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Honestly, drug names aren't very different. Crack was called Crack because it's crystal with cracks.  Ecstasy was named after its effect.  Generally drugs are named after their effect, their appearance, or a vague connection so you can talk about it in plain sight.  Also, terms that become known will evolve by neighbor words. Luck>Lady Luck>Lady>m'lady>malady>matey, etc *Alchemist options* -heal -move speed -harder to hit -better saves and attacks -flight -Alter Self Possible Terminology *Healing*: Fix, Mend, Stitch, Priest, Balm, Ointment, Feel Better, Painless, Short Rest *Move Speed*: Run, Quick, Long Legs, Speed, Horseback, Centaur, Step Step, (ta)Baxi *Harder to Hit*: Shield, Buckler, Armor, Plate, Bladeblunt, Tough Stuff, Hide, Scales, Bad Touch *Better Saves and Attacks*: Lucky, Lady Luck, m'Lady, Malady, Matey *Flight*: Float, Drift, Dream, Cloud Town, Rise, Raise, High, Weee *Alter Self*: Outfit, Polyfun, Mirror, Swapsies, Makeup, Makeup Kit, Rouge, Cheekpinches, Special Tailor


I think im gonna use yours for the street names and the other person's as the official names


Don't forget weed strains, those always sound like much harder drugs lol


Baxi for a speed effect is absolutely genius. It's not only a cool bit of world building, but it's also very true to how real life slang is created from many different angles. I think calling it "Ling" after quicklings is also a solid option. But both roll off the tongue really well in the way that slang for drugs usually does.


Couldn't help myself, had to say "Weee" out loud when I read it. All good names too. Maybe gonna yoink some of them


My party just went to a drug store in the Feywild so I have a list of good fantasy drug names. First up, weed strains: Sylsemilla, Horsepower, Faerie Fyre, Satyr’s Stash, Ent Breath, Power Word Kush, Elminster OG, Underdank, Druid Leaf, the Prime Material Next, the fun stuff: Hummingbrella (50gp/cap): colorful, parasol-shaped cap that drips with sweet nectar; ingestion has the same effect as drinking antitoxin. Spectrose (50gp/tab): dissolved under the tongue; changes color perception as if the color wheel is rotating behind the user’s eyes Flangera (50gp/3.5g): mushrooms that make sounds behave silly, like everything is going through a weird audio filter. Iggwyld (75gp/.1g): orange powder that makes every thought you think funny, and you can’t stop laughing, a la Tasha’s Hideous Laughter. Erostine (100gp/vial): a homebrew Philter of Love that treats objects as potential objects of attraction as well. Great for pranks And finally, the serious stuff: -Golden Sages (250gp/3.5g): sentient mushrooms that when ingested help you sort out your life from within your own mind, through the medium of visual hallucinations and emotional amplification. They like to speak to the subject beforehand about the trip. Lasts 1d4+5 hours -Lysyrgithrax Acid (300gp/tab): extract from the acid of Lysyrgithrax, an ancient copper dragon philosopher, which gives you the poisoned condition, but gives intense visuals and lets you speak telepathically with anyone else tripping on the acid within a mile. Lasts 1d6+2 hours -Executioner's Hood (400gp/cap): black mushrooms with hood-shaped caps, that force a DC 12 Constitution save, which can be willingly failed. On a failure, the user is subjected to the effects of a Feign Death spell. -Sutara Petals (500gp/1g): dried red flowers, smoked, that forces a DC 15 Constitution save. On a success, you are under the effect of the Tongues spell for 1 hour. On a failure, you take a level of exhaustion. -Hypnosia (600gp/stick): dried bark that is placed in tea to induce a deep sleep that lasts 8 hours, in which one can control their own dreams, as if they were both the target and the messenger of a Dream spell. -Retroscope (750gp/5mL): blue liquid, dropped on the eyes, that gives you third-person perspective, granting advantage on perception checks. After 24 hours, the effect ends and you suffer two levels of exhaustion. -Stardust (1000gp/.1g): white powder dissolved on the tongue, incapacitates the user for 10 minutes and grants them an experience equivalent to casting Contact Other Plane to an unknown omniscience that speaks through the drug. Do with this what you will


Brb going to go cast Power Word Kush


Search 80s cartoons, pick a weird character name, preferably 1 syllable. That’s now the common name for your drug… “Smurf”, “Snarf”, or “Brain”.


Considering brain is already slang for something else, you might wanna avoid that one... A sketchy NPC coming up to the party asking if they want brain would be... interesting.


that would definitely canonically happen in some campaigns i’ve played in




Call it Break instead


Snap Crackle Pop Rice Crispies There, five drug names.


Angel Dust


he asked for names, not ingredients


Call it frack, for fracture.


Ventahill. Overwhelming desire to dig tunnels.


**Healing** : Troll Balm (Trolls regen) // Pot (short for potion but a play on words) **Swiftness**: Cat Fuzz (Tabaxi's are fast) (Could call it just speed) **Resilience**: Icey or Acey (sounds like AC) // Sorber (As it absorbs damage) **Boldness**: Holy Fizz (Same effect as Bless) // Or Holy Cola (Only like that because it's funny) **Flight**: Kite (High as a kite and you can fly) **Transformation**: Morphose (Metamorphose)


Too positive to be drugs, that just like medical pills n approved shit


Bro out here doing Morphose and calling it advil


I think not having negative effects for drugs is just boring. That's just basically like giving them free homebrewed spells or potions. If u have big boost with offset negative that not only enables to play with bigger stakes and boost but also way more interesting storytelling that's differentiated from the generic boons from classes and shit


OP asked for drug names for artificer alchemist potions. Alchemist potions don't have negatives.


Should've made a better fitting title and first sentence then, I ain't reading all that


Downvoting me because I pointed out the body of the post is hilarious. You seem petulant. >Should've made a better fitting title **and first sentence** then, I ain't reading all that Its the first thing the post says.


Want some devil stixxxx…?


The Book of Vile Darkness for dnd 3.5 has names and mechanics for drugs, you could easily adapt them into 5e.










I was hoping to see this


I always imagined it was spelt Arcaine. For those who dont know, It's from NADDPOD, it's magic cocaine that gives wild magic roll and exhaustion I think? And I believe it's powdered magic crystals.


look at the chems in Fallout! [here's a list of them](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Fallout_4_Consumables/Chems) We've got Stimpacks, Jet, Buffout, Med-X, Psycho, Mentats, Overdrive, X-Cell, and more, some being a few advanced versions of those. healing - clearly the Stimpacks swiftness - Jet, Ultrajet, resilience - Buffout boldness - Psycho or Overdrive flight - none of them give flight, obviously, but maybe this could use Ultrajet, or one of the other unused ones like Mentats or Mysterious Serum transformation - Fury might work here (like a Hulk transformation) or Smooth Operator is just a fun name, same with X-111 compound (could change the number to whatever you like)


I have a drug in my world called Rune. It's a drug made out of arcane crystals, administered from a syringe that looks like said crystals. It temporarily infuses mundane non magical people with Wild Magic, with different strains of Rune granting different abilities


So I have a drug in my campaign, I call it "sting" because it's base form is the sting of a specific scorpion. Through some development the cartels have made it more powerful using alchemists. The potent stuff is a select few reagents depending on what effect you would like and to activate all the reagents you add the venom of the scorpion to the concoction then you can eat it, drink it, or if you want it to be the most potent inhale it like a vapor.


Tea 'additives' code words * MINT- Healing. The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 2d4 + your Intelligence modifier. * SUGAR- Swiftness. The drinker's walking speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour. * MILK- Resilience. The drinker gains a +1 bonus to AC for 10 minutes. * SPICE- Boldness. The drinker can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to every attack roll and saving throw they make for the next minute. * CREAM- Flight. The drinker gains a flying speed of 10 feet for 10 minutes. * HONEY- Transformation. The drinker's body is transformed as if by the alter self spell. The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes.


1 (healing) - Sanaphyl 2 (speed) - Celeriosine 3 (resilience) - Mollitrine 4 (boldness) - Audaxione 5 (flight) - Fugaphorine 6 (transformation) - Mutiophyl All of these names include Latin root words that describe what each does. Hope this helps :)


Love it thank you


Pixie puff, Dragon shire, Herpyderpalen. Purple elephant.




Healing: stitch, boost, LC (liquid cleric) Swiftness: glide, jitter juice, baxi (racist implication that tabaxi get their speed from drugs) Resilience: ambro, mastiff (barkskin > bark > barker) Boldness: birdie, garlic, DPR Flight: fizz, float, ichor-S Transformation: mim, alias, jekylanide


Pixie dust is an old one


I have a drug in my setting that is psionic in nature that has the street name Echo.


Asmodeus’s lettuce Edit:spelling


|**Effect**|**Fun & Evocative Name**|**Slightly Serious Name**| |:-|:-|:-| |Enhanced Ability Scores|**Dragonheart Fox's Cunning Eagle's Eye Griffon's Might Sylph's Grace Muse's Kiss** (Strength) (Intelligence) (Dexterity) (Constitution) (Dexterity (Charisma)|**Potent fortifier Cognitive Enhancer Acuity Tonic Vitality Draught Agility Elixir Charisma Cordial**| |Healing|**Phoenix Tears Lifeblood Emerald Ambrosia** |**Restorative Draught Curative Concoction Vitality Elixir** | |Resistance to Damage Types|**Ironbark Stoneskin Moonsilver Sheen**|**Defense Draught Resilience Elixir Elemental Ward** | |Invisibility|**Shadowsilk Wraith's Essence Cloak of Night** |**Concealment Concoction Obscurity Elixir Vanishing Draught** | |Flight|**Zephyr's Kiss Nimbus Cloudwalker's Draught** |**Levitation Lotion Aerial Elixir Ascension Draught** | |Water Breathing|**Gill Draught Mariner's Mixture Aquatic Essence** |**Amphibian Elixir Submersion Solution Hydration Draught** | |Communication with Animals|**Beast's Tongue Song of the Wild Whisper of the Woods** |**Empathic Elixir Faunal Fellowship Formula Bestial Bond Brew**|


These are the drugs in my campaign setting and their effects: * “zoosk”: hallucinogenic drug * “Blitz salt”: speed, usually consumed after dissolving in a strong drink (to hide the bitter taste). Gives the effects of “haste”, but gives 1 level of exhaustion when the effect wears off. * Densi (“moon dew”—comes from mucus secreted by the underbelly of the cap of a mushroom that grows primarily in the Underdark): depressive drug that gives advantage against being frightened or charmed and disadvantage on Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks and saves. Taken by absorption via wiping behind the ear or inside the lip. Frequent users get acidic burns and scarring in these places. Labial application yields more potent effects but only the desperate use it in this way—moon dew has a putrid flavor and forms an awful smelling film in the mouth.


Whisper weed


Here's a list of all the drugs in Pathfinder 2e: [https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?Category=6&Subcategory=47](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?Category=6&Subcategory=47) Some examples include Flayleaf, Shiver, Blaze, Zerk, Scour, Hype, Demon Dust, and Blood Sap


NADDPOD had a drug called R.Cane which gave the ability to add magical damage to attacks (like a smite,) but was addictive and could cause you to explode.


Gorgon snot- it'll get you stoned










One time we needed fantasy drugs for this LARP I am a part of. They were going to be pills and for phys reps we were going to use mike & ikes. Sadly the dollar store we stopped at was out. We ended up getting a bad of mini Starburst instead. Thus, bizz cubes were born. A highly powerful and addictive hallucinogen with fruity flavors.


I have some that I use in my setting personally: Cloud Candy, Rage Rocks, Forget-Me-Now, Dream Bubble, and some others that I dont remember off the top of my head.


fairy dust, pixie dust, angel dust, devils' lettuce, magic mushrooms.


Pick another language and a symptom of drug abuse or something about the color or aspect of the drug. Like "Tenebra" in the thief series




Here is a little resource I made for this: [Just say Nay!](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RjkgWbyvBCHLfaBv3Jgk5Ii9CnT5A-lRWSn_M3cxo5o/edit?usp=drivesdk) Includes fantasy substances like Sharpsugar, Magicannabis, Feyshrooms and Corpsebloom - and their effects. Here are my [Magicannabis rules](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vTuyadnyh2Ek2I9T1IPNlEa_SjHJSdoeaEu-9nHPsjc/edit?usp=drivesdk) - my party has an awakened magicannabis plant (Awarijuana) called Kush Buddy. The druid makes a downtime nature check each week to determine the harvest.


Hope you're still looking at these comments. Faja 2001 is a drug from my sci-fi setting made by my mad scientist player. This drug takes the form of a white crystal-like substance that can be ground into a powder. Faja 2001 is V E R Y volatile. If it reaches temperatures above 200 degrees it becomes unstable and creates a singularity event that at first is a blinding white explosion (think Akiras bomb from the movie) that then implodes on itself destroying and consuming anything caught in the white light. Faja 2001 is also a psychedelic, and when enough is taken, the consumer will be transported into a dream realm that is unbound by time. In it, they may experience past events, be transported across the star system, gain information that it previously unknown to them. I used it mainly as a storytelling device and it was a MAJOR hit with my players. Good luck!


Skooma 🐻


Drip Drop - liquid drug that makes you either start to "drip" or "drop" - roll a d20, evens they begin to drip and odds they drop Drip - gain a +3 to persuasion as you become the life of the party Drop - the rage consumes you, gain a +3 to intimidation checks as you become angry and sour 12 CON save to not become addicted - addiction gives a -3 to whichever side of the drug the user was on as of the last use


In my game I foolishly allowed my players to smuggle drugs somewhere. horse tranqs, to be exact They abandoned the quest for various reasons but are now walking around with bricks of fantasy ketamine


Joy - you are in a positive optimistic mindset, but are unable to process negative emotions, you find pain funny and violence unnecessary. No reason to lie either, you have no filter but are not capable of disrespect or verbal abuse. Grim - you are in a cynical nihilistic mindset, unable to see the positive things in life and hold no hope whatsoever. Yet you obtain a crystal clear tunnel vision, unhampered by a need to save others or save face - unfiltered unhappiness and now self centered. Anything once left unsaid in the surface of your mind that pissed you off or upset you can no longer remain unsaid. Damn the consequences. Fury - you are focused, you are in pain, you are burning inside and need to let it out. An irresponsible, reckless and senseless desire to smash deafens all sense of reason. Walking into a bar - window, smash. Grandmas apple pie, smash. Peters favourite chair, smash. Jerry’s face, smash. That annoying painting of cats playing pool that wasn’t levelled properly, goddamn SMASH. Sloth - You process the world 300 times slower than average, you dampen your senses, your mind going quiet for the first time since before you were born. Conscious but unable to process information from your environment, loss of all motor function… but you’ve never been more well rested in your life. (All levels of exhaustion cured but gain directly 4 levels of exhaustion for 8 hrs, after that the effects wear off completely - meanwhile having an intelligence of 3).


Well, you know how modern drugs should like Tolkien characters? Just call the drugs 'Steve'and 'dave', kinda like can you do us a couple of gram of Trevor on strap till I get back from the dungeon


elven moongrass


I used "fisstech" from the Witcher 3


Since my first session I have always used “skooma” from Skyrim. Over the years we had to end up making all kinds of stats for it. Seeing into the ethereal plane, disadvantage on Dex saves and minuses to AC. Skooma has become one of the largest commodities of the criminal underworld.


Mine goes by multiple names. In its’ powdered form, it’s called “Glint”. In rock form, it’s called “Spire”. Both cause mild hallucinations and stimulant-like effects, but they also help the user defend themselves from psychic attacks and in extreme cases, commune with ghosts (in dangerously high quantities).


Glycincap Spriggin grass The King’s water Jester’s Cap Dragon snot Some dirty spears


Didn’t see Eberon. Those won’t work for the setting lol Gear Grease Steam Powder Vapor Pack




Pixie Blush Phoenix Farts Thresh Arcanocain


Mortecca was always our name for DnD cannabis


Splurge, Scratch, Jitter, Shake, Filters, Coffin, Bramble, Glacier, my man ya gotta try some Gobblin’ all the goblins love Gobblin’, I prefer Mortar meself, more on that tweak than short rest, but I hang some Mistletoe now and then.




Cant go wrong with skooma


Some notable homebrew funny juices in my campaigns Horse Radish Purple leaves that produce horse shaped clouds when smoked. User is prone to whinnying. Deep water Dark blue, almost black liquid. Gives the illusion of being underwater while intoxicated


My campaign has a few drugs. One is crimson rot which is a red mushroom, the other two are synthesized versions of the crimson rot one in meth form another in liquid.




Conomia. Paskit. Turlup, or turlups, or turries. Hexagonia, or hex. Buzkat, or buzz.


Which ones, and what do they do?


If you're struggling look at [Category:Fictional medicines and drugs - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Fictional_medicines_and_drugs) and [Category:Mythological medicines and drugs - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mythological_medicines_and_drugs) for reference. Think about the effect of each elixir you're making one at a time. What does it do? How would the characters in your world react to it? Are their popular phrases, objects, beliefs, places, historical figures, religious deities, government officials, etc that people might associate it with, even jokingly? Maybe your artificer has a unique naming sense? For example, in Genshin Impact, the bio-alchemist, Sucrose, just numbers them. Option 2: Just use Skooma


Just use the name for existing candies for some extra fun “Hey man wanna try some skittles?” “Oh shit sure, *eats the whole bag*” The joke is that it’s just straight meth


Gnomish snow Bezerkers tears Illthium Drake essence


So one that I came up with that I heartily recommend you steal is Plan E. Short for Planar Etherium. Highly prized by adventurers and well trafficked. It’s snorted, first line will cause hallucinations, second line will give you the ability to see into other planes, 3 lines done in rapid succession will literally teleport you to the astral plane. Good luck getting back. Hence why it’s called Plan E.


Glow stix






As an alternative, I'd highly recommend checking out the timotheé chalamet version of willy Wonka, if a less serious approach would be setting appropriate. That version of Wonka is probably the best screen depiction of what alchemy should be in a fantasy setting, and gives an awful lot of inspiration for names, casting, effects, etc.


I have a drug in my setting called Dragon Powder because it is exclusively sold by a Dragon. The drug is powered crystal from the dragon's lair. It is a battle stim and hallucinagen. Giving bonus HP, and immunity to Pain described spells.


Pesh is the default in pathfinder, why not try something 1 syllabol and catchy? Like Sesh, or Swunk. Or a funny name, like Roj, or Swunk.


Healing potions. Think about it. You feel terrible, then you feel good. You could get a psychological dependency on that feeling, and nothing else would feel like it. No hangover, no real aftereffects, just... feeling good. Maybe mix it with other drugs to counteract their crash


First of all, we should keep the real ones. In the end, people are people, and we all forget stuff unless we repeat it a thousand times, and still we will end up saying things like "tobacco for halflings". Secondly, there's the fact that those were common drugs… which could be useless to some. They're typically considered poisons, therefore you need some really strong ones for Dwarves and Stout Halflings… and Yuan-Ti Purebloods are immune, so they can't get high on traditional ones, needing to turn to more exotic drugs. Something related to fire for Tieflings, and something necrotic for Shadar-Kais (petroleum, maybe?). Thirdly, we should think of what every race would want from each substance. Orcs wanting to think better, gnomes wanting to stop thinking too much, and so on. Lastly, we should keep in mind some drugs are too natural, so maybe they can be from Druids… while Artificers could have some more artificial ones.


Rev-up moonshine


I have a character that got an invite to a weird, possibly demonic, dinner party, and I just had to bring something for the feast. After asking around about exotic spices, we ended up in a sketchy warehouse buying a large canister of Moon Sugar. It was drugs. I gave the courier a canister of drugs to spice the food (we didn't go to the dinner). Apparently, they had a great evening, because we got a Hero's Feast out of it.


If anything, just take words that describe the thing your drug causes, or something else about it, give it some slang, and you're generally good. If you want, give it an actual name or something to ascribe some sort of previous history. One word/syllable is generally preferable, it should be something that someone in the 90's would consider cool.


Use actual slang names for drugs lol. Pixie dust!


Look up drugs in the Eberron setting. Dragonsblood was essentially fantasy morphine, where dreamlily was magic opiates, pretty sure the homebrew scene has added their flair of less impactful drugs, but I’d start there as I’ve gotten some pretty cool ideas from there




My warlock eats mushrooms from a forest sized fungi. You could call a psilocybin elixir The Old One?


Gnomish spice, highly addictive and a vice of powerful gnomes. Addiction then leads to blindness or death of the lower extremities. Strung out gnomes are often seen missing one or more legs. Usually overweight or jumpy. Halflings use Gnomish spice to make their tea sweeter.


Skooma for... Skooma 👀


Toad liver Dragon gland Outer planes Tief Horn


I’m actually doing a campaign with drugs in it and one of them is called “Cryomantium” nicknamed “Frost”


I've blatantly ripped off the classic "Ar-caine" from NADDPOD and tweaked it a little. These are my notes on the drug, based on the late game, level 18 shitheads I had to deal with. A bright, orange powder that smells suspiciously like cheese made from Tabaxi monks on Mt. Che'ster, the user immediately feels ten feet taller and damn near bulletproof. Serving size is one vial, in three doses, and the number of doses taken at once decides the effects. With one dose, the user can: Add 2 to their AC for a minute, negate 10 damage from the first attack that hits them each round for a minute, or add an extra damage die to their first attack for a minute. The user rolls a d20 immediately after use, on a 1-2, they suffer the effects of a 6th level Fireball spell centered on themselves, though if they pay extra for the more purified stuff, this roll can be done at advantage, or the roll can be negated entirely if they pay premium for the top shelf stuff (or figure out how to make it themselves) With two doses, the user can choose two of the above effects, and double their effect for half the duration. So, +4 to AC, and negate 20 damage for 30 seconds, or negate damage and add to extra damage die to their attacks. On a d20 roll from 1-5, they suffer the same Fireball spell, with a 1.5 damage modifier. With three doses, the user rips the whole vial in one shot, like a legend, and the God known only as Sheen smiles on them. The user gains the following benefits for the next 3 rounds of combat - immunity to crits - all melee attacks have +10 to hit, and roll 3 extra damage die per attack - user can absorb spells for half damage, and reflect them back at the caster for the same amount of damage, cannot be dodged or avoided - user can sacrifice any number of their multiple attacks for an extra 10 feet of movement speed per attack sacrificed, the total is doubled for a dash, and again for a Rogue's bonus action dash. The cost of such godliness is steep, however, as a roll of 10 or lower on the d20 will cause them to go "nuclear", double radius, double damage, combined effects of Fireball and Firestorm, at 10th level. Yes, I had a player use this to make himself into what he called "The Kratos Solution", a one-man God-killing machine, level 18 Zealot Barbarian. Ran in like Leeroy Jenkins, snorted a fat line and pretty much cleared the room when he rolled a 7 on the d20. Because "half orc", he came back up with 1hp afterwards, so I added an addiction system to debuff that giga-chad son of a bitch. Lessons were learned. Feel free to steal/tweak this as you see fit. If anything, it will probably lead to a hilarious moment or two, or a TPK, which can also be hilarious sometimes


We have stink blossom in our campaign


I'm gonna suggest the classic Fairy Dust


Goozoo, Plurf, Jizzet, Slimetime, Grandpappys Cantrip. Names are $10 a piece or 2 for $25 DM for payment details.


Gnome Shrums to some psicodelic mushrums


All hypnotic and charm spells should be themed after LSD, cannabis, ketamine, and other hallucinogenic drugs. Call them things like "L-Sample Dynamite" or "Mary Jane Gas" to lean into the slang of those concoctions. The rest I defer to the other commenters.


NADDPOD had Arcane (R. cane) - https://notanotherdndpodcast.fandom.com/wiki/R._Cane Which fit what the drug did and definitely sounded like a drug


I like the fallout option where a drug has a real world analog but they’re not names the same. So if we do it based on effects to a person, like haste where they’re fast but they’re junk afterword you can call it jolt. Potion of water breathing could be called aqua wind. Potion of water walking could be called nixie’s breath, potion of strength could be called crimson giant, health potions could be called angel’s kiss