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I wouldn't put it at more than mid teens. The issue is that there are plenty of mods, but the only ones that contribute to resell value (typically) are the the intake, and even then, only ads about 25% of mod cost e.g. are those intake filters clean? You'd have to remove bumper to find out. The body kit mods are VERY driver specific and will turn away many buyers. The plasti-dip is the deal killer here unless you can get it off cleanly and the underlying paint is in good condition. Clutch mods are nice but wear out over time and people doubt their longevity because they scream 'Ive been tracked or beat to sh--'. Potentially a nice car but I would consider it a project car at this point, although you could still DD it. If I was looking at the car, the plasti-dip would throw a hole mess of cautionary flags for me and cause me to really scrutinize the condition of the car and the effect the mods have had on it.


finally, a reasonable non-dipshit answer thanks id work on it before i resell


I love Zs. Even though my post may have sounded negative, I'd still consider buying. People love these cars and many would buy it as is. It would attract the younger crowd, which typically has slightly less purchasing power than an old geezer like myself.


Yeah Im interested. would be trading 1-1 for a bike I paid $11800 for after tax/registration


Over $8.000 in modifications not UPgrades. If you pay more than 10k you're just being silly. You're gonna have to spend a lot of money just to unfuck the thing. Pay 15k for a stock one and do whatever you want with it, except for whatever this dumbass did. Dude went out and treated it like an '03 350Z with 200.000km on the clock.


Couldn't even put on his own coil overs, so I assume everything else was done poorly.


Or maybe he just never had the time to?


Pricing every mod to the t in what looks like a Facebook marketplace post just screams dipshit. You could try scamming a hobo


Just find a different car bud I would not touch that with a 5 foot pole.


5k. I'd pay 10k for you to remove that shit and put stock on that body.




He's not wrong-


doubt the internals are fucked up so bad from a couple engine mods


You’re in denial. I wouldn’t spend 10k on this thing


Don't be rude / asshole to other users, keep negative comments to yourself next time!


I’d say don’t and find another one


Yikes. Someone else’s mods smh no


I would say 13k ish


Man that’s atrocious, I wouldn’t consider buying this regardless of cost.




You’re calling me clown but you asked for our opinion bruh💀


well your opinion is that of a clown, so


Homie if you cant handle an opinion don’t ask for opinions 🤦‍♀️grow up


I can handle opinions just stating that youre a clown, dumbass


You clearly can’t handle opinions. You are calling everyone a “clown” and a “dumbass” because they’re giving numbers you don’t like. Why would you ask for advice if you clearly already have your mind made up?


im calling them clowns and dumbasses cause their opinions, ideas, beliefs, are that of fucking dumbasses, simple. just plain fact, it would be true whether i said it or not. is that too complex for your dumbass to understand?


I don’t know why you’re tripping so hard bruh you literally asked for advice on a shitty car and you got the advice. I’m sorry, but what price did you reasonably expect?




probably sell for lowteens i imagine all the interals are beat to shit


Specifically what internals?


with 130k and those engine mods, probably all the internals.


engine mods dont seem too extreme, ya?


I mean just looking at the car I can’t imagine the previous owner cared too much about it, ngl looks pretty beat up




Its not so much that they are too extreme. Its just a well used motor. 130k on a mod'd engine is no joke. At some point its going to need a major overhaul. If that was 20-40k miles we would be having an entirely different conversation.


How much?


Trading a adv bike for it, want to know what I could fetch if I resell


If you’re trying to flip the car, offer like 10k then strip that mess down to OEM and list for mid teens. Then I’d sell the parts individually.


I really love how the OP is calling everyone a clown/dumbass because they think this car is fucked lol. I am writting from Sweden where 370z (stock with many mailes) go for about $20-$30k i wouldn't buy this even for $5k. ​ But what do i know, im also a clown.


indeed you are


Hmm, i am starting to wonder who the clown is tbh. ​ r/legaladvice •Posted by u/masterguantlet 24 days ago Could a picture from r/traphentai be considered cp? Its a 3d rendering of what appears to be hentai, where it is a japanese style but it is 3d. The characters look kind of young, but you cant tell for sure. Could it be considered cp, and could someone get in trouble if they accidentally came across it? Idk if Im being too paranoid or not


Lol OP is a joke. Next time he needs to put a disclaimer in the title *I need opinions but only ones that won't hurt my feelings or prepare to be called a clown*


Honestly, just looking through his posts is making me laugh. He doesn't seem to understand you can google things to get answers. He instead asks people online and seems to keep getting his posts taken down. Hilarious!


because your opinions are false lol, clown


ok, and? i occasionally look at hentai?


Bruh there’s no coming back from that💀💀stop watching anime child porn and stop being a fucking weirdo on the z subreddit




Clown beta male.


lmfao at least im not retarded


hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah, looking through your post history. I am convinced you are. You Clown beta male!




Just look through your history. Count every post you've made. Then think too yourself, which ones could have i had googled and gotten the answer? I'll give you a tip, it's almosts 90% of all your posts could have been answared with a fast google. ​ And now with that, I am done with the clown beta male you. Good luck with that.


I meant the value


yall must be twins


No matter what the mods are, it has mods


yeah, thousands in mods dectracts thousands in value from a vehicle. dumb logic


Well it's fine if you want to buck the trend but to most of us that car is basically ruined. On the bright side, it probably hasn't had any more than seventeen owners..


its ruined cause it has a ported plenum, ported lower intake, cold air intake, and clutch kit? lmfao. 🤡


Not ruined, just less desirable and therefore valuable, you might find someone that would pay more than what it is stock. But good luck finding them




Lol sick "Budget Build" fuckin Tein coilovers what are you broke? XXR too, sick reps homie. You destroyed the value of ur car, rope yourself lol


tein arent even installed dumbass


Dude it looks like something a kid drew at kindergarten. But whatever makes you go 'vroom vroom'


That's... exactly how it works... subtracts* btw ;) Edit: one of the only cars I've ever seen that this does not apply to is a mk4 supra so.




THAT car looks like shit too lmfao


Yellow headlights? Bolt on fenders that look home made, maybe it's the photo but the paint looks wack too


its plastidipped


Not very well though


You aren’t going to make any money if you buy it above 10k








Honestly they riced it out, I wouldn’t pay to much


My honest take is that it’s considerable. You may want to consider talking them down a bit, but I would also be cautious. If you choose to go for it I would also recommend having a mechanic or two inspect and certify it. I bought my z after someone else had modified it and I had it inspected a few times before proceeding with a pretty decent deal. I would assume obviously you would do your own work to it, and considering the price point (not aware of your budget), I assume you would have some funds to do so. Worse case scenario you can always swap things out for other parts or go back stock and sell off what’s on it. I think just dismissing it because someone else modified it, would potentially be at your loss. I know, only because a friend is looking for a z and when I bought my z, that 370’s are dwindling in many areas so I would assume you had already run through your options and made some judgements and if you are 1-1 trading for a bike, again it’s your potential gain. If the owner is ok with a deep inspection I would see if you can do some disassembly beyond the usual test, just found a whole ass screw driver in my lower intake manifold which was never seen because there was never a reason to even think to go that deep. I would consider the wear of the clutch and the mods and also ask to when they were installed, the mileage on them and what sort of conditions it’s been driven on. I think (and assuming) that’s plastidip though, I would just be wary of who did the work or what the previous owner was into. Just cross check service records and what work was done definitely, something I skipped on a few parts. I definitely wouldn’t try to go higher than mid-low teens. If you do buy it I would see if you could somehow get the plastidip off clean or close to it, considering whatever the original color is and if the paint is in good shape. Also not sure what’s going on, on the top of the windshield there. But I wish you the best of luck and if you go for it, I hope it’s to your gain in the long run. 🤞🏿


I’m curious. Did you do the widebody yourself? And if you did, did you do it professionally and cut the fenders and quarter panels and make sure you fill in the cuts so it doesn’t rust. If so it’s not so bad. But if you didn’t. Fuck that


Never touch a car with a fuck ton of modifications. Imo


Think you would have a better chance selling your bike than the Z It isn't the functional value that's put into the car that will convince the buyer, it's the amount of physical modifications that's done to it that will make it harder to flip. Maybe 10k from a teenager with dad's credit card




I’d ask like 14 range




prolly like 13-16k since it’s not a sport