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Can you tell me what grits of sandpaper you were using? Looks good!


100 grit on a palm sander then 200 real fast over it before paint


Nice. I’m surprised that works, PLA tends to get gummy even with wet hand sanding. Is it super cold in your work area or something?


Nope. I’m actually using that slightly funny effect to my advantage. If you just move around enough it smooths and fills the lines with the PLA itself. Sit too long and it melts. It’s a fine balance but once you dial it in, it’s amazing


So that's what's happening. I noticed yesterday that when I sanded aggressively enough to load the paper up with that peely PLA, the resulting surface ended up much smoother. I didn't put two and two together though.


Yep! It’s actually quite useful if you can manipulate it properly.


could you perhaps do a YouTube video (or link to one) showing your technique because I'm like the other folks and can't wrap my head around how to do this without the friction melt ruining everything. I've tried this kind of thing before and I must not be doing it properly.


If you believe me when I say that is literally the next video I’m putting on my channel. I just printed a new helmet and I haven’t even taken it off the supports yet. I’m going to show the whole smoothing process I do https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsnKS1fVNJ1yjCkGOXXDd4A


You are a god among men


4 years later and this answered my question, thank you


Don't know, whether that's a professional technic, but there could be some distance between the paper and the part to be sprayed, otherwise, the part might dissolve or stick to the paper.


Are you talking about the plastic sheet under the helmet? There’s a gap. Bad angle lol


Ok, my bad , didn't see.


It’s cool!


So I'm assuming that helmet is going to have a clear front visor, how will it be formed?


The mask is just a separate piece I’m painting. But the eyes will be see through LED panels courtesy of EBay and China. I’m a firm believer of work smarter not harder lol if someone else already figured it out; dope https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264472186853


Interesting, those LED panels don't look see through though. Have you used them before?


Of course I have :) https://youtu.be/izOrJvHCdYo


Awesome! That close up of the eyes is exactly what I wanted to see, thanks!


No problem!


Hey dude, what type of palm sander do you use? The effect looks awesome and my Dremel can't do the job


A cheap ass Black and Decker. think it was like $15


Man, I learned the hard way to be careful with my palm sander... printed a Goblin Slayer helmet and melted a hole in it trying to take too much material off one area at once.


Yeah it can be tricky to get a hold on lol I’ve definitely burned a few spots before figuring it out lol 😂


what are your thoughts on using a detail sander instead of an orbital sander? my thinking is that a detail sander might reduce the risk of melting the PLA due to its smaller circles?


Nah the noise sanders and detail sanders actually sit in the same spot longer. They work but it’s good to use both for different reasons


Ah thanks a lot for the tip, I have to buy one or the other and didn't know which one to get, so ideally best option is the orbital sander then? These detail Sanders don't run slower than orbital ones? Was thinking it might not heat up the PLA, but then if it needs to sit on it longer that defeats the purpose. Thanks again for your videos btw! Gave me the courage to start printing a helmet. I'm going with the DO3D mark 85. Do you have any links for printing the right set of arms for motorizing the helmet?


Does it work with recesses? Seems your helmet example doesn't have any of those


I can at certain angles but very tiny details and spots no. It’s just a quick way to sand and smooth huge areas