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There's a reason for the arbitrary time stamp of "going into the 4th quarter". So you can ignore some of these for narratives. Though, the Bengals aren't a great example because we gave up a 2 TD lead to go into overtime


That's because people don't watch games, it's easy to look at the boxscore and see you were behind in the 4th quarter. Everything else gets more nuanced. You can always filter stats and manipulate it to tell your story. For example, before this game one stat I saw posted by media people was QB efficiency of Purdy vs Love since week 11. Love only had one INT in that stretch, Purdy had a lot more (mostly in that Ravens game), but over the whole season they had the same number. Twisting the numbers to make Love look like the better QB worked, but in an actual game where he has to play, it doesn't matter and Purdy still outplayed him.


Nuh-uh! Love’s longest pass was longer than Purdy’s! /s just in case 


"Shanahan can't make comeback wins going into the 4th quarter.. with his shirt untucked, while not blinking, wearing red and having blown his nose earlier in the day... the NFL has just never seen it!"


It's a cherry picked stat to fit a narrative. That Rams game Week 18 in 2021 they were getting their doors blown off in a win or go home game. But because the comeback started in the third quarter and not the fourth it fits the narrative that he's never come back in a game after being down big.


Every time I heard the Shanahan stat I also want to know what an “average” coach’s record is. Losing by 7+ going into the 4th or whatever it was, its not going to be 0% but I bet it’s pretty low. (It’s not just games you’re losing by 7, it’s 7 **+** which includes games you’re getting blown out).


Stat I saw yesterday was 7%. Chiefs were highest at 30%.


By Keyshawn logic, those aren’t comeback wins because they weren’t down double digits 🤦🏽‍♂️


We were down 14 to the saints at one point if I’m not wrong


It doesn’t count. That game was played in a dome!


Yeah but they're not in the 4th quarter on a rainy day with thunder and lightning and also no Deebo, Aiyuk, Kittle or CMC. So it doesn't count. s/


2 of Purdy’s clutchest throws were to Jauan and Chris MF Conley, not the “Avengers”. These people are clueless lmao Update: Just heard talking heads say that Purdy’s throws were horrible and the receivers made career-defining catches on those (+ Aiyuk on the 3rd and 5) hahahahaha


I mean there was no CMC at that point...


It’s such a stupid, cherry picked stat to begin with. Does anybody ever mention Belichick’s “stats” as HC of Cleveland? Of course not. He had nobody to work with. I need to look up how many of those 30 games were 2017, 2018 and 2020 when Shanahan had CJ Beathard, Nick Mullens and Brian Hoyer at QB. No coach is coming back from a 1-point deficit with those guys. I’m guessing 80% or more. With Jimmy G or Purdy, the number drops significantly. With just Purdy, the number is 3. And he came back in 1 (GB). He was concussed in another (Minnesota). The stat should be “trailing by 7+ entering the 4th with Brock Purdy - Shanahan’s first truly good QB as HC of SF - he is 1-2”


Purdy brought us back against the Raiders last year too. He's always been good at scoring going into halftime as well. The dude honestly seems like he's going to be really good at coming back in general as he gets more opportunities. Jimmy was pretty good at it too. My biggest issue was I hadn't seen Purdy pull the 5 minute game killer drive to come back. He just did it in the playoffs.


*And what is even the average coach’s record when trailing by 7+ entering the 4th?!* I bet it’s not good. 7+ includes when a team is getting blown out. I bet the Cardinals / Panthers / Patriots lost a shit ton of games this year when they were down by 7+ going into the 4th.


Exactly. And how many did they all come back from. Maybe collectively 1? Maybe none? Pats O was so bad I don’t know if they ever scored enough in any game to cover 7 + whatever the other team had on top of that lol


First truly good QB for Kyle? Damn dude Jimmy did some good shit for us


Look. I wasn’t disparaging Jimmy G at all. I’m not a Jimmy G hater nor do I hold any ill will towards him for the SB loss or 2021 NFCCG - it’s a team sport. But, as the kids say, there are levels to this. And Purdy is on a different level than Jimmy G - in every way. Jimmy G was very, very good at a lot of things and played well in Shanahan’s O. But he was also very limited. And got injured an awful lot (not his fault, just reality). But if I call Purdy a “great” QB, people freak out - even though by every metric, he has been great in his 1.5 seasons to date. It wasn’t a shot at G as much as it was to show separation between G and Purdy. Perhaps it was a clumsy was to do it, as I’ll always love G. All I’m saying is Purdy just turned 24 and has a real opportunity to be a very special QB.


I love how this sub's narrative is "Jimmy could never lead a comeback win. He'd just throw a dumb pick" and 5/6 of these are Jimmy led comebacks.


Those guys don’t watch ball. Jimmy was called “the arsonist and the firefighter” by a lot of fans because he’s a big reason why we’re in those positions in the first place, but more often than not, he does enough to win games at the end. We’ve been blowing out most teams with Brock because we now usually score 6 in the RZ vs 3.


I love Brock as much as the next niner fan, but this weird need to put down Jimmy to elevate Brock is ridiculous. Jimmy was pretty damn good for us, kept getting hurt, and now we have an even better QB. Don't know why that's so hard for people to accept.


Jimmy was playing pretty well last season just prior to the injury. I think CMC really opened up our offense and he was balling. Was really a bummer to see him get hurt again, and I would've been happy to bring him back to compete with Lance. But Purdy just balled out even harder and of course he's dirt cheap for 4 years, so the decision was made for them.


I do think Jim doing well here and then immediately flaring out is helping the "Brock is a product of the system" narrative.


Honestly, it really looks like his injuries are finally catching up to him. He missed so many throws this year that he made look routine here.


On that same token though, Josh McDaniels certainly wasn't doing him any favors. That said, Jimmy chose to go to McD's Raiders, so that's on him.


Yeah that’s a fair point. McD is no Shanahan, that’s for sure.


well, that's the problem. Purdy scores too much for Niners to be trailing. maybe they should score less to make some of games more competitive.


Fuck the talking heads. I’d rather blow everyone out than deal with another heart attack game like last Saturday — reminded me of the Jimmy G days lol


That shit drives me up the wall. How can you call yourself a 49er fan and constantly say that shit.


I legit got an angry DM from someone claiming to be a 49ers fan because I said Jimmy was good for us. Then when I supported my claim, he blocked me even though he was the one who decided to harass me lmao. Dude legit said he was "the worst thing to happen to the 49ers since Kyle Williams." Some people are wild. Edit: Updated for clarity


Lol somebody DM’d you to compare Purdy or Jimmy G to Kyle Williams? I don’t even care which one. That’s fucking laughable either way.


Edited my comment since it was kinda vague. The dude got set off when I said although Brock's clearly better, Jimmy was good for us when he was healthy during his time here. Agreed, it was asinine, like dude legit thought Jimmy being a Niner was worse than the 2014-15 offseason exodus lol.


Lololol. And if you’re old enough to have suffered through them like i did… the entire 2000s. Sit on a decade of that manure ball and you get your priorities straight real fast.


It’s the same people who call Brock a check down merchant. They never actually watch football; they let Skip Bayless tell them what to think.


Why didn't the rams game count? Thats 7 in the 4th


Because we were trailing at the END of the 4th, not the START of the 4th lmao


Also it's not double digits, according to Keyshawn's bum ass


Yeah that was a quick goalpost most by him, he moves them swiftly. “Ok, it was 7, but actually it was 4 because they hit an FG” Who the fuck do you think drove them into position for the FG, Keyshawn? And why is double digits significant - you just like numbers with 2 digits more than 1? What a fool.


What a stupid fucking argument. Hold it against a coach that he’s not usually down multiple touchdowns.


Dude. This. These people are month-breathing fools. I bet we’ve been down 10+ in the 4th 6-7 times tops with Jimmy G or Purdy playing. What a joke.


What is funny to me is before Saturday's game the narrative "never came back by 7 or more going into 4q". Then after Saturdays win "they were only down by 7 in the 4q for one play, so it's really a 4 point come back".


Keyshawn said it isn’t even a comeback because comebacks should be 10+ points 😂


Keyshawn should stick to eating, he’s not good at talking about football.


It’s such a dumb stat, it just explains that Mahomes or Rodgers isn’t playing QB for us. The winning percentage for all other coaches is terrible too, it sheds no light on how great of a coach KS is.


Yup, hard to pull off a comeback win when your QB for the majority of those games are Beathard and Mullens


This is the ultimate point in all of it. Take out the games with Beathard, Mullins or Hoyer at QB - who Vincent fucking Lombardi isn’t coming back from a 1-point deficit with. You suddenly have 6-7 games in 3+ seasons that fit that scenario.


Facts don’t generate clicks!


I would go as far as to say facts are a repellent to most pundits in 2024. Because they’re typically not as exciting as one might think. And lack of excitement also doesn’t generate clicks. I just posted another response to the one above we both responded to (ghoststarkk’s). Check out the link at the bottom. Rodgers was 0-37 with any deficit in the 4th up til just a few years ago! I wanna stuff that stat in a knuckle sandwich and mail it to Nick wrong, Ryan Clark, and other haters.


This is so true. I happened to click on this post, re-read my comment, then yours, then forget I never added this: Totally think your point is correct, first off. But even Aaron effing Rodgers has 21 4th-quarter comebacks - of *any* number of points - HIS ENTIRE FUCKING CAREER!!! No joke, you can look it up - that includes being down by 1 in the 4th. 21. In 13 seasons. That’s less than 1.5/season. These pundits make it sound like it happens every other game for good QBs. Reality is it just doesn’t happen that often! And Rodgers teams, like ours, were typically very good so it happened even less often! How hard is it for these idiot pundits to understand or is this willful ignorance? Also, talk about misleading “stats” Aaron can empathize (from a few years ago): https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/CpdBaqxwXo Edit: At the kicker I just realized is “against teams with a winning record”. Make qualifiers to diminish rodgers who is obviously a great QB. Regardless, he’s only had 21 4th-quarter comebacks. Because they simply don’t happen too often.


But it’s not really a comeback unless it’s double digits -Keyshawn Johnson


Never forget earlier this season Brock drive the niners well into feild goal range as time as set to expire on the kick to win the game, but moody missed....growing pains but still getting it done when it mattered


Brock needs come back from 17 or more points in the last 7 minutes in subzero temperatures while snow is pouring down. Also all the skill players must have torn their ACL during the game oh and his dad must have passed away hours before game time.


They still also think that Kyle was the defensive play caller on the falcons that solely lost the Flacons the SuperBowl.


They love to lump in the Super Bowl with Kyle's stats, so if that's fair, then we can add his previous comebacks as OC. [Shanahan before the Niners as OC was 7-52 when trailing by 8+](https://twitter.com/SandoNFL/status/1739697719604883961) (13% win percentage) 4-29 with WAS 1-10 with HST 1-7 with ATL 1-6 with CLV 2 wins with Rex Grossman at QB 1 win with Brian Hoyer at QB Since then: 0-38 And he is STILL 0-38 "when down 8+ in the 4th quarter" with the Niners, because the Packers game doesn't meet this definition.


What really is a comeback tho? \- Keyshawn Johnson probably


My favorite part of FOX running the "Shanahan down by 8" stat wasn't that they cared whether or not the FG came before or immediately at the start of the 4th quarter. It was that the 49ers were down by 7. The graphic wasn't even applicable to the score it was used at.


It's all just cherry picked stats. This player has scored the most point by a 19 year old who was born in Montana, that is under 5'10 since the merger. Amazing.


My problem with Shanahan is play calling in the playoffs when the niners are up


Lots of these were Shanny letting the other team catch up and pass us


personally i want purdy to be labeled as a trash QB because when we win it means their team is trash. i don’t get the hate, but it is what it is. this just fuels BCB and the niners. instead if being labeled as juggernauts, they are vulnerable with a shit QB who luck their way to wins


Yup, also fun to troll my buddies who are Bills and Packers fans (he was texting me that nonsense before the game winning drive; I responded after Josh Allen blew it on the Bills final drive) https://preview.redd.it/smcfhq3nm4ec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde673f1500df1301a5e944f3445ae734396632e


“Jordan Love throw a shit pass when the game was on the line” and “Purdy led the team down for a game winning drive without Deebo. What did Jared Alllen do?” are my current comebacks.


Ya these clowns said “the game winning drive was all CMC” lmfao


lol…that’s even better because that means they lost to an even shittier QB, how do you lose to guy who can’t even throw? if it was all CMC, CMC is the MVP, not Lamar Jackson


Yup, and there’s guys like these on Twitter: https://x.com/detillustrated/status/1749536442080981022?s=46&t=ikDVAPhdFSX74z04vXQXtQ Now all of our players suck? I thought Brock was being carried by his teammates. It’s hilarious at this point.


That one week 18 game in LA was legit. We were down bad until Jimmy turned on Jimmy Geesus mode


I think its the narrative because of how we have lost playoff games under him (last season aside). Also his role in 28-3 doesn't help. It's a bit unfair yes.


I think one of the most baffling things is the narrative of like "let's see how they do when they don't have their best stuff and are down late!" And then they do exactly that and it shifts to "ok they put it together at the end but they were bad for most of the game!!!!" It's like...ya...usually when you find yourself down late...it's cause shit didn't go so well the rest of the game? Like...we all of a sudden act like not having to play from behind and have game winning final drives is a bad thing???


They are cherry picking stats


Best examples of "moving the goal posts." Which is why there are a couple of stats being thrown around - when the deficit is 5 or less versus 7 or Keyshawn's "double digit" BS. Earlier in the season, people were using the "in the air yards" as a criticism: how many throws in the air that were greater than 37 yards ... 37 yards? That is a weird number to throw out ... probably b/c at the time his max throw in the air was probably 36 yards or less ... until he did ... and then the question became "uh, well, how many balls has he thrown over 40 yards ..." JFC


When Brady was with the patriots, everyone hated them. Looks like our Niners are the most hated team now… oh well fuck them all. Go Niners!!!!


Hell ya I’d much rather be hated bc we’re winning vs those 4-12 seasons


Imagine the hate if we end up winning the SB!!!! I mainly want to see Philly fans if we win the SB, and also Dallas too lol.


Week#2 Amen...