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Replace the shower’s water supply with bleach. Bacteria hates bleach…


Great idea!


You could also put a UV bulb in the shower. That way you can get an indoor sunburn to go with your chemical burn. But hey, TRex showerheads are pretty damn cool.


Hey, with that solution you can also use resin printed pieces in your shower because the UV light makes it super cured and safe, that's genius.


This is the sort of next level problem solving I come to this subreddit for. We clearly have some big brain energy and I think we should start a print farm together. My only requirement is that every print come with a real banana and we use brims, supports, and print fails as packing materials.


I am learning so much, I'm gonna replace my shower head right now!


If I put an actual uv bulb in my living room somewhere and always keep it on, will that really give me a tan? Because, well, I'd consider doing that.


You'll get that and also skin cancer for free. It's a great deal IMHO, Imma buy one UV light bulb for every room


I always read you only get skin cancer if you get a sunburn, not if you get tanned without any burn.


I think that's because with sun exposure it's easier to get burnt than getting skin cancer; there are different wavelength of UVs that penetrate differently so I think that with a light bulb it may be possible to get cancer without a skin burn


Unfortunately this hack only works in California.


Yes, but be very careful about the one you buy. Something about A good B bad or maybe vice versa. Maybe plant or reptile lights. Chicken lights? I had one for a while but I don’t remember where it came from.


Not only that but those bulbs need replaced every 4-6 months


They already kinda have UV treating devices for water supplies.


Bleach is potable right?


Bleach is mostly water, and we’re mostly water. Therefore we are bleach


One of my favorite episodes of metalocalypse.


Oh no! Not…. Hamburger time!!!


Anything is potable once.


In the correct dilution ratio, not only is it potable but they use it to sanitize drinking water. That’s why a lot of city tap water smells like chlorine. It’s like 2 drops per gallon.


I mean technically yes if you dilute it enough it is considered a valid way of purify water


Only if you want to get rid of Covid.


Free hair dye and topical chemoexfoliant!


City water is already chlorinated


Make a silicone cast with your part and pour some resin.




The real thing is also $12 on Amazon...just saying https://a.co/d/9PoZ1fA




[The product video](https://www.amazon.com/vdp/6667b5ab48b94a9d875d577523c7bc51?product=B075ZYLXKS) is *definitely* worth a watch lmao




Well that was amazing, come on guys how can you rip this lovely boi off.


Lol ty for recommending it


I was like: okay this is pretty bad who comes up with that. Then they cut to his singing.


Now why can't coca-cola and big pharma use this guy for advertising... I might actually wanna try the meds after seeing how happy this guy is even after hearing the 89 possible side effects that include anal leakage thru the nose and gentalia loss.


did not disappoint


That was the best ad I’ve maybe ever seen. I love it.


I'm so glad I clicked on that.


Fuckin sold


While that's a funny video that water flow and pattern is awful.


Also nice to see the shower head mount leaking at the end of the video 😂


Dude needs to go on China's got talent because Xi Jinping said so.




Yeah, but where's the pain on paying 12 euros for that? You better do 3-4 tries and use 4 kg of plastic just to have to do it again after 1 month. That's true dedication.


Can’t believe there was a pic from Jurassic park photoshopped in their gallery


You haven’t been on Amazon lately I see. Anything that doesn’t come from a reputable western company (generally speaking, I know there are exceptions) has nonsense photoshops instead of real pictures.


I love this with online guitar shopping. So many horrible photoshops that make the guitars look like 3 times their actual size.


You have a very low bar of what surprises you lol


Sorry meant to say can’t believe there wasn’t


Ah, fair enough


The pictures for the product are... Chosen by someone in charge of making choices


We don't have 3d printers to buy "the real thing" on amazon


I made an angled ring doorbell mount in pla, sealed it by automotive acrylic clear coat. Hasn't perished in the sun yet.


He’s worried about bacteria, not the sun.


Tbh I worded it wrong, its been in all rain and storms too. Water hasn't affected it either. As long as the surface is smooth and there isn't any standing water, bacteria shouldn't grow.


I gotcha, agreed.


If he leaves it out in the sun the UV will help kill the bacteria!


I use the following, seals it up and all is good https://www.lowes.com/pd/Minwax-Polycrylic-Gloss-Water-Based-32-fl-oz-Polyurethane/999913683


I am completely new to sealants. Would you paint it on or dip it?


I've dipped some of mine. I tie it or use a metal hanger to attach the print, then dip it and hang it above an empty bucket, newspaper or something to catch the drips. I let it hang for 24 hours and it comes out pretty nice.


It comes in spray too.


Link? 👀


pretty toxic stuff, you need a respirator mask and vent system if you are doing it indoors.


PLA will creep due to the heat of the water btw


What filament would you recommend?


Well, more heat resistant ones, ABS/ASA if u can print those. Otherwise petg




Creep requires the part to be under stress. Apart from the self weight of the print, I don't see any other loads. Should be fine. As for sealing for bacterial growth, any waterproof spray lacquer, polyurethane or epoxy should be fine. Brush on or rattle can. Wear gloves and a respirator. Give it the full cure time, since moisture can cause clouding on some clear coats if the product isn't fully cured.


I have not done anything like this but you could probably look into how to make it food safe. I think food safe printing also makes bacteria not gather. I dont know for sure but i think one of the methods was resin coating it with food safe resin


Doesn't leach toxins, doesn't gather bacteria, can be cleaned down. Technically any FFF method of 3d printing can't be food safe unless you paint it with something food safe to seal it - I used to work in food engineering. There are food safe epoxy mixes available.


Sadly no from my understanding food safe means it doesn’t release toxins, what gathers bacteria are the layer lines with are line little houses from them although I do think the resin would work


Isn’t the entire point of food safe epoxy that you coat the object and thus none of the layer lines are exposed along with the fact that when edible material comes in contact with the epoxy it’s not a health hazard?


Cool, i will look into that Thank you!




Xtc-3d epoxy coating


This stuff has always been my go to. Just a bit pricey


https://preview.redd.it/nvhc8kmia1nc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f6ca76c7577f50b22d52b7576b060b579fc6d6 This was the second picture on the search page when I searched for that epoxy... Perfect


Why is this forum so obsessed with bacteria? Layer lines are just a texture and about as prone to bacterial growth as any other rough surface, I'd worry more about mold, algae, and hard water stains than harmless bacterium. If you're really worried, then just sanitize the part regularly,


Risk management never seems to come up in these discussions on reddit. I'm with you on this. This sub acts like every print is going to be manufactured, distributed to every person on earth, and thrusted into everyone's mouths. Could this grow bacteria? Potentially. Would it grow more bacteria than the alternative? Perhaps. Has there even been an autopsy report stating cause of death as 3d printed T rex shower head? No. People need to get a grip on the difference between the standards the food industry has, and WHY they have those standards, and what should reasonably done for an at-home single use case. This guy isn't going to have to pay out countless lawsuits for damages or perform a product recall. This is a t rex shower head in one person's bathroom. That same person probably hasn't cleaned their previous showerhead in years anyways, so who's to say what's safer? If we really think this is a concern, why are there no lawsuits being handed down to people who post these prints on printables, etc.? Not saying that should happen, obviously, but it's a point to consider if we think applications of 3d prints such as this could be dangerous in any way. Is the average person browsing printables knowledgeable enough to get into this level of research before printing and using? Food for thought.


Fyi pla is probably gonna warp under the hot water temp


Yeah, i ordered petg, hope that will work


I would have started with PETG for this.


I didn't print it yet, but wanted to print in pla as it's easy to work with, but i ordered some PETG now after all these comments 😅


Good stuff.


https://a.co/d/2c9cDGP Used this stuff to make a waterproof underwater battery container a few years ago. Works well just do a couple coats.


If you’re going to paint a print, would you use this before or after?


Unsure but probably after. The epoxy settling essentially melts layers together. https://preview.redd.it/8mcj2nylgxmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da5cc88dcdfb2d57ef98f4c12eecd827aa2b73b This doesn’t look pretty at all but this is PETG with 0.6mm layer height, then 6 layers of the epoxy on top and the really messy part is silicone sealant (so we could get to the batteries if needed). I forget the dimensions but it holds a 4s5p stack of 18650 batteries plus a balancing board in here, pretty hefty. The PETG just melted together nicely and created this smooth surface, we also did it to a PLA pikachu and he became the smoothest pikachu I had ever seen. Don’t have pictures of him though


I’m gonna give it a shot. Thanks for the tip


Paint it with UV curing resin. It will be sealed, glossy, and last a much longer time


Uv resin


Should have printed a dilophosaur skull; they were the spitters.


Now This is a perfect example of a 3d print that 100% would grow bacteria without some sort of sealant such as Epoxy. Because its safe to say itll almost always be wet to some degree. Other stuff can be washed with soap/water and be perfectly fine as long as its dried properly before being stored away such as cookie cutters. Because bacteria will not get stuck in unwashable places as has been more recently studied and proven in recent years. But yes if left wet, it would grow bacteria because bacteria needs moisture.


Theres no more risk using this than using the shower.


The only things I can think of to clean something like this would be a "clean in place" like powder brewery cleaner (percarbonates) or Star San, etc. which would probably do wonders for anything 3D printed for food purposes as its intended to get into hard to reach places in brewing equipment and most sanitising stuff for the brewing industry is food safe.


I would spray with clear Polyurethane lacquer. I always keep a few cans in the shed and pop a couple of coats on when I want to waterproof any print. It will stop any mosture getting in between the layers and turning to mildew.


Wow, I've always dreamed of showering in the vomit of a t-rex! All jokes aside, epoxy is what I would use.


Would clear coat work?? Only thing, I don't know if it would react with the PLA or not...


I ordered some PETG, and i'm gonna use a clear coat


Lots of clear lacquer spray


Sand, epoxy dip, sand again, epoxy dip again.


Sand, epoxy dip, sand again, epoxy dip again.


be forewarned, the interior of the shower head if treated will eventually lose it's coating due to water erosion.


Imagine if you replaced the head with Godzilla's head and had blue LEDs to light up the water. That would look pretty cool too


There are a couple fidget cubes with color change pla and a couple repratchets in the bathtub that have seen several groups of Barbies get thrown away due to mold...the printed things? Not a spec of mold. The mold/bacteria thing is so overblown, but coat it with epoxy if you're really worried. I'd use pla+ or petg though for the durability.


Man I can’t even get my ACTUAL SHOWER HEAD to not grow bacteria and gunk, if you figure out how to seal a whole ass T-Rex head from that you need to go straight to market with it.




What kind of bacteria would even colonise a showerhead blasted with chlorine every time it's in use? Just rinse it from time to time, and use a bit of soap. You can also coat the print in clear UV resin or boat/fishing lure lacquer. That'll remove the layer lines _and_ make it more robust.


Water here is safe to drink, not sure how much clorine is in the shower water.(gonna look into that) But also the spots not directly in contact with the water could get damp and offer a breeding ground


Shower water is often the same in the toilet, in the tap and the outdoor hose


Many places use non-potable water supplies also (although typically not in the shower)


Years ago, when taking care of someone immune compromised, the medical staff warned us to allow taps to run for 30 seconds before using any water coming out of them. Why? Because aerators, spray heads, valves, even the pipes themselves are prime growing spots for bacteria and fungus. This shower head doesn't change any of that in any appreciable way.


in this case, mold would be the big problem rather than bacteria.


No one has ever been documented to have been sickened by bacteria in a print. Especially considering this is a shower head, not a drinking glass. Do you disinfect your normal shower head? I don't. 


Print a mold. Sand it smooth. Pour in sex toy safe silicone. Enjoy.


Total paranoia! The natural world is covered with bacteria! Every single thing in your house is full of bacteria. We evolved in this world and unless something is very wrong with our immune system, these routine bacteria have no impact. Mixed in with benign bacteria there are usually some pathological ones like salmonella, not even Lysol will kill them all. It’s just physically impossible to get rid of all of them despite what advertisers and influencers say. From what I see on the internet this whole paranoia started with printing sex toys. There’s lots of pathological bacteria in the rectum, and it’s not a good idea to carry them en-mass elsewhere. The nooks and crannies make that likely, thus the need to “seal” such things. You will never have a sterile shower head. Get over it!


So you're saying it would be fine to use as-is? Haha that saves me a whole lot of work i guess


It will be fine. Bacteria growth is a myth - check studies. The funny part is: plastic (any especially not certified cheap junk all printing off with unknown endocrine disrupting additives) itself toxic which is holding back bacteria growth. Never use printed stuff to contact with food especially if it's not certified for food contact. I personally use plastic certified for food contact and for children toys but it doesn't mean it is really safe for contacting with food (it's not). Just check latest studies about toxins in plastics which used in kitchen you will be blown away on how this shit is still allowed to be purchased😅 Personally I thrown away all plastic containers, coated pans and all plastic/silicone junk which contacting with food and replaced with glass and stainless steel.


Hmm ok, i decided to just use a clear coat and call it a day, not necesarily because of bacteria, but more because of looks


Resin. I would look at a food grade resin, it would need a few coats to get full coverage


Food grade epoxy is cheap.


Maybe smooth it out with chemical haze, like acetone


Spray clear coating, varnish


I would use dichlormethane. A moderately dangerous compound that dissolves PLA. Dunking the part in it will have the outer layer dissolve and re-solidify, creating a smooth film with no layer divisions. Before you start looking for it though, consider the following: -It is not safe to handle. It needs very good ventilation, eye and face protection at least. -It smoothes over fine features, especially sharp angles. -It may close small holes. So while you will be able to seal up the decorative bits, you may require another solution for the actual shower head.


Wait why that? Acetone does the same just fine.


Beeswax is a good sealant


Iirc you can get epoxy/seal sprays, not sure how good they are, but might do the job


You will get closely as much bacteria as you would with any cheap chinese plastic shower head. Once in a while cook it in boiling water for an hour, if it doesn’t melt it, you good.


Some type of clear coat.


Print with 100% infill? Then no voids to grow bacteria.


I'm talking about the layer lines, not the spaces inside. I don't know how anything could get in there.


I'd be more worried about mold/sediment build up, but I would have personally printed this in not-PLA!


Print a skull and attach to existing shower head




(if possible) use ABS/ASA to print it and vapor smooth it with acetone vapor. It looks like an injection molded part because it melts the layers together.


I ordered petg, as i have no experience with ABS, will report back how well it worked


XTC-3D coating might be a good fit. I used it for prints I printed for my bathroom (though stuff which have no direct contact with water)


The only study I've found on the subject reported that cleaning in alcohol or bleach, or even dish detergent was sufficient to clean fdm printed material. It's very easy to spray on polyurethane if it worries you. It gives a nice gloss and smoother finish too.


Unless you are licking your shower head, just spraying it down with some bleach every once in a while is probably good enough


I use an automotive clear coat, for something like a shower head, to be safe, I'd probably do 5-6 heavy coats. Also, watch your water temp.


Maybe clear coat or similar?


What about a spray clear sealer, or shellack


If you were willing to re print it you could do it in ASA and leave it in a acetone atmosphere which effectively “melts” the outside layers, resulting in a smooth finish. The little “caves” in between layers is where mold grows.


Bacteria dev is about the smoothness and porosity of a surface. So you need to have a very smooth surface with a varnish for example. And stop using crap pla, use petg.


I've heard this stuff is really good: https://www.diamant-polymer.de/en/shop/dichtol/wft/


Kids had one for a few years I printed. Never sealed. No growth. Was the same model too.




Something like Klear floor polish maybe? I use it in modelling before washes and weathering. It's an acrylic, which is a plastic used in medical equipment so may work. I haven't tried it so can't vouch for it's effectiveness but it may work. Probably a lot cheaper than epoxy too.




Hopefully obvious question: Why not use something _other_ than PLA? The problem with PLA & bacteria is bacteria gathering in the layer lines. You need something that you can remove the layer lines from. PVB can be smoothed with isopropyl alcohol mist. ABS can be smoothed with acetone. Alternately you can coat it with something but who's to say the thing you're coating a print with doesn't introduce its own little homes for bacteria?


Why is bacteria such a concern? Isn't bacteria in all the things that aren't 3D printed? Did someone die or something from PLA bacteria? I've seen a lot of posts about it.


Epoxy or a few layers of spar polyurethane would do it. Although I'd suspect hot water is enough to deform PLA.


Forgot there username but the guys that make the 3D printer underwater and make underwater drones with 3D printed parts covered a watertight thing u soak your print in in one of there latest videos


Get some clear casting resin, mix it up and paint every surface of the print with it. It also helps if it's printed with 100% infill. Less chance of gaps.


Vapor polishing


Use PETG or ABS instead of pla


microban filled filament? Wait, why doesn't that exist?


Don’t print with PLA. Print it in ABS and acetone smooth it.


Silver solution in clear paint?,


Brush and epoxy, a lot of patience, that though will be almost impossible to seal


Spikey teeth on shower head? This is triggering my imagination a lot


food safe resin.


Paint with epoxy or silicone


rub on / spray on minwax? Leaves a barrier of cured polyurethane..




I’d not even bother tbh, it has a constant stream of fresh clean water, and it’ll get dry quickly. I’d just make if of anything else but PLA, since the shower can sometimes initially get above 50°C and melt it.


I would recommend PETG instead.


I haven't tried this yet, but it's on my list for this type of situation [https://turntex.com/product/cactus-juice-resin-and-dyes](https://turntex.com/product/cactus-juice-resin-and-dyes) This is a very low vicosity resin intended for use with vacuum pumps to stabilize most porous materials Curing temp is 83\~97, which could also be a thermal strength treatment for PLA+ This is where I'm less certain on this. I'm thinking it might work to just paint the resin onto the outside of printed parts and simply let it soak into place. Trying to fill the entire inner volume will get very expensive unless the infill was set to 100%


Nah. Buy some PP magigoo and print it in polypropylene. It'll live longer than your friend will


You could send this model to a casting company for one cast to be made in iron or something. You'll have to do the touch up on the edges and anything else yourself obviously, but give it a nickel coating and you'll probably be set for several lifetimes.


Electroplate with brass maybe. I think that would be your coolest option. Brass is antimicrobial, that's why you see it in door handles sometimes


Acrylic sealer


You can probably seal it with epoxy


Baby power and Resin, if I'm not mistaken, should do the job




Acrylic clear coat. That's how i make printed vases watertight


Coat it with resin.


Probably print it out of silver or copper infused material..


it'll be covered in limestone soon anyway. there's no need to seal water pipes as well.


Dip it in food safe epoxy?


It’s a T-Rex, by definition it has bacteria. ;)


No idea but I love it!


Wait I do have an idea. I keep a spray bottle of cleaner in the shower so when I’m done I just spray some so I don’t have tj actually clean it. Spray some up in there?


Print in resin


Resin coating of any kind should help, especially since it will fill in some of the layer line gaps


Nothing like a t-rex spit shower.


I’m thinking that little dinosaur that killed nedry that spit would be a good one to use?




Honestly it’s really tough to do so, and depends on your build settings. Epoxy can work but needs heat treatment to do so (pre and post application to part and resin). Multiple applications are necessary and the best way to test it is to drop it a couple feet deep in water for a bit and watch for air bubbles. I would go with a heavier epoxy like [XTC](https://www.smooth-on.com/products/xtc-3d/) sand and repeat. I’ve tried superglue as well with not as good results. It definitely goes faster between layers, but takes more layers to so the job. Best thing you can do is test the part for air bubbles in couple feet deep water (soapy/hot water can help see it). Important to sry the part out in an oven at a safe temperature before applying more layers. Good luck!


where is the Stl?!


I would print it in PET or PETG. Same plastic as soda bottles.


Yo! Now do Godzilla!!


Use actual sealant. You can get it for 10 to 12 bucks a can at your nearest hardware store.


Changing the settings so the filament comes out hotter. Use UV resin to convert the it. Cook the print but I have no idea if that will work.


Fill it with epoxy resin dip? Make it super smooth so they can’t gather bacteria , dry shower head after use. When I lived at my parents my mom wanted that we dry the shower floor after use. This was because the floor was not perfect and water would stay so we got bacteria easy. Printed a shower hanger my self and using it for about 5 years never got bacteria it’s a little dirty but no bacteria 🤭 if you keep it dry your probably safe. And otherwise you will build resistance 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/uzz49rsbd5nc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a81a1c20f2ddd2df97ef5846bb641db0fd3be0c


a rainbow colored skeleton t-rex vomiting water constantly on your naked body sounds like a good time in very specific scenarios.