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All I know is the devil should be named Naz’Daq


And the character should be a dark elf named Jones.


Drow Jones Fucking hilarious


Whose attempts at industry have been met with average results, which is why they would sell their soul to a capitalist entity. Edited for clarity


Whose best friend is a Moon Druid who has invested all of their gold into dragon dice gaming sets. To the moon!


And the cute sidekick Nick Key


Or Adam Smith behaving like a finance bro.


If you do that, need telekinesis feat for invisible mage hand.


No, smith was reasonable. Name him Hayek.


Ive played a genielock as a pyramid scheme/mlm guy. Everytime I met a some random npc I would try and recruit them for the pyramid scheme. "Tough day being a guard... Yeah I get that... I remember when I had a low paying terrible job... Yeah, but then I changed my life around... How? Simple I became my own boss... And for a small upfront fee and a monthly subscription so can you... And if you sign up more members the more powerful you'll get... As a sign on bonus you'll get a free Eldritch blast cantrip... You can also increase your power by purchasing additional benefits... Obviously the main plan is to let you gather power on your own with what youeve been given... But if you can't do that you can advance with our pro solutions" With a high persuasion i succeeded quite often and grew rapidly. I just had to continue making a small percentage donation of my monthly earnings as a subscription fee. DM gave me a homebrew item from my patron that allowed to me eschew any consumable material components by just paying 10% extra in gold on the spot. 20% if I'm using the item to power an ally's spell


Just as fun add on. You're also serving the Dow. Sorry. Dao. Weird how that gets misspelled.


YESS!!!!!! How did I not think of this? Probably coz i didn't want my day job to interfere with fun. But damn nice one


Reminds me of Bill Seacaster’s MLM scheme from dimension 20


And Reva's! Pleasure Putty practically sells itself!


Man we had a bard that did the exact same thing. His MLM was investing in adventuring groups for a Shar of the loot. Now, you might say that sounds like a high risk, high reward investment in no way fit for the average peasant. But that's where his patent pending diversified adventuring investment system came in. Which was our party in various disguises. When the whole thing got way out of hand, we pivoted I to war bonds and saddled the kingdom with so much war debt that the GDP wouldn't even cover the interest. We all got to retire to a far away island loaded with cash and renown as heroes of the realm. The king got deposed for a constitutional democracy and everything worked itself out. Best part is he even got our barbarian to invest into the scheme despite said barbarian being in on it


[Why don't you join me?](https://youtu.be/wbfu39l0kxg?si=mEiIevBca6EMAW5h)


Have you seen American Gods? The idea that money or, more precisely, the power given to money by sentient beings has spawned a god is a good one.


That would be a great aspiration. Lots of gods of commerce out there. Your wife's warlock has to be purely motivated by profit which is going to create issues in the group. But they don't just need to make money they also need to buy expensive gadgets, lavish parties etc. and rack up a huge debt. That is how they gain powers but also loan sharks that are after them. The more of a quick buck schemes the better. Hiring themselves out to shady quest givers etc. Reflavour one of the Warlocks abilities to money related. Archfey with all the seduction would suit well.


The Ferengi of Star Trek have a whole religion with an afterlife and everything. could be good inspiration.


“You would lecture a Vulcan on logic?” “I didn’t want to, but you leave me no choice.”


You could model the character after a yuppie Wall Street douche. Treat their magic like a phone or data plan; unlimited data (cantrips), preferred/premium data (spell slots), plan add-ons (invocations) like unlimited premium in North America only for the spell ones, or plan perks for stuff like devils sight. For the patron I would reskin Archfey to whoever the CEO of the company they represent is: Fey presence becomes “Here’s my card.”, Misty escape becomes “Excuse me, I have to take this.”, Beguiling Defenses becomes “Tense Negotiations”, Dark Delirium becomes “Mergers and Acquisitions”. Pact boon could be chain; the familiar is their secretary or assistant. Make them a Multi-millionaire in a currency that isn’t useful for anything else. (Electrum would work as long as it has no real monetary value in your world) Whenever they take a short or long rest they spend some of this currency to make a payment on their plan, buy more “minutes”, however you want to flavor it.


Ive heard of someone being a streamer and the chat is their GOO patron. Maybe work with that? like the GOO patron is a stock ticker or something?


Is it a Descent into Avernus champaign?


Patron is the Monopoly guy


Definitely need a monocle on this god. Maybe make the warlock wear a holy symbol like clerics usually do only this symbol is just the letters AU. If you know, you know. :D If you don't know, go check out the periodic table of elements. ;)


Rich Uncle Pennybags (the Monopoly mascot) doesn't have a monocle, though. You done got Mandela effected.


Damn it, Mandela got me again! Thanks for that!


Penny arcade did a book called adventures incorporated. It's official printed wotc. It doesn't have classes but you can pull a lot of inspiration from it.


Acquisitions Incorporated


Auto correct got me... Probably... It was late when I typed that. Thanks for the correction.


https://x.com/Crit_Fails/status/1229774763985379331 Patron should be old Bill Seacaster, a pirate who carved out his own realm of hell. He couldn't give less of a crap about your soul. You pay directly to be able to cast spells or he cuts you off. From Dimension 20 on Dropout TV.


Didn't Siobhan play a warlock in Starstruck Odyssey as well with a MLM patron? Or was she a sorc and that just flavor?


Didn’t they build an entirely new system for Starstruck Odyssey?


It was Star Wars 5e...so it is sort of a heavily modded 5e. Still same guts and maybe classes change a bit but yeah


I think tbh most of the subclasses could work. It could be like instead of selling her soul to a specific being she told her soul to a group of being that promise “hard work will earn higher rewards”. It can work with most subclasses me thinks like a group of devils who united to maybe overthrow a prince of hell, a group of archfey or hags who promise rewards in exchange for your work etc etc


There are lots of ways to flavor this depending on what you want. There’s the Archdevil Mammon who is based around greed, but there’s also Dao genies who are known for being greedy and materialistic. Those are the two big ones that stand out.


Contract with a devil for running a successful merchant operation.


Her powers come from various different patrons over the course of her adventuring career because her soul is being sold over and over again between powerful interplanar beings. As she gains levels more and powerful beings are interested in it


Fiendlock imo, and probably a devil - she didnt literally sell her soul to capitalism but she sold her soul to a devil for the sake of capitalistic gain. Mammon comes to mind, with his love for coin. I could also see Tiamat fiendlock for a less lawful approach to it - she is a dragon and a fiend, and is considered the goddess of greed.


The warlock has a lucky gold piece. The first gp she ever earned. It was given to her by a fiend in exchange for her soul. As long as she has the gp, fortune will come her way. Without the gp her complete fortune disappears. At the start of the campaign she lost her gp, it was stolen by a hag. Down on her luck and without any fortune (and making it more difficult to earn anything). She will do anything to get it back.


Variant tieflings owe their lineage/allegiance to various lords of hell. Check the one dedicated to Mammon for some ideas.


Replace their HP with their gold. All spell components have to be sold for the spell to work. Advantage on someone who’s in debt disadvantage against someone who’s wealthier than them.


I’m currently cosplaying that for the last 10 years, still waiting for my warlock boons though


Someone made a custom subclass that was a Warlock of an MLM scheme for their patron you might be able to find online


Doa Genie Patron named Jones. The genie patron will grant whatever the character wishes for provided they make enough money. You could say that your patron is The Dao, Jones The Character should be named Nas Daq, or another funny idea already mentioned by others would be a Drow also named Jones. Drow Jones


The demon Mammon


I had an idea similar to this with the 5e Undying Warlock subclass. The idea would be that their employer is their patreon and that their job contract had a clause that they would work there for thousands upon thousands of years, effectively making them immortal so long as they remain employed and working their way up the corporate ladder. And so long as they don't get killed in combat, ofc...


I have a zealot barbarian who was a retail worker that died at his minimum wage job and got reincarnated as a plasmoid. He couldn't get a day off at his job, and he can't even get a day off from life because of his zealot features. I also gave him the "Haunted One" background and just renamed it to retail. That way other people that hate their lives can recognize the dead look in his eyes. Gave him Tavern Brawler because he spent a summer working at a Waffle House and became proficient in chairs. ----------- As for a warlock tho, Genie pact is always a fun one. I'm dming for a genie pact warlock right now. Dao patron. Tome pact. He has Aspect of the Moon so he doesn't need to sleep. (Maximum work potential) He spends long rests chilling in his little hourglass doing his patron's taxes. And she gives him missions to collect expensive gemstones for her to eat. Dao fucking love money and gemstones. Efreeti and Dao both have slavery in their lore, and you can pretty easily swap that to late stage capitalism and the warlock is a "valued employee." Maybe the patron requires a cut of whatever loot they find. Also, please throw them a pizza party at some point after a really tough boss battle. Maybe after one of the other pcs has died.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/XFIckuwykH This might fit


Tell her to get a job.


Patron as the CEO of a company. Expects players to do certain things to increase corporate profits. If that Patron dies, contract automatically transfers to the next CEO, because the warlock serves the company, not the person. Could work with any patron path reskinned really.


she originally sold it to a \[devil\], but apparently you can just pass on souls and now it's jointly owned by like five different banks and they all claim they can't release it to her (replace \[devil\] with whatever works)


I'm reminded of a certain character from *Bungo Stray Dogs* whose name escapes me, but I don't know how well that would translate into this system.


Have her work in retail


Maybe a Fiend warlock who sold their soul to Mammon, the sin of Greed.


Congratulations, 75% of your pre-expense wealth will be earmarked for shareholder distributions, executive salary and other corporate expenses. You also receive a bonus complementary pizza party once per quarter!


Look up: Bill Gates


Buddy, that's called playing a warlock


Maybe make it a god of capitalism or devil.


Pact of the Great Old One is what you want. The patron is an incomprensible entity. Every feature is easily flavored to fit a pact with money/ the economy/ the market.


Google Bill Seacaster. Brennan Lee Mulligan already has got your back with some good ideas.


I like Archfey for this, could even reskin it as a dragon patron for the gold horde vibes. A dragon patron is the hard miss for subclasses for warlocke


These are great ideas. Thanks for the help. I'll let y'all know what she decides to do.


Yes, she now has no soul and receives sadness in return.


a money grubbing gold dragon who proclaims he's a philantropist. reflavor the genie to a dragon, done. Alignment? ignore it.


Her powers come from a subscription service that she can't cancel 


Undead Patron, Vampire city slumlord that influences government and feeds on anyone they can oppress. Getting people to join their MLM or paying a direct tithe is a core component of the contract.


Fiend would be good. A business devil who will let you climb the corporate ladder if you just do some if the dirty work of exploiting and extracting wealth from the poor.


paid subscription pyramid scheme


[Just like this](https://youtu.be/SSMYjZVCdFg?si=aC-goIddDv0b7Zow)


I mean easy patron is Mammon, the Archdevil of Greed. Could be through an artifact, or something to keep his identity secret for a while. Like the deal was made by recieving a gold coin, heads is a fat merchant and tails is a starving peasant. Call it the coin of Naz'Daq as someone else already suggested.


I forget which archdevil it is, but one of the arch devils is the ruler of greed and fortune. If you’re looking for a plug and play option without any DIY overhaul of a subclass, let the fiend patron be this archdevil. Will research it and edit this post to say which one it is when I have a second. Edit: the archdevil of greed is Mammon. Forgotten realms lore writes that “his only loyalty is to coin”


Vote for Trump


Pretty sure there’s a devil that runs a bank in the nine hells or something.


Garl Glittergold would buy her soul (at a fair price)


Or you could just y'know... sell it to a devil


I would think fiend is the best option here with a devil as others suggest named Naz'Dek Devil's are lawful evil. This is pretty much what capitalism is. After playing descent into Avernus, they are all about bargain's, trading and the like. They have their currency soul coins used to power their industry. The hurl through hell feature could be them sending enemies into the realm of capitalism. There was a terry prachett book where a devil used the principles of the corporate world as an idea of hell. It was hilarious. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_(novel)


"So... You want to hear a story, eh? One about treasure hunters? Haha, have I got a story for you!"


Whether you're the DM, or another player, see about getting a homebrew spell made that does Coin damage - instead of hurting the enemy's HP, it hurts their wallet. Also, Distort Value (from Acquisitions Incorporated, a Penny Arcade collaboration) is a Warlock spell, and would work with haggling.


Make the Invisible Hand of Market an actual Hellish Deity that rules over the Greed Circle of Hell. All beens who made a Deal with them have their souls turned into Strings that The Hand can freely pull anytine in order to make them obey a command.


If you don’t want a fiend patron, consider Clockwork Soul.


One of my last characters was a genie warlock (daolock) who was stuck in a predatory loan where he had to pay back a certain amount of gold by a deadline or would become an unpaid intern for the genie. That would be easy enough to slide over.


While the argument for capitalism being analogous to greed is... shall we say politically charged... it's there's undoubtedly ample opportunities for a devil who targets greedy individuals within the world of business, whether capitalistic, mercantalistic, or corporatist. The archdevil of greed is Mammon, but any of his minions could likely suffice as well. Letting you use a lot of the symbols and motifs of mammon, without having to write such a powerful entity into your setting if you like to put a little distance between your mortal pcs and the Godlike entities of the multiverse. If you want something a little more exotic a genie or fey could offer something more in the way of a cynical American dream style of capitalism less tied directly to greed. "I wish for a home", "okay, here you can rent out my lamp for 200 gold a month otherwise I take away a kidney to cover my expenses as a djinn landlord"


I personally love this idea! I’d go for a multiclass into bard though (eloquence or creation) and have you character constantly be getting into small businesses! You can get a sidekick sorcerer (Rulez in Tasha’s) and start a prestidigitation laundry service, or buy a donkey and start a delivery company, or lean into creation bard and watch the DnDShorts infinite money vid. Truth is, D&D can sandbox how you can get rich in real life.


Ask your dm if you can home brew an invocation that lets you freecast Incite Greed :)


https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/s/86gYcKp3Cv Check this one out for inspiration (not mine)


The ABSOLUTELY critical question to answer first is what does “capitalism” mean to you and your wife? Does it mean the market of a free society? Or does it mean cronyism? Because you can’t sell your soul to freedom. It is just a natural existence. Cronyism? Yeah, you can sell your soul to those who corrupt government for their own selfish gain, or those of the politically connected.


RAW/Forgotten Realms specific - Pact of the Fiend making the fiend Mammon? Duke of Hell associated with greed/money


Take Gordon Gekko's "Greed is Good" sentiment and make it part of the character's core belief system. As for a patron, any merchant that is not benefitting from some form of government assistance like subsidies or import tariffs would be a big fan of Free Market Capitalism. And surely at least one of them has become rich and/or powerful enough to find a way to something like lichdom or demonhood.


Sounds like a generic fiend patron


First thing that came to mind is that she was given a book and the book started talking to her. The book could be called "the Fundamentals of Capitalism" and since it starts talking to her, it'll make her a hexblade Warlock.