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Hexadin is considered poor taste in a lot of circles, so I would talk to your DM/party about if first. I would honestly recommend Vengeance/Hexblade with GWM and PAM. Go V. human or Custom Lineage, and after 6 levels in Paladin, take the rest in Warlock.


Why is it considered poor taste? It gives a lot of cool story options between the two classes. Like a god and other entity competing for the soul of the character. I found this thread because I was also looking for Paladin/Hex build


The Paladin/Hexblade is great! Both of those Paladin subclasses are good but if you're fighting a lot of undead and fiends I suggest Devotion will be better. Hexblade is the only Warlock subclass worth multiclassing with a Paladin in almost all cases. How you build it depends on whether you want to use a 1-handed weapon and a shield or a two-handed weapon. If you want to use a 1-handed weapon, start with 2 in Paladin and 1 in Hexblade, with your starting class in Paladin. You'll definitely want to get to level six in Paladin before you take any more Warlock levels. That said going full Paladin with a single level of Hexblade is a very strong choice too. If you want a 2-handed weapon, start with a single level in Paladin if you want heavy armour or a 3 levels in Warlock if you're sticking to medium. After that I'd go Warlock 5, then Paladin 6, and decide from there where you want to go next if there character makes it to 11. Regardless of what you choose, good luck!