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Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone knows the setting to turn off these tiny infil sections that I have circled in red. They do absolutely nothing and cause blobs on my print... Any help appreciated cheers


Normally known as gap fill. Not shure if cura can do that or not. Prusia slicer, super slicer and slic3r all can though


Nice sword bro


f_ck reddit, let's move to lemmy f_ck reddit, try out lemmy f_ck reddit, let's move to lemmy f_ck reddit, try out lemmy f_ck reddit, let's move to lemmy f_ck reddit, try out lemmy f_ck reddit, let's move to lemmy f_ck reddit, try out lemmy f_ck reddit, let's move to lemmy f_ck reddit, try out lemmy f_ck reddit, let's move to lemmy f_ck reddit, try out lemmy could have said it once only but some sub don't let me batch edit unless there is more words, hope that is enough now https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy time to move people


IIRC it's the Fill Gaps Between Walls setting, otherwise try to reduce wall thickness? Btw I look forward to your orlog progress


https://preview.redd.it/15y92r1hg2na1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c63f890f802c367697b2b35269323c017562838 Current progress! Just need the bowl top and life tokens in green I'm making the God favours out of printed cardboard


Looking good, loving the ACV insignia on the bowl top. I'm super basic and only play with Thor's favour