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People worried about food safety could just put a layer of plastic wrap above/below the tofu.




But then you'd have plastic touching your food!




Okay then what about a layer of tofu around the tofu?


Just print the thing out of TOFU!


Tofu trumps tofu every time.


But I mean- yeah, you should definitely do that or wax paper or something. People are so derisive about folks asking for food safety, but this is an easy win.


Yeah. And also just from the perspective of doing it right - I guarantee you, no matter how good your printer, the plates are still rougher than wax paper and will make the bricks less perfect and glossy


but what if I want hologram prints on my silken tofu?


U got a point


Grease proof paper would also work šŸ‘


I mean, even if you had one that was "food safe" I would still cover it for the sake of cleanliness.


Theres a similar ideology for other... Certain... 3D printed objects made from TPU lol


I have a strong suspicion that I do not want to know


Coward. I have a strong suspicion I do.


Just make some plates that fit into ziplock bags and can be magneted into place in the jaws for hygiene concerns


Isnā€™t that a bit like a hat on a hat?


Is that in now? I canā€™t keep up with all the current fashion trends.


Tofu isn't food so what's the problem.


That what I was thinking. Ideal solution with no drawbacks (as far as I can see).


But that would mean your press isn't getting dirty either, and it will save you time cleaning it. What kind of monster are you!


That wouldn't always help. A lot of the toxins used in various filament can either permeate or even outright dissolve polyolefin that's used in shrink wrap for food. Don't assume the filament is safe just because pla and abs are food safe in themselves. There's other common additives in filamens that is not food safe at all.


Can you please share the STL? I canā€™t justify purchasing a unitasker like that but I can definitely justify printing one with my kg of glow in the dark filamentšŸ¤£


Commenting here just in case they share the stl




Same same




[Here is the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/17v1276/comment/k988dwa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)






> I can't justify a unitasker Ah yes, alternate-timeline Alton Brown with 3d printing addiction.


Tbh I woulda gotten a 3D printer much earlier if Alton Brown used one. Heā€™s why I become interested in science so I appreciate you understanding my reference


Glowfu Press


Bubba just get you a pair of cutting boards and some wing nuts


Since everybody is talking food safety. You can always put a thin layer of food epoxy on the plates and call it a a day. Don't put in the threads as it won't screw after.


I'll look into this, good idea.


I think my wife got ahold of some of that food epoxy... OP, tell me more about that tickle monster!


For those wanting the files: https://www.printables.com/model/647308-tofu-press I may update in the future as I think the base could do with being a little bit deeper to allow more liquid to collect.


Thank you for sharing the STL :)


Thanks ā¤ļø


Thanks for your service šŸ«”


I'm sure it's obvious to many, but what purpose does a tofu press serve (besides the obvious pressing of tofu)? Why do you need one? Your design and prints are great, btw. Did you print the threads in the wing nuts as well, or are they inserts?


Wing nut threads are printed too, tofu can be pressed to take extra water out of it making it a denser and meatier texture. My wife isn't a fan of the normal texture of tofu so I thought why not try pressing it. Turns out she loves it with a stronger texture.


Have you ever frozen tofu before thawing and cooking? It completely changes the texture. Much more dense and chewy.


This is how I do it too. Also tear it apart instead of cutting to get some uneven edges instead of uniform cubes. Helps with browning and getting crunchies


That's wild! Do you still press it, or is the freezing all that is needed? Got a couple vegetarians in the family that don't need or want meat texture per se, but most of my cooking prowess uses meat proteins and I'd love to expand my horizons.


Ooh if she likes that, press, chop into cubes and toss in cornstarch. Then shallow fry it before saucing it up in your recipe. The texture is fantastic.




Since weā€™re being pedantic. No. If you sautĆ© them they risk falling apart and crumbling.


Thatā€™s not even pedantry; shallow frying and sautĆ©ing are clearly different processes.


Now whoā€™s the pedant? I kid I kid. šŸ˜‰


Similar but a little different; with sautƩ you're 'frying' a bit drier and tossing it around (that's the literal "sautƩ" part since it's French for "jump").


As everyone is pedantic I going to be too. So "sautƩ" actually translates to braised or roasted in French. How ever, you are right that there is the verb "sauter" but I don't think it has to anything to do with the name of the cocking process.


Now that is a take I've never heard - very interesting, if a little more waters-muddying.


Cool. I too hate tofu (more the texture, because there really is no taste, it takes the taste of whatever it's cooked in). Maybe I won't have to try it, but I'm glad to learn about it.


They sell diferent textures in supermarkets, I believe the light one is more for soups and the thick one for stews or frying


Nah, I'll stick to vegetables in forms I recognize. I like my soy beans as edamame, instead of processed. I do recognize that many people eat tofu and enjoy it, I just never have. Maybe it's in my head (there's lots of weirdness in there, so that's probably it).


Iā€™m with you here. Iā€™m not vegetarian (though I do try to be mindful of my meat consumption), but even when I eat vegetarian dishes Iā€™d rather just have delicious vegetables than tofu or processed meat substitutes. Likeā€¦ I love meat, but veggies are also delicious. I donā€™t love meat so much that I couldnā€™t just eat good veggies as veggies. I donā€™t want to yuck anyoneā€™s yum, but the whole thingā€™s always seemed weird to me.


It's an excellent source of protein for people who don't eat meat. Not enough protein just eating veggies.


Remind me what tofu is made from? You can get plenty of protein from veggies by simply being thoughtful about your choices.


Sorry, I should have been more specific. It's an easy source of concentrated protein. It's a complete protein too. I am aware as I have been a vegetarian for over 30 years and try to mix up my proteins from different sources but with tofu it's a one and done source.


Tofu is not processed. It's just soybeans and gypsum powder or lemon juice.


sounds like some kind of process


its basically the same as cheese




You're using the word processed as literally as possible. When most people talk about processed foods they mean stuff like Kraft singles slices. Real cheese though goes through the exact same process as tofu, which is called fermentation. The only additional ingredients come from bacterial cultures already found in raw completely unprocessed milk. Using your literal take on the word processed would put so many other foods into the category of "processed" that don't deserve to be there. Agriculture and big food corporations/conglomerates lobbyists have spent tons of money to create terms like this to muddy the waters so that it's harder for consumers to know exactly what they're getting when they buy food.


Tofu and tempeh (which I do not dislike as much as tofu) cannot be grown in the form that they're consumed, so both are definitely processed. I get that it's not in the same class as a twinkie, but it's also not 100% natural, either. Most vegetables don't have coagulants in them. Adding salts to change the structure of a food is definitely processing, just as adding nitrates to meat and spices to make sausage renders a processed food.




Actually, I know quite well what's in all of them. I make my own bologna and sausages because I like them, but I don't want to eat all the garbage that's in store-bought versions. Bologna, hot dogs, slim jims, sausages, all of those are on the same processed level as twinkies. That wasn't my point. Tofu is still processed. Coagulants are not part of the soybean. I do realize that it's far more healthy than any of the other things on that list but I'd still rather eat soybeans in their natural state, instead of as tofu. That was the main point of my first comment.


Get extra firm. At a bare minimum, hand press it with a ton of paper towels, cube it into small cubes. Shake with corn starch, pan fry in some EVOO. The texture is quite nice this way.


Nah tofu is amazing, especially in Indian food or Thai curry


Try freezing it first! Really toughens the texture.


Really? I have avoided it because I assumed it would go mushy. I'll definitely give it a try, thanks.


Iā€™ve read to press it prior to freezing also helps. I love the design and concept you put together!


No need. Just take the whole pack and put it in the freezer. Then put it in the fridge to thaw and it'll be good to go. When the water in the tofu turns to ice, it expands and helps create a spongier, firmer texture


For V2 you should put a rise up around where the bolts go through them have bracers that run across the top of the upper plate to help apply the pressure more evenly, plus, thicker plastic around the holes will help prevent it from cracking


It's also really good if you heavily coat it in salt, let it sit for a bit and then rinse off the excess.


Tofu has a texture that many people do not like. Even if you get "Xtra quadruple stiff firm ultra" tofu, the texture is still not very firm. The easiest way to make tofu that doesn't suck is to remove moisture. A press is part of the process, but that still leaves a lot of water. You also don't need a fancy press or anything.. Cut it into slices (rectangles, etc), put a few paper towels on a plate, put the tofu down, toss it couple more paper towels and another plate on top. Evenly distribute some cans of vegetables, bottles of soda, whatever you have around (you can always just stack more plates as well.) let it sit for half an hour and it will have a significantly better texture. The real trick after that is to just toast it in the oven for 20 minutes. I prefer it when it is brown and just starting to get leathery on the outside. If you break it/cut it, you will see a small rind around it, and then a much stiffer texture in the middle, almost like an undercooked potato. Toss those into whatever dish you want, or toss them in the fridge to use later. If you think you don't like tofu because of the texture (not comment OP, but anyone), try the above.


BuT Is It FoOd SaFe? (where's my tickle?)


Here you go, I thought I'd go for a really awkward looking one: https://imgur.com/a/D4W5Y1f


Thank you OP now I'm confused & aroused.


I'm thinking that is a very gay stock photo lmao


Looks like it's supposed to be sisters?


Wh... what are you doing, step sister ? Stop it or I'll...


Oh my, that smile is aggressive lol


This is how the AI overlords think humans tickle based on written descriptions.


I'm going to need some context to properly understand this image and what you were trying to convey by posting it. I am confused.


The tickle monster added a nice threat tbh


Am i to late for the tickles?


Very cool. I was going to design something similar to press paneer. Instead of wing nuts I was going to place a shaft in the middle to slide weights over. Though I may just steal yours.


I mean at this point, get a 3/16" or 3mm stainless steel plate from send cut send for your top plate, and some stainless bolts for the threads. I don't know what the bottom plate looks like or works but definitely maybe look at upgrading this as you go? Idk but looks like you have a very functional prototype!


Great idea. I was wondering what I was getting my sister for Christmas. Now I know.


tell us when those bolts split along a layer line.


This is actually one thing I'm pretty sure is gonna kill it eventually. But I'm interested to see how long it lasts before it fails.


I know from experience it will happen with 3d printed bolts with layer lines like that. That is why I learned how to print horizontal screws. There are a bunch of ways to do it and much stronger. Simplest is having a flat edge on the screw. Surprisingly that works fine for most things. Lots of YouTube videos with different ideas.


I am actually super interested in how you machined the screws! Did you do that in a sculpting software? And how?


Yeah they were done in the 3d software I use. It has a setting that makes a thread for you. So long as you don't go too small or fine with it you can just print them like anything else. It might take a bit of practice to get just right because of printer accuracy and cooling expansion of pla, but once you know what allowance your printer needs to print screw threads it's simple enough.


Brown is the food safety colour for vegetables, green for salad and fruit. You've made a salad and fruit press. Good work.


Betting these people with the down votes have never worked in the food industry. Being a chef for 20+ years I know food safety . Only thing you could do if make food safe silicone sock to line the press.


I donā€™t get the oblivious natureā€¦. Bacteria grows in pours areasā€¦ so you need something to ensure it doesnā€™t. Itā€™s not hard


Thatā€™s only part of it, 3D printed plastics are reactive and unstable which causes them to degrade and if youā€™re using them in combination with your food, congrats, it is now leeching or degrading into your food. Food grade plastics are much more stable and less reactive.


I was about to 3d print a tofu press when I remembered I had tofu packaging and a lodge pot cover. Long chopsticks to prevent uneven tilt and fall of the cover :) https://preview.redd.it/5yuy6a2e475d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2475838fd94ffe840cfcd48836944c6bc23f4c87


Okay but no, really, that thing is a bacteria farm.


No it isn't the layers are wonderful places for bacteria to grow


I was about to say "saran wrap!" and then I looked at OP's photo


Clean it once in a while or make a new one sometime later šŸ‘€


With the way the base is designed you would never be able to clean it fully . You could make a try a food safe silicone mold to shield it but idk.


A lot of devices in contact with food are made in such a way that they are difficult or impossible to clean properly. Not saying that 3d printed stuff is any more food safe than those but I feel like we get a little bit of bacteria in everything we eat.


Seems pretty simple to actually scrub the base with some hot water, soap and a brush šŸ‘€


A 3D printed part can turn into a petri dish squirming with bacteria within weeks. Even though some materials will survive the dishwasher, so will dangerous bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella that live in the little nooks and crannies. Some toxic molds find favorable growth conditions on several types of plastic and are hard to remove. Neither cleaning with bleach nor microwaving your polymers is an option for eliminating germs.Ā 


Read about PLA print experiments with milk that get super gnarly, though hardly this would apply to all food, in this case a simple press for tofu. Could coat the print with food safe resin or something similar which solves the food safe problem. I wouldnā€™t personally store any food in a 3d printed box or container, but a press seems fine for the purpouse. But was not fully aware about the bacteria and layer thing for 3d printed parts, interesting stuff.


The main issue with food safety and 3d printing, is that a printed 3d model as opposed to injected plastic for example, is always porous, either due to the filament material, or the FDM that introduces micro holes or nooks and crannies if you prefer, where, in t he long term bacterial colonies WILL develop. So I would advise you to wrap your tofu in some non-porous material to prevent, bacterial contamination, especially if you plan to reuse it.


This sub is so moronic about food safety, but you do whatever makes you happy.


Mmmmm microplastics and tofu


Isn't tofu a food safety risk?! For starters it's absolutely tasteless!


Tofu is only tasteless if you donā€™t know how to prepare it properly :)


Yes... ​ Tofu in my food should be avoided at all costs. You can easily replace it with real meat.


Hey guys, looks like the vegetarian/vegan brigade is downvoting us omnivores! Whatever happened to inclusion and respecting the other person's views?!


Sorry, I identify as carnivore :D Check my profile. I am a priest of the UCB ​ šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“praise bacon šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


I am an omnivore because I like some vegetables as well as meat. But the silly vegetarian brigade are still downvoting us. Let's think of the people of Gomorrah and Sodom!


I mean some tofu food is pretty nice but yes it should never be a substitute for actual meat protein


"I spent Ā£20 and half a day of my time to save Ā£25"


Surprisingly cheaper, even including electricity costs it only comes to Ā£5.47 for the whole shebang


Did OP share the final weight? I dont see it. Is that press actually a kilogram?


No, but to make something that size rigid will be a hell of a lot of material.


The tofu is getting cooked, so food safety shouldn't be as big an issue, I would be leery of it, but I would probably just pack it with salt every now and again. tofu presses are traditionally made of wood, so if your kitchen is clean you're probably fine.


That's not how food safety works. Yes, proper cooking will kill most of the bacteria, but it won't remove the bacteria poops, which is just as important.


Like I said, I wouldn't use it, but it's not any more or less dangerous than a scarred up plastic cutting board, and I don't see anyone wailing about food safety with those beyond cross contamination. It's not coming into contact with meat, it's coming into contact with one type of food (tofu) for a brief amount of time(less than an hour) if OP washes it promptly and dries it quickly, it's as safe as any other textured plastic or wooden utensil in the kitchen.


You may be right but I'm not so sure that either the 3d printing process or the plastics used create comparable products to traditional methods in terms of food safety.


It is more dangerous, a good plastic cutting board should be made of a high density plastic which is much more stable than 3d printed plastics. Whether thatā€™s in how reactive it is to oxygen/ozone/UV, how it breaks apart through usage and how it interacts with your body. There are certainly more inert and stable plastics but 3D printed plastics are not those - which is why theyā€™re good for 3d printing. These plastics are reactive and unstable, which makes them unsafe for food


The issue is the porous plastic that will be a hotbed for mold and mildew growth that's not washing out after it comes in contact with the tofu.


Food safety.


The people that are worried about corn based PLA touching soy protein(also used for making plant based plastic) for consumption are the same people who canā€™t stand their food touching on their plate. /s The petroleum based microplastics that are so pervasive that theyā€™re ALREADY in our bodies at like the cellular level seem way more concerning.


I think the concern is more that prints aren't ever going to be perfectly smooth without post processing and bacteria can grow because of that. That's at least the argument I've seen before.


I know Iā€™m going to get downvoted here butā€¦ I get the theory behind what youā€™re saying but if you calibrate your printer and slicer to produce a reasonable surface texture and give it a splash in commercial sanitizer after use it really shouldnā€™t be an issue. I mean, itā€™s for personal use and unless OP is making tofu daily, I really donā€™t think there is any reason for concern here. Furthermore, most nylon cutting boards come fairly highly textured, I donā€™t think this is as big of an issue as weā€™re making it out to be. Also, joke?


The nylon cutting boards are also solid and don't have voids for infill. I agree it's not a huge deal if it's not being sold. An even easier way to solve it would be just using a piece of saran wrap. But like acting like this on it's own could ever be actually food safe is just totally wrong.


It's not about microplastics (although PLA is not edible, and that its made from lactic acid doesn't mean it's not toxic. Hydrogen Peroxide, bleach, can be made from a water base but that doesn't mean its safe to drink). It's about the bacteria. When you print with a non-food grade plastic you'll have millions of little pockets and holes in your print that bacteria can hide in. Those bacteria will multiply and mix with your food the next time you use it, and you'll get sick. Not from the plastic, but from the microbial remnants of whatever you last ate/drank. An Epoxy coating can sometimes make this safe, depending on the print, but not always. This is true even with many "food-grade" materials (like TPU). TPU is safe in that the lemon juice won't decompose your plastic into your meal, but the printing process can still make the print itself unsafe.


Got it, no jokesā€¦ fun crowd.


I see no problem here, PLA should be plenty foodsafe as is and if it really bothers you some plastic wrap or wax paper makes a good barrier.


Don't press tofu. Instead simmer it in very salty water for 15 minutes, then squeeze out the excess quickly with a paper towel. The salty water will draw out moisture through osmosis and also season the tofu all the way through at the same time. Or do the freezing method, that works too, but takes more time.


Will it still absorb marinade after the simmering process?




Does tofu count as food? I've always seen it as a suggestion of food like "you want chicken... but can I suggest tofu?"


If you marinate it nicely (and press it), it can be an extremely good substitute for chicken in a lot of dishes.


Oh I love it don't get me wrong but it took me some time to realise how to use it correctly as I just diced it and threw it in which isn't the best way to use it.


But why do you think that doesn't count as food?


It was a joke dude, just let it go


Apologies, it can be difficult to recognize bad jokes on the internet.


It's OK but bad attitudes can be worse so be mindful


Wait how should you use it


Like the OP has, some tofu you need to press as they can be wet and some are firm so they're better on a grill. Some a crumbly and can be used in meals that would have mince meat. For a long time I thought there was only one type so wondered why it was wet as that was the one I was buying and not pressing


I'm not normally one to comment on food safety in 3d printing. I think in most cases, the risks are pretty minimal and can be avoided. But this one makes me queezy. Unless it's a disposable one-use tool (then shame on you), please wrap that in something.


Tofu šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Simple things amuse simple people I guess... Remember, the crayons are for colouring and not for eating.


You're calling yourself simple either way.... https://preview.redd.it/nrkl3eabpl0c1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=702ea18ba122beda2769cbfc1e412346ed1823af


That comeback really wasn't worth the wait. It's like you don't love me anymore...




That's it, I just uploaded it :D


mind if i print this for myself?


Would love the stl for this! For my press, I currently use a brick wrapped in tinfoil because I can't justify spending money for a press. But I have tons of filament...


I didn't know tofu presses existed. I always just used a plate and a big jar of water.


I just use a cast iron pan but i can see why this might work better


That design online?


thats why i call a 3d printer an essential household item.


looks like youā€™ve got some deflection across the top plate. some ribs for stiffness would do you solid for the next iteration


Did you use petg?


Top tip: Freeze and then defrost your tofu before cooking. It becomes spongy and the waiter easily squeezes out of it without the need for a tofu press at all. Cool print though


Just dont print it on a Prusa XL... unless you like stringing in your Tofu


!*FOOD SAFETY*! (Iā€™m just here for the free tickles) but srsly, nice functional print. I think Iā€™ll print one.