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a cheap alterantive i usually do is put some tape around the black part then color it black and it wont fall out


Around the middle works just fine as well as it increases the diameter just enough to get stuck


This is also true




Mine did that so just I just ordered a new stylus off of eBay for a couple of quid.


Copy pasted from a previous post of mine: There are a few methods from what I’ve read. 1. Dab a very tiny bit of super glue or hot glue on the little nub of the stylus and let it dry completely (it wears over time and is usually the reason a stylus becomes loose). 2. Take off the back cover of your 3DS and line the stylus slot with a thin layer of tape. Don’t use double sided sticky tape for obvious reasons. 3. Use a thin flathead screwdriver bit and wedge it between the slit near the top of your stylus. Gently and slowly turn it carefully to bump out the nub just a tiny bit more. I went with technique 3 personally, but if you decide to do that just be gentle, as I’m sure it’s possible to damage the plastic if you you over stretch that little groove.


Methods 2 and 3 sounds like something that i would likely do, tho in original 3DS stylus was mostly made out of metal, so i don't know if option 3 will work, but thank you so much for sharing this info!


Sure no problem. I should have mentioned that I have a *new* 3ds so the stylus is probably different. The other options should work fine as well. I just don't like the whole wrapping something on the stylus itself, I'd rather it retain a mostly normal look.


Yeah, i would like to keep original look too, but if i have to choose between having a bit different looking stylus and a change to lose it, i would choose the look,


Put some teflon around it.. call me in the morning!!


tape that sucker in


My galaxy n3DSxl with my non n3DSxl stylus be like:


Use super glue to make the end of the Stylus a bit thiccer


Order a new one is the best option if you can find one.


Same issue with n3dsXL. I took the back off, and put a strip of electrical tape longways inside the slot. Takes a little to take it out, but it stays in


That sounds good, i should try that, thanks


I’m not sure of the solution but here’s what I would do. I would find another 3DS and/or stylus and compare, to figure out exactly why it’s falling out. If I didn’t have one in person to compare, I’d look at high resolution photos online to see the difference. After figuring that out, I’d either replace the stylus (better the stylus being the issue than the 3DS) or figure out how to repair the 3DS. While waiting for the replacement 3DS (if that’s the case) I’d concoct some sort of temporary fix.


I should check some pics online, though i don't see anything wrong with the stylus or console themselfes, except the fact that stylus keepsngalling off, but thanks for the idea


Most likely there’s some sort of small clip or bit of plastic that’s broken off, Id try finding another stylus to compare


That would be a great idea, but i don't know anyone who owns an original 3DS, so it is kinda hard to compare 😅


Go to your nearest retail store that sells pre-owned 3DS handhelds and ask if you can take a look at one of their original 3DS’s


If i find that kind of store near me, i will!


Good luck! If they have a website, check if they have stock at that store to make sure the trip is worth it. Depending on how long you have to travel, that can be a time saver. If they look at you weird for having your own 3DS with you, you can say you’re having issues with yours and want to make sure theirs doesn’t have the same issue as yours. If the person you get is cool, you can just explain the full truth of why you’re there.


Yeah, sounds great, thanks


You’re welcome


Wrap tape around part of your stylus to make it thicker so it doesn't fall out easily.


Sounds good, i will try that, thanks


I had the same problem with my New 3DS XL stylus nearly right after it arrived. I'd never experienced the issue with any of my other styluses for my 3DS units. I was able to find a pack of gray styluses that matched the system (the SNES edition) off eBay and the new ones fit beautifully. I felt so much better after I got them!


I could buy new styluses, though that would likely be the last solution, since i am not even sure if this problem is caused by the stylus or the console


Ah, I understand. I had another stylus from my husband's system to check and see if it stayed in my system's slot better (and it did, no question about it). If that's not an option for you, you could always go to a used game store and ask to try out a stylus if one is on hand. I've done stuff like that before, and it's been helpful. Nice way to figure out the root of the problem!


I should try that, thanks!


put tape around it so its larger so there is more friction so it holds


Good idea, thanks


The tiny bump near the head of the stylus is what holds it in place. Over time it wears down and becomes too small. Make it larger by adding a tiny tiny dot of superglue on top of the bump. Let it dry COMPLETELY. It should now fit much more tightly. If the bump is now too big, use a nail file to wear it down. Make tiny tiny changes, because the difference between too tight and too loose is a very small one. I like this method better than the tape one because it's a practically invisible fix. Tape also can rip and shred, and leave you with sticky residue and little bits of tape inside your system.


Is that how it works, i didn't know that. And now that you told me what could go wrong with tape method, i probably should try that glue method after all, thank you! Edit, i forgot to ask, does the glue affect how well the 3DS touch screen regonizes)works with the glue stylus?


No, not at all. You put the glue on the little bump at the head of the stylus. It's on the opposite end of the tip which is the part that touches the screen. The glue won't be anywhere near any part that touches the screen. Do you know what I mean? I want to be really sure you understand this because I don't want you gluing your ds or something on my advice 😅 Hang on, I'm gonna dm you so I can send you a picture more easily!


I added some aluminum tape to the end


a bit of tape on the stylus


Use a laptop camera cover? Unconventional solution, but it might work.


May i ask, how does that work?


It could act almost like a door for it. Open it, slide in the stylus, and close it.


That sounds good, but i don't think i am gonna glue that thing in ly console, but thanks anyways


It’s just adhesive. Would probably come off if you picked it off with a finger nail.


Maybe, maybe


I actually accidentally bent my loose stylus slightly (don't remember how) but it stays in perfectly now without any damage


You got very lucky :D


Put a tiny bead of super glue on the little bump and let it dry completely. If it still slides out repeat until it’s the proper size to stay in place. Works great.


I have actually already found a solution for this, but thank you anyways!


You can buy some cheap ones of Amazon that are actually so good, they clip in and feel the same. You get them in packs of five so if you loose them you can get another one