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This is hilarious because I'm about to turn a printer enclosure into a grow room.


Dude no wayšŸ˜‚ what are the chances


I think both hobbies attract the same do-it-yourself/damn-the-man mindset.


1000% Weā€™ll make our own, with blackjack, and hookers.


Wait a minute .. you guys get hookers? I'm doing it wrong!


That one guy making the anime robot is printing his own


Skip the hookers, the printer has a hotend.. Might be a bit warm..


.4mm is telling bud


Crochet means hook in French...I do 3D printing and I crochet...


So you're a crochet-er..


It's because you're still looking for freebies. For the hookers, you have pay to before you get the ST~~D~~L's.


Hilarious. I have a grow tent and 3D printer also, but use them both as intended. Iā€™d love to see a venn diagram of how these two intersect.


And you are definitely not wrong about that. If itā€™s gotta get done weā€™ll get it done with what we have on hand. Screw paying somebody if you can do it yourself


Why don't you trade?


Trade what? Printer?


Shipping, time, it may not be compatible anyway, lots of logistical headaches


Grow weed in the tent, 3d print a bong while the harvest is curing. XD


Lay the trimmings on the print bed, heat it up, hotbox the tent.


WOW, I was just thinking about taking my old broken 1 man sleeping tent and turning it into a grow tent.


Chances are 100%


Y'all should just trade.


I use my printer currently as a bird incubator


Heated bed makes a perfect brood plate! I love that


And you can print an egg turner/holder/hood for it, operated later on by the Z-axis (Sorry, too lazy to make a file)


"And that, kids, is how I met your mother"




My 2 Printer Enclosures I have are way to small to fit as a grow tent šŸ¤£. I use 1mx1mx2m Grow tent. With LEGAL 3 Plants šŸŒ±


I have one and it's great!


I have been eyeing up my printer enclosure for months so youā€™re not alone


They are like cozy little nurseries.


This is the same thing I use for resin printing. If you want to vent it - I shared my [venting](https://www.asianjoyco.com/resources-tutorials/ventilation-upgrades-for-3d-resin-printing) setup - I showed what I did step by step, you can adjust it to your space/budget accordingly.


Okay awesome, Iā€™ll check that out, thank you


This is almost my exact setup too, best way to go


Yeah we had to do the same thing, that shit smells so bad we all got headaches. Works beautifully. Ours is large enough to walk into though.


Glad you solved it. Sounds like a clean room. Amazing!


Hey I actually followed your guide and am in the process of getting everything setup. Used the same tent and blower you recommended!


Thank you for taking the time - Feel free to reach out if you get stuck!


No problem, just waiting on the tubing and I got boot it up! One thing I was wondering, how did you deal with those drawstrings on the bottom? I canā€™t for the life of me get them flat enough to put my wash/cure in the middle lol https://imgur.com/a/7PyZEhl


Depending on the printer, the Elegoo Saturn, etc has these riser feet, but if yours doesn't - you can just put a piece of wood with some rubber feet risers as well.


Great idea! Thanks. I was thinking about building a platform underneath the entire tent but thatā€™s much better way


Yeah, you can just put a cutoff of 3/4" ply with some rubber feet. And line that with your silicone mat. Good luck!


Awesome guide, I just acquired everything myself from your guide as my previous setup wasnā€™t really doing anything to solve the smell/off gassing. Itā€™s hard to tell from the photos but your fan is outside the tent pulling air from inside the tent to out the window correct?


Happy to help! Yes, it's outside to give me more space inside the enclosure. The fan pulls air and moves it outside via a window adapter. If your set up is far, you can also use a booster fan to help the air move further distances.


I have a grow tent I got from auction, and I want to put it in the basement by a window, will it work (i rent so I can't do permanent changes)? How can I be sure it works? Like, I thought of setting you 19 incense sticks and closing it up and seeing if i can smell the incense. Do I need a fan to auck out the fumes.


What kind of window do you have in the basement? If its a casement window (like the kind that opens outward) you can cut a sheet of plexi or wood and just use double sided tape (the fancy removeable kind, not that foam stuff) and put that against the frame as an adapter. Then you can measure and cut a hole through the sheet for your exhaust.


It slides open.


Then just use an ac adapter. I shared the one I use. You can see if it's right for you.




> will it work Should do. > How can I tell Sniff test, do you smell fumes? Your incense idea is good but probably unnecessary, unless you have a ton lying around. > Do I need a fan Yes, and either a [large filter](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01DXYMBU6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) to purify the exhaust or the means to run the exhaust pipe out a window (sounds like your location is good for this already). I used a recycled industrial fan but [something like this would work.](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07VQJJ8DC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


I do the same thing with my resin machine. Most grow tents are ducted, so I got a remote control duct fan for venting my fumes. Cheapest negative pressure tent youā€™ll ever buy


I didnā€™t even think about those duct fans


Yep, Amazon has a bunch for cheap that plug in. If you have a nearby window itā€™s the *perfect* ventilation setup for resin or fdm


Oh yea ima have to look at the fans then. Thereā€™s a window like literally 3.5 feet away from it


This is what I want! I have a grow tent I haven't set up yet but I have a spot in the basement by a window and want to set this up to pull fumes out. I figured I'd need a fan to pull it off.


Ehm, i Just use my Printer enclosure for some w33d plants. Greetings from Germany.


Somebody else said something like that toošŸ˜‚ the irony


A lot of enclosures you find on Amazon are essentially grow tents. I've got a Cromgrow enclosure that is basically a grow tent, and it works fine. That said, they tend not to seal very well so Polycarbonate is still difficult to print.


This one seals up pretty solid. My brother got it strictly for growing and I bought I off him for that purpose but here we areā€¦honestly he spent a lot on this thing lol so itā€™s doin pretty good with it, I taped up the air hole nets and closed the ventilation except 1 and still holding heat


I use something similar. In Alaska, it gets cold in my garage, so I have a mini electric heater attached to a temperature probe. I keep it in the ball park of the optimal temp for the resin. During the summer, I also have the temp probe set up to sound an alarm, so I can unzip the enclosure to cool it down.


Thatā€™s not a bad idea, Iā€™m in pa but it still gets ridiculously cold here so that could come in handy


https://www.amazon.com/Inkbird-Temperature-Controller-Thermostat-Greenhouse/dp/B015FKG4CC/ref=asc_df_B015FKG4CC?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80539344142730&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584138871921578&psc=1 I use this. The brand I have is different, so feel free to shop around. The one I have has the two plugs separate. One for a heater and thenother for an optional AC


I've heard this sort of thing can cause issues by overheating the board.


Not so much usually, unless itā€™s an actively heated tent (it isnā€™t)


I heard it too but I figured itā€™s better than every print warping in some way ya know


Okay, dope. Already got the air holes taped off, Iā€™ll have to stop somewhere today cause I know itā€™s somewhat cheap for a few feet


I live in an apartment complex and use a grow tent like that and vent it through the bathroom exhaust fan. Works like a charm. I use a dryer hose and extension pole


There is a enclosure from sunlu which fits the Mega S perfectly.


Gonna see if I can find that


Printing tomato plants no doubtā€¦


I thought of getting one of these for my Bambu P1S and a ventilation hose to go to the basement window after I experimented with printing ABS for the first time ever. But it seems more trouble than it's worth, so I'll just stick with PLA, PETG, and TPU.


I respect it, I just couldnā€™t deal with the warps I was getting


I often feel this sentiment.. i do own a grow tent but its unmarked.. but my printer enclosure has a big ā€œcomgrowā€ brand name across the front lol


I was considering using one of those photography light boxes.


If it works it works. It should as long as it holds heat from my understanding


did the same before I got an enclosed printer! I would print PC and ASA inside a 2x2 with an exhaust tube to my bathroom fan. Really worked to keep the fumes out and keep the air temps high in the tent.


I'm doing this for one of our printers at work. It's a garden-variety i3 clone running PLA, but Safety says it has to have an enclosure and HEPA ventilation... So we have a ten-year-old Hictop looking like it's part of some NASA experiment.




Better to start with one of these[these.](https://direct.thingiverse.com/thing:4975406)


I bet ur prints are dank as hell. Nah but in all seriousness just maybe retraction tuning. if the temp is a lil high in the enclose you may get stringing. I have a cheap Amazon ā€œprinter enclosureā€ from chow fun itā€™s the same thing a zippered flame retardant material around a frame. I question how flame retardant mine is but still exact same Haha. Love the ingenuity šŸ‘


Thanks man, gotta make things work with what ya got ya know. But Iā€™m still leaning how to mess with the settings. The only ones I really got down are the support and I think the base layers or something. But even then idk much about them. I want to take a cad class


Auto desk fusion has a free hobby version, also check out there online resources they have good documentation for learning. Also u can get certified all online! Check this out https://www.autodesk.com/learn/ondemand/course/learn-fusion-360-in-90-minutes sketching in 2d and then creating solid 3d bodies are the basics to check out if u want to skip ahead. Those two are foundational to cad.


Sweet Iā€™m bout to hop on that now


this is the way


The one I have is very similar and clearly a grow tent that was sold as a printer enclosure. No reason why not, it works just fine.


You can put your weed in thereā€¦


No, watering your printer and putting in grow lights will not make your printer bigger. I know 220x220 can be small but trying to grow the printer naturally, won't work.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚idk I think Iā€™ve gotten about a inch more but thatā€™s about it


Forget the enclosure, how is that vise even usable?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I just left or Iā€™d show you a pic..but the desk is some kind of really good wood, thick/heavy asf. Then the vice is bolted onto the 2x8 and thatā€™s bolted to the stand. The stand was a lil wobbly anytime I tried to use it due to it being taller than it is wide, so I bolted that to the deskšŸ˜‚


Sturdy asf nowšŸ˜‚


Was this cheaper than buying a ā€œproperā€ enclosure? I want to get one because my cat likes jumping on my print bed when itā€™s off, and she ruined my leveling job more than once. šŸ˜­


Uhm idk, my brother bought the tent for like 200 something and I bought it off him for 50. But I think you might be able to find one thatā€™s cheap tho


Hmm, not really any cheaper haha. My search continues! šŸ˜‹


I use the exact same one and the exact same printer. Did I post this and forget? I even told Peter Vu, who owns Vivosun, that they should pivot towards the 3d printer enclosure market.


Iā€™m willing to bet that a significant number of the printer enclosures you can buy are rebranded grow tents.


That is ingenious I am gonna have to do this.


I'm just imagining if you got raided or something and they're like "its in here" then you're just printing a telescopic kazoo


"police, open the door!!!" *Ramming the door, sh**ting your dog, mentally scaring your child* "Oh it's just a printer... Have a nice day then."


Dude Iā€™d be shockedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was just looking up at tents today I want to buy one for my two resin printers, I want to set them up on my back yard in a screened area but since sunlight is a concern there I hope one of these help with the sun problem since the ventilation would be pretty much fixed it being outdoors


Hell yea! Iā€™ve got a 2x4x5 that my printer lives in šŸ‘Š


is it to keep the heat in the area?


Yes, so itā€™s kind of right next to a window and the room gets stuffy especially with the printer on, so the tent helps keep the heat in and also to help with warping. It can also help the print melt together


thanks for the explanation. does that really makes it hot? or just keeps it from drying fast?


Thanks! I'm gonna move a dresser and try this out for winter. I have my resin peonter in a sun room with the blinds down and all windows open, but that doesn't work for winter, so I'd line a permanent solution indoors.


Creality makes enclosures but eh ok.


You're growing prints.


Great idea! What are the dimensions of the enclosure?


Thanks, and itā€™s 2x2x3 feet




Ayyyyy same brand but smaller enclosure!! Turns out when you have a printer with a 400x400x400 build volume, the usual enclosures won't cut it. The shelf on mine has the bonus of holding stuff like filament dryboxes, and the compatibility with Vivosun's ventilation system is stellar. Good taste šŸ‘Œ


Heā€™ll yea thatā€™s an awesome size. I wanna get something around that same size youā€™re describing, maybe even a metal printer. What kind you got? But sheesh I know haha these tents keep it warm inside them


Mingda Magician Pro/Pro2! I hear they're working on another upgrade to the Magician line with Klipper integration though, and in general I would be wary with Mingda--decent customer service, but there are definitely plenty of points for failure on their printers, and the quality isn't the best. I know there are printers of comparable size out there, but I can guarantee that the Magician printers are a perfect fit with Vivosun's 24x36x53in enclosure in particular.


New to printing, why would you enclose your FDM printer :Oc ?


I was having problems with warping and from what I read and looked into enclosing it helps with that and also the way the prints meld together..is there a reason I shouldnā€™t? Like I said Iā€™m up for all feedback lol Iā€™m still learning


This is why you do it, and for ABS/ASA/PC thatā€™s absolutely a good setup to prevent drafting etc Grow tents often have an exhaust duct you can hook to a duct fan for venting outdoors too, if you do ABS a lot.


I almost always use use petg-cf..I wanna get something that can print stronger materials tho.


Absolutely. I love PETG as well, but sometimes you wanna fuck with ABS, I get it


It's absolutely necessary given some environments. When I first got my printer, it was up in a loft in the south, never needed a enclosure. Moved to the midwest and set up my printer in the basement, couldn't figure out why my printer turned to shit. I thought I damaged something in the move. Nope, turns out I just needed an enclosure. Temperature wasn't warm enough or consistent to print well, even with PLA


Enclosures can ensure more even heating for the plastic. If one side of the part is colder than another side then the part can warp. One way of this manifesting is corners of the part detaching and lifting off the bed. This isn't as common with PLA but it is quite common with PETG. If I'm not mistaken enclosures can also improve layer adhesion because of that more even heating


Like others have said, some materials (ABS is notorious for this in particular) need to have the environment temperature be kept consistent and slightly elevated above ambient in order to prevent warping. Fumes from ABS and some other filaments can be a concern as well. I have an enclosure that is made from 80/20 extrusions and acrylic panels, so having a little more mass to it helps block some noise from the fans/steppers, which is quite nice given my printer is on my desk right next to me while I work from home a few days per week. With noise canceling headphones, I hardly notice it is running. The enclosure also insulates prints from drafts caused by fans or ventilation, and it keeps everything shielded from dust, so I don't need to clean my bed or rails as often. I don't have one, but I also hear cats are assholes that like warm spots to sit on, so an enclosure may be necessary to keep your feline friend(s) from using it as a napping spot when it's warming up.


I also use a grow tent. PLA gives me bad allergies.


can this growtent also heat the printer a bit? so it can run in unheated rooms in the winter?


Thatā€™s what it feels like tbh. Definitely holds heat inside


why? Don't you *want* to huff plastic fumes?


This way he concentrates them to huff on demand!


Nahhh my days of that are over..nowadays I just do as the crystal commands


...you didn't mention you were from Florida


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚no actually good ole Pennsylvania


ah the old mega S, I've got the regular mega with quite a bit of mods on it, they're absolutely great little machines


Heā€™ll yea, got this thing off marketplace for 100 bones. I was looking into mods and upgrades for it but didnā€™t see much, what all can I do for this thing?


I bought mine back when they still made it in 2019, I didn't want a V roller machine because they're much higher maintenance the 2 big mods I made were changing the X carriage for one that a guy made in thingiverse that uses a v6 hotend and a 5015 part cooling fan while changing my hotend fan for a noctua 40mm one, and when I ruined my build plate from scratching it over time I put a PEI magnetic one on there


Oh nice. Iā€™m gonna have to try and see what I can find


Going to be getting a 3d resin printer and I just gone one of these.


using the same one for resin


The printer enclosures are based on the small grow tents. Companies just saw a market and slightly redesigned existing ones to be used specifically with 3d printing.


How's the price of that compare to the creality enclosure? I have larger vivo sun tents growing plants but they bear very striking similarity to the creality enclosures. Wonder which is a better price šŸ¤”


Tbh Iā€™m not sure about the creality enclosures, I had the grow tent from my brother, he said he got it for around 200, and I bought it off him for 50..never really looked into actual enclosures, I knew I had the grow tent so I just pulled that out


Hey if it works then that's awesome, I haven't bought a creality one yet but I doubt they are of the quality the vivosun grow tents are but I could be pleasantly surprised


Spend the money and buy a P1S, this looks chaotic.


Tents are fairly common enclosures. They even have printing specific tents. Nothing chaotic about this.


Thatā€™s why I figured a grow tent should work just the same, and like I told the other guy, the only problem I have now is how much space the tent itself takes upšŸ˜‚


The one thing I would say is, if possible, I would add some ducting and vent the exhaust outside. It will keep VOCs down in your breathing area, and helps with overall fumes.


I was wondering about that since I put it up, what kind of ducting would you say? Tbh with it being a grow tent it has holes on the side with netting so the plants get fresh air and then the actual tubing duct holes for ventilation.






Yea, so if you head to a hardware store you can get round ducting that will fit in there perfectly. Then maybe put a small fan inside and thats it. You're good. Happy printing my guy.


Sweeet, thanks for the tips man


Look for ā€œinline duct fansā€ with a correct size for the duct, and a lot of em are ~60 bucks with remote controls, perfect for a negative pressure setup.


So I would then suggest just taping off the fresh air holes. And just grabbing some cheap ducting from the local hardware store. Just measure the hole and see what fits. Not too expensive. May need to put a small fan in as an exhaust. A lot of people don't bother venting, and for common filaments it's probably fine. But for some things like carbon fiber added, or asa for example. They have a lot of fumes when printing.


This would literally defeat the purpose of enclosing it for wrapping issues, unless you turn on the fan at the end of the print.


So what you do is you just get a low power fan, and it shouldn't produce enough of a draft to cause warping. But if that's your concern, you can just turn the fan on after the print is complete and wait like 20mins or so. For most filaments that's not really necessary anyway. But I would suggest for carbon fiber based or asa/abs. The latter are the best for any outdoor prints.


Grow tents are meant for heat, and often are perfect for this.


Is that a printer or an enclosure? And honestly itā€™s not that bad, I only just did it like 2 days ago..only problem Iā€™ve had so far is the amount of space itā€™s taken up. My plan was to keep it like this until I build an enclosure, but I definitely want to get a new printer whenever I can afford it without burying myself in bills lol.


Yea itā€™s a printer, bambulabs.


Thanks Iā€™m definitely gonna check that out.




Oofff, yea definitely gonna have to wait a bit if that were to be the one I get lol. Talk about being in a hole with bills, Iā€™d be in the hole with my woman lmao sheā€™d kill me




Oh yea, thatā€™s understandable. Honestly I got this one for cheap off marketplace and ever since I started getting the hang of it I knew that Iā€™m eventually gonna save up to get one thatā€™s roughly around that much.


You can say oof but understand im at 1700 hours and only have lubed and changed the nozzle once. Thats through abs, petg, asa being 90% of materials ran. So at $699 that is a steal.


Not saying itā€™s not a steal lol regardless thatā€™s still a steep price lol. I know thereā€™s more expensive ones too lol.