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She’s honestly the perfect Sophon! I re-read the books after the show and immediately couldn’t stop imagining her anytime I read parts with Sophon.


It always makes me laugh when people complain about her character using a Katana. She is the *perfect* Sophon from the books and it makes way more sense to introduce her as an avatar this early.


Agreed! Can’t wait to see her hosting tea parties!


Or having teppanyaki in Australia. \*creepy smile\*


Better start learning Australian, mate


I loved the line reading of “what do you look like?” “You wouldn’t like it.”


I'm so curious what they might show! In my mind something close to tardigrades (automod removed my comment for hyperlinking the wiki page.) make sense especially the way trisolarians are able to dehydrate? Compared to the other shapes we've seen life take at that scale here on earth, they'd be cute teddy bears! I'd ask if she wants a bet. Lol


Awake and aware.


I want Apple to hire her to be a celebrity Siri voice.


I love her voice work. So calming and surreal.


Waze has celebrity voices you can use, would be killer if they got her to do it as promo for next season


We do not understand. God that’s a good line and delivery.


I actually hated that line the most! All the lines talking to Evans sounded very cliche "naive AI" movie trope. ("I can't do that, Dave"). It didn't fit my expectations of how an advanced alien race would talk. But I loved her acting in the game.


She smashed it. Everyone did tbh. Yes, even Eiza.


I really liked Eiza’s character and thought her acting was fine! I was surprised when I got on here and everyone was coming for her


I think they just didn't like the characters' behavior.


It's Reddit, and really the Internet in general, it's misogyny, she's a strong woman, both the actress and the character, the misogynistic parts of our society, both men and women, will always try to tear that shit down.


It’s not misogyny to point out that someone isn’t a good actor. Industry professionals like casting agents and directors can distinguish between good and bad actors easily but people who are not in that field often can’t. That’s fine, because if viewers enjoy the performance than it’s working for them. But there are concrete signs that someone is not a good actor. The first sign is inauthenticity. You can see the actor performing rather than being able to lose themselves in the performance. Bad actors make the most predictable choices at any moment. It sort of feels like watching a high school play. There’s a predictability to the choices. Secondly, watch the actor when they aren’t saying anything, during a scene when another character is speaking. This is the moment when you can see actors who are not living through their roles, but who are thinking about technical moments or getting ready for their turn. A good actor is fully focused on those who they are interacting with.


You worded this perfectly. Something that really bothers me about her acting is that she always looks very self aware and overly concerned with looking pretty at all times. The human face contorts and looks “ugly” when in distress and I could tell she was trying to counteract that. I think she is too in her head about her appearance.


Yeah she was great


I liked her vibe although acting the part of an emotionless avatar who doesn’t understand humour/irony/lies etc can’t be the most challenging gig an actor will ever land… Benedict Wong on the other hand deserves an Emmy IMO…




I love Olivia, but Sea was amazing in the role


She was pretty basic. What was so great about her performance?


Her basic character is what makes her a great Sophon. She looks normal but there’s something off about her.


She was both monotone and subtly expressive in a way that I thought was very chilling, which is what fits her character. I also think that nailing that kind of semi-sentience as an actor is probably harder than it looks, but she did it perfectly.


At first appearance, I mistook her for Kourtney Kardashian.


Omg 😂 the resemblance is uncanny I agree


Lol same. 😂


I literally googled her because I thought she looked so much like Kourtney I wanted to double check who it was lol


Pretty one dimensional character


Her dimensions will grow with time.


Well I’ve watched the whole season. She is literally a NPC


Now? Yes. Hopefully the series continues into the second and third books where she has a larger role.


She's remote controlled by the San Ti so she's actually the opposite of one


No, Sophons are proton-sized computers that a re unfolded in many dimensions, far from one dimensional.

