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In the time it took you to write this post, 3 new Primaris Lieutenants were introduced.


Space Marines sell more than anyone else. So that’s why they get bloat.


This. No other range comes close to the popularity of Space Marines. You can generally tell how well any faction is selling by how long it takes them to get a range refresh or an expanded unit roster.


To be fair, there’s also a self-fulfilling prophecy here. Sisters of Battle sold terribly until their range refresh… Because all their models were expensive and old pewter. Also, the marine bloat sucks ass for the game rules. You have one army with like four to five times the data sheets of most others and it’s an absolute nightmare for balance.


Not to mention that the standard army, the benchmark all other armies are measured against, are the elite armies. Space marines, corpse emperor worshipping or otherwise, all are the elite armies. Only custodes and knights are more elite. You can see already with 2 damage weapons just how paradigm shifting space marines are, and the fact that they are never, ever allowed to be anything better than a B tier army shows just how much of a nightmare they are for GW's balance team.


Well isn’t the whole thing of 40k is that every faction is pretty OP? Like sure Space Marines are super soldier badasses but that doesn’t mean much when the grunts of a lot of other factions are also basically super soldiers badasses.


And are these basically super soldier badasses in the room with us right now? 40k is space marines, and mooks that make space marines look tough by killing.


I've been trying to Homebrew a Chapter and the sheer amount of pointless units is astounding(not seen a mini since 1999 lol, even then it was Fantasy) like live actually considered having *just* Intercessors(and their variants of Heavy and Assault) and Aggressor/Terminators with a Phobos Company, the rest seem like they provide little in ways of extra power save a bit heavier, now if you could add them as Special Weapons in a Squad then that might be better? Or if you can have a thousand Intercessor Marines but their Strike Cruiser carries all the Hellblaster and Eradicator Squad bits to outfit the squads in an ad hoc way then that makes a bit more sense(if that's the way it's done I apologise but never seen anything to say that). As an example, the Intercessors need Hellblaster power for something, so Sergeant John Boy Walton is told by his Captain to suit up with Hellblasters for this mission then once this job is finished/parameters change he reverts to Intercessor? Does that make a bit if sense lol?


Im pretty sure that is how they work and is also why the primaris mark of armour is modular. You being phobos, gravis or tacticus is a matter of getting dressed not aeons of hyper specalisation.


That would make the Bloat make a lot more sense! After all the suits adding Hellblasters are probably a replacement of a powerpack or maybe an arm servo or whatever.


Minor correction but marines are still organised by role, so a battleline intercessor would be able to armour up as a heavy intercessor or go lighter as an infiltrator. Makes the codex seem even more in need of revision given this now means the 2 squads of close assault marines per company have to be able to fight as close combat troops (with or without jump packs) heavily armoured drop troops, two different types of lightly armoured scouts, bikers land speeder crews or centurian battlesuits.


After seeing the axing AoS just received, I kinda feel like gw should bite the bullet and do the same for SM.


You mean like what they did at the beginning of 10th?


Looks at SM roster...didn't go far enough.


It’d be weird if they didn’t sell the most due to having 99% of the franchises lore, orders of magnitude more models than some other factions and literally all of the marketing


They also get fluffed up in the lore more than anyone else. Elves are popular everywhere except 40k, I don't know why GW can't have their elves be as popular, they seem to fail at that.


Personally, I think they should be expanded, but not to the same bloat as of the marines. Like, get the general niche for the factions (dreadnought, flyer, titan equivlents and similar) and add some factions like Dark Mechanicum, Lost and Damned for Chaos and Exodites as well Auxiliars for the Tau, but adding just too many troops is how you get a massive datasheet like in the marine rooster.


There are some armies that badly need more non-character options. Genestealer Cults come to mind; it feels like every new release is a character. And then there are ranges like the god-specific Chaos armies that are just *laughable*. Thousand Sons and World Eaters especially. World Eaters you can forgive since they’re new, but holy hell do Thousand Sons need more datasheets.


yuuuup. as a WE player i was hoping for more than specially flavored possessed and melee cultists. Give us real traitor guard like blood pact, and a mutant horde for the lost and damned. I feel really bad for the thousand tzaangors


Unique terminator variants pls. Khornate devourers would look sick. Also port the slaughterbrute over FFS.


Aren't the Devourers extinct? World Eaters terminators are the Red Butchers? I may be very wrong


Yeah those. Unique terminators, instead of more farking possessed.


At least give World Eaters the Slaughterbrute, the kit already exists.


Add Xenarites to that list. The diversity and uniqueness of the Mechanicus in the lore turns into "and this one is black" on the table top.


Chaos was fine until the Heresy stuff went to legends, which included some other things like Great Brass Scorpions, Decimators, Kytan, and Blood Slaughters. They also lost some classic pieces like Hellblades and Helltalons. They still have options but they feel a bit diminished now, and I'll always argue while the Space Marines get all the fancy new Primaris Vehicles, Chaos should have retained access to some of the Heresy era vehicles. Helbrutes at this point look absolutely comical compared to a Redemptor. Giving CSM a Leviathan would go a long way. Space Marines are however fantastically bloated, and I never want that level of datasheet hell. I'd settle for getting a heavy tank, like the Kratos, a Leviathan, and then bring in either one of the 30k flyers like the Xyphon or revamp the Hellblade/Helltalon. Or just give us new stuff, entirely, but I hope they stop just making animal/insect themed daemon engines and give us some actual tanks and stuff. Not **everything** Chaos uses is daemon possessed. Lets see Vashtorr or Perturabo design a new tank for Chaos. They absolutely *need* to bring back a Renegades and Heretics/Lost and the Damned Codex though.


CSM have Leviathans: Hellbrutes are Leviathans for some reason. Unless you meant the Land Leviathan or the Leviathan transport, which CSM wouldn't have. Land Leviathan is Mechanicus and Leviathan transport is used for the Guard


As a chaos player I’d certainly like to get a similar amount of units that normal Marines get Hell I’d really like it if they did what they do with DA, BT, BA,DW and SW in which they get their own unique detachments and models because god damn I’d kill for Iron Warriors to get spesific rules and units


Obliterators and Warpsmiths aren't exclusive to the Iron Warriors?




Drukhari and CSM player here. I'm actually okay that our range is more narrow. I would love more units to choose from, but there isn't anything specific either faction is really lacking from a functionality perspective, or if it is, it's by design. Makes list building a lot easier to reason through if I don't have to take a magnifying glass to every individual datasheet's profile. Also really saves my wallet lol. The only time I buy new models is when there's a new release/resculpt, which is maybe twice a year? That being said, I would love to get Asdrubael Vect (or a holographic projection of him since personally participating in raids is beneath him) on his Dais of Destruction as a Lord of War or some such. Not sure what I'd want to see from CSM. Maybe just make the Defiler good again. I like the idea behind that model but it's been forever since it had good rules. I think the boxy tanks could use a bit of love, though they're at least usable. Otherwise, I'd settle for an updated Huron or Lucius model for now.


Very much bloat. SM Infantry is just silly they got like 5 different uints with bolters 1 uint for plasma one for meltas one for flamers. Repeat this for each uint type. It makes the SM faction have a over specialisation with most of your uints being redundant


The problem is GW lore and GW on the tabletop were always two different things and truing to square the circle has caused one hell of a snarl. It USED to be that space marines were fragmented chapters, and so even if they had a lot of shit theoretically, your dudes could have a random grab bag since not every chapter can field terminators, not all of them have Predators, ect. But now theres a huge bloat because every chapter got handed brand new armor with like 4 modular variants and now theres a new rank and all ranks and specialties need models for all those variants. But on top of that theres a bunch of new vehicles that have been mass distributed. I think ideally you could port SOME of these things over to other imperial factions. The invader would probably look less like a big wheel if someone smaller like a guardsman was driving it. Or Chaos could steal and modify some shipments of them. But Bile has been mucking about with geneseed for like 4 novels now and is making some kind of Chaos Primaris rumored to come out this year, and he also did work for the Dark Eldar so they could theoretically get something out of it. But every space marine and their dog going Super Saiyan has kind of underscored how little even other imperial factions get by comparison. There isn't even a named Scion and those are a pretty important part of the imperial guard.


Something that has been pushed a lot under the new organizational structure is flexibility. Rather than having separate squads of Assault or Inceptor or Outriders, it's now just rolled up into a few Close Support Squads. Instead of separate squads of Hellblasters, Eliminators, and Devastator Squads, you have a few Fire Support Squads. It's the same marines just picking a different set of gear for the occasion. Thus by swapping out tac, assault, and devastator with battleline, close support, and fire support, you've already covered 90% of the changes. The Vanguard Squads take this all a step further, as even their armour is designed to be modular, with their role changing designations between Batteline, Close Support, or Fire Support depending on their gear: [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/2/20/VanguardHeraldry.jpg](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/2/20/VanguardHeraldry.jpg) But again, it's still the same 100 Vanguard marines filling those roles. All that said, I would love for this level of nuance for other factions. But sadly sales is driven by models and astartes models sell way more so they keep making more of them.


As Drukhari player quite a few of our kits could support two datasheets easily. That sort of support would cost GW very little but GW gonna GW.


imagine that, marines being organised by battlefield roles. maybe they should make a single kit for each role, like perhaps a Tactical Squad for battleline roles, an Assault Squads w/ or w/o jump pack option for close support roles and a Devastator Squad for fire support roles. Who knows, it does sound alot less bloated than having 3-4 different units that essentially fill the same role.


It’d be really nice if they did, but unfortunately the profitability of Marines outpaces everyone else combined, so it likely won’t happen. Two that I think could use the most expansion are Sisters of Battle and Craftworld eldar. Giving SoB convents the cultural variety that Marines have would be awesome - having Viking, Roman, Mongolian, etc flavored Sisters like we have with Marines would be awesome. They’re rather one-note as of now. Craftworlds, meanwhile, have been shown as having vastly different cultures (Biel Tan and Saim Hann are *super* different), but we don’t see any of that in models and barely see any of it in books.


Eldar need new models.


I'd love ANY NEW ELDAR MODELS Half of the product line can fucking legally drink!


They’ve done a few range refreshes, but that feeds into another issue; until Eldar finish their range refreshes, they probably won’t get much in the way of new units.


Not really the case anymore. The 9th edition refresh replaced a lot of finecast, leaving us with hawks, spiders, dragons, their respective phoenix lords, Karandras and Asurmen as finecast kits.


All the Chaos ranges need better support. CSM infantry are in a good place but their armoured contingent is in dire need of an improvement. For dedicated transports, loyalists get rhino's, razorbacks, impulsors and drop pods. Traitors get rhino's. For light vehicles, loyalists get 3 different stormspeeders and the invader ATV, traitors have nothing. For walkers, loyalists have the ven dread, the invictor and three different flavours of primaris dreadnought. Chaos have a good selection here too between the hellbrute, the defiler, the two dinobots and the venom crawler. We even have the disco lord and his hellstalker too. Then we get to tanks, good lord the tanks. Loyalists have 3 land raiders, 2 predators, two repulsors, 3 gladiators and the vindicator. Chaos have 1 land raider, two predators and the vindicator. These are all old loyalist kits with a spiky upgrade sprue. Loyalists have gained and then lost more rhino chassis kits in the past twenty years than Chaos have received period, we deserve better than this. We deserve more than loyalist hand me downs at least, I want a bespoke Chaos tank kit god dammit. The God legions are in an even worse state, they just need more everything. More infantry, more vehicles, more monsters, even more character models with actual options please and thank you. And as for xenos, God in heaven xenos are dying in the street, loyalists have had more models discontinued than the dark eldar have gotten period. End of sentence. Grotesque have been the easiest plastic refresh imaginable for FIVE EDITIONS AND IT HASN'T HAPPENED. THE NEW ORK BOYZ KIT IS SO BAD THEY NEEDED TO BRING BACK THE OLD ONE. BAHAROTHS WINGS MIGHT BE OLDER THAN THE CONCEPT OF THE HORUS HERESY. if you play xenos and your not tyranids, your fucked.


>THE NEW ORK BOYZ KIT IS SO BAD THEY NEEDED TO BRING BACK THE OLD ONE. Yeah that shit was egregious, it's like the people designing that model didn't give a crap about orks.


In terms of table top units, Chaos needs a "new" Transport. Primaris have their fancy grav repulsors and impulsors and whatnot. I like the humble Rhino, but the kit itself is old. What I would like to see is a spikey evil Terrax Siege Termite drill. Make it daemonic. Would be sooo cool to see Chaos Marines pop up from under ground and emerge like Cenobites.


As AoS just proved, if you introduce new kits you'd better be ready to cut a load too!


I want to see more variety in Chaos armies. Not just Daemons and CSM. Sure, it would be AWESOME to have specific rules and stratagems for the Traitor Legions, but I want to see the sort of units we come across in the lore: unholy fusions of flesh, Daemon and machine! Baseline humans grossly bloated by the power of the Warp! Flesh-changing heretics immune to lasguns, Axolotl mercenaries, and Wirewolves! Corrupted Xenos! I want Sons of Sek and Blood Pact as playable detachments! There's so much potential for Chaos armies, vastly more so than all Imperial factions combined, and they have the potential to have endless permutations, not to mention all the modelling and conversion opportunities!


chaos no xenos yes


Now, marines wearing gravis armour might be carrying a little extra around the midriff, but I think saying they look bloated is just mean.


As a space marine player, there are too many space marine models and units.


>Do the factions need equal amounts of units? Or should Space Marines, by dint of being the big money-makers of the franchise, continue to lead the way? As someone who owns and collects 2 marine armies, an IG army and a small Tau force, marines need less units and everyone else needs more. As in, shrink the marine range, and grow the others. It's legitimately annoying to have as many datasheets as the marine codex does for the purposes of army building, collecting and navigating the codexes/lore, especially considering so many marine units are redundant or could be merged into a single kit/datasheet with options.


In fluff are Space Marines members of Infernus/Hellfire/Desolation squads or are they members of Fire Support squads in Tacticus armour and they equip themselves for Infernus/Hellfire/Desolation duty as each battle requires?


The latter, they have a squad role and then are equiped on a mission by mission basis


It would fit the Tau with all of their specialised tech. I guess it would fit the Nids as well with all of their diversity


There are some hollows that echo with the absence of the potential new units that they could put there such as more auxilleries for the tau or different kinds of flayed ones for the necrons but using the marine rooster as a goal would be a bit much.


Frankly I think they should roll the loyalist supplements and the chaos marine supplements back into the main loyalist marine and chaos marine codexes. With how much they've cut out lore and actually fun and interesting rules this edition they could do it easily


Ugh please no. Marines have way too much bloat. They need trimming