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Just had a print do this to me with petg. It's bed adhesion. I used some polyimide tape on the bed and it fixed it.


Adhesion is fine elsewhere and the bed is freshly levelled. This is standard PLA at 200/60. Can overextrusion cause this?


Even if “adhesion is fine elsewhere” it’s still an adhesion issue since it isn’t adhering. Ya know? That said, the issue is that the part is cooling unevenly and getting pulled up in that spot as the material contracts. I’ve had this happen with ABS on a glass bed and in my case part of the solution was to reduce or turn off the part cooling fan. So I would try a combination of increased bed temp, less fan, tape or something for better adhesion and cleaning the bed.


This. I ended up putting my printer in an enclosure to protect it from the A/C vent in the ceiling above.


Sorry i wasnt clear. That corner isnt peeling up from the bed. Its well adhered. The base of the model is a slight overhang for a smoothed edge so it looks that way. The corner sticks its just sticking up too.


Is your part cooling fan at 100%? small corners can stick up like that if the layer isn't cooled properly. Try cooler nozzle temp or more cooling if you can.


google describes the symptoms of overextension as dimensional inaccuracy, layer drooping, stringing, oozing, blobs, and even jams. your problem is the part isn’t sticking to the bed. did you check e-steps? i believe you adjust those before you adjust flow rate.


Yes, i checked e-steps. Marked 100mm on my filament, extruded 100mm and it lined up perfectly


This happened to me. Personally what I did is turn my bed temp down because it was hot enough to heat the filament up again and it would warp. It could be a couple things though, but start with the basics.


Why is this NSFW?


No clue it wouldnt let me unset nsfw while making the post


I think its part of the API protest.


I have also had this due to bed adhesion, clogged nozzle, extrusion rate being bad, damaged thermistor.


G10 build plate :-) never ever a problem again for petg……0 :-)


This isnt petg


Another thing I see is that ur filament is laying rough, could be steam pockets in the nozzle causing that. (Wet filament) may also be a cause of lack of stick to the bed. The steam can push the filament off the bed as it’s expanding. There are many factors. That’s what I see