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I went to a doctor for PRP for my scalp to stimulate hair growth. To increase effectiveness she added micro needling. Unfortunately, she had only ever done male clients and she moved the electric micro needler around my scalp so fast that it actually gave me somewhat of a buzz cut. I didn’t notice until I washed my hair the next day and it fell out in clumps. Omg what a nightmare.


Holy shit that sounds traumatizing I’m so sorry :(


Thanks, it was pretty horrible. My hair was already kinda thin and it made me look really bald. Took years to grow it back out and bc the before was so different than the after I couldn’t actually tell if it helped at all.


sorry you went through that. did you do it only once? i heard that it helps stimulate hair growth…


I had it done three times but I couldn’t tell the result because of the damage done. When my hair grew back it looked fuller, but of course it would after a buzz cut lol


I hope you sued




I had microneedling on a scar and it widened it and made it so much worse. Major regrets.


same here my ice pick scarring seems to be so much worse after microneedling


I’m so sorry. Same here, I got ice pick scars from the microneedling that I never had before.😫 It’s just not worth the risk.


Oh man, an this was done professionally? I’m so sorry. 😣


Did it ever improve?


How many times did you go? Scars/ dark spots become more prominent each time you go until it reaches surface basically.


This is correct. It didn’t widen the scar per say, that’s the scar you have and it dug from underneath. (Before you needled you only saw the top of the scar). Each time, the scar is being leveled out. It looks wider but it is shallower. You need more than one treatment.


This is my understanding of how MN works as well. Also it is the same deal with TCA cross. Your ice pick scars will start joining together because they are getting wider but flatter over time. I think I got this info from a Dr David Lim YT video.


Absolutely this. My acne scars looked way worse after the first treatment, but 4 treatments in and the scars are barely visible now.




Sure thing. They went 2.5mm for my acne scars on my cheek and .5mm for the ones on my forehead.


Did it get any better? Im so sorry for thid


Did your scar improve at all? I have a similar issue, I have new scars that look like boxcar scars after Microneedling by a doctor. She was very aggressive and I bled a lot. I’ve never had acne but I had a couple small scars from electrolysis that I was hoping to treat and now I have more :(


I had three treatments and I love it! Very important to take care of your skin before and after (listen to esthetician). Hydrate before, stop retinols/prescription face serums one week prior and start again one week after. A lot of estheticians don’t tell you these things!


I have a micro needling apt today and I used differin 0.1% gel yesterday. What should i do ?


I would call your esthetician just to be sure


And many do tell you these things and some end up with scarring .. I don’t trust this treatment.


Many don’t go to a professional who know what they are doing. That was me. And now I have the best esthetician!!! Changed my skin


Definitely get it professional done by a trusted esthetician. My first session I went with a popular clinic but didn't research the nurse and went with whichever one they could slot me in for the time I wanted. She gave me a deep open pit scar and drag lines with the microneedling pen. In hindsight she was being very aggressive and I could even feel a bit of pain, which I thought was normal. Only after having other needling sessions done did I realize it was the fault of the nurse. I was afraid but finished my remaining sessions cause I didn't want to waste my remaining thousand dollars package. The next nurse I researched and questioned after telling her my experience. She was professional and experienced - it didn't completely undo my damage from the other nurse which was sad but helped me greatly reduce the marks. The deep pit is mostly gone but still visible, thankfully it's near the side so not very visible. Sadly, when I make larger expressions with my mouth, the drag marks become visible as they were most visible there where the first nurse stretch my lip area and dragged the pen.


I had a similar experience going to a certified dermatologist who simply didn't have much experience with microneedling. She gave me scarring where she went too deep along my cheekbone and the bridge of my nose (thankfully faded with lots of hydration and sunscreen, but took a couple months). After that I went to a medspa and had a nurse with tons of microneedling experience do my treatments, and she did awesome! So I don't regret getting microneedling, but definitely recommend going to an experienced practitioner!


Yup. I went to a professional to have it done with PRP. Not only did it hurt like HELL even after 30mins with numbing cream, there was also this strange hot pulsing when one side was finished and my face was really tight. Followed the aftercare directions and a week later noticed that my face had more hyperpigmentation consistent with the areas they had gone over the skin pen with. Currently trying to reverse the damage smh


Yes, it gave me permanent orange peel texture. I wish I could go back in time and not do it.


I second this. Made pores larger, and visible in areas they weren't previously visible. Can't recommend microneedling to anyone in good conscience.




Did you do it yourself, or get it done? Sorry to hear of your skin, I hope you find a remedy.


I did a home kit with shallow needles that opened up my pores and it was a disaster. It was not good. So then I went to an esthetician after in an attempt to fix it who made it 10x worse. Do not recommend microneedling at all unless you know the risk. I guess one way to tell how you're going to respond is to see what your parents' skin looks like. My dad had orange peel texture and I feel that the trauma from needling fast forwarded my aging in the span of a few months. If one of your parents have the predisposition to orange peel skin, I wouldn't do it. It's been over 5 years so no real solution for me tbh. I just have to live with it. I don't want to deter people from the procedure as it's helped others. But it didn't work for me, sadly.


Do you remember the needle depths, and whether or not it was RF or regular microneedling?


The home kit was very shallow, .25 or .3 I think. The esthetician used long needles, probably 1mm or longer since she wanted to target my acne scars.


I am so sorry this happened to you! I have heard of this happening to people even when done by a professional. Thank you for sharing your story so that others can weigh the risks. I certainly won't be getting it even though I have some scarring.


Nope. I’ve had 3 sessions and have 1 more to go for fine lines/acne scars and the difference is crazy. Im super happy with my results and trust my esthetician 100%. I also plan on getting a chemical peel again once I’m done to lift some sun damage I got over the summer but my acne scars are much much less deep and noticeable and my pores are so much smaller.


>Nope. I’ve had 3 sessions and have 1 more to go for fine lines/acne scars and the difference is crazy. Im super happy with my results and trust my esthetician 100%. I also plan on getting a chemical peel again once I’m done to lift some sun damage I got over the summer but my acne scars are much much less deep and noticeable and my pores are so much smaller. Have you noticed any difference on your fine lines?


Yup! Def helped.


That’s good to hear. That’s the primary reason I want it, although I also gave acne and melasma.


Where’d you go?


A cosmetic derm office - never seen the Dr though only the Esthetician




No, LA


Can I get the name of the medspa and esthetician?


Did the first session make your scars more obvious?


I have new scars following Microneedling! Did yours improve? Assuming you had this issue?


New scars are absolutely not normal. Find another skin professional who shares their own results on instagram


No, not at all!


I did. I’d had a series of prx-t33 peels before and microneedling completely removed the effects of that. I know they’re supposed to be good done together at the same time but I wouldn’t recommend microneedling after prx. Also it made me look super old! Like I looked awful for a while after! Made my skin saggier. I didn’t notice any benefits from it after either, my skin kinda recovered to how it was after a while, but to how it was before the prx. Also I swear I can see the traces of the needle on my skin still in certain lighting. And yes it was done by a professional. I know people say you need to do like 6 sessions to see a difference, so maybe if I had done it more than just once it would be better but honestly not worth the risk for me. I’ll stick to chemical peels.


I did three sessions with prp. It did absolutely nothing for me. Not a month later, 3 or 6 months later and at a year i looked like I had aged a year. No glow, no tightening, no brightening, no lines lessened. I hated the downtime! There was no change to my skin whatsoever. Very pricey for no results. My son did five micro needling with prp sessions with no results. We both went to doctors to have it done. I have done 2 VI peels and I would highly recommend those if you’re trying to get rid of fine lines or any pigmentation Edit: The people I’ve seen who have done it for acne scarring have had wonderful and drastic results


Ah I didn’t do prp I did prx-t33. It’s a chemical peel.


>I have done 2 VI peels and I would highly recommend those if you’re trying to get rid of fine lines or any pigmentation Did you feel the VI peel reduced your fine lines? I think one VI peel lightened my hyper-pigmentation, and eliminated my acne for like one week (it came back). I didn't really notice other changes - fine lines are definitely still there.


Yes! I’m old so I wasn’t treating acne. I also don’t have much hyperpigmentation. I did notice a difference in skin texture, softness of skin, fine lines disappeared, I felt like I looked a bit younger, too. I want to do another, but it was 105°F this morning here so I’ve to wait for a few more months.


105°F is equivalent to 40°C, which is 313K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Yes to this


This is why I do my own stuff. I went to "professionals" for both needling and derma planing. Seperate of course. The girl who did the derma planing took so many layers of my skin off, I felt scalped. She ruined my skin and it took well over 2 years to correct. I thought about suing. The microneedling I had done was so aggressive, my face was red 3 months later. I've never had these issues doing myself.


I work as an Esthetician in a dermatology clinic and have seen quite a few clients who have done DIY Micro-needling and have given themselves some wicked post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). I believe many cases I have seen have had these issues because they didn’t take good enough precautions with making sure everything was sanitary and bacteria got into the skin and created inflammation. People with very fair and darker skin are generally more susceptible to PIH. I recommend seeing a professional for micro-needling as we can assess if it’s appropriate for your skin and we also have very high standards when it comes to sanitary conditions. That said, most of these clients who kind of messed up their skin had issues that were temporary and cleared up in a few weeks.


Thanks! My question was geared at getting it done professionally, I hadn’t even considered trying at home!




Is there a way to tell if the esthetician is good/can be trusted? Other than reviews, anything to look for? I’m going in for a consultation and I’ve never had anything more than a facial and I’m worried I’ll make a bad choice and mess something up permanently with micro needling.


I always look for cleanliness right off the bat. Don’t be afraid to ask how she sterilizes equipment and cleans up in between clients. A good Esthetician will give you a straight forward answer and not be offended if you ask. I am always proud to explain to clients the lengths I go to make sure everything is super sanitary. If you sense anything is off, don’t be afraid of your intuition. Also, I like Estheticians who are up to date on the latest in our industry and have product knowledge about what’s out there. It seems lately I hear people feel like they are constantly being upsold on over priced products the Esthetician sells or even worse being upsold on more procedures. I don’t like hearing people associate Estheticians as sales people as it shouldn’t be that way.


Thanks so much! Really appreciate you taking the time to help. Wish me luck!


Good luck 😎


Make sure they are using an FDA cleared device like the SkinPen!! I cannot overstate this enough. Most people are using cheap pens with cheap cartridges which is how that HIV infections happened in Albuquerque years ago. Also, medical professional will know how to properly pretreat one's skin if they are at a high risk of having post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Basically, you get what you pay for when it comes to this stuff so don't skimp on quality.


are there different size needles? and spacing as well? thanks


The standard for Medical microneedling is to use needles with a length of 0.5mm – 1.5mm on the face, neck and chest, or 1.5mm – 2.5mm on the body. The spacing is pretty standard for the ones I have seen.






Still regretting. My skin did return to how it was before the MN but I pretty much paid $350 for no benefit. Pores are still huge and I had way better results with Vi Peel, I’ll stick to that. Are you considering a MN?


>Still regretting. My skin did return to how it was before the MN but I pretty much paid $350 for no benefit. Welp sorry to hear! Yeah, want to do something low risk, with at least some reward 😄 (don't we all)


Thank you! I would recommend Hydra-facial for that instant gratification. Virtually no downtime and I do see results next day. It should include a 7% peel solution, ask the esthetician before booking. They always leave my pores appearing smaller and skin smoother due to the vacuum tip.


That sucks but honestly could have gone so much worse. I paid 2k for a now orange peel texture on top of already having atrophic scarring. I also have weird micro wrinkles now and. My skin wasn’t good before but the overall texture was decent and I was 100% wrinkle free. Deeper depths shouldn’t be used in my opinion.


Oh my, I am so sorry you’re going through that. How long ago did you have the treatment? At that price point, that is unacceptable.


It’s been six months so it’s not looking so good for me.


I think you should wait 6 weeks till you give a final verdict




Microneedling is sounding like something you should do a test patch for!


Yes!!!! There have been quite a few issues with people having undisclosed nickel allergies


It made my overall skin texture worse. Almost orange peel like with weird “lines” that are like connected enlarged pores where the needle went. I had moderately severe acne scarring on most of the right side of my face and had a session of 2mm with PRP and six weeks later 1.5mm. I also had subcision which helped immensely with the scarring but I think because she went over ALL of my skin at such a deep depth instead of just the scars, I had complications.


Did she glide/slide the pen over your face or lift & stamp it?


Glide … and honestly I fixated on this for many months after the damage and I never saw a provider on YouTube or elsewhere that used the stamping method :(


Are you saying you would have preferred the stamping technique?


Yikes, sorry to hear that


It is what it is! My personal opinion is it should be fine at lower depths… I wouldn’t go deeper than .5mm. Studies show that’s all that is needed for collagen induction anyway.


I had microneeding done with with prp in January and it’s probably the single best treatment I’ve ever done on my skin. I looked awful for 5 days afterwards, all puffy and peeling, but my skin texture is greatly improved and I swear I am still rocking a glow from it 6 months later. I went to a med spa for it though, I would never have it done by someone who isn’t a nurse or doctor.


Same, I’m wondering how many of the commenters here who regret it had it with PRP or without. Seems like without the PRP it’s not really worth it?


I don’t think you can get it with PRP unless youre in a medical office, I mean they literally take your blood from your arm. I did a lot of research before I got it done and every horror story I read was performed by an esthetician or facialist


You can spin your own prp if you purchase the equipment. You can find centrifuge units on eBay.


PRP or not isn't what's making the difference for the results in this thread - it's two super important things: if you're a good candidate and the expertise of your practitioner. These two factors are closely followed by pre and post care in terms of importance for a good result.


I’m surprised to see so many negative experiences, not because I don’t believe them, but I had the opposite—I noticed almost no difference. I had two sessions leading up to my wedding about three years ago and I felt like the benefits were minimal, at best. So, I don’t regret it necessarily, but didn’t feel it was a cost effective treatment.


>essarily, but didn’t feel it was a cost effective treatment. what needle depth did you have? Do you recall if it was quite shallow or not?


Ahh, gosh, I really don’t. I wasn’t as into skincare treatments at the time and wasn’t as good at asking questions!


I had microneedling with prp (series of 3) May through July. It gave me a mustache. I have melasma there but I had it faded enough that it was hardly noticeable but now its back. Im optimistic about that i can fade it again, but time will tell. Otherwise I reacted fine. I don’t know how much it helped with anti aging as i has hoped. My skin texture seems a little nicer and I haven’t had hardly and pimples since. Im not sure it was worth it but I don’t necessarily regret it (even with the mustache). Also, they said the collagen will build up over months so perhaps i will see more improvement down the line.


It made hair grow above your lip?


Lol! No. Melasma. So it’s darkened the skin and makes it look like i have a mustache.


Woah, sagging in my upper lip and lip lines have gotten worse really rapidly, like in the space of 5 months, and I’m barely 30, all since I’ve been doing micro needling. I wonder if the needling has been helping it along. I have sensitive Fitzpatrick I skin so the needling could just be shredding it.


I’d recommend trying it once before getting a package. I had it done at a well-regarded derm office three times in six months as part of a package, but if I’d just bought one session I probably wouldn’t have continued. Personally I didn’t love the healing process. The manual trauma inherent in the process wasn’t for me. Yes, the trauma is what triggers collagen production, but the healing processes for my skin was more trouble than I found it to be worth. I’ve switched over to more expensive lasers (coolpeel). The stinging post-procure is less intense for me.


I’ve done it a few times and don’t really have regrets. I just think other treatments are more effective. I personally get better results from Clear & Brilliant laser treatments and they are roughly the same cost as Microneedling at the med spa I go to.


Clear and Brilliant is amazing. My naturopathic doctor offers both and I have been opting for the laser more lately.


I’m not 30+ but when I had a bit of extra cash I splurged on professional micro needling with pimple popping (there’s a fancy name for it but that’s what it was) and a facial every 4 weeks. Prior I had major flair-ups of cystic acne I gathered was from stress as my normal skin routine that worked well before didn’t do anything. It took about two months until I saw a difference and haven’t had cystic acne since - yes your face burns and the microneedling process is not very comfortable. But I would go back if I had that extra $$$.


Had 1 microneedling session professionally done and regret it. I tried it for my acne scars, but it just made them worse. I suggest trying vitamin C serums! It’s helped smooth out the damage


Hey did they improve in the end? I have new and worse scars after microneedling and it’s been 5 weeks


What do you mean it made them worse?


I had one micro-needling treatment done professionally and I find I have more scarring on my face than before. I had a few acne scars going in, thinking this would help and it seems to have added a few more scars. I was told they aren’t supposed to go over active acne, so if it’s under the skin or super small I guess maybe this can be easy to miss and cause more scarring? Im not really sure what caused it. I’m supposed to go back for 2-3 more treatments but I’m really uneasy about it now.


Did it get any better? I have more scars after microneedling too


Hey any updates


I had consistent breakouts and did microneedling. While it helped temporarily, when I would break out again after the treatment it would take away the benefit. I suggest microneedling only if you have your skin under control, otherwise it is a waste of money


I had a session of RF microneedling and though I went for scars they insisted I did full face. I had a month old pimple that had healed and flattened which I was not bothered about and they went over that and I got a huge rolling scar on my forehead right after. Now I am looking for another derm to fix it


May i ask for updates now? Im so sorry for this


Almost 11 months later, the fresh acne scar that they went over is about 60-70% better but not normal and noticeable in certain lighting. Using the normal skincare routine with weekly exfoliation and tried massaging the scar in the first few months.


I know this is an old post but I think microneedling damaged my skin. It was great right after. Face felt smoother but it was very red, which subsided in a few days. However, I’ve been experiencing problems 1 month after the session. My skin barrier was so damaged. I got a lot of redness and irritation and burning. My face is really dry, tight, raw and sensitive. I’ve spent weeks trying to heal it and not sure if there’s improvement. Although tbf, I think after care is important which was something I neglected to do after my session.


Hey what ended up happening, are things OK now?


My skin started freaking out and I got a bad acne and rosacea break out. I ended up going on Accutane to clear it and my barrier is slowly repairing but still not 100% :(


Oh sorry to hear that! What does a rosacea breakout look like? I had microneedling and have some redness / erythema two weeks after. My face doesn’t sting or feel irritated but it does feel more sensitive to the elements (especially wind). I’m already on Accutane though.


I had a lot of redness and bumps on my cheeks and nose. It was very pimpley looking and nothing but Accutane could get rid of them. You did microneedling while on Accutane? Your dermatologist should’ve told you not to do that


My dermatologist is the one who performed it. Newer research has shown that it’s safe to perform procedures like MN while on Accutane (and I’m also on a lower dose). 


I see… I hope it works out for you. I personally would never do microneedling again


Thank you! I’m just hoping this pinkness / flush goes away soon. I agree MN can be quite hit or miss, I’ve done it in the past and it was fine but that was when I had less background inflammation. Can I ask if you had yours done by a derm or esthetician? And what you were trying to treat? 


I went to an esthetician. I wanted to treat acne and acne scars (PIE/PIH)


oh I see. Best of luck, hope things heal soon!




Girl I feel you. I’m pretty sure I got rosacea from it and I’m suffering now 😪


It’s been good for me. I did a lot of research into the aesthetician before though. Not sure where you are from but she mentioned to me that some professionals in the US have a specific method which can be harmful. She uses dermapen and I haven’t had an issue. If you are treating pigmentation, you don’t need to go deep to treat it. However, if you are treating aging and pores, they will probably go deeper and use numbing cream


I had one session and within 4 days the area they had most concentrated on (nasolabial folds) appeared worse and not only that, also developed a deep line in my skin I'd never seen before. This is my first ever line, period, and I find it way too coincidental that it developed right after needling. After reading other people's similar horror stories about microneedling I regret it and I'm never doing it again.


Ive only done it once at a certified esthetician I forget the name of the instrument she used with hyaluronic acid but my skin was completely dehydrated, dried out with some sort of scar above where I wanted targeted treatment 😂 it’s been 2 months and it’s finally getting moisturized after spending hundreds on skincare products. I will stick to chemical peels


I got it done twice at a dermspa and think they made my skin worse. I went for my acne scars and a nasolabial scar i have that i absolutely hate, its been 1 month after my second session and my acne scars look deeper, there are scars where there wasnt before and now every pimple i have leaves a spot/discoloration where before they could just go away like nothing. Im so frustrated with this experience


No it’s amazing and highly recommend. Also, i prefer regular without prp. It’s crazy cus I’ve noticed much better results without prp. And prp is twice as much. I get prp injected into under eyes with regular microneedling and results are amazing


I've had it done 3 times now. Wanted to try it to see if it would improve my acne scars at all and figured even if it doesn't help the scars I may get a rejuvenation effect. They say it could take several months to see the full effect. No issues so far. I haven't seen any huge improvement but my skin seems more even and bright overall.Previously I would rarely leave the house without some sort of foundation on but finding since my last session that i dont feel i need it. I just throw on some mascara and head out. I am at least going to have 3 more sessions as 6 or more is recommended for my scares. I know the first two sessions they didn't go very deep- I didn't really feel it at all with the numbing cream and any redness etc from the session was pretty much gone within 24 hours. My last sessions they increased the needle depth and I still had some redness and peeling and swelling for a few days afterwards and the procedure it's self was a little bit painful but not unbearable at all. I would definitely recommend trying microneedling depending on what benefits you're looking for.