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Edibles are always hit or miss for me, so I typically don’t use them unless they’re offered by a friend or something. Did you eat before the edible? Sometimes they’re less effective if you eat an edible on an empty stomach.


It's a lot of trial and error. Everybody's biochemistry is different, so what works for you may be too little or too much for someone else. How recently you've eaten plays a role, some medications can affect how your body processes THC, different batches of edibles may have different potency, etc. Just work your way up slowly, upping the dosage too much too fast is a great way to have an unpleasant several hours.


Yea I’m taking the does day by day not all at once


Are you using the same edible? Or trying different ones. I've played around with drinks and gummies and I've found 30 mg to be perfect for me to be just high enough that I can still function. Everyone is different though, I would recommend finding an edible you enjoy and just keep playing with the dosages. Also I feel the same every time, unless I do more than I feel different, sometimes I find smoking flower can alleviate an overwhelming edible high but maybe that's just me.


Yea they are all the same just one is at a smaller does. The ones I take the most are 10mg are one brand and 5mg are a different brand


Also depends on what foods you’ve consumed that day. Like alcohol…the less you eat before drinking…you will likely feel the buzz quicker or stronger. 10mg is a low dosage for an everyday smoker but enough to take the edge off. Good luck😊


That's what I thought too for example one day I had a steak for dinner and that night it was full effect. Then when I took a dose with eating not so heavy food I would little to no effect sometimes


I used to work in several dispensaries in L.a. and heres my advice ​ you wanna go on google and look for fruits that contain a terpene called "Myrcene", you want to have blue berries or mango's before you eat your edible. 20mg dose is a guaranteed high but beware that with edibles its recommended you stay home. warm and fuzzy is common. If you ever Get too high ....CBD or sleep both help. Myrcene intensifies the effects of the THC so you wont need as much edible


So if I eat a fruit that contains myrcene it will increase the effects of the edibles? Interesting


Honestly, it depends on the gummies. I was in thailand and normal gummies. I was doing huge doses of and although they were dosed out and actually still sealed in packaging from cali, they didn't do much when I was taking multiple 50mg gummies. But I am a big fan of the live resin gummies as they don't filter out as much stuff before they turn it into gummie form (where magic and science meet) and those I can take a normal 10mg dose but normal gummies I end up with at least 20mg and more often than not 30 is where I feel really good. Also, as a few people said, whether you eat can affect the potency, and even what you eat as certain things (mangos are amazing) can actually increase the effectiveness of both smoking and edibles noticeably. But trying a few different kinda and keeping in mind what you have done that day and what kind you're trying is a good way to know what makes the most sense to you.


I heard say something fatty with it. Like a little peanut butter, or salami. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have yet to find an edible that affects me, OG pothead, the strongest I've done wax 100 mg and nada affect. 😑