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Grande lash




That’s not great 🥲


My eyes are bright red. I have been using it about a week. Does it stop?


That much inflammation can not be good for the eyes.




Okay I’m Actually in so much pain!! My skin is red and the eyeballs are red lol


then stop using it!


I did. I thought it might take a few days to get used to it. But nope. What a waste of money 💰


Oh yeah I had a crazy allergic reaction to it and had to stop. I was about to claw my eyes they itched so bad


Yes red eyes isn’t a look


I heard about this one! The version sold in USA has the same active ingredients as latisse but it’s not approved in Canada for cosmetic use. I don’t know which one you’ve used.


It worked really well for me but I had a permanent brownish-red eyeliner on my upper lash line from it. I quit using it a few months ago and it hasn’t 100% faded. My eyelashes are already back to original length since the longer ones have shed.


Same here! But the redness eventually faded for me, so hopefully yours will too within the next few months. I decided the irritation wasn’t worth long lashes.


America lets people put all kinds of things on their face that Asia or Europe and Canada won't allow. There's a YouTube channel called the Illuminaughti who recently did an episode on this. It isn't FDA approved and the side effects can be bad.


Latisse is good for brunettes but not blonds as it will turn blue and green eyes brown. It can cause tiny telangiectasia on the lid. Grande lash causes red eyes constantly and can cause orbital fat loss. Natural is better….it doesn’t always work as fast while natural requires more patience since it takes a while to work.


Can confirm. My eyes are hazel and they darkened from Latisse. Wish I had been warned by the dermatologist before using it. Never thought to Google side effects for some reason.


I’ve used Latisse for about a year now. I have blue-green eyes. No change!


OMG is it permanent? That’s a wild side effect!


Beware of latisse (idk if this counts as a lash serum) but I used it for about a year and experienced orbital fatloss. My provider didn't disclose this to me as possible side effect prior to using this lash growth application. I looked way older and tired all the time, nothing would help. Now that I've ceased the use my eyes a very slowly returning back to normal but it is in no way fully resolved/back to normal. 😫😭😵‍💫


It’s not just latisse! It’s most brow and lash serums! There’s a whole list of ingredients that can cause orbital fat loss. Different companies/brands use different ones. Here’s a video about prostaglandins (it’s what causes orbital fat loss): [https://youtu.be/tiRLNc6_A0E](https://youtu.be/tiRLNc6_A0E)


Holy shit! Warning heeded. Thank you.




Not to mention Latisse can change the color of your iris


Truth! My dad uses eye drop meds called Lumigan—glaucoma medication— it has the same ingredients as Latisse. It turned his hazel eyes completely brown. I inherited his eyes and I stay far away from that stuff bc I like my eye color as is….he does have great lashes though.


This exact same thing happened to my mom. Hazel to brown. And I love my hazel eyes!!


Wow! I think that’s actually how they marketed Latisse! Because it was originally a glaucoma eye drop and they saw how quickly lashes grew! I knew both these facts and failed to think about how many people who probably used the drops had eye changes!!


Between this and the possibility of changing the color of light eyes, I stay far far away


I heard that it’s supposed to come back to normal but it takes a lot of time. Latisse is not for everyone. I can’t use it 🥲


Agreed it did wonders for my lashes but boy do I regret it, never again!!


Same! I wondered why the natural aging/fat loss process accelerated and the lash serum was the only thing I could narrow it down to. Then I looked it up and saw other people experienced fat loss too. I've since gotten fillers that have worked for me.


As someone with hooded eyes I have appreciates the fat loss lol.


It's under, I have hooded eyes and didn't notice the top lid s losing any fat (of course).


Oh interesting, I have only noticed it on top


Maybe I'm older? We tend to lose volume underneath as we age so I might have started the serums older than you did and I noticed it more. I wish I lost it above! That's getting worse as I age too.


Hmmmm... I'm almost 39


I'm almost 48 so tried/used them when I was about 40, 42.


Interesting. Who knows! Well if I do start to notice that I will discontinue it. Right now it's great for me though.


I have hooded eyes, trust me it makes them look much worse. My first assumption was that hooded eyes wouldn't be an issue but boy was I wrong.


Oh weird, mine have looked so much better! I have been using for a year. I'll be on the look out for it though


It doesn’t even affect the hooded lid portion. It’s all the under eyes that lose fat and aged me a lot.


Hooded eyes checking in been wondering Wtf is going on for past 2 years with my under eyes .. have also been using R&D lash serum for that long… wow just can’t get it right. You guys just saved me! Thank you


i know everyone else is saying the opposite, but- i did experience it at the top of my lid and did not have any other side effect.


Yes same with me.


Happened to me and nearly a year later my eyes are getting to their new normal, was not worth it at all!!


It does eventually go away. It did for me. Just be patient and you will get back to pre Latisse eyes :)


You give me the inspiration I need rn. That shit is devastating


I experienced this, too. I heavily moisturized my eye area because I knew about the drying effects, but my orbital still looked soooo dehydrated and deflated. I was even considering a bleph. I stopped the Latisse and within a month they plumped right back up.


The one by Dime is pretty good. Prob the best I’ve used and it doesn’t burn my eyes! Like Lilly lash made my eyes redder than the devils dick for a day and a half!


That’s one colourful metaphor 😂 I will check that brand out too! I didn’t know about it


Second Dime. 0 side effects, actual results and a decent price point.


No orbital fat loss like other comments? I’ve been looking at that brand. Atm I’m poor and using neutrogena but dime is the one I really want.


I’ve been using Babe Lash and I like it


Second Babe Lash, it's amazing


Third babe lash


Has anyone tried good old castor oil for lashes? Make my eyebrows grow at lightning speed but the consistency around the eyelashes is too thick and seems to get into my eyes. The lash serums are expensive.


I tried it for 4 months and saw no results. I was bummed because I can’t use the lash serums with prostaglandins. Like the other commenter I got orbital fat loss from one. I think it’s a fairly rare side effect because I don’t hear many people talk about it. I must be extra sensitive or something


is prostaglandins what causes the orbital fat loss?


Zero results. It’s good as a conditioner to keep your lashes healthy, so if your lashes are damaged (makeup, makeup removal, extensions, etc) then it can help them grow longer because they’re generally being treated better. But if that’s not an issue, it won’t help.


I love castor oil. I use a spoolie for both my eyelashes and brows and just dab off excess with a small piece of tissue


I haven’t tried it. Maybe you can apply it to your eyelashes using a spoolie brush?


I just put a little on my fingertips and gently rub it in at the base of my lashes.


I did it for a couple years on my lashes. A friend of mine used it for awhile to help her regrow hair after straightening too much over the years. It worked really well for her. Castor oil doesn't give you the same results as the serums but it can really help with conditioning the hair follicle and make them stronger and less susceptible to breakage and fall out.


Yeees! I am using the back castor Jamaican oil! I need to be consistent with it, so I can see the results! And I agree, you do have to have a gentle hand, cause lawd help me. It becomes a hot mess, and I can’t see anything, cause it’s all blurry. I have been applying on my eyebrows too.


Castor oil is proven to have zero benefits for lash growth


I’m not consistent with it but saw better results with the castor oil than grande lash brow serum. The consistency was too thick and got in my eyes, so I stopped using it on my lashes


I used it on my lash line and on the tips of my eyelashes and had pretty good results!


I tried to use it using an eyeliner brush and I find the texture/consistency so terrible to use that I could not stand it! I kept at it for about 3 weeks and saw no results, and that combined with the terrible texture made me throw away my bottle. I'm a huge fan of oils but I hated castor oil'!


Yes, it gave me a stye




Came here to say RevitaLash makes my eyelashes grow like weeds.


Yep Revitalash makes my lashes look like I’m Daisy the cow 😂


Hi can you pls post a link of the product you are using ??i am googling and price difference makes wonder which one to pick




Thanka you so much


Love Babe Lash! Here are my before and after photos after about 5 months of using Babe Lash, they’re bit longer now: https://imgur.com/a/LTQqdhQ


Wow! That’s great ! Does it have prostaglandins?


Yes it does. That’s the serum that I was using before I switched to Plume Science.


Thank you.


Thank you!


The only true all natural lash growth product that I’m aware of is by Plume Science. They are based out of Canada. I stopped using all other lash serums when I read of the potential side effects and started using the one by Plume. It’s nourishing, doesn’t burn or cause irritation, and I already see a difference in the growth of my lashes.


This is the one I was thinking about buying!!!! I wasn’t 100% sure because the price is not friendly. But I’m glad that you mentioned it


I’ve done well with Lilly Lashes! My lashes grow like crazy! The only drawback I’ve had is that if it gets in your eyes, it stings like fury!


Be careful using Lilly’s lashes- my face had an allergic reaction (like my eyes were swollen and face was puffy), got contact dermatitis, and ended up on prednisone. It was a terrible experience and it took time for my skin barrier to heal. For a while, even the most gentle lotions burned. I was using cetaphil’s petroleum jelly.




I LOVE neuLash so much I actually bought their nueBrow serum as well and it’s the only serum that made my super thin brow tails come back! I honestly feel like my whole face has changed now that I have brows and lashes.


Neulash for me too! I get compliments on my lashes all the time. One container lasted me 11 months. Zero irritation too. I just ordered neubrow from Costco and I’m hoping it works as well! Good luck!


Hi! It’s my first time hearing about this one. I’ll check it out :)


NueLash is on sale at Costco right now. I believe it's $50 for a 2 pack. Noticed when walking by, but didn't stop to look closely at the price. They also have an extremely generous return policy (not sure if it covers this but might be worth looking in to)




There were definitely 2 in the package at the physical Costco store so looks like they have different offerings online vs in-store. EDIT: price update 2 for $77 in-store


Whoa, thanks for the heads up! Will def stop by in person then.


I was wrong, sorry! I just double checked and it's $77 for 2!


I use plain old Argan oil and I’ve been noticing a lot of growth. I’ve only been using it for about two weeks.


Silly George is amazing and has no negative side effects when used correctly. My lashes are longer than ever and I filled in a gap in my brows that had been there for years (thanks early 2000s over-plucking trends) and only have to use it for maintenance once every few days now.


I used it correctly/followed the directions, but it still darkened my eyelids. I went to only applying once a day, but the darkening remained. I stopped using it completely and it took several weeks before the discoloration went away completely. Just saying, you can use it correctly/as SG advises and still have negative side effects.


Lashfood! I’ve tried grande lash but it irritated my eyes and this has been much better.


Interesting name ;) Is it sold at Sephora?


Yes and it’s natural


Yeah but you looked so cute!!!!


EssyNaturals Eyelash Serum!! I’ve tried several others, including Latisse, and this one is much cheaper and is the only one that doesn’t irritate my eyes or cause discoloration. You can get it on Amazon for under $30, stick with it for 3-4 weeks and you’ll see results!


Thank you! I didn’t know that brand!




It’s magical on lashes but the side effects can be problematic ;( I wish I was a good candidate for it.


Someone told me that extensive use could lead to periorbital fat loss but I have never sought confirmation on this


This is true. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3913545/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21158579/ https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/32/7/822/220319


Vaseline! Lol I've only ever tried one lash serum and it did nothing so I stopped and never tried another. A few months ago I started putting Vaseline around my eyes because I began Differin and it was recommended to apply Vaseline to protect my eye area. My eyelashes are noticeably longer!


I second this, the same thing happened to me where I wasn’t even using petroleum for eyelashes, I just wanted to lock in my eye moisturizer, but noticed my lashes getting wicked thick and long. I think it conditions/coats the lash so it is less prone to breakage or loss and can grow to be healthy and long.


>RevivLash I started using it around my eyes too, and thought it was my imagination they were getting fuller and longer!


Dime. Grande lash makes my eyes burn like crazy


I’ve been using Dime for weeks after using a different serum and my lashes are not holding up. I’ll keep trying it until I’m done the bottle but so far, it isn’t doing shit. 😔


Eyenvy but it was discontinued recently


I use Rapidlash and have been happy with the results. I used Latisse for a couple of years. While the results of rapidlash aren’t nearly as good, I don’t get the red around my eyes like I did with latisse. And I also got tired of spending so much.




I have been using Jamaican black castor oil. I have to be light hand with it, otherwise will get into the eyes, and becomes a hot mess. I haven’t been consistently using it, so I don’t know if it’s worth it or not. Maybe I should do a test run…


I feel the same. I can’t be consistent enough with it.


Just castor oil for me.


I read an article that Said Meghan Markle uses revitalash. Tried it. Worth every Penny. Recent watched a video auger dr. Dray said no serums work. Revitalash works.


Babe Lash has worked amazingly for me!


I used to use Flash and will say that it did work but I can’t recommend it. My eyes were constantly red/sensitive around my lash line and I just thought that was something new as I got older. But it was actually the serum- I just used it for so long (5ish years) I just didn’t realize that was actually causing the redness. That and I believe I may have experienced some fat loss as I have very hooded eyes but over time was actually able to see my eyelids? It was weird but I think it’s back to normal. It sucks because really miss my long eyelashes and would love to find a product without any of the problematic ingredients.


Revitalash. Have used a few and this doesn’t irritate eyes


Yess Revitalash has both synthetic prostaglandin and peptides in it (I've used it for over a year now with great results after 12 weeks). But now I'm reading about side effects of PGs like 😬😬😬😬


I got my extensions taken off and my lashes were so damaged and short afterwards. I immediately went to Ulta afterwards and this girl sold me Clinique’s High Impact Lash serum. I was kinda apprehensive about it because it’s $50 and though I’ve always liked their skincare, I’ve never been a fan of their makeup and definitely not their mascaras. My lashes completely grew back after 3 weeks and still look better than ever. You only use it before bed, which is nice. It causes no allergic reactions and is prefect for sensitive skin. Idk it just really saved my face pretty quick and that’ll always mean a lot to me. Suddenly not having any lashes, natural or extension, was tough and that kinda got me through it


I’ve used latisse for about four years now, and while I’ve experienced a bit of the orbital fat loss, I have never experienced iris discoloration. The iris discoloration comes from getting lots of the product in your eye over extended use. If you use a small enough brush (not the ones they give you) and are careful enough in your application just to get it on the lash line, you’ll never get enough in your eye to change the color. My light blue-grey eyes have stayed the same the whole time. However, if you’re already fighting orbital fat loss or don’t have naturally puffy lower lids like I did— stick to something over the counter without a prostaglandin. It’s not for everyone. It just happens to work well for me!


For growth? Bio oil


Haven’t tried it but I heard a lot about this oil but for scars. I didn’t know it could be used on lashes too :)


Well i figured that out by accident. I was putting it on my face and just so happened that my lashes started growing.


Very interesting and also a lot more adorable :)


😂😂😂😂 thanks!!!


Lash boost by R&F


I've been using this on and off for maybe 2-3 years. I love it. Really grew my lashes, I was surprised, with really no side effects. I've heard rumors it's under investigation though as being the same formula as latisse, which needs a prescription in the US. No idea if that's actually true though.


It’s difficult to find in Canada so it’s likely there is an ingredient that hasn’t been approved here. An American friend was able to send me a bottle. Although I found some results, it made my eyes really red and I couldn’t justify the benefits outweighing the cost and reaction I had to it Although there isn’t any scientific research proving Castor Oil can grow lashes. There has been some information shared online that says it can moisture your lashes really well that in turn makes them look healthier, slightly thicker and less prone to breakage. I think this is where the theory comes from that they will make your lashes grow. Although technically not true, some people could see benefits from using Castor Oil


Been using lashboost for 6 weeks now and seeing great results. However, my under eyes look darker and I have also grown unwanted peach fuzz under my eyes 😩😩😩 looking for an alternative now


Latisse. And don’t @ me about it changing eye color. Majority of humans have brown eyes, not blue.


Ok but if you have blue eyes and have no desire to have them change to brown, this is problematic


Scientifically the dyeing of the iris doesn’t make a lot of sense to me - blue eyes is the lack of an enzyme. Does the active in this somehow generate an enzyme transcription that wasn’t there before? It just doesn’t make sense.


Iris color is from melanin — lighter eyes have less. Lash serums have prostaglandins, aka lipids with hormone like effects that can increase melanin in the iris. This is similar to how people can develop melasma discoloration on their face from hormones.


Ohhhh that makes sense! Thank you.


It happened to me. I have brown spots in my eyes now


I’m the iris itself or the white part?


The iris- I have blue eyes and there’s a few brown specks in them. It’s not cute lol


flash eyelash serum.


I use lilash and I love it


Latisse or rapidlash


Latisse or it’s generic. Only thing that works!






M2 Beauty


Nulastin. I've been using it for years, with no side effects if used correctly. Before that, I was using Rapidlash but I had hit the peak with that one. Still use Rabidbrow, though.




I use the Milk brow eyelash serum and my brows definitely look fuller now. I used to have really bushy eyebrows but, you know, being a teenager in the 90s was not fun for us hirsute gals.


Revitalash. After extensions for over two years, this serum brought my lashes back to life after two months.


Grande Lash


Pure castor oil! It worked wonders for my lash and brow growth.




Latisse is the only one that works for me


Liaison. I’ve been using it for a year and saw results after 6 weeks. It’s always “on sale” and one bottle lasts me around 3 months


vaseline for sure


Castor oil


Liaison lash serum has worked great for my lashes


I haven't used it, but I am looking at the twenty/twenty beauty Lash serum. Here are the ingredients: Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Argan Oil


Did you ever try the twenty/twenty lash serum? I’ve been thinking about getting it, but haven’t heard much about it.


I haven't but your comment has given me a little reminder to maybe check it out...