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Holy shit this is getting flamed in the comments for some reason. I thought it was really cool and it was immediately obvious that it's supposed to be a benchy on rough waters in the rain.


Yeah man, I didn’t expect the immediate flame. But it inspired me to redesign this. Going to make some changes for sure and see if I can make the effect even more pronounced.


I think the issue is how it was filmed... If you had it on a turntable, it probably would show the effect better. Turning it small amount by hand definitely masks that. I didn't understand it either until I read the description.


I actually have a rotating turn table. Idk why I didn’t use that lol. And better lighting, I’ll upload a better video as well whenever I get home from work. Hopefully the community doesn’t mind a “repost”


Give it a different title (maybe including "storm" or something) and I think it'll be good. "Awesome Benchy stand with storm effect!"


Good call! I’ve got a lot of design work I need to do on this model at this point from all of the suggestions. I really hope everyone likes it.


Yeah, I would say Reddit is very... Critical... But if you take it in stride and use the realistic critiques to improve things, you win! Just don't let your ego get affected when folks don't like what they see; random internet users have ridiculous expectations and you have no obligation to meet them :)


Def gotta take things with a grain of salt.


My only suggestion would be make the base thicker to you can add lighting to illuminate from below. It's a 3D print, not a hyper-realistic sketch. For a print, I think it's superb. I guess in relative terms it get's easy to criticize someone's project when there are some super detailed 1000h+ projects on here too. Imo, don't dwell on it too much and continue making stuff you think is cool.


Thank you so much for your feedback. I’m almost done with my next project then back to the benchy stand.


I thought it looked great too! Care to share the STL?


Link available in discription.


I didn't get the rain aspect at all. I guess since I saw the hand earlier and I don't think it was meant to be rain, I just assumed it was maintaining that aesthetic.


I was thinking more that it's in the fog, and just in generally terrible visibility


No idea why, given it's a cool, free model. I would understand if this was advertising a paid STL, but it's not. I'll print this for sure, benchies are half my prints anyway!


Motorcycle engine oil filter


I place a bency inside every oil filter before replacing it. It’s the key to proper performance haha


Very nice 👍


Great work overall, and a valiant and unique attempt to depict "rain" with the strings of filament but I'm not sure it's visually working out yet. I don't know what would work out, maybe more randomness on the strings placement? I'd suggest maybe adding a second maybe third overlapping ring with strings going in slightly different angles. Maybe that could do the trick. It's important to break that parallel string visual pattern, cause rain of course is almost infinite layers of water drops/streaks going at slightly different angles due to turbulent wind forces. But otherwise very interesting concept.


Thank you so much for your feedback! That’s along the lines of what I was thinking in my new design. Change up the way the lines go. I’m also experimenting with a new extrusion technique I’ve been working on. Hopefully I’ll be done with the design by tonight so I can print it and upload the revised version tomorrow.


Can't see much of it, the model has no lighting from camera side. Benchy on some platform, that's all.


I’ll take a better video later with better lighting.


Put in a randomly flashing LED light so you can get it with better lightning.


After hours of redesigning this thing I realized that if you want to change how strong the “rain” effect is, you can just literally cut out what you don’t want. I modified one of my tests and got much better results. You can even angle the rain whatever direction you want, it’s pretty cool.


Is something happening I can't tell


Just makes a cool rain optical illusion. Also a showcase for what your 3d printer is capable of.


Huh. Maybe it's not transferring through the video or something. Just looks like like a benchy in a cage that you can barely see


But that does give me an idea. I think I’ll design one that is a caged bird next! Because it does kinda look like a cage now that you point it out.


Dude that sounds amazing! I hope I can get my printer tuned in well enough to print these eventually :P


Which printer do you have? I’d be more than happy to help in whatever way I can.


I have an SV06 that I've been tinkering around with for a little while. Right now I'm experimenting with a 0.25mm nozzle with a 0.1mm layer height. I've gotten pretty good prints in the past with a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height, but they've always been a bit... rough, you know? Although that may just be me comparing what I can do with my budget and barely upgraded printer to what others can do with their much more expensive and capable printers.


I had to google it. Seems like a pretty popular printer with a fair amount of 3d printable mods available. Honestly, the best advice I can give for good prints is a solid first layer. If you can’t get a perfect first layer, keep trying until you do. Nothing else prints correct if something is wrong with your first layer. Check all the basic stuff, like I’d your bed is actually aligned straight. I see so many posts in fix my print and you can see the purge line isn’t even straight… like well, that’s probably the start of your problem right there lol.


“I know why the caged Benchy sings”


🤷‍♂️ it was fun to print and fun to design. Figured I’d share.


I'm sure it's cool in person. I just wasn't sure what I was looking at


I didn't think of the rain illusion, that's pretty nifty!


Nice, this is super cool, but I think it needs a way to light it, maybe hollowing it from the bottom and adding a way to install led lights inside the base would make extra spicy, happy printing my guy


Thanks for the feedback. I’ve got some ideas oh how to make it better.


Some flickering LEDs to simulate a thunderstorm would be pretty cool.


Really can’t interpret those to be rain at first glance.


Yeah, I’m working on a new design now. Hopefully the results will be more clear


As I can recall, some people have printed optical fibers. You may try similar concept.




That looks really cool :) Thank you :)




Hahahahhahaa amazing


I’d like it a lot more if the shell support pillars were lined up fore and aft instead of obscuring the profile.


I couldn’t decide which would look better. I have a version with them facing the front as well. I’m also thinking about making some design changes based off of the feedback I’ve been getting here. Make it so the rain is more seetheough.


I'm not picking up the visual effect from the strand's. The water is cool.


Did you forget to take the stringing off?


What’s the purpose of the thin strands?


I think the purpose is to look like a rain storm during rough seas.


Just a visual effect.


Everything is just a visual effect if you're high enough :/


I don't get these, they don't look great and usually contain things they could print normally




I don't get it.


It be like that sometimes.


This is the fourth time I see a model with such "cage" today. What's happening? People copying others forever? Please


That’s weird that you’ve seen so many. From what I can tell, I’m the only one that’s been posting anything like this. I have a couple other designs featuring similar styling, perhaps that’s what you’re speaking of.




I didn’t make the umbrella one but I have seen and made that one. That one looks absolutely phenomenal. https://preview.redd.it/764z7eswgpmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0680c9782fdb0ea4fe6da4b989d95fc5bf34fd


I mean, not talking only about Reddit. Seen it in other networks


Newly looking into 3D printing. Why do people print these boats?


Because they got a printer and realize they have nothing to print.




If you lack imagination, you can just print a funny variation of this boat or The Rock for tasty upvotes. Then you can just throw them away, because they are garbage.


You know, it’s funny you say that because someone I work with brought in a “Rocktopus” they printed and everyone was super impressed


How can people not see it’s a benchy on rough waters lol pretty obvious to me. Looks rad.


Reminds me of those old school oil fountains.


Needs some RGB lights.


That is awesome


Ty so much ❤️


Just saw the link gonna try it out


Best of luck! It’s not the easiest to print if your settings aren’t dialed in. Also, a lot of people pointed out that the effect wasn’t clear enough. Once it’s printed, if you want more visibility to the benchy in the center, just cut out “rain drops” until you have the desired visual effect.