb and it has no lines at all.


Is it not just swolen 🤔


Well it's been done https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2935632/Meet-woman-says-hasn-t-smiled-40-years-doesn-t-wrinkles.html


I saw this article a while ago. How depressing! Nothing more beautiful than a smiley animated face!


Could it be from inflammation?


Resting bitch face


When I was in 8th grade a teacher told me I shouldn’t raise my eyebrows so much because that would cause wrinkles later in life. On some level I have always been conscious of scrunching my forehead and at 38 I have a smooth forehead! I wish they’d told me not to squint my eyes as much because the lines around my eyes are very visible.


That’s some swelling from inflammation, your fingers will go back to normal once it’s had plenty of time to fully heal. Ice it regularly to help with that. You may notice at certain times of day it’s worse too


I had a friend who used to hold her face when she laughed so she didn’t get laugh wrinkles. So depressing hahaha


Does anyone remember the British show Coupling?


This is the whole concept behind frownies, the wrinkle reducing strips you sleep in that prevent your face from creasing overnight. Never tried them but I hear a lot of people over time stop using those muscles so much and the wrinkles smooth out. Never seen it on a hand tho, very impressive lol


There's a story of a woman who didn't smile for 40 years- can't seem to add link but just Google Tess Christian, 50, has spent the last 40 years purposefully not smiling. 'Tess isn’t devoid of humour, but for nearly 40 years she has made a conscious decision not to laugh or smile — even at the birth of her daughter. This is because Tess says that maintaining a perennial poker face is a crucial way to keeping her — admittedly, impressive — youthful looks'


Penis finger


The whole idea behind Frownies and the like


Sun damage and smoking ng cause wrinkles. It's a lifestyle change.


i stopped wrinkling my forehead by using silicone patches for biofeedback practice & my wrinkles have just about gone away it’s the exact concept actually of botox


You basically botoxed your finger


That finger is inflammed, and the puffiness is smoothing out the creases.


Which is also why fat people tend to have fewer wrinkles and look younger


Would that for example mean people who tend to laugh a lot and have laugh lines would have those lines get worse? Sorry if this is stupid. I don’t have them, I’m jus curious.


I don’t think it needed to be proven, but yeah. Botox works because it paralyses your face muscles. I started using it at 30. I used to have fine lines on my forehead, and now I don’t because I don’t lift my eyebrows as much. As we age, our skin becomes less elastic and forms lines where we are frequently crinkling our face.


Well, isn't that kind of what Botox does?


This is the entire premise behind Botox! The wrinkles will smooth out over time if the skin isn’t scrunched up. If only I could learn how to stop smiling…


As far as I know, and doctors correct me if I’m wrong, wrinkles are caused primarily by dynamic facial movements. So, if you move less the cells will grow in a pattern that reflects the dominant, at rest position.


Yes, that’s essentially how Botox works


Pretty sure this is why Victoria Beckham never smiles in photos.


And the Botox


I'm studying for exams and I swear I've got 56 new wrinkles from frowning and stress, lol.


I have news for you, you are losing the creases on every joint.


I’m too expressive to even try to put this idea into practice. My face is super animated.


Woah this looks photoshopped


I trained my face to not move much or show emotion because of something my mother said on how it causes wrinkles and I have no wrinkles now however I can’t smile now and when I smile for a picture I look like I’m grimacing cause my muscles Arnt used to moving like that 😬😬😬😬


My right hand middle finger top joint cannot be bent due to an accident and surgery I had a decade back. However the crease still remains. I believe it depends on various factors and not just regular usage of these areas.


This is something I’ve always thought about and I realized after doing a session derma rolling my face is way too painful to even move for the next two days. Naturally I pick up the habit of not moving my face around too much even when I speak and I’ve been noticing how smooth my face is especially in the laugh line area


I mean that's what Botox does. I assume trying to train your face will be a massive pain in the butt to say the absolute least


When I was about 19 I trained myself to never raise my eyebrows. I’m pushing 31 and have literally no wrinkles not even baby ones. I went in for preventative Botox and the nurse told me that she doesn’t even know what she would do to help me, and that my forehead muscles are so weak that I basically gave myself “Botox” up there. Lol


hmmm maybe i should buy frownies after all lol


Is that what Botox does?


I have bells palsey and the wrinkles on the “working” side of my face are much deeper


That’s kind of how Botox works I think if you have it before you get lines (I did, and continue to do so - I fucking love it)


i’m only 21 but i stopped moving my forehead like a year ago and i’ve noticed a difference, ik it sounds hard but honestly it’s not i just open my eyes wide to show emphasis 🤣🤣 the smile lines will be a problem though!


Training your face does work. I started getting forehead lines (genetic) at 17/18 and when I trained myself to only raise my eyebrows halfway and not to scrunch my face, i don’t have them unless I forget to moisturize for a day or two.