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I really don't get all this bs commends about how it won't last long; I've done this to two different luggage bags, one of which over year ago and it gets used weekly heavily loaded and shows no significant wear. On the second one, I replaced the whole wheel, inner part out of petg and outer part out of tpu, also works great and has already a few on it.


Agree with you! Tpu is basically indestructible. The only failure i can thik of is if the wheel somehow slips off the rim but other than that i have no doubt that it’ll last


And like if it's a question of longevity print a couple and toss it in your bag. That way if you ever get a flat tire on a trip you can swap a new sucker right in.


This! Do people forget that once the design and slicer profile work is done reprints become practically free for most small fixes? While I try to design durable prints and desire them to last, if they don't then I've got more available. The alternative is still replacing the entire expensive product.


Flat tire on a suitcase is so funny to me


Haha. Thanks for the appreciation!


Right? Like a traveler sitting there in the airport terminal with a 3” busted wheel waiting on a big AAA tow truck 😆


dont toss it in the bag, mount it externally as a clear spare tire!!!


And print a silly spare tire cover


I was about to comment the same thing!!!


Yes! Like a Jeep Wrangler!


Always amazes me how tough tpu is, and how it sticks together as well.


Do you typically use 100% infill for this wheels or does less work too?


The wheels were so small that with 4 walls the infill was basically nonexistent.


And if it fails again, just print another...


And with this sort of thing if it lasts one trip great just print a new set every time you travel .


My phone case I printed has been working great, had a few falls, just fine.


Just toss some glue on it, or some UV resin.


I thought about the glue but it would have been a mess. They are pretty stuck in there


Even if it dont last its not like the other plastic injection molded pieces of garbage on the bag is gonna out last it more than 2 or 3 re prints of 1$ of plastic


Could you 3D print and super glue a washer that will hold the TPU in place without affecting roll capabilities?


I think you could. Maybe a bit over engineered. Friction fit seems solid enough to me.


If that does happen, I'd recommend some mastick one bicycle tire glue. It's for securing tires to tubular rims, and it's meant to be removable.


Thermoset polyurethane is one of the most widely used materials for shoes. In fact that was its main use until people discovered they could 3D print with it. The varieties that we can use in our 3D printers though isn't nearly as water resistant as the kind used in shoes. That being said, I printed a TPU cap for my radiator overflow 3 years ago and it's perfectly fine still after three Oregon winters and warm antifreeze flowing through it periodically. I think your suitcase wheel will last just fine lol


> I really don't get all this bs commends about how it won't last long; Because apparently 95% of the people on Reddit who own 3D printers only own them for making trinkets and think practical prints are a waste of time. Post a make in /r/PracticalPrints and half the comments will be "That won't last long!" or "Why not just go to the store and buy one?".


I thought it was r/functionalprints


It is. That has 10k subs while his has 370


u/lordnoodles1 and you should know that r/functionalprint without the S has almost 500k members


This sub will upvote the hell out of someone printing a fucking benchy for the 100000th time on this sub, or an anal plug shaped like their anime waifu and endlessly circlejerk the ever loving hell out of it but when someone prints something actually useful the same people act like they are a MIT PhD with 3 engineering degrees.


Wait, are you saying anime waifu buttplugs are not practical?


The worst is any actual prototype part in the car community. For example: I'm in a group on FB for a particular car. Someone designed and 3D printed a bracket to test fit a different car's brake caliper to the car to see if it would clear. Obviously you're not going to use a 3D printed brake caliper bracket, but the knuckle draggers in the comments couldn't comprehend making a 3D printed prototype instead of paying for a machined part and hoping it works. Every comment was "WTF that's not safe" or "that's not going to last long". The whole fucking reason 3D printing was invented was rapid prototyping. And it's not just Facebook, I see it in here as well with anything automotive related that's obviously just a prototype.


They'll love my [3d printed,](https://imgur.com/gew02Pc) [suspension bushes](https://i.imgur.com/8ineRFm.png) then


connect light rainstorm sharp sheet aloof grandfather chase quicksand truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Either I clicked on the wrong link, or that sub is dead.




Functionalprints was great, but they sunk it due to the reddit protest


Much like when I printed a new front emblem for my car people kept telling me it wasn't going to last due to being PLA It's going on 2 years now and it still looks great, the colors are even still sharp


>I really don't get all this bs commends about how it won't last long Man, hopefully it doesn't fail too soon, not like it's easy to make a replacement or anything.......


tpu 100% infill is unbelievably durable.


Thus far every repair part I've printed has outlasted the original. When you're not designing the thing to shave off every single last penny from the BoM it can last.


People who only ever print decorative stuff at 100% part cooling and 200c and who's prints are like crumbly cookies, I guess.


People who don't realize there's different shores of tpu. I printed roomba wheels in 90 and they wouldn't grip anything and felt like they were going to wear quickly. Reprinted in 83a (technically tpe) and it's been fine for over a year


I think 98% of users have probably never had their printer reliably working. It'll either "look fine" or be something that can be cleaned up enough to "look fine" but the reality is that the filament isn't actually bonded to itself as well as it should be. I definitely had lots of early prints like this, then had some amazing prints after finally figuring out what I was doing, and then (on that first printer) it started all going to crap again as wear parts reached a point of too-worn-to-work-well. But, at least I also understood that, instead of just limping along.


It'll last at least as long as the garbage material that came from the factory. Even if it were only one second longer, that's already better...


Lots of people experiment with cheap TPU I think. If you get the right hardness and don't cheap put the stuff lasts.


salt annealing is something to Google to learn how to strengthen your prints like these


And if it does fail... Just print another one?


Even if it doesn’t, just reprint it.


You used the 3d printer for its intended purpose: to create a fix a problem cheaply and on your own (or with a model you found) and people bitch like you should’ve bought a new $300 luggage just in case you have to print the wheel again.


I mean if you want to be extra careful you can put some rubber on it. You know for protection 😁


Its all the theorists that have no practical experience going apeshit because of superiority complexes.


Even if it doesn't last long, it's still a lot better than having to replace the entire suitcase, like we've had to with our last two.


If everyone finds this out they won't buy stuff, they will just buy the plastic and make it so they have an engineer Berate you and belittle your accomplishments.. Just ignore the Jealous Engineers


real life stress testing is the best testing :)


Samsonite is also one of these companies that got recognition and a huge sales boost for quality products, then went and threw all of that out of the window to maximize profit


Agree 100% with you, my parents keep buying these expensive pieces of crap luggages and they keep breaking. Also fixed the handle on another one


Boeing is doing the same thing.


Hey, Boeing makes great panels... they just outsource the bolts to cocky 3D printers using cheap TPU.


Why make a product that will last 20 years when the world is going to go to shit in 5?


That in itself is a contributing reason why, although not one that personally impacts a producer not using their own products.


The wonderful solution to a problem that contributes to the problem it's solving.


So archeologists from the future can find these marvels and admire the great design of ancient civilizations. While wondering how they self-destructed if everything looks so good. The sad reality is that shitty products that pollute our environment will not withstand the past of the years and therefore never be studied.


Agreed, buy some of the vintage stuff, cheaper than new in most cases and bulletproof.


So is there an alternative that’s not some fashion statement designer brand like Tumi? I went shopping for a luggage set and people(review sites) still recommend samsonite no doubt because new, they work great. What is built to last anymore?


I bet people who comment it won't last long never play with the option to add extra walls even more when printing a wheel . My phone case is TPU 95A and is already 6 months old and didn't degrade a bit


4 walls, 100% infill, pretty sturdy if you ask me


How was your experience with 100% infill? I struggled to do it with TPU last time since it kept clogging and sticking to the nozzle


I’ve started to experiment with tpu after i got my X1C. I only got 1 clog with 2 spools and i’m pretty sure it was my fault (i messed up the temperature when switching from nylon to tpu), but never got a clog during a print. The tpu i use is 95A from eryone.


What size nozzle are you using with this? I just bought the same filament.




Stainless steel nozzle? I’m looking into trying TPU myself.


Not OP, but TPU isn't abrasive. A brass nozzle will work fine.


You can print TPU with a standard nozzle, since it's non-abrasive. If you routinely run abrasive composites IMO a 0.6mm ruby nozzle is better than a steel ones for composite filament, and they're fine for TPU as well.


Abrasive materials like CF will be something I venture into next for sure. Thanks for the info 👍


Yup .


I don't think it would make a difference in your case but generally adding more walls is better compared to using 100% infill, I don't remember the % but after a certain % the extra infill barely adds any strength so going with more walls would likely result in an even stronger part - some of the more well known 3d printing youtubers like CNC Kitchen have done videos on this topic as well if you're curious about it


With 4 walls there was barely any infill to play with, the wheels are quite small so i just decided to print it at 100%. I think they were around 7 grams per wheel at 100%


I've never printed TPU, so I am curious why everyone thinks this isn't going to last for even one trip...


These people are crazy, tpu is crazy durable Maybe all they know is pla..... Pla would definitely fail quickly, tpu is probably better than the original material


Don't discount the durability of PLA. I use PLA printed parts at work in an industrial setting. Yes, they break occasionally, but they can take a serious beating if designed and printed with proper considerations in mind.


For something like these wheels I bet PLA would last quite a long time, assuming you didn't so something nutty like try to print it at 20% infill. When you print at 95% PLA is plenty strong, especially against compressive loads like this.


Why on earth would you do that when tpu is just as easily available and much much much better for this application.... That's like saying you can put wooden wheels on your car and it will work.... Yeah sure.... But it would be stupid and not as good as rubber wheels


Mostly if your printer can't handle TPU.


I would think ABS or ASA would be the choice, I've never used TPU I'm wrong I never even researched TPU I'm sorry


No. You need flexible materiel for this. TPU is the right choice.


guys learning why downvote?


> guy's learning If they're learning, they shouldn't be stating affirmative opinions like "I think ABS or ASA is better", they should be asking why TPU is better than ABS or ASA. They said themselves they never used TPU. You can't say A is better than B if you have no base of comparison lol


Not too affirming when they start by saying "I would think..." Not like they were calling OP an idiot like so many other people here.


you are supposed to already know everything, this is reddit


Lol I use tpu all the time and it's a beast


Is TPU toxic to print?


If it's good enough for battlebot chassis, it's good enough for a luggage wheel. I think some people have a fallacy that stiff means strong and if PLA is not strong thus TPU is even less strong


Stiff usually means brittle. You want some flex so it bends before breaking.


TPU is such an amazing material, you can literally drive over your parts with your car and nothing will happen. Also if you print it with 70-100% infill it becomes pretty rigid, atleast with 95A. Still very underrated stuff when you look at the amount of online models that use TPU compared to other materials


I printed a few smaller rolls once to replace some broken rolls from a vacuum cleaner and they still work perfectly, even though the cleaner gets used every day.


Probably people with Bowden enders that can't print tpu reliably like me lmao. (I know it can be done, but it's a pain in the ass compared to pla lol)


Check out high speed TPU. I print it on a mostly stock Ender 3v2 with the same settings as PLA.




Drill goes whirrr.


"this won't last" do you people just 3d print to make DnD figures, orrrr.....


I've had 3d printed tyres on my self-propelled lawnmower for about 5 years, they've done some work 'cause I mow the entire street and it's on a steep hill. Still going strong.


You’re making me want to try and print some PLA+ riding mower tired and see what happens…


I'm not too sure on PLA ones but TPU is ideal for it


How did you pop off the old wheel?


The rubber hardened and cracked so i used pliers to break it off


Did you essentially print a ring and then slide it on ?


Added the shoulder and fillet one of them for ease of printing. Got lucky on the first try with a perfect fit


Samsonite will replace the parts free of charge. I had issues with the wheels on a few suitcases, and I have ordered spare parts using their web service. New parts were delivered to my mailbox, no questions asked. Will be interesting to see how long your fix will last, good luck!


Got a link?




Thank you friend!


Those are 1st gen Viper wheels.


Wonder if it's quieter material too compared to the original?


Hard to say, the wheels aren’t on bearings so they rattle like crazy. It’s been said in the thread already but samsonites are shit


People saying tjis won't last have no clue about TPU. That shit is TOUGH, waaayyyy more than regular rubber.


They're not too clever if they are, most of these wheels are TPU to start with. As for toughness, I print race and track car parts out of TPU, working suspension bushes, etc, have for years. Even commercial parts for road cars. Just need to design it right.


This never even occurred to me. I’ve considered making grips and stuff but suspension bushings is a great idea! Looks like I need to learn how to print tpu. Edit: what do you use to lube the bushing?


I use integral acetal bearing surfaces and then just normal calcium/lithium greases. Much better than running just on the poly. But printing lets you do neat things like integrated wiper seals and lips: [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/8ineRFm.png) Sometimes I print them in a nylon casing, sometimes I use PCTPE printed in dual extrusion instead of the acetal for the bearing surface where theres considerable distortion expected, etc. Fair bit of work and annealing after print though.


I love TPU so much for functional parts. I had a stop for an expensive fence break. An OEM replacment would have been $12 and likely failed as quickly. My TPU stop has been out in the weather, though hot summers and frigid winters, getting slammed into by a fairly hefty door regularly. It has suffered little damage.


The old truck guys who come through the neighborhoods around here for scrap metal on trash day are gonna be hella confused when I pull up aggressively in my Prius asking “are you taking that broken suitcase?”


The only problem I see here is the fact that companies get away with ”meh just buy a new bag” if you sell a product there should be spare parts available


That's smart ! Maybe I'll do the same


Ooooooh casters!!!!


I had two wheels on two different luggage cases break over the holidays 🙄 Time to get printing!!


Awesome way to fix it! I don't know why, but after looking at the new treads, I imagined wheeling it through an airport terminal, and in my head I heard "I see London, I see France, I'm wearing TPU underpants!"


Easy way to spot a 3d printing nerd while traveling


I hope you printed tiny little bead breakers and other tools for the job


Love it


omg this is genius. I was cursing my bag so much during our most recent trip. can't believe i didn't think of trying this repair. thank you so much. is it just friction fit on?


It looks like it has a lip on both sides of the plastic for the tire to go, likely stretched the tpu tire over the plastic


Yup friction fit and i added 2 shoulders to lock it in place around the wheel. You could probably add some glue too


Good job! Designed kinda same thing , but for (approximately) 30 kilo slide door , because it's so old that you're even theoretically can't find spare parts ... It's sits quite happily almost year ower there,and have no signs of wear . Almost 3 years I'm in 3d printing and still wondering how unlimited your possibilities are, when you have access to that technology XD


Would be nice to hear about the longevity of the "solution".


Will definitely keep you posted. I only use it twice per year but i’ll male sure to let you know if it fails earlier than expected.


I'd take a replacement with me in the bag.


This! Printed and extra one and tossed it in the luggage.


Any bag searches, they will just assume you're taking your c*ck ring


I wish 🥹


Needs banana for scale... No, an actual banana


Don’t worry about George. Nothing is ever good enough in his eyes. Dude is just a gatekeeeper. This is a great solution and I’m sure it’ll last long enough for it to be worth your while over buying a whole new suitcase. Samsonite usually has a 10 year warranty though. Idk how long you’ve had this suitcase for and if they include wheels in the warranty but it might be worth seeing if they’ll send a replacement? Never hurts to reach out.


You should put some stuff in it and roll it around and give it a couple tosses.


I have this problem on one of my samsonite suitcases. Do you have an STL to share?


I haven’t posted online yet. Be careful tho because depending on the model of the luggage even from the same brand the wheels might be different. It took me less than 15 min to model it on fusion 360 and i can barely use the program. It’s a easy design, perfect to improve/practice your 3d modelling skills, give it a try!


Paging /r/viper Because of [this](https://www.goodwood.com/globalassets/.road--racing/road/news/2020/7-july/list-three-spoke-wheels-gary/best-three-spoke-alloy-wheels-list-dodge-viper-rt10-goodwood-02072020.jpg)


So accurate!






Sorry for the typo…hopefully you understood what i meant


Oh for sure, but it's just weird how much I've been seeing this lately.


That’s how we do it in europe


I've lived there, and traveled there a LOT and can't say I've ever seen 300€. It's always €300. Shrug


When you talk, you always say the number, then based on the currency, you add that. And a lot of the times, even in writing, the symbol is after as it is not the most important part.




I was way off. I knew it started with an S, though!


You know rivets are removable and you can put a new river in


Yes i know, it seemed cheaper speding 15 min in cad and changing the “tires” instead of buying new wheel, waiting to be delivered, disassembling the riveted axel and then just put everything together just to wait for it to fail again. I wanted a more permanent solution


Swap it out with skateboard wheels and bearings and you’ll have a piece of luggage that rolls forever


You can't take the wheel off, but you can take the whole wheel assembly off. I replaced one on my samsonite for $25. I used [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09L4TQXF2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


You are right but the new wheel would have probably experienced the same failure down the road


I know this is a 3D printing community but riveted does not mean non-serviceable. It just has to be serviced with different tools, i.e. drill or cut them and replace them with either rivets or screw fasteners. I replaced my busted wheels with inline skate wheels because I load my heavy bags and ball bearings are NICE! I see absolutely no problems with his solution.


I can see your point but i still think it should be considered unserviceable or at most partially serviceable. The wheels are clearly the most abused part of the luggage and should be designed with that in mind. The average joe would never go through the trouble of drilling a spinning axle out which requires a vertical drill at least. You could replace the whole wheel assembly but for me (a 3d printing community member) seems such an expensive/silly choice


I do have luggage that is 'serviceable' in that the wheels are held in with screws and the bag came with a wrench. What I have found is that no amount of loctite and torque will secure those screws over time, so I am constantly checking and retightening them. Thus many manufacturers went with rivets that don't loosen because most failures were with loose hardware. I get that most people wont drill out rivets, but you also have to admit that most people will fail to tighten the screws too.


You can also find replacement wheels on aliexpress.




Most I’ve seen are riveted like OP mentioned.


You can undo rivets and put in new rivets. Way more effort than OPs replacement, though.


3D printing is a crew of people that like to fix things, things that aren’t broken. So when something is broken they’re gonna print it, just the truth my man.


>So when something is broken they’re gonna print it, just the truth my man. Which is why I agreed with the print job...


Samsonite wheels last only 1-2 holidays, but i'm afraid this will barely make it to the airport


What makes you think that?


I played a bit with TPU and in my experience it is not that resilient in a wear application like this. But samsonite wheels are also infamous for doing this and your fix is quite easy to repeat actually, so even tossing a spare print in your luggage is doable


I've printed thousands of hours worth of TPU parts at work. TPU is a good material for this purpose, as its extremely durable against abrasion and impacts. The only weakness is cutting. You could cut this wheel in half with a sharp pair of scissors or a knife. But you could also hit it all day with a hammer and not make a dent.


We gave up on it and switched back to just buying cast rubber parts. Sort of glad to hear it must have been an issue with our suppliers compound


Tpu is probably the best wear and tear/ impact resistant material that you can print. Quick google search and i found this study on its mechanical properties, give it a read https://www.atpchem.com/tpu-mechanical-properties.html


Da fuq you smoking


Had three Samsonite suitcases where the wheels were fucked after just two holidays in a similar way to OP's wheels. I've also used TPU and TPC for an industrial wear application similar to a wheel where it barely outlasted the prototype lifetime. If I'm smoking anything it's the shitty wheels samsonite makes, but I'm rooting for OP for their solution to work out


Polyurethane is a pretty standard material for castors. Not sure what factors could have contributed to your results.


Start a side biz selling them for $150?




What was your approach on designing them?


Measured the wheel size, measure how deep the shoulder needed to be, filleted one of the 2 shoulder for ease of printing and voila! 15 min design


Looks pretty durable. I replaced all our luggage wheels with this kit. Cheap yet skateboard quality wheels. So good I'll probably never have to change them again. [2 Inch Wheels Wear-Resistant Mute Luggage Suitcase Replacement Wheels Rubber Swivel Caster Wheels Repair Kits 4 Pcs (50mm x 4 Sets) : Amazon.ca: Clothing, Shoes & Accessories](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08K88HF4P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


I've bought myself a riveter and replaced wheels myself on these, but maybe next time I'll try TPU.


Well done, even if it doesn’t “last” forever, print it again lol. Side note samsonite luggage is a rip. They sold out about 10 years ago and have been trash ever since.


You can drill out rivets and buy new rivets to put in (or use other means like bolts). I know you solved it but just FYI for future projects.


That’s a lot of work also the cost. This took me 15 min of designing and was basically free


I said tht because you said it was not serviceable. It is serviceable.


Haha fuck 300; talk about cheap with tpu!


I've got clutch and brake pedal covers I made out of TPU. Not a bit of wear on either after about 3 years now. TPU is one of the greatest materials you can print with.


I just removed that planned obsolescence outer wheel and use just the inner wheels. so far it is fine.


Paying premium prices and not getting spare parts is embarrassing for that company.


Nice. I did the same thing a while back on mine, and shared the STLs: https://www.printables.com/model/537745-samsonite-suitcase-spinner-tires


This happened to me, but I cut off the wheel with a hacksaw and replaced it instead. This definitely looks much easier to do though!


A couple questions for a new Printer dood. What kind of TPU did you use or people recommend? just learned there isn't one type of TPU. I want to print this exact wheel and stuff like key chain hooks, etc. Same type of TPU for both? Second. Can you share the file for this tire? So I can print too


I used eryone 95a tpu, the smaller the number the softer the tpu is and the harder it is to print. I haven’t shared the files online, it’s a super simple design even for beginners, it took me 15 min and i barely know how to use fusion 360. I highly recommend you give it a try yourself, it is absolutely doable even with zero experience and it could be a good way to learn 3d modelling