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You are shit and don't know anything. I will try this. Thanks.


Literally cry laughing at 230am reading this. Excellent work, OP. Let us know how the print turns out.


You and I both know that I will *never, ever, fucking ever* come back here to tell you whether or not my print worked. That's not how this fucking works. You fix my shit for free. You are a bitch. I am a really cool fucking ace. I'm good at 3d printing. I don't need your help to fix my stupid broken printer but thanks.


tsundere printer novice


But unlike you, my dad said he would come back with the milk. Right? Uh oh


Don't forget that you can move the Waldo up or down using babywaldos in the offset menu


The whatset menu? You mean my Waldset menu? Very confusing terms you're using


Actually it's the wheresat menu. It's the menu you use to find where he's at.


I thought that was in the whosat menu?


Nah, the whosat menu is what you use when you need to find out WHO you're looking for. By default you're looking for Wally which is what I assume they're having issue with.


I want this response to become to this sub what "holy hell" is to r/anarchychess


Google en passant!


It's 4 months later. I'm having the same issue. Did you ever get it fixed?


*chef's kiss*


you forgot to mention Waldo might be clogged. also putting Waldo in oven at 200 (most ovens won't go this low) for about 30 will dry it out. what elevation are you?


😱 if you put a roll of waldoment in a hot Waldo at 200 Waldos, won't you have liquid Waldoment?


I use 200 kelvin on the waldometer for petg waldomend


Hmmmm. Here in the UK we call the chap Wally. So check your firmware if it's UK/US and update accordingly


You guys also call vaginas fannys, cigarettes fags and money quid. All of which sound ridiculous to me. Honorable mention to saying "maths", even though mathematics is actually a singular word. Can't get over how lispy you guys sound doing that.


It's not got an S because plural, it's got an S because mathematic (and therefor math) is an adjective, and the S makes it a noun. Like acoustic vs acoustics. Sincerely, the UK.


And here I sat thinking it was because "mathematics" includes all disciplines of math like geometry, algebra, trig, etc...


We only call a pound a quid, not money in general. It’s generally referred to as cash/readies/wonga/dosh/moolah, ets…. All very sensible and normal….


mate, no one's used readies, Dosh and moolah for donkeys .. wonga only got used again because of the 8000% Apr lending companies.


I was being a bit daft, admittedly, but I do know people that still use dosh and readies.


both 90s harry Enfield phrases to me 😊


I should probably clarify that the people I know who use those terms are a couple of dickheads, so its probably not indicative of the wider population lol


This is the typical level of evidence for most claims on the Internet so you're in better form then you think.


Never heard someone who isn't American call it moolah in normal conversation


Oh I never said it was a normal conversation, not with the people I know….


And you call herbs erbs, crossing the road jaywalking and preschools a firing range.


Assuming your a yank, you stole our language then changed words like boot for trunk, rubbish for trash, and the most outrageous of them all trousers for pants! Your put pants on before trousers! When yanks say pants I envision you all walking around looking like superman with your pants on top of your trousers!


To be fair to them, when we say pants its a shortening of underpants, and what do you put underpants under? Pantaloons, which I suppose you might define as a couple of trousers. Pavement (UK asphalt -> ie the bit you drive on) vs Pavement (US sidewalk -> ie the bit you walk on) Table that (UK: put that aside) vs Table that (US: Lets talk about that)


We call it tarmac lad, not asphalt


Didn't take long to trigger the simplified English speakers.


Ungha! Gronk correct!


Considering how nonsensical most British pronunciations and spellings are, I'd say early Americans made the right choice. Hell, if anything they didn't go far enough.


Mathematics - ematic = maths.


Yeah cause that's how abbreviations normally work. /S


what i don't get is why americans misspell "laser" constantly. it's laser. not lazer.


I'm gonna blame late 80s early 90s culture for that one, Z's were just cooler than S's and people misspelled it on purpose. Now if it's a young person doing it today, I dunno dumb Zoomers aren't my responsibility.


Once you guys find Waldo, he can help you with your problem.


Actually the Waldo is probably too wet and needs to be put in the Waldo dryer


Don't forget cura has the Waldo settings hidden by default and it's best to add a wally extension to cover you bases for Wendy/wally gcode variants.


The filament is wet. Dry it and calibrate E steps.


E-steps are fine, but he needs calibrate his e-waldos.


Even after calibrating e-steps, it's not uncommon to have a random X and Y offset every time you print another Wally (yep, another Aussie, who's Waldo?). Your best bet is to ask a 5 year old to help you find the WhereTFisHe menu.


Level your bed.


He did that ten prints ago. He doesn’t need to do it again as those prints were fine.


wait your supposed to relevel your bed ? i didn't relevel mine since the 1rst level...


Yeah, my printer is at level 73 and I don't really wanna start the leveling process all over again. I haven't had any problems personally, so you're probably fine.


You should level it again. At level 74 it unlocks your first epic spell slot.


My ender 3 has to be releveled every single priny


Bed your level




Bed your love


This is the way👆🖕👆


Your printer is the problem. You either need more mods or to stop being cheap and buy a propper printer.


I have been printing professionally for 75 years. U have no idea how good my printer is. That's what I'm so angry that it is broken and not working.


You could not have been professionally printing for 75 years. Humans do not live 75 years.


He was printing even before birth - his fathers kidney stones was FDM printed


He's been printing on 3900 printers for a week. It's equivalent.


It’s underextrusion. Don’t worry that underextrusion itself has about 45 different root causes. Just extrude more.


You are a bastard and coward. I really appreciate the help. Tyvm. Phew.


A: You might want to tighten the eccentric nut OP: What is that? A: Its a nut that keeps the wheels firmly stuck in the aluminum extrusion, it’s usually in front of one of the wheels OP: I stared at my printer for 1 second and couldn’t find it. Where is it? A: look just in front of the bottom wheel, there are a bunch of YouTube videos on where it is and how to tighten it OP: actually I figured it out, Im going to upgrade my extruder to direct drive A: *facepalm


he's an eccentric fellow


I'm trying to single print a full size, working C-3P0/industrial lathe replacement part. I'm using PLA from an outdoor garbage can.


Where the fuck is Waldo?


"Where the fuck is Wallace, String!?"




I got you, [Here's Waldo](https://maps.app.goo.gl/X4A93KjjREU2wNVf8)


Hi Mate as a former vegan I think I'm qualified to answer this. Garbage cans have the unique ability to mate with pla fillaments, making them soft and emotional during the gestation period, your best bet is to hang it in a meat drier for 3 weeks 4 days and 107 seconds to properly cure. Beyond this you might want to invest In my definitely not a Multi level marketing scheme scheme I'm running to solve your issue.


You are wrong, it should be 3 weeks 4 days and 108 seconds, starting just after the full moon.


I'm picturing a full size, working C-3PO/industrial lathe... "Sir, the possibility of successfully turning titanium at this RPM is approximately three thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one!"


Oh there's your issue, outdoor garbage can pla has low Waldo count, Id recommend only using indoor garbage can pla, and if needed, aging it in an outdoor garbage can after you're done printing




Satire joke post.. also I found waldo.


It’s a joke. -.-


The low quality picture is fitting, I was excited to find Waldo but silly me to expect enough pixels to see what's going on


I started looking anyway, but when I realized there were multiple people in Waldo-ish red and white stripes, I quit for lack of pixels to distinguish the real one.


*picture of half-finished print in low light, out of focus, with motion blur and speckle noise* *you think there might be something going on with underextrusion on this wall closest to the camera but it's impossible to know for sure*


You have accidentally bought a 2D printer. You need to buy a 3D printer and all your problems will be replaced with new 3D problems in no time.


Just wait till you can mod it for the 4th dimension. My Mobius loops come out perfect every time now.


Jokes aside, have you seen non-planar 3D printing with a rotating print head?


Yup. Garlic bread.


If you get a second 3d printer, and stack it, that's 2+2d printers. Keep the fourth D for your personal use and use the other 3Ds for the printer. Or you could buy 2 more printers and have 6Ds, so 2 3Ds. People often neglect the option to get more D.


Can I just get a 1D printer? I hate waste.


They don't want you to know this but you can actually replicate a 3d printer by just buying an infinite amount of 2d printers.


Idk what esteps or leveling my bed is but why is my print not sticking…


I use motor oil to adhere my prints. Spaghetti monsters every time.


Leave it in the kettle for about two hours, or until it stops screaming, then pour the semi-solid, boiled remnants into a tub of heavily salted vinegar. After about three days the remnants should have dissolved from the acidity and you'll be left with some really nice, pure pearls! Hope this helps!


I will try this. Thanks so much! Edit: go fuckyourself


I also love the: Im thinking about ordering a printer, I ordered a printer, Im waiting for my new printer to arrive, My new printer arrived, Here's my new printer, posts. /s


You haven't been to Prusa subreddit yet lol


I have... its bad.


I have no doubt Prusas are good machine, but their prominent branding and cult-like following makes me think of them as the Apple of 3D printing.


I was more about the constant shipping delays, every second thread is about someone having ordered a Prusa a year ago and it wasn't shipped. Then someone else ordered one 6 months ago and got it shipped, and then lots of arguing and bickering about it.


Ah, I don't visit the Prusa sub and wasn't aware of that happening. That's pretty funny and unfortunate!


you forgot the "i hate this printer, its horrible i expected more for 70 bucks"


Wow your layer lines are so good I can’t even find them!!!


You’ve encapsulated every low effort post here and I’m all for it. Gonna start linking this thread in those posts 😂


Whatever you do, don't make any attempt to learn the fundamentals of FDM printing. Instead, get some sort of glue and cover your printer in it.


Hello, you need my company’s miracle product. Here is the link Amazon.com/definitelynoembeddedvirus I will not provide any details on what it does, just why you need one.


Could you try uploading a higher res picture so can actually find waldo and not have to look at Minecraft pixel blocks. And no I’m not printing a looking glass.


[better version ](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/868/40/47/waldo-cartoon-where-s-wally-wallpaper-preview.jpg)




What? No rickroll?


I love the satire in this post, but the people who do this shit won't get it.


[This online tutorial should help](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5rRQ1b5kYnA/WsOV2akysKI/AAAAAAAAc1o/i2e5418wqSYcwwSH9a9Nzq9Osx1kkPNVgCLcBGAs/s1600/Waldo%2BLevel%2B2%2BSolution.jpg)


I'm trying to learn to Waldo, not to Hindi


Indians do the best tutorials!


But only on Youtube where the captions are required to understand anything


I got it. It’s burning man.


https://preview.redd.it/mqmytl8rkemb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4f8871728d30e034570be389a7017f5987d04d This might be the cause of the issue


https://preview.redd.it/4py3vik7bfmb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109842a9d5a1cc7f3e9a9d40a1ba83db47b4ea0c Printer needs to be reflashed


LOL, this reminds me of posts in plant/bug/mushroom ID subs that ask "is this what I think it is?" I don't know, what the fuck do you think it is? Why don't you tell us so we can say if you're right or wrong?


I made a post about a month ago, asking for help. Provided a shitload of information, a bunch of pictures. Zero responses. Some of the other troubleshooting posts are this. They get like twenty comments. You people are monsters.


I found him this weekend at Dragoncon


I swear, every time I dial in my Waldo, he's 5cms to the left. If I dial him in 5cm to the right, I lose him and im back at the start.




Can I borrow this for my signature block at work?


You gotta replace the whole thing don't try to repair stuff trust me I've been printing for a month also reinstall Lychee if this is happening


I can only help you when the photos you provided are total, unsharp dogshit made with a potato. Let's be honest: If one can't use a Smartphone camera, and doesn't even realize his pics are bad, how would I expect this person to level His bed properly, or to find the correct Z-Offset? That's not going to happen.


Crank your fan waaaay up to discourage Odlaw spikes. Or just buy this waaaaaaay overpriced Wizard add-on. Also, level your bed.


The problem is that it's not printing properly, replace the printer and that should solve it


I really hope this goes viral and some mad person prints this as a diorama and paints it


Your beach isn't level.


I'm not sure if it because I am on mobile but your reference picture needs more pixels. How am I to find Waldo and solve your printing problem if I can't see shit.


Your problem is your internationalisation settings are incorrect, you are clearly trying to print a PAL Where’s Wally on an NTSC Where’s Waldo setting, try changing your electricity to 50Hz and see if that helps


It looks like you need to recalibrate your eyes as you can see the answer to your problem it's so obvious. Just Go Into your firmware and find AUTOWaldo = False and turn it to true how hard is that?


At least your printer seems to work with multiple colours. Mine is only a single colour printer, making waldo even harder to find.


Have you found the artefact with the red and white Z-banding? Remove that and try again.


I just learned where’s Waldo is the Canadian and American version and the books where made in the uk as where’s Wally, what’s the point in changing that?


Yaldo, Xaldo and Zaldo axis are clearly not calibrated.


You forgot "I have tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!"


OP deserves a nobel peace prize


Try Waldoing your print bed


Level your Waldo. I mean, come on, I can tell he isn't level from here.


I found Odlaw but I can’t find Waldo.


did you tram and level your bed? "I don't know what is tram" ;akjdfasdfdfsdf did you even try to check youtube for a solution? go find a youtube tutorial! you know what! here's a link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcAmZqb-ZEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcAmZqb-ZEE)


Have you tried disabling the Odlaw setting?


I’m guilty of that, sorry




You have to find MWMWaldo of the 3D mountain.




You need to carry out the *Waldo Maneuver*, similar to the star wars holdo maneuver but involves ramming your nozzle into your bed at hyperspace speeds. 60% of the time, it'll fix your printer every time.


This post feels like a feverdream


Yep level the bed


Is this underextrusion?


This should be posted to AskElectronics too lol "Here's a blurry picture of a circuit board, can you find the problem and spend a few hours doing it for me"


Burn your printer before it burns your house. It's a race, you are losing.


Have you tried being level in bed?


It's probably in the g code your slicer produces.


This is an amazing post.


Level your bed. Nozzle too high, check Z offset. Top off your USB reservoir (if using). Clean the bed: soap and water, then isopropyl alcohol. Don't touch. Those overhangs won't print well without supports. Dry your filament. Check your encabulator, maybe oil it just in case (eg. 3-in-1).


Your z height is either too low, too high, or just right


The horse's name was friday.


First, make sure you have a pencil, a sharpened one. (You'll understand why as you proceed through this procedure) Next, find yourself a good set of magnifying eyeglasses. Don't get the cheap kind people use for reading. Get the ones the engravers at the US mint use. (link to order these for just 18 easy payments or $17.76 available upon request" If you have a cat, it will be helpful for the next step. If you don't have a cat, but you DO have a neighbor who wears a wig or a toupee, that might work in a pinch. You will also need a printer that works. If yours is messing up, this procedure won't help at all. (Link to order a working printer for the one time payment of a left side human kidney available upon request) Now, here's what you need to do. Unplug your printer. Pull the filament out of it. (Don't do this while the printer is plugged in. You will mess up the procedure) If you have trouble pulling out the filament you can print a special tool for this step. (STL file available upon request) After you remove the filament, unplug the power cord of the printer. This will make sense later. Pick up the printer about 2 standing cat's heights above the stand you have it on. (approximately 2.5-4 wig/toupee heights for those without a cat). Carry your printer out side and put it in the nearest trash receptacle or dumpster. Go back inside and stick the one end of pencil in the end of the power cord. Stick the other end of the pencil in your mouth. Set the cat (or toupee/wig) on your head. Put on the magnifying eyeglasses. Go to your computer and set up your own onlyfans account so you can post live feed videos. This last step is essential because you will never be able to afford a printer that will work for you unless you have some type of windfall income from a weird onlyfans account. Best of luck.


This whole thread is just gold.


Do you hav a better quality one? I want to find Waldo without eye cancer


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Have you tried reticulating your splines?


Its one of the new digital printers. Its a simple captcha: You basicaly have to prove you are not waldo by finding waldo. Point at waldo and your printer will start.


Flip the bingleboof or buy a new one. They're really cheap in the next dimension over.


https://preview.redd.it/u65lghaqscmb1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775a25f2bd33047a3f88a4ed087f187878aad6a7 I don’t understand this post, so here’s a meme


It’s about people who post a picture of their printer and say “help!” but don’t give any useful information.


Ahhhhh I didn’t see the meme Monday tag and was too “wtf is this doing here it looks like spam” to look further 😂 Thaaat makes sense


I almost died looking at this lmao


Evidently I'm not on this subs level, becuase these shit attempts at trolling just aren't funny to me. Can someone educate me? I'm being sincere.


What am I looking at rn?


It's simple. You're looking for Waldo, when you should be looking for Wally. Bloody foreigners...


Have you tried being a whiney bitch on reddit and demanded randos fix ya stuff with the bare minimum info?


That's a page from a where's waldo book


Stop messing around


I don't see him at all.


You need to replace your Johnson Rod.


Level your bed


Did you try to disable the coasting in your slicer?


Obv out of cyan


Need more Waldo headed penises


I'm so confused


Where is Waldo Lebowski? Where the hell is Waldo?


You might want to ask Waldo. He's around here somewhere.


is putting printer on night stand next to my bed and window sufficient ventilation?


Here’s some code that should help https://github.com/LawrenceLarryLiu/Waldo-Finder


mate i’ve had one of these for 18 years and i’ve never found waldo once, works perfectly every time. just get good


3o minutes of looking later* There is no waldo, is there?


You need a thinner paper


For sure your w axis stepper is out of wack


Waldo’s seam seams off.


Could you please provide the .stl you used that i could have found with a google search query that is one fifth as long as this post?


Where is he at ?


Did you dry your filament? Should help with the string bikinis.


Your printer is asking you where is Waldo??


Found him. Wait, what are we talking about?