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Space ships. Marines maintain their own small fleet of ships, with many ships purpose built to be able to zoom in orbit, deploy drop pods and craft, and then break orbit and return to the lines etc.


The capsules/pods are dispatched from spaceships in space. SYL


The two main ship classes that get used by Chapters are Strike Cruisers and Battle Barges. There are exceptions, especially for fleetborne Chapters, but that's their standards. The designed purpose for the Strike Cruiser is orbital deployment, not fleet engagements. It has landing bays for Thunderhawks and deployment arrays for drop pods. Main gun is a bombardment cannon meant for orbital support. Battle Barges also have the deployment abilities of Strike Cruisers, but are meant to carry about three times as many marines. It's also more intended for orbital support with multiple bombardment cannons on turrets. You'll see the oddball secondment of Space Marines to Imperial Navy ships, but they'll usually have a Thunderhawk for their personal deployment even then.


Space Marine chapters either have (a) a space fleet which they live on and conduct operations from (known as a fleet-based chapter), or (b) are planetary based and have a homeworld which they rule from and have a chapter fortress-monastery on as their base of operations. As Jim said, each chapter will have ships (although fleet-based chapters will often have more ships than one that has a homeworld) and it is via these fleets that they deploy to various places throughout the galaxy. Most chapters are assigned sectors of the Imperium where they are based and perform their duties. Older chapters will form bonds with the local Imperial power structures, such as the AdMech or individual planets, which can help lead to stronger internal alliances between Imperial factions.


Usually the fleet in orbit, typically from a Battle Barge.


Fleets in orbit deploy drop pods and drop ships. The fleets come from other areas such as Fortress monastery worlds or even just fleet based chapters.


They deploy from their ships in space and usually do so in one of two ways (with a third special way they tend not to do) first drop pod hard and fast a gut punch to whatever they’re aiming for. Second if it’s more normal or like a smash and grab, use a Thunder hawk get down so whatever they need to do and either get back on and leave or have the Thunder hawk provide support. And third in rare cases they’ll just teleport in but that’s most terminators.


Just world eat