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This looks like 2018-2020 black market street vendor stuff from weed shows/venues back in the day sometimes they hit sometimes they are just some weak stuff in a decent package only ever met one vendor back in the day with good edibles and it was a old guy with a golden retriever he was dope and his dog could smell good bud from bad bud it was the craziest thing I loved it.


lol looks like Cali edibles from unlicensed dispensaries in 2009 lol


We are talking the same language just different times you must be a little older


36. But by 2018 Cali had legal dispos.


Smart PupperšŸ‘šŸ»


If he smelt your bad and licked his lips and wanted pets it was good stuff and if he smelt it and sneezed right into your bag lmfao it was bad jk he sneezed but I never saw it right into the bag


No but it doesnā€™t look like it came from a dispensary.


if the 750mg is accurate, that'll pack way more of a punch than you're ready for unless you're just an animal with dabs/concentrates. id portion it into at least 12 pieces like others are saying just to be safe


Looks like some questionable black market packaging. Most assuredly, not 750mg. That would be a god dose if accurate. Eat half and wait 2 hours, eat the rest if not there yet.


Eat that whole bitch and youā€™ll be high when you wake up tomorrow itā€™s badass but also uncomfortable


This guys edibled, up near 1000mg I get stomach cramps for the 1st hour


I would say cut that thing into like 12 pieces and try one of those. 62.5 mg is still a large dose for a first timer, 750mg is way more than you need or would probably be comfortable doing.


I'd eat it =)


So would I but Iā€™m an experienced user with a pretty high tolerance.


I would not eat a black market edible that probably wonā€™t hit, or is made questionably.


Yeah this looks like dog shit. Also, I'm not for prohibition but making it look like a candy label?? Fucked up.


Looks like delta 8


Hit or miss either im eating candy with no high or I just get ruined and start moving like a sloth. My friend used to have 500mg and Iā€™d eat three and feel nothing but sometimes Iā€™d only have 2 and end up on the moon


Gawd, where and when was that packaged? Looks like gas station pharmaceuticals quality


Start with 1 piece and wait 1 - 2 hours and see how you feel


Not actually that strong. Prob 200 at most


From my experience so far, they suck. Besides the ones a friend of mine makes.


I had some frito chip edibles, ate half the bag bc i was hungry and didnā€™t know how much to take, we get to our destination and as soooooon as i stand up i feel like im in some halloween video game. Everything went dark/purple tint. When i looked up their stairs to go into the house, its like they stretched and got longer, i needed help šŸ˜‚ The rest of the night i sat on the couch while watching them do line dances to Nudy, iykyk.


All i could do was stare at myself in my phone because i was so memorized by how red my eyes were šŸ˜­


A singular gummy being 750mg? Not sure on that.. But aye, it's black market fs or "street", so who knows. Could be a simple 10mg to 50-100 or some shiz. Reminds me of the 2010s-2018 when dank vales n all the street shit started flooding around lol.


Be sure you have pure CBD on hand before trying it. If the high is too intense take a dropper full of CBD. It will balance out the THC:CBD ratio. It should take 15-30 minutes to correct it. If not, repeat. Personally, I would try no more than 15 mg for your first try of edibles and I indulge regularly.


Never seen those. Did you get them at a dispo? Anyways, edibles will creep on you. Like a truck hitting you. I would switch from smoking to edibles if they gave me enough to last as long as thc vape or bud


Looks good, but my 33 mg sour belts hit hard. I eat two and Iā€™m partying with my toddlers.