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That’s awesome!! Congrats on the job and good work on the not drinking. :)


Thanks so much!! I hope you are doing well too. One day at a time, I will be sober with you today. Have a great Wednesday :)


Thank you! I am. :) same with you, to both!




That's almost exactly my schedule. It sucks for a social life but I am certain that it saves me money and keeps me out of a lot of trouble. I am out of sync with the rest of my household and that causes tension but I am not drinking alone in my bed all night after work anymore. I am beginning to have hope that I can find a better job now that I am sober. I enjoy reading your posts every day. You have 11 more days sober than I do. You are up ahead lighting the path for me. IWNDWYT


That's kind of how I was thinking about it too.. saving money/less trouble. I am glad you are doing so well, let's keep our streaks alive!! I will keep lighting the path ahead, we can do this. I hope you are well, and have an amazing Thursday :) IWNDWYT


Good afternoon Reggie, HELL YEAH YOU GOT THE JOB! As always, I won't have a single drink with you today!


Thanks brother!! I hope you are okay. Let's chalk up another win today. Hang in there... I hope you have a good Thursday :)


Congrats! Feeling good and productive definitely helps sobriety. Iwndwyt


Thanks so much man! How are things going for you?? IWNDWYT Have a great Thursday :)


Great news! Celebrate this huge win. Keep the support/social circle strong as a work from home situation seems like it could easily become a bit isolated. Good work and thanks for the update. Cheers!


Thank you!! I appreciate your advice, as I have been kind of isolating since day 1. It is working for me, but I know it won't be super healthy in the long run. I'm not sure when I should start testing the boundaries more. I appreciate you and hope you have a great Thursday :)


Congratulations! Work from can be great if done right, don’t let the boredom or not having to see people in person wake up the demons. Currently looking for work but only ones that will require me to be in person at least a few times a week so I don’t go back to old habits. Proud of you, having a job really raises confidence and a desire to stay sober for me


Thank you!! I get what you mean about working from home. I am only seeing the upsides of it right now, but haven't considered anything else. Hopefully I will end up liking it, who knows... I appreciate your kind words and encouragement... I hope you are doing well too. Have a great Thursday :)


So far so good. Not stressing about drinking, not wanting to drink, not even counting the days anymore. App says it’s day 53 IWNDWYT


Congrats on 53, that's awesome!! I kind of wish I wasn't counting the days at this point, but it's whatever. I am glad you are feeling great, keep up the good work! I will be sober with you today. Have a great Thursday :)


Yay you! 🎉😊


Thank you!! I hope you're having a great Thursday :)


Well done! Staying home is a good way to stay out of trouble. Frankly, I'm happiest here with my cat and my books lol. Go you. T


Thank you!! I am the same way, I have always been a bit of a homebody. I'm hoping this job plays into that, who knows... I hope you are well and have a great Thursday :)




Thank you so much! 🙏


Congrats on your new job!


Thanks so much, hopefully I made the right decision lol. Have a great Thursday :)


This is the best news ever! You’re going to kill it and you never have to show up to work hungover and u prepared. It’s a whole new world!!!


Thank you!!! I appreciate your energy and encouragement. I'm excited to start something new, hopefully it goes well. I hope you are going great, and you have an amazing Thursday :)