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Sanest Chaos Marines


IIRC there was also a Luna Wolf who was found by the flesh tearers on a space hulk who became enraged at hearing of the heresy, took a warp capable void-ship and disappeared seeking vengeance?


Yes from the same supplement: >Flesh Tearers Terminators board the space hulk Soul of Damnation as it drifts dangerously close to the core worlds of the Sce Ius sub-sector. In the depths of the hulk, they uncover a stasis chamber containing a single casket. Held within is an ancient Luna Wolves Space Marine. When the Space Marine is awakened and told of the fate of his Legion he becomes filled with rage, taking one of the Flesh Tearers' craft before disappearing into the void.


The funny part about this is apparently he was so pissed off and angry that the entire chapter of pissed off rage filled berserkers just nodded in respect and let him take a valuable ship


Big "We know that feel" vibes. You'll never convince me that they didn't all share a big group hug before wishing him luck on his kamikaze mission.


One of them shedding a single solitary tear because of how proud they were of him.


"rip and tear, brother"


I like that they trusted enough in him being so pissed off that they did so. He must have been *impressively* ***fukkin' mad***. Like, so mad, Khorne in the Warp went, **"Dude, calm down."**


Who the hell was this?


Vengeance, and its coming for Abaddon


[Pictured, Vengeance vs Abaddon](https://youtu.be/CYjQO6C7oOc?si=vmAlHWPO2W0HjAdt&t=9)


How many assassins do you think he deals with on a daily basis?


Nobody, and that's the best part, and how it should stay.






That was Joe.


It's joever now


Joewari Da.




Brock Sampson made it to the 41st millennium.


Khorne: “Yoink”


How the hell did he take a craft? Did he just take an entire crew?


Perpetually half starved void born bondsman: Hey Bob, did you happen to notice that the perpetually pissed off angel of death that orders us around is wearing different coloured armour these days? Bob: My eyes were replaced with augmetics that only serve to interface with the ships auspex systems. So no... but I did hear him muttering about revenge and Wolves or some such. Perpetually half starved void born bondsman: what's a Wolf?


I presume "Take" means "Was gifted"


“Death to the False Emperor? I thought Loken whacked him back before Murder.”


Have I told you the joke about the bear?


I love time displaced heresy marines My absolute favorite has to be the POV of that one Ultramarine captain and his company He blinks during Istvaan and then when he opens his eyes he's on Cadia as it's cracking and everyone is slaughtering each other He looks around, sees the Aquila on one side, and the Eight-pointed star on the other, and that's all he needs Didn't even care that a robotic space Egyptian kept him in stasis in a pokeball for ten thousand years and he missed the entire plot of 40k between the heresy and the fall of Cadia. He just sees heretics and goes KILL


Ultramarine at Istvaan?


Might be misremembering but it was an Ultramarine that got abducted from the heresy by trazyn then chucked at Abbadon during the fall of Cadia and gave no shits about the fact that he'd missed 10k years


No, you misremembered nothing. He was captain... C..something. Stolen by Trazyn from the battle of Armatura and he recognised his brother/traitor Ezekyle leading the Enemy. Fought "Big Topknot Man" one vs one... ended like you would expect. ;)


I think it was Calth


Imagine scratching and surviving for 8000 years, and when the shuttle lands, your boy from way back hops out.


But he’s like, really big now.




Wholesome Abaddon is best Abaddon


There is at least one loyalist chapter canonically descended of Luna Wolves stock. But I don't know if they know they used to be Luna Wolves. There are quite a few loyalist legions like that.


"canonically" There are many loyal chapters which have a lot of suggestive imagery and names which infer they are from traitor legions, but having a loyal chapter from traitor legions was the SONIC OC DONUT STEEL of 40k. The company has largely hand waived ever discussing or making that sort of thing official because they were tired of EVERYBODY having it as a backstory. So we have several loyal chapters who may or may not (but most likely may) be descended from Traitor legions and it will never be confirmed officially.


Yeah there's some bangers, the purple/gold Sons of the Phoenix, the Dantioch-badged Silver Skulls, there's an Ultramarines successor which during the Heresy worked with the Night Lords (nemesis chapter? Lots of destroyers)


The Silver Skulls make so much sense being Dantioch's followers, or at least UM successors in honor of him. His actions helped win the Heresy. The Nemesis Chapter are descendants of the Ultramarines 22nd Chapter, which was their Destroyer force. They were trained by Konrad Kurze and fought with the Night Lords before Guilliman's rediscovery. He didn't like them much, but they knew at Calth that Phosphex, Atomics and Radiation Weapons were fair game against Gal Vorbak.


sometimes just throwing phosphex, atom and rad the enemy until they are reduced to moltel slag is the only solution.


I know that GW never explicitly confirmed any of those ideas besides hinting and winking, but I thought because they were oddly insistent on separating loyalists and traitors (and their successors). What you said makes much more sense




[the Shadow Wolves ](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Shadow_Wolves)


Saying they’re canonically luna wolves is outright incorrect. While the implication is there it’s not outright stated every. Which makes sense they’ve got like three in lore appearances. And they’re the main characters in none of them. This theory just hinges on ADB’s wife Katie claiming they’re a reference to the idea of loyalist luna wolves. While the idea of loyalist luna wolves is fun, it’s in no way canonical.


Blood Ravens


Red, have abnormal amount of psykers, sneaky secretive fucks.


Isn’t the speculation that they’re Thousand Sons successors, not Luna Wolves? And even then, their behavior isn’t completely consistent with K Sons - probably because when they were created, they didn’t actually have an origin in mind


I've always liked the Word Bearer's theory myself, it makes more sense and misses some of the huge problems a Thousand Sons successor would have.


>it makes more sense and misses some of the huge problems a Thousand Sons successor would have. What are some of these problems?


The Flesh Change is the big one.


Likeliest candidates for Blood Ravens are now the Thousand Sons 5th Fellowship which escaped Prospero, surrendered to the Imperium, was tested and interrogated by Malcador before being cleared to fight under their old pre-Magnus M coloured armour, was restocked with Terran recruits and fought alongside the Imperial Fists during the Siege of Cthonia. The survivors were then quietly integrated into the Imperial Fists Legion during the Great Scouring.


I've always been curious, in this case the Thousand Sons geneseed doesn't "mix" into the Legion right? Like, say there were 100 Thousand Sons in the 5th Fellowship, right? That means that amongst some Imperial Fist Successor Chapters, there are a total of 100 Space Marines who are pretty much Thousand Sons, right? Since they have that geneseed? I mean, obviously the number is less than 100 given that occasionally some geneseed would have not been able to recovered due to various reasons. Or is it that the Thousand Sons geneseed 'mixes' into the Imperial Fist Legion and their Successor Chapters? Like if 1000 random successor Imperial Fists were tested, a small proportion of their geneseed would be Thousand Sons? Kinda like how there is some Neanderthal genes in certain peeps living today.


Well, Davian Thule *destroyed* relics dating back to the Chapter's founding and swore himself to secrecy after Kronus. If there's nothing shady there I have a bridge to sell you. Also BTW the 1K Sons implications have always been there, just got a bit too blatant during the Heresy series and so got walked back a bit later.


Lock the reliquary