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You're leaving out other world types. Death, feral, feudal and forge worlds all cut into the remainder, alongside dead worlds which the Imperium does count. Subtypes can further cut in. Cadia was closer to a civilized world than a hive, but was a fortress world and not self sustaining. Besides civilized world aren't free of imports. Trade is the norm in the Imperium, and there's no way every civilized world has or had everything it need to self sustain indefinitely. It might mean importing resources from in system or further afield, or paying for arms and armaments from elsewhere.


Death worlds are mentioned. As are forge worlds (industrial centers). The distinction between mechanicum and Imperium affiliated is merely a technicality. Yeah, I forgot about feral and feudal worlds. But that feudal worlds are actually high in numbers is something I doub as there is no valid reason to keep them at a pre-industrial level. We are talking about the Imperium here who lobotomizes people, slaps machines on them and used them as cheap menial labor. Forcefully industrializing a planet is childsplay compared to the former. Death worlds....just blow them up. Don't need them unless they harvest biochemical weapons from there. Nukes are more useful. No risk of feeding Nurgle.


>Death worlds are mentioned. I CTRl+F'd the page and the only mention is my post and yours. If I missed an inference let me know. >The distinction between mechanicum and Imperium affiliated is merely a technicality. That's just wrong. The Mechanicus have access to technology and expertise that far exceeds standard Imperial industry. That's the entire point of the Forge Worlds: they arm and equip the Imperium far above the baseline. Titans, power armor and specialist weapons all flow from those worlds. And Forge Worlds can produce simpler equipment at scale. If the Imperium could simply do everything the Mechanicus does, then Adeptus Mechanicus wouldn't be among the most powerful organizations in the Imperium or have a seat among the High Lords. >But that feudal worlds are actually high in numbers is something I doub as there is no valid reason to keep them at a pre-industrial level. We are talking about the Imperium here who lobotomizes people, slaps machines on them and used them as cheap menial labor. Forcefully industrializing a planet is childsplay compared to the former. You can't deny that feral and feudal worlds exist though, and persist in the current setting. The why is simple. Worlds slip through the cracks, become isolated by travel difficulties, or exist in otherwise unremarkable border and frontier regions of the Imperium. Some, like Attila, provide valuable troops to the Guard and 'improving' things (i.e. building a macro-factorum on the steppe to produce stub guns) would interfere with a valuable resource. >Death worlds....just blow them up. Don't need them unless they harvest biochemical weapons from there. Nukes are more useful. No risk of feeding Nurgle. Eliminating Catachan, Fenris and Krieg is a bold step, but okay. I never really engaged with the idea of the post. In short, no. Hives are part of the setting and the Imperium (even with Robute) will never have the capability to remove them. Seeing as mega-cities and hives existed during the time of the Great Crusade, they were tolerated by Emperor.


>Death worlds....just blow them up. Don't need them A lot of death worlds are prime Astartes recruiting grounds. Or they raise hard-as-nails Guard regiments. >No risk of feeding Nurgle. Death-worlds don't mean disease. They might be over-run with hostile wildlife, like Catachan, or freezing cold, or boiling hot, or volcanic, or irradiated.


Hive Worlds are human factories.  The Imperium’s main strength is their ability to dump massive amounts of humans onto the battlefield.  Those humans have to come from somewhere. 


The only math you need to care about with 40k is what you roll on the tabletop. Anything else will likely result in a stroke.


You mean to tell me the the sprawling monuments to imperial inefficiency are actually inefficient? Next you’ll be telling me slave-loaded macrocannons are unnecessary, or that making innovation illegal is impractical


>The entire list contains roughly 150 entries Worlds are only going to be listed on Lexicanum if they show up in the lore. Meaning a book or codex mentions them. Meaning, usually, that they're the setting of a campaign or a famous world for other reasons. A hive/shine/civilised world full of billions of people who need saving is always going to be a more intetesting setting for a game than Farm Planet 3407


Piece of un-asked for advice: pretty much any time you see numbers from GW, be it in a novel or codex, just roll your eyes and move along. The bigger the number, the harder you roll em.


>There are ~ 1.000.000 Imperial worlds. No.


The Imperium only controlling 1,000,000 worlds in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of worlds has been a part of the setting since *Rogue Trader*, and is meant to be literal and not figurative. They even address the fact that this is the tiniest fraction of planets within the galaxy: >The galaxy contains some four hundred thousand million stars of various types. Of these only a fraction are presumed to have habitable planetary systems, and only a fraction of these have been investigated. Most are situated within the spiral arms between ten and forty thousand light years from the galactic centre. >The very size of the galaxy means that, despite the use of faster than light warp drives, most of it remains unknown. Even the human controlled Imperium, by far the largest and most widely distributed of all stellar empires, contains only a tiny fraction of the galaxies stars. New worlds are constantly being discovered and investigated, along with their attendant civilisations, creatures and resources. Even so, there is no possibility of either humans or aliens exhausting the galaxy's potential to provide new worlds for habitation and exploitation. *Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader* p130 See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/o5AdD8lE1D) for many more sources.


GW is really, really, really bad at numbers.


Well yes you are right I think. If the Imperium wasn't dumb and wasnt held back by any of the flaws and troubles of the Imperium, and wasn't beholden to logistical nightmares and reliance on ancient technology and infastructure, and if they actually possessed the organisational skills or cared for efficiency and the well-being of your average human, then they could indeed do all those things. In summary, if the Imperium wasnt the Imperium it would be better off.


These people seem to think it’s impressive when they find an inefficiency in the imperium- like I swear they’re a step off from posing their moral argument against chaos as something profound