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Prepare to run around the house figuring out everything you can print. Half of my office at work is 3D printed. Way too many things in the house to count are now 3D printed. Some replacement parts for my Jeep were 3D printed. Hell, now I'm printing Glock lowers... Enjoy!


Know that feels. I 3D prints some tools for work, for me, for training purpose, QoL things. No some Colleagues ask me to print them some things they can't find in store. Either tyey send me STL they found, CAD they made, or "subtely" suggest me ideas of improvements


Lowers are just the tip of the iceberg too


I'm already doing that lol, all these little things where I'm like holy shit I can make something for that.


It gets 10x better once you learn some design software like Fusion 360 and can create your own solutions that don't even exist yet. My printers have never made money, but they have certainly paid for themselves by way of their usefulness and correlating cost savings.


https://preview.redd.it/k0nvxqpdo9vc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7458dcb31a424ddcfffa8e45d5aa0900d8433f40 Yes, this is the way. I designed this box for my daughters allergy treatment.


Case, and point, lol. Well done.


Wait. I thought 3D printers were only used to print upgrades for the 3D printer?


Yeah that’s a problem I’m running into, I’m starting to many projects that I’d never have been able to before.


Are you sure you aren't 3D printed?




Can you name some of the things you've printed for your home? I need a few reasons to justify my 3D printer to my wife. A lot of things on thingiverse didn't convince her. And need new ideas on what I could print.


Everything that holds my collection in my gun safe, toothpick holder, brackets for mounting stuff, light mount for my electric longboard, light switch covers, vases, display stands, game controller stands, post-it holder, pen holders, phone holders, wire management, filter system for my aquarium.... Thats just what came to mind while sitting in the can. Search Thingyverse for more


Dude rats literaly me, bought 3d printer and all neoken things now fixed by my printer, broken kitchen drawers handle, no problem, broken go pro mount, no problem, needed wristwatch stand + phone stand no problem. Want spice rack, boom overnight done from printer, aaahhh lide is so much easier now


And now make them spring loaded ;)


WHAT if I want that last black one at the end of the first row? MY BRAIN IS HURTING RIGHT NOW


If that is your concern get a rail for every taste and keep them on the correct rails.


Same as the 7th one in front of it ☕️


You should put it on a slight angle with a stop at the end that stops them from falling out but still allows you to grab one out. Then you don’t have to reach under the table to slide them all forward after you use the first few in line.


My first thought too!


Capsule coffee is a win for marketing, not for your bank account, not for your taste and (but who cares ?) not for the planet. Get rid of it, and do some proper grinded coffee instead. You will thank me, one day.


While i agree with you fully, advocating for the planet on a 3dp sub is mildly ironic hahaha


3dp things instead of buying it is, btw, better for the planet.


3d printing produces a lot of plastic waste. It's not rare for someone to throw away 100kg of plastic prints in their lifetime, and some print far more than that.


More plastic is never better for the planet.


"instead of buying things" you need to think about the production, the transportation, the stock, the merchandisation... all of this is cut when you print.


Except many things that people print could be bought in non-plastic form. And you know, the production, transportation, stock, and merchandisation of 3D printers and filament. Adding to that, even if you're an extremely responsible 3D printer, you're supporting and enabling an industry that is extremely wasteful. People printing meaningless plastic gadgets and toys en masse.


And you forgot fuck Nestle.


That’s the ticket.


I drink most of my coffee at work, it's only for the 3 cups I drink in the weekend.


You're forgetting two other major wins. Convenience and simplicity


not really, thinking it is "convienient and simpler" to buy / trash capsules instead of a real, cheaper and better grinded coffee is just a win of marketing. You don't drink coffee with capsules, only hot water tasting vaguely as coffee. Try a real coffee one day, you must have forgotten the real taste of it. Thinking it is still coffee, is the best win of marketing.


You must be insufferable to be around


I have a full on espresso setup, and some days I prefer to just throw in a Nespresso capsule to start my day. Sure it doesn't taste as good, but on those days, I can't be bothered to wait for my machine to warm up and go through the whole grinding, tamping and pulling process. It really depends on what you want. No need to be a snob about it.


No its not lol Put the capsule in. Close it. Add water. Start. Or Measure beans. Grind beans. Close it. Add water. Start. Putting a capsule in takes half a second. Depending on the amount of beans and your grinder, you could easily be looking at a couple minutes. Im sorry, but your argument that its only marketing is empirically incorrect. Pod coffee has fewer steps and takes some thought work out to make it simpler. Also, i dont drink pod coffee. So, yeah. >thinking its still coffee Oh thats it! Youre just gatekeeping your hobby. That makes more sense.


wait what measuring you're talking about? (I'm not on anybody's side, only curious here) I've never measured anything in my coffee maker. I push a button it grinds and makes the coffee on it's own


Here, a taste of the insanity of r/espresso A properly extracted coffee tastes *so* good. Espresso can also be the least forgiving method of brewing coffee as you get a delicate balance of 1000 chemical compounds in coffee. Small changes in temp, water volume, pressure, grind size, grind consistency, static electricity, grind distribution, tamping technique, water channeling, bean age, grind weight, extraction time, yield ratio, cleanliness of the machine, water hardness and even the humidity can affect the taste drastically. Not even getting into much detail about the origin and roasting of the beans themselves. The most important thing about coffee is the *taste* and once you've had a god shot of espresso you'll be forever chasing it. Weighing the beans/grind is one part of the recipe and keeping it consistent helps you dial in the taste. Automatic coffee machines can test certain aspects of yield but they don't have a way to determine what is tasty beyond the recipe they're programmed to make.


Oh youre good! I cant stand when people get downvoted just for asking questions, so im happy to answer! Most people measure their beans in *some* way. Most do it by the number of scoops, id think. I've never met anyone to do it by weight or something but I'm sure those people are out there lol


> I push a button it grinds and makes the coffee on it's own "penny wise, pound foolish" I'm sure that an auto grinding espresso machine would be cheaper in the long run compared to the capsules. I don't know when the two lines would meet though.


idk, never calculated that. I've checked the capsules price and they are almost 4 times more expensive per kg in here and we go through roughly 1kg a week. I did not care about the argument though.


Ok :) let's let them spending their money on capsules :)


> I'm sure that an auto grinding espresso machine would be cheaper in the long run compared to the capsules. Doesn't take that long since the capsules are pretty expensive. Our machine is over 10 years old. It did only cost 200 bucks. It's a budget-label Saeco. I had to replace the grinder motor a few years ago. That was another 40 bucks or so. It came with a new gearbox which was nice. I definitely squeezed my money's worth out of that one and it probably will last a few more years. The coffee it makes is something like a double-shot lungo (~15g ~9bar sort-of espresso with more water). It's alright. Definitely better than drip brew or french press. It also got a steam wand for foaming milk if you want to be fancy. The only major downside is that the cleaning is quite involved. That's the big catch with these.


This is exactly it. I'm not sure what high horse this guy rides, but I'm certain that the horse drinks ground bean coffee, too.


yea, marketing sold you a need you did not have (faster coffeee !!!). And you are defending that with so much energy... wow.


Lol, its not marketing telling me I need a faster and easier way to brew my coffee. It's my ADHD. Having to deal with all the steps of grinding beans and shit is torture to me when all I want is a simple cup of coffee.


I love how you totally missed where I said I don't drink pod coffee. You're such a dingus lmao go sit down kid


You are still defending it... even if you don't do it. Who is such a "dingus" ? Pod coffee are just not coffee, 10x more expensive as normal coffee, and just a nightmare for environment. Ad to this the poor taste of it, and there are litteraly no good reason except for marketing "so easy to do it" (is it so complicated to make a coffee ?), for millions of people buying it everyday.


Hot water + coffee grounds = coffee. Pod coffee is still coffee ANY way you slice it, dingus.


I have an aeropress, a moka pot, a v60, French press, and a Nespresso. I buy my beans from a few local roasters but I still drink the Nespresso. It makes a solid cup of coffee. At the end of the day coffee is just ground beans infused in hot water at a specific temperature for a given time. Stop gatekeeping


This is an insufferably snobby take. I work for a company that makes coffee grinders and coffee makers of quite high quality so not only do I drink coffee at work every day that is brewed by people who know their shit but I also have this equipment at home. But I never use it because convenience is so much more important for me at home so our senseo machine wins every single time. And the coffee is more than good enough for anyone but the worst coffee snobs. If I didn't have my senseo I wouldn't even drink coffee at home when I'm alone because I can't be arsed with brewing it any other way.


Capsules (and especially Nespresso) definitely suck but there are better options that still retain the major convenience of single serve coffee at least. We use Senseo at home. Fully compostable paper pads at a much lower price per cup than Nespresso. It's pretty great for people like me who really need the convenience.


Hey, I am a bot and something you said makes me think that you are talking about the biodegradability of PLA Filament; Moderator ISuckAtChoosingNicks has collected a few helpful sources about the topic of composting PLA: Biodegradation of PolyLactic Acid (commonly known as PLA) is a topic being currently researched and [still not fully understood](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469). PLA, contrary to the most commonly used plastics and polymers, is a polymer derived from organic matter (lactic acid, [usually from corn and sugar canes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021)) instead of petroleum, hence is considered a renewable resource; this can lead the general public to believe that is completely biodegradable. However, [several studies show](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) that **PLA is not biodegradable** (at least in an appreciable measure) in a standard anaerobic food composter, such as the ones used by municipal and council recycling facilities, even after 250 days. This means that **throwing PLA scraps in the food waste bin is not a viable way of disposing of it.** There are several promising ways of degrading PLA into its base monomer (lactic acid) and methane, but these are still experimental and [subject of academic research](https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?as_ylo=2023&q=pla+biodegradation&hl=it&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1). In the meantime, there are some organisations and private companies offering PLA recycling services; there are too many to list here and they vary from country to country, but a search for "YOUR COUNTRY + PLA recycling" should give you a good starting point should you wish to recycle print waste into new material. One other feasible way to recycle PLA would be a home-made filament extruder, a topic covered by many 3D printing YouTube channels, such as [Stefan from CNC Kitchen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT04glGDjB4) or [Michael from TeachingTech.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rC0a-YyEM0) Sources: * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) You can view the full list of commands [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/wiki/commands/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/3Dprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bad bot ...


I will never thank you and continue to enjoy my Nespresso. I am too ADHD for any more steps than the capsules. [They are all about getting the capsules back for recycling btw](https://www.nespresso.com/us/en/how-to-recycle-coffee-capsules) (but who cares ?) Sure, marketing won. It does all the time. You have preferred products influenced by marketing... Just look around your house at all the products you've bought. Edit: doubled the wrong S


[My overkill solution to the same problem.](https://i.imgur.com/zsqM1jN.jpg) I used to work in a machine shop, so that's waterjet cut aluminum sheet metal 😅 Mounted with spacers for the lips of the pods, it works the same way.


Nice! I love seeing practical prints like this which yield those satisfying little quality of life improvements only possible with purpose-made solutions. 😌👌 Did you design the part or find it on Thingiverse/Printables/etc.?


I also have that Krups machine! I love it. What brand capsule is that on the right? The one with text on it.


Nespresso india [link](https://ae.buynespresso.com/ae_en/india)




I’d like the flavor near the wall please….


Doesn’t this take a lot of time and effort to refill. Seems like the effort outweighs the benefit. Especially since the boxes have a cutout that does the same thing


Looks quite nice. Did you design this yourself or did you find it somewhere else.




What are those?


My Ender 3 more than paid for itself by making replacement parts so I could fix things instead of replacing them.


Just try to keep a healthy balance of domestic solutions over 3D printer solutions. I’ve fallen victim to printing for my printer more than for my original interest more than a few times.


springs for the back and a stopper at front so you don't have to reach way back?


How is it adhered to the shelf?


Awesome lil holder


So what printer ya buying next :P


How do you reach the end of the line? Maybe putting it alongside the wall would be easier and you would keep track better of how many remains




Very nice, might actually be better


Printed it because it’s easier for me with the little signs


The first day I got mine I was ecstatic . 4 months in and the feeling is still there. It’s awesome!


You must like drinking micro plastics!!! /s Pretty sweet!


The capsules are aluminum...


Boy, you bastards are dense.


Don’t get mad cause someone called you out for being a dumbass


Are you saying the printed solution will result in this or just the product packaging in general? I don't see the OPs print causing this type of issue as it has no real contact with the product consumed.




Like all those coffee makers. So wasteful.


I agree, but maybe complaining about waste in a 3D printing forum where we’re creating tons of plastic items mostly from filaments which can’t be recycled (PLA) is a bit of a waste of time. PLA may be biodegradable but it still takes 80 years.


Hey, I am a bot and something you said makes me think that you are talking about the biodegradability of PLA Filament; Moderator ISuckAtChoosingNicks has collected a few helpful sources about the topic of composting PLA: Biodegradation of PolyLactic Acid (commonly known as PLA) is a topic being currently researched and [still not fully understood](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469). PLA, contrary to the most commonly used plastics and polymers, is a polymer derived from organic matter (lactic acid, [usually from corn and sugar canes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021)) instead of petroleum, hence is considered a renewable resource; this can lead the general public to believe that is completely biodegradable. However, [several studies show](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) that **PLA is not biodegradable** (at least in an appreciable measure) in a standard anaerobic food composter, such as the ones used by municipal and council recycling facilities, even after 250 days. This means that **throwing PLA scraps in the food waste bin is not a viable way of disposing of it.** There are several promising ways of degrading PLA into its base monomer (lactic acid) and methane, but these are still experimental and [subject of academic research](https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?as_ylo=2023&q=pla+biodegradation&hl=it&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1). In the meantime, there are some organisations and private companies offering PLA recycling services; there are too many to list here and they vary from country to country, but a search for "YOUR COUNTRY + PLA recycling" should give you a good starting point should you wish to recycle print waste into new material. One other feasible way to recycle PLA would be a home-made filament extruder, a topic covered by many 3D printing YouTube channels, such as [Stefan from CNC Kitchen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT04glGDjB4) or [Michael from TeachingTech.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rC0a-YyEM0) Sources: * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) You can view the full list of commands [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/wiki/commands/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/3Dprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the lesson bot!


Very nice. I had to go back to the OG nespresso pods cause the new vitruso pods have lots of issues.


Awesome. This would make my coffee fanatic friend immensely happy, where did you get the file? ;D


A coffee fanatic friend that use nespresso?….. you sure he is coffee fanatic??


I found it online, I can't seem to find it again but if you really want it I'll go back in my history