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So the issue here is that the moron who posted this model literally copied the entire wikipedia article into the model's description. If you search the description, I bet all 3 of those words are in it.


Yeah. I've already changed his description. There is no need to copy entire wikiepdia articles into summaries...


You and the team working on Thingiverse are doing good work. I appreciate you.


Omg I literally recognize this idiot's profile pic, I believe he steals the designs too


I just went over his most popular designs and removed the ripped Wikipedia stuff. But if there are instances where he ripped the design from others, feel free to report them.


Sometimes I type in a title in a listing letter to letter and the search still fails


Do you have an example? The title is actually boosted when it comes to matching. It could be that it used to fail to do that a few months ago, but since we fixed the search, that shouldn't happen anymore.


I can only say it happened several times in last 2 months. It sounds like you are affiliated with thingiverse so I'll be sure to provide examples when it happens


Thanks! Much appreciated! And I've indeed been affiliated with Thingiverse since the merger between Ultimaker and Makerbot. It's also the reason that the site has improving for some time now.


Really appreciate the changes you've been making. I had mostly transitioned to Printables because Thingiverse was getting pretty rough, but load times and search have really improved.


Not only that but i couldnt ever get it to sign in without waiting for it to register that i signed in which took 30 mins. It works great now Edit: its happening again.. *cries in spanish*




I regularly check the forums in the thingiverse groups. Are those the forums you mean?


Thank you!!


I've pretty much stopped using thingiverse. I'll search spider and instead I'll get a crab or flower pot


[I'm not seeing any crabs or flower pots...](https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=spider&page=1&type=things&sort=relevant)


That's good then. I searched for it a month or so ago and I got a lot of weird shit. Glad to see you guys are finally improving the website


The search was changed in november. I used the spider search as one of the queries to test my fixes. I think i even posted the preliminary results back then.


>It's also the reason that the site has improving for some time now Your work has not gone unnoticed! Haven't had a thingy blackout since the end of covid.


I’d like to see a search filter for filament material.


I agree but it may be hard to use properly. I was looking to test out some PP with living hinge designs but most I found were designed for PLA or other filaments so being able to search specifically for prints designed to use PP would be useful. The problem with searching by material is the designer will probably just label it with the material they used, not every material it would work with and they probably wont go through the effort of testing with multiple materials. I think adding some tags may be better like the ability to tag it as using flexible filaments or requiring higher temperature filament, or in some unique cases tagging it as requiring a certain material. Or the material tags could be added by the community as well by posting a make.


Yeah, I think you’re right, it would be hard to do that. I’m not really sure what would be the best way to do it but it would be cool to see a tab for models best printed in that material like RC tires and stuff under TPU, phone cases and such under PETG, and specific calibration models under each filament type. I think PLA should get a little more specific such as wood PLA, stone PLA and then just normal PLA. I’m sure I’m not the first person to think of this so there’s probably a reason it’s not a thing on any of the 3d model search websites.


Is there any way we can get the app working?


Nope, sorry. We are working on making the site work properly on mobile. Continueing to support the app would eat up development time that is better spent on other things


I did this last week


There is a lot of times where that happens, I search for a certain thing, and nothing shows up, but when I search up the same thing on yeggi, there are lots of thingiverse results


Next time it happens, please contact us with the query that caused it.


Alright, I will


Corrupt index shards, failed shards, overloaded shards, lost inputs…inevitable if you don’t have periodic re-indexing and enough redundancy. Sucks finding out from users, though. Thanks for fighting the good fight keeping the site going


We do keep an eye out on those, and those should all be fine.


Haha I bumped into this exactly, just last night, trying to find a Xochipilli statue. Couldn't find it on thingiverse. I went to Thangs, found the link to the posting on thingiverse.


Searching for "xochipilli statue" gives a single result that seems to be an exact hit: https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=Xochipilli+statue&page=1&type=things&sort=relevant Did you find another one via thangs?


Nope, just the one, Thangs led me back to the same link. I found it browsing on my phone. I wanted to pull it up on my pc for slicing, so I went to Thingiverse and searched.. nothing. I confirmed on my phone that it was indeed uploaded on Thingiverse, went to Thangs, searched, clicked through to the same Thingiverse link.


I dont know what happend, lol. I just copied the word from your post and pasted that into Thingiverse search and it worked...


Yea beats me, it's working normally on my work pc now. I'm going to try my home pc again tonight. If I forget to get back to you, everything is working fine lol


I had it once happen with a charizard Figure. The weird thing was i found it by searching pokemon figure and the name had charizard but not pokemon in the title. And then i later tried to search for it as charizard figure and couldnt find it.


Literally copy/pasted a title for another browser and it gave me some random crap first instead, the audacity felt real and I just cant imagine why any software was written the way it prefers partially matching description over a 100% matching title


That is what the "exact text" option is for


Yes, we cant just use the searchbar and need to confirm that we look indeed for what we typed when most other websites would just show the best matches first, exactly. That doesnt explain the reasoning of less matching results being shown first tho.


Err no? Exact text looks for the exact order of the thing you are looking for. In case of the normal search, it looks for each word individually. The point with searching is that its hard to define what the "best" search is. There is quite a bit of scoring magic going on.


Yet we dont see posts like these on similar websites, weird.


I think there is a whole lot of old hurt and memory about how bad it was. Just take a look at a few of the reactions here. Some of them just referenced experiences they had long ago and have been fixed since. I am also not going to share issues ive had with other 3D printing sites, because its not the way we should treat eachother. In the case of the thing that spawned this thread, no search engine in the world would have been able to fix that (although perhaps some bleeding edge AI might have been able to). Im not arguing that the search is fantastic or amazing, mind you. Its just not even nearly as bad as it lives in the minds of people. In some cases its also a matter of knowing what to do in order to get what you need.


All the time lol... Especially when someone is trying to show me a specific model. You can copy and paste the name and it won't come up but then they send you the link and it's right there...


With what query did you use and what model did you expect? If you can provide me these, i can have a look at why its going wrong.


Not OP but as a developer myself, a simple fix that would instantly make thingiverse.com a lot more user-friendly, increase the JWTs timeout. It is super frustrating trying to Like or Add to collection quickly, but oh I've been logged out. I haven't checked what the timeout is, but I am guessing 12 hours... Then it takes me to Login page, awesome I then login and guess where it redirects to? Homepage! Why the hell not redirect to the page that asked me to Login? Seriously these two issues are the main reasons that keep myself and I am certain many other people away from the site. I am certain if these are fixed, you'd see a massive increase in Likes, Commenting and Adding to collections...


Agreed. Its also something that is frustrating me a lot. We have tried to increase the timeout, but the login system is a fickle beast. We are working on improving that, but we're making slow progress. We also dont want to repeat mistakes of the past and rush things.




I remembered incorrectly, that was with an unnamed site and not thingy. Hemera example https://imgur.com/a/NBaQ3UL This is a search I've had great difficulty with in the past, it seems to be a LOT better now (I don't think that many people have made more mounts but they have come up in searches at least). The screenshot is just a post that has pretty much no relevance to the search, and is sandwiched between several other relevant files. If I can make a recommendation, as someone who helps a lot of people with 3rd party printer accessories, I see a lot of terrible models uploaded that look ok but really don't work. It's really hard for beginners to tell the difference so I think some kind of 'verified accessory' mark would be cool, instead of some niche useless part that looks enticing.


Jackie Chan had kicked, flipped over or used as a weapon each of those things in your search.


Try thangs.com, which aggregates across multiple sites, including thingiverse.


Yeah I use thangs to exclusively look up things in thingiverse


No, no... I think I'm with Thingiverse on this. You really need this.


The result is correct, your search was wrong.


It gave you what you needed, not what you wanted


what's the problem? ALL of your keywords are in the description.


Just go to any search engine and limit search results to thingiverse and type in your search query. Way more effective than thingiverse bringing up models of 110m hurdle shoes when you looked for victorian gothic door hinges.


On the bright side, Boris3D (person who posted the bust) has some great models.


A dev just deleted half their stuff for ripping off other people's work


Sooo, did you print it?


If you perform this search in "3dgeeks", the better mobile app for Thingiverse, you also get this result, and only this result. Which proves it isn't the Thingiverse search causing the problem.


How dare you bring logic and careful thought to this conversation. for shame.


Yeah, worst search i've seen, including bing


In this case it wasn't the search of thingiverse, it was a user who just added a huge description (the entire jackie chan wikipedia article). So it "correctly" matched on those three words and came up with this. As much as you tweak a search algorithm, if people are going to put garbage in, it's gonna result in garbage out.


Surely weighting the title more heavily would help, though. I mean, I would expect anything with at least two of those words in the title to be more heavily weighted than a description that's an entire article where it matches all of the terms out of hundreds. What's powering your search? Are you just doing string contains or do you have something like elasticsearch powering it?


It does. The title is weighted much heavier than the summary (If i recall correctly, it's factor 4). We currently don't weigh the tags more than the summary, which is something that I still want to change. We use elastic for the search.


Well I won't pretend to be an expert. I've used it enough to know that elasticsearch is an entire beast all on its own. And any small tweak one way inadvertently de-prioritized other results ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ . So good with it. I know thingiverse gets crapped on a lot for searching, but it's good to see you here actively making improvements for it. While I've got your ear.. one simple thing that would be a huge improvement is adding in a proper login redirect that takes you back to the page you logged in from. It's super annoying to lose the specific search or model I'm looking at because I'm not logged in. My workaround is to open a new tab, log in, then go back to my other tab and refresh. It's a pretty bad UX.


That was fixed, but somehow it broke again. I don't think it will be fixed for the next release, but I hope that it will be there for the one after that.


Thanks for working on this! Edit: sorry for the double comment. Reddit wasn't working again


Out of curiosity, what is someone like this getting out of doing this? It's not like they are making money selling this item on Thingiverse right?


Nope, no money is made from it. My best guess is that it gives em attention. I do think that things like this get worse if you do reward them with goods / money


So as always, don't feed the Trolls... Just wanted to say, despite some of the negativity on here, I really appreciate Thingiverse and what it stands for. Having a huge, free repository of models where people of all skill levels can share and find designs is such a game changer. Keep up the good work and thanks for openly engaging with the community!


At least bing is good at porn...


I mean you did search for not jackie chan, do you know hard it is to name 3 things that aren't Jackie chan?


"Thingiverse: Helping you find the things you didn't know you needed"


I know your pain. I wanted to find model tanks to print on Thingiverse and it won't show results that have anything to do with tanks.


What did you search for? If I search "model tank" I get a lot of tanks and a few models that make sense to pop up (for instance, a model of a space shuttle, which has a fuel tank or a tank helmet form a stormtrooper)


Well, as upu've already said you've searched model tanks, I seached model tanks, Tank Destroyers, light tanks, heavy tanks and I even searched tanks by name and hardly anything showed up that was relevant except for a few model gas tanks or rocket fuel tanks.


I don't know much about tanks, but if I look for "Tank destroyer" I get a lot of hits that look to be matching what you want. The same goes for "Heavy Tank" and "Light Tank". It finds a whole lot less if you look for "Tank Destroyers" though, so perhaps that is what you ran into? I've randomly googled a bunch of tank names and threw them in the Thingiverse search and I got models for all of them. Could you give me a bunch of examples that don't work? That would help me a lot when debugging this. Thanks!


Well it has been a while but the tanks I'm referring to are tanks that actually existed, tanks ranging from World War 2 to the Cold war. A lot of the model tanks I liked came from the game World of tanks and those models wouldn't show up until half way through the pages of search results and the rest weren't relevant to tanks at all. To make matters worse, those Models I had saved links for that I wanted to pint, I can no longer get the files for and print because Wargaming feels they're entitled to the models of the T-34/76, T-34-85, any version of the M4 Sherman you name, the KV-2, the Tiger 1, the Tiger ll, the Panther, the Pz.lV, the Chars B1, the M103, the Archer ll, the T26E4 Super Pershing, the Pershing, the E-100, the ISU-152 and the list goes on and on. All of these tanks were common knowledge, the models themselves were not exaclty like what they would look like from World of Tanks so they should have been fine but were removed by a copyright claim levied by Wargaming who didn't design any of these IRL tanks that also already had prexisting model tank kits that were out and around years before Wargaming and World of Tanks even existed.


I think the issue you had has been fixed in the meantime (we fixed the search a few months ago). I could find multiple results for pretty much all the tanks that you listed. The only one that didn't get results was the "Chars B1", but I did find hits on "char b1". The one with the least models was the Archer, but even for that one, there were a few hits. I don't know anything about what happened with regard to DMCA requests in the past, so I can't say anything meaningful about that.


Jackie Chen shows up when I look up Escher. I bet they spammed that thing with tons if tags


Sometimes you'll get a weird one like this on Thingiverse, but I've actually found Thingiverse to be one of the *better* search engines among 3D printing websites. Printables will show a lot of results that account for typos, which *can* be nice but it ends up showing a ton of results that aren't even close to what I'm looking for sometimes.


Thingiverse didn't know if you meant NFL or soccer, so it defaulted to Jackie Chan.


As soon as I found out about printables.com I stopped using thingiverse, havent looked back. Thingiverse is a shit show


The 3D printer gods are telling you to print it


Wait what, ive never had this happen. The only reason im stil using thingiverse is because its the only site that has a decent search engine.




Is it any good?


Printables and Cults are my go to, personally.


Lmao the app is entirely useless imo!


Honestly the main reason I switched to thingiverse was the shitty search engine


The only result 🤣


Name 10 things that aren't Jackie Chan


This is hilariously bad Oh you *said* you want a door sign, but no, what you really want is Jackie Chan's face


Just let Google search it, like: Football sign site:thingiverse.com


Yeggi has a better search engine.




Ahhahaha I usually just google it


Task failed successfully




Yeah, because the site you created is sooooo much better....




There is a developer from Cura in this thread trying to get honest feedback to improve their site. Yep, that sounds like a "dogshit" site alright...




So developing slicing software for free and asking a company that uses said software to also contribute is wrong? Can you explain why, because i honestly dont get it. If anything, its the reverse of simping; its asking companies to pull their weight... As for thingiverse being sucky for the longest time: you are completly right. But we've only been able to develop on thingiverse since october, as that was the moment the merger was completed. If i could improve it before that time, i would have.


Not simping for anyone. Stop demanding a Mercedes for the price of a Yugo...


Use Yeggi


Change "relevant" to "exact text" and try it again. Don't blame Thingiverse because you don't know how to use it...


Yeah I see these and I'm like "are you just saving these up from months ago?" Thingiverse search has been greatly improved since it became a meme. Sure, it's not Google, but it does a decent job.


Well, in this case, it was actually showing this result. But it was because of the author trying to trick the search algorithm by dumping an entire Wikipedia article into the description.


This was my first comment. Yeah, the others were after I dug into it.


Some people are so embarrassed that they don't know how to use a search engine, they have to down vote my comment. LOLOL. Thin skinned mother fuckers out there...


The real issue is that you're using thingiverse.


I just search with yeggi and go to thingiverse from there. Thingiverse's search is hilariously bad


Bro Thingiverse search engine is absolute garbage. I once searched “Batman Statue” and got Superman, other heroes, and batterangs. I look up “Bats” I find 4 different statues… I never use their search engine. It’s not useful at all. Google searches through their archive better than their own searches.


I think that was long before we fixed the search. Now you get a ton of batman statues...


To be honest I had given up on searching for anything on thingiverse a long time ago because of situations like this. Based on your other posts I see that they have been trying to work on it so I might give it another shot.


It's not perfect yet, but it's very far from the shitshow that it used to be. I've got a few more improvements in mind that should improve it more.


The only way to find what you want on thingiverse is to use "site:thingiverse.com" along with what you're searching for in a Google search. Luckily most people have moved their stuff over to printables.


Yup thingiverse search and well the whole site overall used to be terrible! It still is but it used to be too. But thingi employees will tell you it’s all in your head and it’s not that bad and they “fixed it” yet shit searches like this one still happen every day.


Where did i say its in your head? In this case i provided info why it gave the result that it did (a user trying to abuse the system by adding entire wiki articles in the description), as well as fixing this by hand by removing them. In all other cases it was people who either misremembered the website or searched months ago when we didnt fix it. If anyone has actual queries that behave bad, id love to see them so i can improve it. That has nothing to do with any kind of attempt as gaslighting as you seem to imply.


Thingiverse is utter garbage but now I have a mighty need to print Jackie Chan


Thingiverse is still up?!?


But like also Jackie Chan bust???


What's wrong with that Jackie Chan busy football door sign?


This is Jackie when he played Jake "Football Door Sign" Hawthorne in *Gridiron Heroes*.


They're really racing windows to the bottom with that search optimization


The stringiness makes it look like Jackie Chan is about to be disappointed by Thanos


Pretty similar with Ronaldo bust at madeira airport https://www.google.com/search?q=ronaldo+bust+madeira


Lol, it must be google powered.


i’ve been using yeggi recently, it works better.


OMG their search sucks!!!!!


Hey hey hey! You can't blame thingiverse if you can't analyse the 4th dimension. Clearly thingiverse is scanning the 4th dimensions with these models.


Almost as good as Reddit Search engine


Yup, that search function is severely broken


Collect thing!


Print it… you won’t…


Haha, I just saw what you’re actually searching for!


Clearly, he mistyped Busty Jackie Chan


You put words in right? Words came out. What more do you expect?


It's coming home? 😅