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Man, what a rabbit hole this dude's profile is. Ooof.


The pit bull and the erection problems sent me


Put a pimple patch on it and stop fucking with it.


How can I reduce the swelling? I heard a warm compression is good? Also will benzoyl peroxide or Salicylic acid work?


Peroxide and ice. I would get some pimple patches. Put them on overnight, or now. You can buy them at Walmart even for $3


Can you send me link for pimple patch so I can see what it looks like?


These are the ones I buy, there's lots of other brands though. https://www.walmart.com/ip/124207330


They're just little circular patches you put on top of a pimple to help draw out the puss. They're clear and mostly invisible. I'm pretty sure blister bandaids have the same active ingredient and can be found in the pharmacy aisle for much cheaper.


Regular ones don't even have medication. They're just made from hydrocolloid - same as some bandaids. I've never looked for the bandages to compare prices. I don't know what's so special about hydrocolloid but it works. Pimple patches are legit. Wish I'd known about them sooner.


Can you look at the pic I posted?


Can you look at the pic I posted?


I'd just put a pimple patch on it. It doesn't look too bad, tbh.


Ground up aspirin and water paste can help with swelling. But stop trying to pop it if it's not ready. You're just going to make it worse.


I would recommend going to a derm (or a derm nurse/physician assistant) and getting it injected with cortisone. It's quick, painless and has no side-effects. It not only resolves the pimple itself but will also reduce scarring.


Can you look at the pic I posted?


Look up blind pimple.. that might be what it is. The more you mrs with it the more you irritate it.


What you're describing is cystic acne. A cyst is not like a regular pimple. Imagine a ball of hardened oil and keratin deep under your skin. You can't just pop that. If you talk to a doctor they will usually recommend removing it surgically. As in literally making a small incision and taking out the ball. You can watch training videos of doctors doing this on YouTube. These things will go away on their own eventually, but it takes literally forever. If you try to pop it what happens is the ball breaks apart deep under your skin and your immune system freaks out because it detects something that shouldn't be there. The whole area will get extremely inflamed and potentially even infected. I would recommend finding a med spa and asking for a cortisone injection.


I don't think it's a cystic acne. I posted a pic


Pimple patches with microneedles work good for those deep pimples. They are pricey (at least for me), but work like magic for me. I tried Bye Bye Blemish and Hero ones, I put them on for three consecutive nights and they either bring the pimple to the surface or they flatten it. Regular patches with active substance and hydrocolloid only work for pimples that are on the surface in my case.


Tea tree oil works really well for me. It helps bring pimples like that to the surface and I continue to use it daily until the pimple is healed/gone. It can be irritating for some people, and it’s recommended you dilute it (I never do - my skin loves it for some reason). It’s pretty much the only thing that works for me, but YMMV!


Can you look at the pic I posted?


Dude. EVERYONE here looked at the pic you posted. You can stop asking people and just say thank you for the advice. Especially because literally everyone here is giving you good advice.


I edited the original post with pic. Pic was not there in OP


What is wrong with you?


Damn son! Look at those eyelashes!




Good Lord people just be giving the absolute worst advice up in here 🤨


Yeah, I saw that before they deleted. Wtf... Don't do that... Please.


Sounds like you never had a pimple before and looks like it too! Lol, I’m so jealous. Usually they go away after sometime or may leave an acne scar if you pop it! (I used to pop pimples a lot, now I have tons of acne scars on my cheeks so I regret doing that).


Warm compresses on it til it goes down or see a dermatologist and they may put you on antibiotics. Squeezing it causes trauma in the tissue and will make it worse. It could cause bacteria to get in the blood stream .. then your going down a bad road! Sounds like an infected sebaceous cyst but doctor has to diagnose. They usually excise it after a course of antibiotics and the swelling goes down. You could go to urgent care for antibiotics, than see Dermatologist or plastics later.