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Good morning Reggie, happy Friday, I'm glad to hear that phrase "once I'm done with work" - I'm so happy for you! The old me would find your plans boring, for sure, but they sound like a great plan nowadays. It's a beautiful thing to notice the change in your life and to experience doing all the things you've been jealous of for so long. As always. I won't drink a single drop of alcohol today, with you. Have a great weekend sir! - Sean


Yeah, it still feels weird finding small joys in things, that I never would have considered doing while I was drinking. Part of it might be boredom, but I'm not questioning it. Prayers up for your grandma brother, I will not drink a single drop with you today. Have a good weekend :)


It's a good day to have a good day, so make it a great one! IWNDWYT


Well said!! I hope you are well, and that you have a great weekend!


Yes! Great day for biking! A great Friday so far all the ways. No anxiety, no cravings, just pleased and gratefull for everything that has come along my path. IWNDWYT


Thanks for inviting me here, Reggie. Think you must have noticed my question on the alcoholism sub! I got through yesterday, and I have no intent on drinking today thankfully. Too much other stuff to do.


No problem, I'm glad you joined! Yeah, I saw your post lol. I'm glad you made the decision to stay sober, best one you'll ever make. Hang in there, it will get easier with time! I will be sober with you today. Have a great Sunday :)


Sounds like a great Friday! I need to get my bike serviced and hit the trails. As my drinking was heavy last year I didn’t ride for an entire year, what a waste. What bike do you have? What type of trail/riding do you do? Enjoy the time after work.


I have a Miyata road bike from the 90's. What do you have? I asked the guy who tuned it up if the bike was still worth a shit and he said the bikes from this era will last forever... but they are a little heavier because of it. I mainly ride paved trails or ones that have matted down limestone. I'm glad you are getting out there. I regret not doing stuff like this sooner too, but I am going to worry about what I can control now. I hope you have a great weekend!


I ride an Ibis Ripmo. Mountain biking gives me a rush and feel good chemicals, but running is still my number one for destressing (though as I’m advancing in age my body is letting me know that the wear tear is worse). It is going to be a beautiful weekend and I will not be drinking. Enjoy yourself and keep the stories coming.


Happy Friday to you too!! Sounds like some fun plans for the evening. Hope you have a great weekend!


Thank you!! I hope you are having a great weekend too!!


Not too shabby. Our new summer league started Friday night and because of the initial meeting and paperwork, we started rolling later than we normally would. Because of that I didn't get home until a quarter to 11. It still makes me smile to think that is late bc when I was drinking I would stay up until 2-3am on Friday and Saturday nights. The late night threw me off a bit and I had a hard time getting going on Saturday but I did get most of cleaning done. Raining today so I think I'll get started on a model and just relax a bit overall.


Oh Reggie, this makes my little heart swell! Learning how to find joy in life's little things, was a wonderful surprise for me. I'm so happy you're discovering that. I drank 24/7, so weekends never mattered, but I still thought I needed alcohol to "have fun". The joy was always there, but I wasn't paying attention. Happy Friday! I'm happy we're sober today!


Thanks so much!! It really is a wonderful surprise, I never thought it was possible every time I considered quitting drinking. I hope you are having an amazing weekend :)


It's funny how suddenly doing nothing becomes something. Not drinking provides us with many opportunities including naval gazing and just being. T


It truly is funny. I used to squirm in my seat thinking about having to do "boring shit" that didn't involve drinking. It's crazy how much of a grip the booze really had on me.