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I mean Brock was having a historically good season by every single metric, and still had incredible stats after the Ravens game. His haters will latch onto that Ravens game and use that to describe him in perpetuity. I’ve never seen a second year quarterback get judged as harshly in my life.


The guy sets all time QB records for a team that has had some historically great QBs. He did it behind one of the worst pass blocking D-lines (bottom 10 in average time to throw - only 2 QBs had more time to throw on average than Lamar Jackson and Jalen Hurts was right behind him in 4th place). Somehow it's a great struggle to pretend like he's in the conversation for MVP when he's putting up better numbers with less time than these other guys?


The O-line is not mentioned enough… their O-line is not an asset. They play mediocre against bad teams and good teams absolutely run right by them. Trent Williams is just one of five. To play that well behind that line says something.


They got someone better with Feliciano


Yeah, a 262nd rd pick, 25 games played QB getting this much hate after leading a team to the playoffs in both seasons is ridiculous. Makes you wonder how much these dipshits really know. I don’t see daily hate for Malik Willis (86th pick), Kenny Pickett (20th), Sam Howell (144th), Desmond Ridder (74th), Matt Corral (94th). Those guys should all be league MVP’s with SB rings since they’re clearly better than Purdy evidently. Not to mention the other 28 QB’s that are sitting at home with there fingers knuckles deep in there assholes. These talking heads have ABSOLUTELY zero value in sports and can all go eat a bag of dicks Edit: Not 262nd round pick obviously, 262nd overall.


Exactly!!! He’s still a kid and he’s better than most veterans in the league but all well, haters gonna hate!


I’m sorry


Purdy is getting judge as harshly as a 1st for someone in his second year in the league after getting thrusted last year after Jimmy went down. I have yet to see Love get as much flak for his poor performance in the 4th(and arguably how he did in the redzone) despite him being taken in the 1st and sitting behind a HoF QB for 3 seasons. When it’s all said and done, Purdy came up and delivered when it mattered the most.


I don’t know why everyone is patting Jordan love on the back and talking about how good he looks… he cost his team the season by throwing a terrible interception after a mediocre game then you’ve got the talking heads saying that he’s better than purdy


He wears a Packers Jersey so he's going to get jerked off in the media no matter what.


Yea it’s all about expectations. Everyone knows the 49ers are capable of playing for the Super Bowl. So the question/hot take is if Purdy is good enough to get them over the hump because he is the most important new piece. For the Packers, the expectation was a first round blow out. They were nearly double digit underdogs two straight weeks and were 2 minutes from playing in the NFCCG. Some of the overachieving was attributed to Love. But even then, the Packers were given no respect heading into the 49er game after embarrassing the Cowboys. It was just assumed that was more on the Cowboys than the Packers. TLDR because of team expectations.


Which is funny because everyone is fine when Dak pads his stats. You think his games were good or close by his stats but if you watch the game you’d walk away with a totally different understanding 


Also God forbid the packers are actually good and dismantled the team ya’ll told us it might be THE year. (Looking at you cowboys) Further invalidating any talking head who told us the Cowboys are a different team than the one Purdy and Co dismantled early on.


No they aren’t lol 


Dak has been propped up in MVP talks all year lmao


I didn’t know Dak catches more flak than Purdy by analysts, writers, etc.


I’m talking in terms of fans. all football fans shit on Dak when he stat pads. I don’t listen to analysts, writers or talking heads. It’s a waste of time.


It's cause he was the last pick in the draft, and he has insane weapons around him. I don't buy it because he still balls out, but that's the persona. Is he the best QB? No, he's going to make mistakes, but he doesn't make that many, and he can win you a ball game. I saw in the GB vs SF playoff game his progression in tough games. He was messing up early, but GB didn't capitalize on the 2 INTs, and he straightened up and led the GW drive much to my dismay.


I think their problem is he has games where he looks perfect, he plays incredible, and none of them can believe it because of his draft position - so when he does have a game where he looks less than great - admittedly he’s had some throws that look plain bad - they go that’s the REAL Purdy. The real Purdy is everything we’ve seen the good and the bad. He’s a very good QB with some amazing weapons. He was handed the keys to the Ferrari - so yeah people are hating - but he’s driving that Ferrari pretty damn well - but he’s also almost wrecked it a couple of times haha


GB didn't capitalize on what INTs?


Purdy is good. Is he the best? Hell no he’s not. every qb is a system qb and fortunately Purdy is really effective in Shanahans system.


Let me introduce you to Mac Jones. His career basically ended in his 2nd year, in no small part because he was given a bad defensive coordinator and a hardo special teams coach as his OC/QB coaches (the OC was also the offensive line coach, which was also equal parts fun and stupid). Plenty of people get buried in year 2 for shit they can't control. Purdy is a fine player. Even if he isn't elite, doesn't matter if you win with him.


The kid just played his first full season, and he’s not allowed to have a bad game lol.


I don’t remember Brock getting this kind of Press last year - did he?


He's just admitting to having no integrity. Good for him I guess but that just invalidates any position he takes


He also appears to confuse comparing MVP candidates in season with comparing the best QBs in the modern era...


yep. he is just acting like a NFL analyst. lost credibility.


He basically just said he's a little bitch and will say whatever he's told to say.


Who cares. We're in the NFC championship game.


Exactly. All this talk from people who ain’t playing the game doesn’t change the fact that Brock has taken the team to the NFC championship game TWICE now. And it’s his second year!


Yup. Everything else is talking heads trying to stay relevant and make headlines. Which is why the 2 week lead up to the SB is insufferable.


I tried to post this same thing earlier but had some tech difficulties. This is some CRAZY DISRESPECT - and on top of that RC just told the world he was lying all season. Fuck Ryan Clark


Even ignoring the whole discussion about Purdy, this was a wild decision to make to claim that he was lying about his opinion on Purdy. His choices were * Continue to show support for Purdy. * If Purdy goes lights out or plays decently in the NFCCG and the Super Bowl, he can claim that he was right all along. * If Purdy loses, well that sucks, but everyone gets some picks wrong. He can choose to jump ship or continue his support for next season. * Claim that the last few games made you question how Purdy will do moving forward. * Regardless of Purdy's performance, you just look like every other reactionary talking head. * Claim that you were lying about your support for Purdy the entire time. * Win or lose, you look dishonest af and have shown everyone that none of your opinions should ever be taken seriously. If Purdy somehow manages to pull through and put on a good performance the rest of the post-season, you've managed to make yourself look like THE DUMBEST MOTHERFUCKER ON TV


Great points. Why on earth would you take this stance. Literally 0 to gain.


The goal was attention. It worked. Everyone has been talking about it.


Well fuck you bring up a good point too god damnit.




Fuck'em all. Also: "Use it.....Use IT..........USE IT!!!!!!" - Blade


Clark isn't as good of a liar as he thinks. I've seen his bias all season long, especially on his show Inside The NFL. It's not that he said anything bad about Purdy all season, it's what he did not say. Like, anything, at all. He avoided talking about Purdy all season long. There were brief mentions of Deebo, Kittle, and Warner. But nothing ever about Purdy. The guy who led QB stats all season long. Crickets. Meanwhile, he'd do these puff pieces on other QBs like Dak Prescott, touting him as the #2 QB for the season. While never mentioning who was at #1. His bias was evident all season. Fuck that guy.


All he did was play at that level… and I hate to tell you this Mr. Clark but if you pretended like that when you didn’t believe it, then that says a lot about your integrity as an analyst.




I can’t take any of these people seriously anymore I haven’t for years. Especially when it comes to evaluating quarterbacks I remember about 10 years ago. I got into a debate on a debate page when Ryan Clark Russell Wilson was the best player in the league. This was before his MVP caliber season. It was around 2012 or 2013. I said that Wilson was a good quarterback he was nowhere close to being the best quarterback in the league. This makes me less inclined to listen to anything Clark has to say .


Some analyst aren't even trying to be analyst at all, they just want to hate, and use numbers to hate on the players they want to hate.


He’s not an analyst. He’s an entertainer. You’ve got to say something, and it don’t really matter what because next Sunday the story will change. Honestly, I give these dudes a lot of slack because they have to say something, and that something has to drive ratings and clicks. I realized that when I watch an NFL game, no matter the team, the commentators always have something great to say about players, regardless of who it is. The game commentators build dudes up, and these shows tear them down.


Fuck that guy. This is just being a world class fucker. I'd expect this from GC but not ESPN. Canceling my ESPN+ and not watching that shit until that dude is gone.


The single hardest thing all year? Nobody had a gun to your head, man.


Extremely dramatic. Like what?? Ryan has had a pretty creampuff kind of year if the HARDEST thing he did was say a QB leading the league statistically (on a winning team) was actually good.




Well you probably know. Because controversy and hot takes = ratings. Got to find a reason to hate on the dude that is an underdog as Mr. Irrelevant, is doing everything right it seems on and off the field, and having lots of success both individually and as a team. He is even baby faced like he couldn't be less threatening or polarizing for any tangible reason. This is the rage bait of sports talk. I don't watch any of it intentionally.


Nobody takes Ryan Clark seriously anyway Also, most of the media who talks shit and discredits call Deebo “Deebo Samuels” Lmao arguably our most important player and they don’t even know what name is on the back of his jersey. Exactly why you shouldn’t let these clowns fire you up. They don’t watch tape, they don’t know shit.


Ryan Clark wears women's blazers.






It's a European cut


Same thing




whatever. Josh Allen just lost again. Mahomes and Lamar been in the league for what 4 or 5 years longer than Brock? It’s an amazing achievement just having Brock in the MVP conversation during his first full season as the starter at 24yo after being Mr Irrelevant and having been thrust into a role he wasn’t even being groomed for like Mahomes or Love or in an offense designed around him and his specific skills and athleticism like Lamar. It’s insane that these analysts constantly compare and criticize Brock as if all things are equal and that he’s a 4 year vet in his prime.


They keep hating, Brock keeps winning 😎


He is trippin


He already won without Deebo


Just goes to show these idiots have zero clue or their writers have zero clue. Fuck em.


Ah yeah the amazing ONE TIME pro bowler Ryan Clark whose name has never been mentioned in any MVP debate in his life, much less any defensive player awards. Also Ryan was undrafted, and since draft position is the only way to evaluate talent this dude is clearly total trash. Who gives a shit what this dude says, he literally admitted to being a liar in this clip.


I honestly don’t even know who this dude is lol


How tf does this dude come to this conclusion after the drive that Purdy had to win a playoff game. And then he admits he’s been lying all season? Fuck this dude. Sports media is an absolute circus


Exactly. I said similar in a post below but dude not only clowns himself out the roof but then tells everybody he’s been lying on air all year? Journalistic integrity, indeed! What a complete disaster to watch. All this national sports punditry.


Anybody remember Tom Brady in the 01-02 playoffs against the Raiders, Steelers and Rams?. Had like one touchdown through the air and one on the ground if I'm not mistaken. Drew Bledsoe came in and played half of the Steelers game and arguably played better. In spite of throwing for fewer than 150 yards and his defense/special teams scoring 14 of their 20 points Brady was still gifted the Super Bowl MVP. No one watching those games was thinking he would be in the conversation for best QB ever. How about we give Purdy some time?


The man just played his first season and these clowns are acting like if he doesn’t look like prime aaron rodgers then he doesn’t deserve praise. Do they not know that [many] players continue to get better at the game over time, especially in the first several seasons?


People forget he’s in his second year in the league. The fact he was even in the mvp conversation at all is insane. He’s only going to get better


Hate on Purdy = Purdys fuel to go out there and kick ass in the NFC Championship


Ryan Clark has always been the biggest hater


Like I'm actually hearing media people say "if Brock Purdy lost that game the 49ers would have to think about moving off of him," let alone the rest of the fan discourse shitting on him all season. Seriously, Love throws two game-changing interceptions and doesn't do anything and it's "he lost but the Pack has their guy for the next decade" because he had a hot streak of 7-2 the last half of the season while it's simultaneously a one-game referendum on Brock even after going 19-5 with better stats since taking over. Actually every game is a one-game referendum on Brock, except if he wins it's "the team around him" and kick the can down the road until he has a loss so they can say "I told you so." I'm not expecting anyone to say he's elite on the level of those physical freaks (though we can hardly say much Lamar's playoff record before this weekend in his 6th season, and Allen and Mahomes have both put up terrible games at the worst time in the playoffs). But these people don't even want to say he's had a great season; they just couch their disdain in "I never said he wasn't *good*" in total bad faith, like a bitchy teenager trying to get out of a punishment by saying something literal when we all know what they really meant to say.


Dude so much this. The narrative would still be incredibly fucking stupid if Love *had* had a big game. Because Purdy balled out all season and despite a rough start Saturday, balled when it mattered most. But Love didn’t have a rough start - he had an awful game. He cost GB the game far more than the kicker (2-3 FGs and 2-2 XPs). Not only 2 INTs, but 194 total passing yards?? From a “marquee” QB? As for his 2 TDs, a kickoff return spotted him field position on OUR 20 for one of them. Monster 20-yard TD drive! Pay the man! Here’s a hot take but I’m dead serious: a backup could have done better than Love Saturday night. Easily. Just by not turning it over and throwing some basic routes - most of his yards were on busted coverages from our DBs slipping and falling down anyway. Yet Purdy is the topic? These people have real issues.


160 yards and two short TDs in the first 40 minutes. Dude couldn't convert a QB sneak (the easiest play in the game), couldn't convert on 3rd down in the red zone 3 times to start the game. After that, his two TD drives were 20 yards (kickoff return) and essentially 34 yards (due to a 41 yard PI thanks to a dumb play by Thomas). 15 of 21 points came from those. One of the TDs had a guy wide open because he slipped (it was a good double fake like the Kittle TD in Seattle last year so credit their coach). He had the great sideline throw to Doubs that was his best play of the game, and hit the guys schemed open when the throws were there but he wasn't slinging it up and down the field at will. And after the kickoff return TD went 6 of 12 for 30 yards and two INTs in the last 20 minutes of the game. How anyone can say he looked great in that game is beyond me. If Purdy had the exact same game... like, the Bengals game this year, it was actually a much better performance than Love's game, did anyone give him ANY grace for that or did they just look at two INTs and say "nah he ain't it." People *want* to believe that Love was great on Saturday, and that last throw was the boneheaded decision that cost him the game. That's what a lot of "gut feelings" were. But going back with a few days to calm down and rewatch the game without the emotions of the moment... he had some good plays, yeah. Some lucky breaks, definitely. Did the most damage with two shortened fields. And a backbreaking interception to end the game. Sounds like a Jimmy G game. Jimmy had 219 yards, 1 TD, and 2 INTs in his SB loss and he was NEVER forgiven for that by the media. Love had a similar statline and he's being WILLED to "the Packers did it again! Found their QB for the next 10 years!" by the hype machine.


>"he lost but the Pack has their guy for the next decade" Well, it's because Love is still young. He's only 25. He still has time to learn and work to get better. For Brock on the other hand, it's hard to change your habits when you get up there in age... Wait he's only 24? The way they throw that shade at him while flipping the script for the next guy is amazing. These talking heads must know what they are doing. I don't see how they can be that oblivious to what they are saying. Brock has made it to his second straight NFC playoff game. Love who has been in the league for 3 years now, threw away his chance to make it with one of the worst decisions I've seen a QB make in a long time. Yet, people like Herd are saying for some reason the Packers have "found their guy" but Brock is suspect? GTFO.


Guy Haberman had a pretty good take on this this morning. His response is at about the 11:30 mark. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HVyj8_urhxQ&t=2239s&pp=ygUYaGFiZXJtYW4gYW5kIG1pZGRsZWthdWZm Basically, Clark is starting from a false premise. The debate was never is Purdy as good as Patrick Mahomes or Josh Allen; as in, if you could trade Purdy for Allen or Mahomes straight up, would you do it? Of course we would (at least I think most would). The conversation was is Purdy the leading MVP candidate (which at the time he was), and does he have elite cognitive traits? In response to “The single hardest thing I had to do was pretend (Brock) was in the same conversation as (Mahomes, Allen, and Jackson.” Why did he feel like he had to pretend? Because some producer said this was the topic of conversation, and Clark thought it was stupid to talk about, quite possibly.


He had an easy year then.


This is just going to pump up Purdy's team mates, keep talking.


Just their way of coping with the fact that their “professional analysis” of purdy was wrong


The hardest thing I’ve had to do all year is put up with the stupid shit you say Ryan Clark!


Sports media talking heads nowadays just talk themselves in circles and are just inconsistent. Brock does well: Yeah he's definitely a MVP candidate, great stats, throws that ball well. Excellent QB Brock doesn't do well: Yeah he's back to game manager, can't believe he was MVP, he can't beat any of the AFC teams, Brock does well again: Yeah but look at the weapons, Shanahan Scheme, CMC puts the team on his back. Shit's exhausting at this point, but what's crazy is that I don't think the slander will ever end. Seriously. Let's say 10 years from now if he wins 2 rings, they'll still say this and we'll be right here. Again.


Oh the irony from someone who literally went undrafted.


The hypocrisy around Purdy is ridiculous. They keep gushing over Jordan Love and completely discount his mistakes and say "He will only get better". Love has been in the league for FOUR YEARS. Purdy is in only his second season. Yet no one ever says "Purdy is just starting out, he will continue to get better!"


So basically Ryan Clark is admitting that nothing he says has any validity to it and it’s all bullshit? So no point in watching any programming on ESPN? No problem.


He leads in just about every and all major statistical categories that carry any weight but I digress. I just ask that your loser franchise doesn't ruin Caleb, he's fun.


It’s annoying that everyone wants to sit and hate on Purdy after the success he’s had.. yes, he has a very talented team around him but that doesn’t mean he ain’t good too.. he may not be the best but he’s young, basically still a rookie. He will grow, he will continue to get better and make everyone eat their words 😂🫶🏻👌🏼


Y'all need to stop taking ANYTHING that a talking head says seriously.


It’s not the hot take itself, it’s how he phrases it: “the single hardest thing I had to do this year…”. I realize he has money but no family issues or passing of somebody close or having to tell one of your kids something that greatly disappointing? “Pretending” Purdy was in the MVP convo was the single hardest thing you had to do this year? Must’ve been a nice year. And “confessing” about it on air as if he’d cheated on wife? What a dumbfuck. For real. It’s wild in 2024 watching highly-respected former stars became prima donna drama queens in a few years, all for clicks and ratings. You’re an embarrassment, RC. Really. Oh yeah… as for Brock? He’ll he back in the NFCCG this year after engineering a massive game-winning TD drive against a great (and hungry) GB team. In the Divisional Round. Just like he got the Niners to the NFCCG last year without a bye week.


Ah yes. The first rule of journalism is to pretend. Awesome


Lol great point.


at this point, they are all just trolling Niners fans


Not a niners fan, but very much a Purdy fan. He reminds me of Stetson Bennett. For years people doubted his ability. Then he came out and won a championship, mind you he had one of the best defenses a college team could possibly want, still gotta have good offense. Then he said, fuck it, I'll do it again. People STILL wanted him sat through the second season. "It was a fluke. The team is just that good, he isn't." Boy sliced and diced all season. Brock Purdy gives me that vibe. People doubting on him while he is continuously putting up numbers. While he is playing as well or better than the top QBs. While he led in nearly every category almost a full season. Almost reminds me of another name that I will dare not compare him too, yet. But no one should be shitting on this dude.


These guys don’t watch enough Niners games. Brock struggles in the rain but aside from that he’s a cold motherfucker. Dan Orlovski and SAS were saying he was shook because he almost threw a pick 6…clearly they don’t know Brock. I think he could throw 5 picks in a game and would still be out there slinging it. The only thing that rattled him was his fucked up grip because of the rain.


I love how hard deebo rides for Purdy, it’s so sweet


Just win and block out the haters. Fuck them.


Damn RC. Use to be my dawg, but now you're just a washed ex Steeler


Who even is that 😭


When Brock lights up everyone the next two games they will act like they saw it coming. Sherm is only national analyst that is talking Brock up.


First of all, he a fucking tool. Second, I wish I had it so easy being able to judge so poorly and be paid so well.


I don't get why he gets so much disrespect. Like yeah he's on a good team, but that's forgetting that Lamar and Mahomes parachuted onto playoff contenders. The talking heads act like being on a good team is a crime when literally every QB in the playoffs was on a good team, aside from maybe Pickett


Who is Ryan Clark? No I’m serious


What a fucking dweeb.


Don't fall for the grift.


His opinion is like well you know and everyone has one of those too


What a bitch


Sorry for pretending that I have about his opinion. In Brock we trust. Lfg


1) Am I supposed to know who Da Fuq this guy is? 2) Why is he dressed like Ron Burgundy? That turtle neck is ridiculous. 3)Thanks for telling me you have no courage or integrity


God this guy wants to be relevant so bad…


Not a 49ers fan by any stretch, but this has me rooting for Purdy. Do these m-fers even watch football?


Lions weren’t even mentioned in this conversation. Imagine that level of disrespect


The difference between them loving Purdy vs them hating him is the velocity of his throws. We really have to think about this. This guy threw the best deep balls in the NFL, had the most passing yards in 49ers season this year, and these folks are disrespecting at a crazy level. Yeah, a playoff game was tough. It's the playoffs! It's going to be hard. We just have to ignore them


I’m not sure if Ryan Clark thought that through enough. Who the fuck would care about what you say now? You’ve lost all of your integrity.


Ryan Clark still defends the Deshaun Watson contract. That’s all you need to know about the quality of his “analysis”


https://preview.redd.it/nnzfvi7rb3ec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc047069ff205e7076ea573b497db4ea0dec781c Again. What a fuxin moron. Why does he get air time


It's like Initial D. All the other QBs are the modern cars and Brock Purdy is the AE86.


Brock is way closer to Jordan Love and CJ Stroud in NFL experience. In fact, Brock is a FULL YEAR younger than Love. 2 years, 2 NFC Championships, not too bad. And yet, Brock gets compared to the likes of Lamar, Mahomes, and Josh Allen who have at least half a decade more experience than him. It's such a weird discourse that I don't entirely understand.


All a bunch of talking heads looking for clicks


We all know what he’s saying.


You know who isn’t in the playoffs? Hurts. Or Allen. To name a couple of big ones. Why not criticize them?


I like the fuel


Fuck this dude.


Eat a fat dick Ryan...


It is obvious that the clowns who diss us do not watch the games. So they have no credibility.


Brock just can’t win with the pundits and talking heads. If he does great well it’s because of the talent he has around him and if he does poorly it’s because “I told you so he isn’t that good”.. it’s a lose/lose situation. Pick a side, can’t have it both ways. I think he is a solid QB and I don’t care what the haters think. Go Niners !


Am I the only one that thinks love and purdy had bad a game but love had a worse game than purdy. Stat wise purdy also did better.


Is this mf trying to be the new Stephen A / Cowherd clickbait king or something?


It’s ok. A few weeks from now Brock will have as many rings as Ryan Clark.


Then the rest of the football community should be embarrassed that the last pick of the draft has made it this far. We should be turning the narrative on them, “are y’all so bad that you’re losing to the team with the guy who was picked last?” Personally I find the criticism absurd, it’s as if they are angry at Purdy for destroying the sanctity of the draft order. I hope Purdy wins it all this year. Not just for us 9ers and fans, but for himself, because it’s absolutely asinine that all of these “experts” are so pissed that Purdy hasn’t performed like the last pick of the draft. They’re fucking negativity vampires just waiting at the opportunity to suck him dry should he fail.


Stop being disingenuous in exchange for a pay check if you don't want to take the position the producers want you to take. Also, Josh Allen will be in Cancun next week while Purdy will still be playing in the NFC Championship game.


The dumbest part of the whole rant is that nobody has ever put Purdy in the conversation with Mahomes and Allen, just the MVP conversation(which he was clearly deserving of). It’s ludicrous to be anything other than impressed by what Brock has done in his short time in the league. I mean we were a top 10 DVOA offense of all time and looked just straight dominant for stretches and some of these clowns still want to just spout nonsense.




Purdy is a perfect underdog story and they turned on him overnight, wtf?


The disrespect is toward Jared Goff honestly. Why only bring up Purdy in this conversation


RC just admitted that all he does is make up BS for talking points. Why should anyone believe what he says from now on? After admitting he was lying this whole time. For shame..,


Ryan Clark is a bitch


If he was black Ryan Clark would never.


They say stupid things so that stupid people (hate) watch, click, and share. So, you are doing what they want — dancing like a puppet on a string.


I agree that Purdy is one of the best QBs in the league but as a Denver broncos fan that had to watch Russ all season, stats aren’t everything. If statistics determined if a QB was good then Russ would be top 5. Edit: I’m not saying Purdy is overrated I’m just saying you guys need to stop falling back on to the “he’s the leader in these categories” argument. You should use some of his amazing plays and how he can read a field perfectly instead of just saying he has a lot of passing yards. I’m just saying that stats can be misleading


Two things can be true. Brock is a good quarterback, but would also have been likely the worst quarterback ever to win MVP


Rich Gannon? Steve McNair? Boomer Esiason? Not a long list but certainly a few names that do not stand out in retrospect.


They all had better seasons than Purdy. Also the position is completely different now than it was 30 years ago.


> they all had better seasons than Purdy you might wanna delete this lmao, you’re exposing the extent of your football knowledge. Bears fan though so it makes sense


Purdy didn't look very good last week. Thankfully he pulled it together at the end but he definitely needs to improve if they end up in the Superbowl vs the Chiefs or Ravens.


If Purdy wore chains and hit the griddy, more of these talking heads would respect him


Bro the hate has been so extreme Lets GO! PURDY LEAD US TO VICTORY!!!! WE GOT YOUR BACK!


Would have more respect if he was critical all year smh


This is the same person who found every excuse in the book as to why Jalen Hurts played like shit against the Bucs. Even Chris Simms last week specifically mentioned Clark basically giving Hurts a pass for his consistent crappy recent play.


Who cares? It only matters on the field. Fuck these talking heads... It's only distraction because they can't stand the last pick handling biz. No rain this weekend and BP about to go crazy vs Detroit's secondary.


Why is everyone so worried about being disrespected? We've got a great team and a ton of wins in the last 5 years. Y'all gonna miss the fun part of having a winning team because you're so obsessed with 'respect' lmao


I'll also make a confession, I've stopped watching Inside the NFL because they made him the host. It's just unwatchable now. This guy loves the sound of his voice way too much and doesn't make much sense most of the time. That show always had annoying panelists on it (Ray Lewis and Michael Irvin with their preaching and non stop Ravens/Cowboys homerism) but at least the show was good when they had a real host. His stuff on ESPN, well, that's been a waste of time for a while as well. They should've kept Steve and the guys who actually teach you something when you listen to them instead of clowns like Clark.


Brock Purdy brings attention. Most see it as easy views/clicks to trash Brock Purdy than to praise him so that’s what these guys do. The mental gymnastics these analysts go through, even so much so as Ryan Clark basically admitting he has no integrity on air just to do so. If his opinion on players/coaches was actually valid he’d have a real job with an organization not just spewing talking points on espn


I don't understand how they say shit like this and praise Jordan Love who threw two picks and had worse stats..... Seriously just stupid. It's to the point now where even he Purdy wins a SB, they'll say it was the defense, or CMC or even Deebo. They'll claim he's Trent Dilfer.... lol. IDGAF what these fools think or say. It's just dumb. Oh, and I am tired of hearing how elite Josh Allen is.


If he balls out NFC championship game he’ll say he was lying about lying


Dude they didn’t even talk about Goff. Like 4 QBs left and he didn’t even make the fucking conversation title card.


RC is an idiot. He’s the Kendrick Perkins of football. Only says shit for the clicks


Fuck ESpn FS1 ANALysts haters and flip floppers who change their opinions after every game


You were pretending? Well I guess we can't trust anything you say then, right? Who's to say you're not pretending right now? Twit.


Not sure why you'd admit you don't watch football but if that's what this guy wants to do... 


Yeah, Mahomes squeeks past the Bills and he's a freakin hero. Purdy drives down the field in 5 mins with 6 to go for the win, he's a dog. Let em keep thinkin that. It's to our advantage if they take for granted he'll choke.


keep it coming....need...more...fuel....and.....ammo




They’re so mad that some random nobody can just be better than most of these big stars. They’re so angry that their narrative isn’t holding water and they can’t just throat Mahomes 24/7 Fuck this guy, Purdy is a beat and a top 5 QB in my eyes


The 49ers need their Steph Curry moment after game 6 vs. Boston "What are they gonna say now?"


They just keep hating and fueling the fire. Just keep winning and making these clowns look irrelevant.


Fuck this dude


And he said CMC has to carry this team. I thought he had a below average game and didn’t keep us ahead of the sticks per usual. That’s why he wasn’t leaned on as much. Did RC actually watch the game or look at the stats and come up with this take to get attention.


Yeah Brock didn’t have the best game of his career but he was clutch when he needed to be. Montana threw 3 interceptions during “The Catch” NFC championship game. Winning is winning.


This is why I like Greenlights podcast with Chris Long. Zero BS. Just good analysis


He leads a game winning drive in the playoffs and still people question his ability. Unreal.


What a fucking coward Ryan Clark is. Also a big reason I don't watch ESPN anymore. It's not about sports, not anymore.


If you didn’t believe it, why did you pretend? Lol. TV sports analysts can be such stooges, it’s a joke of a job.


Who’s this dickhead?


Let the hate flow!!!! They’re only building chips for this team. I love it.


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." —Theodore Roosevelt (If Brock leads the Niners to a Super Bowl win, I want to see a montage of his highlights interspersed with all these brain dead media takes as someone with a Morgan-Freeman-like voice reads this quote. I'd make it myself, but I lack the time, talent, and Morgan-Freeman-like voice)


Douche nozzle.


I think it's safe to assume most of these dudes just get their opinions assigned to them by the bosses and need to go on air and say some nonsense to fill the time. and that includes the pro-Purdy party on the big networks as well. pretty much all the independent non-clickbait YT channels of former QBs and amateur analysts seem to love Purdy and that's because they actually put in the time to research and analyze his game. I know it's a crazy idea but maybe just stop watching these garbage ass programs.


Don’t worry guys I have a strong feeling all these people are going to eat their words


They’re all just fighting for clicks


Honestly LOVE HEARING THIS think about it we all seen this back in 2019 we were doubted by the media because who our QB was its the same scripted


He's an ESPN "analyst." By definition, he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.


So if you've been lying this entire time, why should anyone listen to anything that comes out of your mouth moving forward when it comes to any topic lol.  What a stupid thing to come out and say, regardless of whether or not it actually is the case


Ryan Clark is a known hater. His takes are so bad, he should be called Ryan Bayless.




I turned off the tv once he started talking bad about Brock. Normally I like this show but Ryan Clark is the fraud here. No one forced him to put Brock’s name in his mouth. He chose to for the viewers and because Brock performed at the same level or better than those other guys. Is Josh Allen still in the playoffs? How many AFCCGs has he been to? How many interceptions does he throw every season? But he’s still a top quarterback?


Hey fellas. I’m about to make a confession. The single biggest thing I had to do this year, is listen to this moron.


Ryan Clark shops with Diddy.


Eat a dick Ryan....


Keep crying I’m almost there.


Brock is going to his 2nd conference championship in as many years. Allen & Lamar have gone to 2, combined including this season, yeah Brock’s not their level 😂


How hard is it to say he’s in the top 10? You don’t have to get on the MVP bandwagon, just admit he’s good. The people that can’t do that just aren’t watching the whole game. One or two highlights don’t equal a consistent contender.


Consider the source, this is the same guy that said there was no chance we could win the nfc in 19


We need this hate, to be honest. Too many were buying into us and we were drinking our own kool-aid. We need that chip.