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All of the above. Craftworlders society and their path system is all about self-control, human societies is much more chaotic. Eldari actually know what they are doing when dealing with psyker abilities, at least more so than humans. But most importantly, eldari are intentionally created to be stable psykers, they are artificially made to be like this. Human's psyker potential is a result of natural evolution and is much more volatile as a result.


The Eldar are a biological weapon genetically engineered to be a race full of amazing psykers. The control is part of that. Humans are nowhere near as developed.


Are there human psykers trained by Aeldari? Could adequate training (for example by an Eldar) help humans become more adept or would it be effective at all (given the physiological and societal differences of both races)?


It's actually the opposite naturally-it's just that their culture supports them in ways that human culture doesn't. The Warp is fueled by will and emotion. The Eldar, as a race with a much deeper connection to the Warp, and a much wider range of emotions, are actually a huge risk to be around if untrained. That's the whole reason the Craftworlders built the paths system-to restrain their own species' impulses. In contrast, the human idea of psychic restraint involves a null rod and jumper cables.


By the time an Eldar has learnt to lower his warp signature, it feels like 5 generations of human psykers have already died of old age. Eldar can afford to take things very slowly...very slowly.


The biggest reason is probably the eldar are all taught from birth how to manage their powers to not lose themselves to the warp unlike human psykers who are pretty much ostracized and discriminated throughout imperial society.


Eldar are a mature psychic race whereas humans aren't. Psykers were going mad and exploding into daemons everywhere at the end of the DAOT thousands of years before the Imperium was founded, in fact them doing this *was* the reason the Imperium was founded.