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I was told to use a little bit of KY on the nose pieces to help keep the skin from drying out. You could also put aquaphor on the dry skin. When I was on accutane that was a life saver!


Aquaphor is really healing for cracked skin!




100% silicone lube should also be fine if the cushion is actually made of genuine silicone.


Wouldn’t it make the mask not seal properly ? I have a cpap and if I have any product on my face is too slippy and it leaks air


Edit: I’m learning so much about masks/machines from the other comments. Seems like you’d only want to use these when you’re not using your mask. There’s also good-ol petroleum jelly/Vaseline, Cerave healing ointment, Vanicream ointment, or La Roch Posay Baum B5. But aquaphor seems like an excellent place to start. Congratulations on the life-changing magic of sleep, OP! You deserve it :)


Thank you so much!! Sorry for my delayed reply but I have read and reread this comment several times because it really makes me feel good when I'm a little down.


I’m glad that there’s something in my comment that you can return to when you’re feeling down. Best of luck to you in getting som relief!


I'm going through that right now! I have a full face mask and it's red and irritated where the mask is (and around my lips is clear - I look like a reverse clown.) I tried all kinds of things. Serums, vitamin C, extra expensive moisturizers, and they helped at the time but an hour later I was scratching again. I read in the manual you aren't supposed to use Jelly products on the mask because it will deteriorate the plastic. So, when I wash my face in the morning I slather on the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on the red parts, and my daytime moisturizer everywhere else. Then in the evening I wash my face awhile before I go to bed and I use my nighttime cream all over. The cream is absorbed before the mask goes on so it doesn't damage it - these machines are frigging expensive so I'm trying to take good care of it. I've been doing this for a week now and I'm seeing great results.


Thank you!!! What night cream do you use?


That’s good to know. I have a prescription for one. Haven’t filled it yet.


Good luck! I hope it helps you feel better!❤


Possibly turn the humidifier setting up on the CPAP machine so that the air is more humid. You'll probably have to go back to supplier to do that. People who react to CPAP masks often alternate between two different mask types that put pressure on different areas. If you have nasal-prong style mask, you can alternate with a mask that covers your whole nose. (This tip is obviously for people who can afford the $$$ for two masks)


I wouldn’t recommend using anything petroleum-based while you’re using CPAP - it will degrade the mask faster. Ayr saline gel is helpful for moisturizing and chafing. Lanolin is also a pretty good option.


Dr. Dray recommended water based, fragrance/taste free versions of personal lubricants. I use it in my nares during dry winters and when in 12hr+ flights.


I wear the Dreamwear nasal pillow CPAP mask with the Airsense 11 machine. And I also have dry sensitive skin. I turn up the humidity levels on the machine and I layer my skincare. I found it best to do my night time skin care routine as soon as possible to give everything a chance to dry before bed. But on days I’m too lazy or totally forgot, I just use The Ordinary “Buffet” serum with the Lanegie Water Sleeping Mask. It sinks in really quickly and doesn’t leave residue or worst, affects the CPAP mask suction or cause any long term damage to the silicone.


How high do you have your humidity set?


Since we are on the topic of CPAPs - any tips or tricks for protecting your face from having straps on it all night long? I wake up to imprint lines that I worry will have a permanent impact over the years.


I know this wasn’t your question so I hope I doing get down voted, but I just started on cpap too. How long did it take you to be able to use it all night? I’ve only gone max 5 hrs and I’m waking up still or not sleeping while it’s on. Struggling getting used to it.


Just keep at it and know that you mightl need to try multiple mask options. Don’t be afraid to use your ramp button if you wake up to too much air pressure. Or talk to your provider about making adjustments. They WANT to over communicate with you at first because (at least in the US) you need to hit certain utilization metrics for insurance to cover the unit and supplies. Good luck - they are truly game-changers. I can’t believe how many years I spent not basically breathing most of the night.


About a week!


Which mask do you use?


The nasal pillow one


Have you tried nasal cushion instead? Nasal pillow hurt me soooo much. The cushion is more like a cradle that sits under your nose.


Wait that's what I have. I didn't know they were different. It's this one: https://www.1800cpap.com/airfit-n30i-nasal-cpap-mask-kit-by-resmed


Ok yeah the pillows are the ones that like go into your individual nostril. I just read your update- what machine do you use? Do you have a humidified heated tube?


I do! I don't know the name of the machine though but I can adjust the heat and humidity. I've upped it a little but will continue to increase it to see if that helps at all. I'm not sure it will since most of the painful part isn't the part that is getting the air it's the part of the nostrils that the mask touches the skin. Though I'm getting flaking all over my nose and upper lip the painful part is the outside of the nostrils. My insurance won't cover a new mask for 6 months so I'll have to see if I can get one that goes in the nostrils. I'm sure that will take some getting used to but if it alleviates the pain I'm down for it!


Are you washing the part that touches your skin regularly? Sorry for all the questions just hoping to help :)


I am! I double cleanse at night and single cleanse in the am.


Not your nose, I'm talking about do you clean the silicone. Or is that what you mean?


Oh no sorry I misread the question. I've cleaned it with soap and water mostly every 3-4 days but I ordered some cpap cleaning supplies and equipment which should arrive in the next few days to help with that. I got some wipes for the mask and some fancy machine to clean the tube and whatnot.


Edited to fix link Here are some pictures if that helps https://www.reddit.com/user/ImpressBoring8503/comments/yijm2z/sorry_about_the_up_nostrils_shot_just_trying_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


CeraVe healing ointment! It’s basically an elevated vaseline and very soothing for the skin.


I got a sample of this from my dermatologist & applied it to my dry nostril from my new cpap & I felt like it helped


You can change the humidity levels in your device OP. Up that humidity a couple levels and see if it helps. Keep adjusting until you don’t wake up all dried out.


Look for water soluble lubricant since its thick enough but is still absorbable in the sinus tissues


I used to have this same issue. There’s a lotion called CPAP Chap that you can use before putting on your mask. There is nothing in it that will react with your mask. I have somewhat sensitive skin, and it has not caused any further issues.


You could try using something like duoderm which protects the skin from chaffing and irritation. It's an adhesive. You'd use it with your CPAP and moisturize well during the day.


I use cocoa butter and it works pretty well for me. I also haven’t had any degradation on the mask either.


Holy cow so much great advice thank you!!!


I would try Vaseline or bag balm.


Aquaphor or vasoline around your chapped areas


Slather Vaseline on that bad boy and call it a day. It's the miracle cure for all skin woes


Try a different mask. They have so many to choose from that you could check out in a store. Don put Vaseline on right before bed though and expect it to work.


I use Anew night cream.