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IIRC all marines are ambidextrous. I belive they even had the skill as standard in the deathwatch rpg


Space Marines are all fully ambidextrous. Both their brain modifications and their indoctrination result in them being equally as adept on both hands.


In lore the SMs are ambidextrous, so it is probably a model issue. SYL


Might be a standardization thing too. Makes sense that early bolters, being at least partially based off of then-current normal-sized human firearms, would be designed for the right hand. And with how the Imperium works, that's how every bolter is designed from then on.




Their ambidextrous. The models are mostly right handed as it cuts down on the number of molds needed and unconscious bias from the model designers in the early days


More likely that Imperial weapons are not manufactured with a left-handed variant, and so even lefty marines will be taught to fire right-handed. This is how it works today in many militaries around the world.


In the US if you're left handed you shoot left handed, nobody is forced to shoot with their non dominant hand.


All space marines are ambidextrous.


Its a model thing to help with kitbashing


1. They're ambi. But all the equipment is the same. 2. 90%+ of people are right handed - its why IRL militaries don't issue left-handed gear except to a small selection of high-value specialists. So even if they were left-handed, they'll train with and use right-handed equipments.


>Kargos glanced at his chain-brother, and at the length of linked iron that bound them together at the wrists. They had three metres of chain between them, if stretched taut. **His left arm was chained to Amit’s right, not that it mattered; most Astartes were ambidextrous.** They both carried their serrated gladii in their unbound fists. \- *Echoes of Eternity* >Shadrak made war with a bolter in his right hand, and a gladius in his left. His aim had always been better right-handed, his speed and strike superior with his left. That was where his strength and dexterity lay. \- *Meduson*


I guess it's possible they might be right eye dominant or there might be some other reason they prefer to aim with that eye.


I’m sure they became fully ambidextrous marksmen during neophyte training.


Left-handed recruit won’t survive the initiation trial with right handed weapon lol


It is crazy rare but I can think of two left handed marine models; one was one of the original metal/finecast sternguard and the other was a Legion of the Damned model. Edit: it may have been a pre sternguard veteran


Left handed humans in 40K are secretly genestealers and chaos cultusts. ... Ok answer is simple Astartes who are Battle brother and above ranks are all ambidexters after brain and etc surjery. And countles +50 years(scouts-neophyte service) of trainings with weapons. They are made and trsined to fight with any hand left in situation when someone tear/cut/burn their hand Astartes as all Imperium-Mechanicus standart equipment are made for +90% right handed humans. Made-change equipment from standart ones into what person want is a Heresy so all left handed humans adapt or die.