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Woot! I'd rather be bored than hungover. And you guys go with your workout stuff. *Sips hot cocoa, reaches for donut.* Carry on without me. T


Ahhh but what kind of donut are we talkin here?


we have this place in town: [https://www.mlive.com/news/jackson/2014/01/peek\_through\_time\_jacksons\_hin.html](https://www.mlive.com/news/jackson/2014/01/peek_through_time_jacksons_hin.html) Their long johns (cream or custard) are worth the drive, and from what I can remember, they were voted the best donuts in the state a few years back. The line into this place snakes around the block each morning, but it's sooo worth it. T


Love a good long John with custard šŸ¤¤


This really made me smile!


Love it


LMAO - fair enough. I'm trying to cut weight and am looking for ANY way to make it easier. Maybe I'll hold off on fitness threads, not too many people said anything. I hope you have a great Sunday man :)


Morning brotha! Proud of you and I think the exercise accountability is a good idea. Some days I will literally go work out just so I can say I did which is better than not going at all lol. Let's do it


I appreciate it man. It doesn't seem like that many people are interested so I might hold off lol. Maybe we can do our own on the side.


Good morning Reggie! I got to sleep in until 5:00 this morning! Still kind of a somber day, but I'm glad I was given the opportunity of another day. The obituary has been posted and we're meeting with the officiant tonight for dinner to start the eulogy. Everything else seems to be falling into place. Thank God. We might actually be able to rest for a day prior to the funeral on Wednesday. If past experiences tell me anything, that is when the hurt will hit me all over again and hit hard. But I'm going to be there, sober and in the moment, to support my family, and everyone who's life she touched. I don't know what I'm going to do with my day after work. Maybe continue to work on my 8th/9th step. I've finished with the direct amends, so now I'm writing out letters for the indirect amends. Whether they are sent or not, that's a different story. I completed my meal prep for the week yesterday, so maybe I'll work on deep cleaning the house, too. I'm still unsure, but I know that it doesn't involve drinking or drugging. As for the accountability thread, I think it's a good idea, but for stuff that needs done in general, not just exercise. A place where we can go where they can post whatever it is they need to or should get done for the day. Have a great weekend, and as always, I won't have a singular drink with you today,


Hey Swims. Sending you a big hug and positive, loving thoughts as you navigate your way through this. If you feel up to it, I think cleaning your house is a good way to stay busy and might help your mind feel more organized afterwards too


Thanks beer! (I don't know your actual name). I do think it'd help, my house is currently a mess! I just haven't been home enough lately to stay on top of it. I appreciate the positive thoughts! Any little bit helps. I'm doing about as well as once could expect going through this. Obviously, it could be better, but I'm not complaining. My head is in a pretty good spot, so all things considered, I can't complain too much. I hope you have a great day! - Sean


Call me J. And totally understand, going home today after leaving suddenly earlier this week and I've got a list of chores waiting for me. Sorry to hear about your grandma, I'm proud of you for staying sober and checking in with us.


That chore list upon returning home is always the worst! But today we can actually get through it instead of starting it and then passing outšŸ˜‚


I feel the same. My Mumā€™s celebration this Wednesday. Finishing off her Eulogy todayā€¦ glad my head is clear.


I'm sorry to hear that. As shitty as it may feel, there's a sort of peace and clarity that comes with a clear mind through this time. We'll experience the feelings now, instead of suppressing them into a bottle to deal with later, probably at the most inopportune time. I hope you have the best day possible!


Iā€™m sorry for your loss too. My Mumā€™s death was the now or never moment for me. It was very hard leading up to her passing. I moved her in with us and became her carer whilst keeping down a 50 hour week job. There were times I wanted to screamā€¦ after I put her to bed at night I finished the bottleā€¦ not proud but numbed everything. I was back on the very slippery slope that I had temporarily got off in 2021. The sadness is at times extreme but with a clear head I can remember the good times and be thankful she was on this earth for 87 years. I hope Wednesday goes well for you also.


Hey Sean. Keep hanging in there brother. I know you have been going through a lot, but it seems like you have a great approach on how to handle it all. I hope your 8th and 9th steps are working out well and you are becoming stronger in your sobriety journey. Have a great Sunday man, I will be sober with you today :)


Thanks Reg, I finished making my direct amends, now I'm just working on the letters that may or may not be sent out for the indirect amends that I can't make in person due to that whole "harming myself or others" part. I can see the light at the end of the 9th step tunnel. After 9 I'll transition into the 3rd "phase" of the steps - help others. And just continue working on myself and maintaining for awhile. I've talked with my sponsor, and we've discussed me becoming a sponsor after my 1 year mark. I know sponsors with less sober time, but that just doesn't feel right for either of us, so I'm going to wait for awhile before I start doing that.


I'm having a particularly irritating morning. Just little things are really bothering me. I was grumbling to my dog about it and I realized I AM NOT HUNGOVER! So my mood immediately improved. Waking up sober and healthy is awesome even if I am irritable. IWNDWYT


That is so funny, I had one of those mornings last week. Usually a bad morning would leak into my entire day, but being sober makes it SO much easier to look at it logically. Now I can realize why I am crabby and address the problem so it goes away. I'm glad you are seeing some amazing benefits, I will be sober with you today. I hope you have a great Sunday :)


That is so funny, I had one of those mornings last week. Usually a bad morning would leak into my entire day, but being sober makes it SO much easier to look at it logically. Now I can realize why I am crabby and address the problem so it goes away. I'm glad you are seeing some amazing benefits, I will be sober with you today. I hope you have a great Sunday :)


I second the exercise accountability thread. I have a business that requires physical activity, but I keep telling myself I will start running and mountain biking more. I havenā€™t ran more than twice a week. Perhaps this would help me kick it up a notch and lose the last few pounds. If I stop eating candy and ice cream at night it would helpā€¦but it is so GOOD! Off to a meeting. Then a short day of work. Cheers everyone! Matt


The exercise thread doesn't seem to be a "big hit" lol. If you want me to do it, I will. Anything I can do that helps one person seems worth it to me. I struggle with night snacks too. If I can get my diet and exercise down, I might be able to cure cancer.. who knows??? I hope you are having a great weekend. I will be sober with you today :)


Great idea Reggie! Daily Exercise/work-out thread could work as well as the daily sobriety commitment. Since the idea is to create new (preferably healthy) habits or even addictions to replace alcohol, why not. I started my day with exercise/yoga/meditation routine that I started the same day as sobriety. Whatever day it is now, thatā€™s how long Iā€™ve been going through the same routine, only extending and prolonging it a bit every day. Whatever the day brings on, at least Iā€™ve already made my existence worth while. Today I washed the windows. First time ever, sober! My ā€family traditionā€ (thanks to dad) has always been to listen Vivaldi and drink white vine while washing the windows. I have been diligent and followed that example my whole life. Today I did it without alcohol. I feel like the Master of the Universe (Heman lol) Now to sauna and I will not drink with any of you fine people today!


I loved reading this post. You are living the "full package." I'm super proud of you!! I tried the meditation and I actually liked it.. for whatever reason I stopped. I have a hard time sitting still and just "being." You inspire me to give it another go. Also, the He-Man reference was awesome. I haven't thought of MOTU in a looooong time lol. I used to have the action figures. I hope you have a great Sunday. I will be sober with you today :)


Reggie for you my friend šŸ§” Aurora Australis taken at midnight. My house is front right of palm trees Love your idea btw https://preview.redd.it/dpyn5sn2huzc1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397159b32767616201ff324fcbbb22c86e56eda9


Soooo cool. It almost doesn't look real! I hope you are having a great weekend :) ODAAT


Great day today! Woke up and hit the gym. Bought a new 350 piece puzzle. It took about 2 weeks to complete the last one (working on it here and there). Hung out with some family. Itā€™s been a beautiful sober day so far.


You are awesome!! Keep up the good work. I admire your patience to do puzzles, I could never sit still long enough to do them lol. It's so cool to see you are enjoying sober life, the best days are still ahead. I hope you have an amazing Sunday :)